单词 | 九重霄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 九重霄—Highest Heavenninth heavenSee also:重霄—Highest Heaven ninth heaven 重九—the Double Ninth Festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month) 霄—firmament 霄n—heavenn
本集团及本公司之缴入盈余结余乃本集团於一 九九一年重组及本公司於一九九六年削减股本时产生(扣除已作出 [...] 分派)。 wingtaiproperties.com | The balance of contributed surplus of the [...] Group and the Company arose as a [...] result of theGroup reorganisationin 1991 and the [...]Company’s capital reduction in 1996 less distributions made. wingtaiproperties.com |
刘凌霄女士 (中国)表示,独立专家认为尊重人权,需加强社会保障体系和国际合作以应对危机, 她对此表示赞同,指出中国高达 4 万亿元的经济振 兴资金中 65%直接或间接划拨给了社会发展项目和 居民福利项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Of China’s 4 trillion yuan stimulus package, 65 per cent had been allocated to projects which contributed, whether directly or indirectly, to social development and public welfare. daccess-ods.un.org |
位於山顶凌霄阁的Pearl on the Peak山顶明珠餐厅坐拥中环、维港及九龙醉人景致,餐牌设计以滋味烧烤及海鲜菜式为主干,选用食材新鲜可口,再点缀以西式经典,以迎合大众不同的口味。 thepeak.com.hk | With Hong Kong's most spectacular [...] panoramic views of Central, Victoria Harbour and Kowloonfrom The Peak Tower, Pearl on the Peak focuses [...]on simply [...]presented, savory grills inspired by western classics and succulent seafood dishes — cooked with fresh, great tasting ingredients and appealing to a broad range of tastes. thepeak.com.hk |
当我们想到“云霄飞车”的概念后,我们知道我们会找Leonello帮我们实现这个设想。 ba-repsasia.com | When we came up with the idea for the Roller Coaster, we knew we had to have Leonello make it. ba-repsasia.com |
联合专家委员会第九届会议重点通过两项建议书这一多棱镜来审视教学和教育方面令 人关切的重大专题,即:师范教育、专业的起始和继续发展;雇用关系,特别是资质不够的 [...] 合同制教师的发展;教师薪金,包括绩效工资或奖金;适宜的教学条件;教育方面的社会对 [...]话;以及学术自由、雇用关系、结社自由和教职人员参与高等教育决策。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The ninth session of the CEARTfocused on the major[...] themes of concern to teaching and education viewed through the prism [...]of the two Recommendations on teachers: teacher education, initial and continual professional development; employment relationships, especially the growth in unqualified contractual teachers; teacher salaries, including performance or merit pay; effective teaching and learning conditions; social dialogue in education; and academic freedom, employment relationships, freedom of association and staff participation in decision-making in higher education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
文件 E/ESCAP/67/2 第九节中着重论及协商会议上讨论的各优先 事项和方式,以及亚太经社会东亚和东北亚次区域办事处所取得的进 展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Document [...] E/ESCAP/67/2, section IX, highlightsthe priorities [...]and approaches discussed at the Consultation Meeting and the [...]progress of the ESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia. daccess-ods.un.org |
更重要的是, 瓦屏九瀑布场址显然不能及时用于秘书处的目的,因为对设施的改造要有一段周 转时间,另外还涉及大会何时审议和批准现有提议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreimportantly,itbecame clear that the Wappingers Falls site [...] would not be ready in time for the Secretariat’s purpose, [...]due to the lead-time for modifications to the facilities and the timing of consideration and approval of the current proposal by the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
非上市股份之价值,乃根据附属公司在本公司於一 九九六年重组成为本集团最终控股公司之当日, 占本集团资产净额之账面值计算。 asiasat.com | The cost of the unlisted shares is based on the book value of the underlying net assets of the subsidiaries attributable to the Group as at the date on which the Company became the ultimate holding company of the Group under the Group reorganisation in 1996. asiasat.com |
工作组注意到,根据行动小组的建议,美国航天局近地天体观测方案主管 与欧空局空间态势感知近地天体部分的负责人邀请各空间机构的代表在科学和 技术小组委员会第四十九届会议间隙重点讨论飞行任务规划和运营小组的职权 范围草案初稿,以便为减缓近地天体威胁总体系统的规划做准备。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group noted that on the recommendation of the Action Team, the NEO Observations Program Executive of NASA and the Space Situational Awareness-NEO Segment Manager of ESA had invited representatives of space agencies to discuss, in particular, the first draft terms of reference for a mission planning and operations group, on the margins of the forty-ninth session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, in preparation for planning an overall NEO threat mitigation system. daccess-ods.un.org |
优质长篇剧集」方面,过去五年共有五套,按照平均欣赏指数排列分别是「戆夫成龙」、「金枝慾孽」、「冲上云霄」、 「妙手仁心II」和「亚旺新传」,全部属於无线制作,而「亚旺新传」更是2005年的制作。 hkupop.hku.hk | According to their respective average AIs in descending order, they are "Square Pegs", "War and Beauty", "Triumph In The Skies", "Healing Hands II" and "Life Made Simple". hkupop.hku.hk |
为了满足国内低碳环保产品的市场需求,强有力投入中国LED照明领域的角逐,公司在全国拥有福建云霄、江西武宁两大制造基地;并在福建厦门、广东古镇设立两大研发中心,以及拥有100多项LED照明专利;全国各中大型城市设立30余家运营中心、200多家超市网点、2000多家品牌智能光效体验店等完善的销售服务网络,使社会各界能真正体会到美宝带来的新科技、新理念、新服务。 fjxsg.com | In order to meet domestic market demand for low carbon environmental products, The company strong investment in LED lighting field for competition and has two major manufacturing base inYunxiao,Fujian, Wuning Jiangxi and set up two R & D center in Xiamen Fujian, Guzhen Guangdong, and has more than 100 patents in LED lighting; the Group owns more than 100 LED lighting patents and set up perfect sales service network of more than 30 operations centers in many large cities, more than 200 supermarket outlets and 2000 brand shops to make the community can really realize Maibo’s new technology, new ideas and new services fjxsg.com |
通过“云霄飞车”的概念,我们希望传达一种吸引人的、前所未有的,但又乐观愉快的体验。 ba-repsasia.com | With theroller coasterconcept, we wanted to convey an experience that’s intriguing and unexpected, but also optimistic and fun. ba-repsasia.com |
2012/13 年,高层管理团队(SMT)将致力于调 动积极性,广泛培养主人翁精神,确保及时完成战略调整计划的十九项重大行动倡议,实现本组织 核心价值方面的预期成果。 wipo.int | In 2012/13, the Senior Management Team (SMT) will aim to build momentum and broad-based ownership to ensure timely completion of the nineteen majorinitiatives of the SRP, and to achieve the expected results in terms of the Organization’s core values. wipo.int |
您可在“藤园”看到诸如凌霄花等 各种藤生植物。也可在“棕榈山”区域看到诸如蒲葵和伞叶莴苣等植物和500多个品种的棕榈树。 shangri-la.com | In the Vine Garden you will find a variety of vines such as the Chinese Fan, Umbrella Leaf and Rotan Palm. shangri-la.com |
他沿袭利玛窦 (Matteo Ricci) [...] 的知识传教策略,进一步借由中国人熟悉的 九重天概念包装与推广陌生的天文与宗教,将上帝所在的天堂安排在第十二重(称之为“天堂山”),以可视化、形象化 [...] 的方式加强中国读者对上帝与天堂的认识。 wdl.org | Following the Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci’s method of explaining Christian concepts in terms familiar to the Chinese and taking into [...] consideration the Chinese people’s [...] familiarity with thenine spheres ofheaven, Diaz [...]repackaged and promoted the unfamiliar [...]astronomy and religion by placing God in the 12th division, called Mountain of Paradise, thus in a visual and symbolic way strengthening the Chinese reader’s knowledge of God and Paradise. wdl.org |
依照大会第 66/71 [...] 号决议第 7 段,科学和技术小组委员会在其第四十九届会议上重新召 集了其外层空间活动长期可持续性工作组。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution 66/71, the [...] Scientific and Technical [...] Subcommittee, at its forty-ninth session,reconvened its Working [...]Group on the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
於 买 卖 协 议 日 期 前 , 收 购 人 自 注 册 成 立 以 来 尚 未 进 行 任 何 业 务 , 而 除 将 用 於 结 付 收 购 建 议 之代价 之 现 金 及 所 持 有 之 640,776,141 股股份 外 , 於 综 合 文 件之最 後 实 际 可 行 日 期 二 零 一一年 十 月十九日并无 任何重大资产 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Before the date of the S&P Agreement, the Offeror had not conducted any business since its incorporation, and save for the cash to be used for the settlement of the consideration for the Offers and 640,776,141 Shares held by it, did not have any material assets as at 19 October 2011, the latest practicable date of the Composite Document. cigyangtzeports.com |
(2) y 由私营机构管理设施可达至更高的靈活性和更具创意( 例如,私营机构具良 好的经验营运類似的设施如星光大道和山顶凌霄阁)。 forum.gov.hk | (1) y The private sector to manage the facilities would achieve higher flexibility (2) and creativity (e.g. the private sector has good experience in running similar facilities like the Avenue of Stars and the Peak Tower). forum.gov.hk |
百得利路六号是新加坡顶级商业大厦之一,位于新加坡商业中心莱佛士广场中段,拥有绝佳的位置优势,在这里您可以观赏到美丽的海港全景,周边大厦林立直入云霄,周 围众多高档商城和餐厅环绕。 servcorp.com.cn | Located right in the middle of Raffles Place, Six Battery Road is sited in the commercial hub of lively, active Singapore and is recognised as one of the city's top commercial buildings. From its excellent vantage point, this location boasts wonderful panoramas over the city and harbor. servcorp.bh |
这本16世纪的手稿包含了名为Kitāb al-ibtihāj bil-kalām ‘alà al-Isrā’ wal-Mi‘rāj (关于讨论先知穆罕穆德夜行登霄的喜乐之书)由奈智姆·鲁丁·穆罕穆德·伊本·阿玛德·阿尔-加伊特(卒于1573年)所着的神秘主义着作。 wdl.org | This 16th-century manuscript contains an early copy of the mystical work by Najm Al-Dīn Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Ghayṭī (died 1573) entitled Kitāb al-ibtihāj bil-kalām ‘alà al-Isrā’ wal-Mi‘rāj (The book of delight at the discussion of the night journey and ascension of the Prophet Muhammad). wdl.org |
为什麽Google+的流量数据就像云霄飞车一样?又为什麽有人还忙着为迎接下个胜利而欢呼,有人却已经边吃土边替自己的惨败筹备追悼会? benchmarkemail.com | Why are the traffic statistics on Google+ resembling such a turbulent rollercoaster ride, and why are some still hailing it as the next big thing while others are already shoveling the dirt and preparing for what they feel to be an inevitable memorial service? benchmarkemail.com |
(a) 每股基本盈利乃按公司股权持有人应占盈利 2,127,883,000 港元(二零零九年(重列):1,227,613,000 港元)及年内已发行加权平均股数 [...] 1,150,681,275 股(二零零九 年:1,150,681,275 股)计算。 kdc.com.hk | (a) The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to [...] shareholders of the Company of [...] HK$2,127,883,000 (2009 (restated): HK$1,227,613,000) and weighted average [...]number of shares in issue [...]during the year of 1,150,681,275 (2009: 1,150,681,275). kdc.com.hk |
鉴于所收到的答复为数有限,预计 还会收到新的答复,以及需要就可能有的各种选择提供更多背景资料,因此建议执行局第一九O届会议重新审议 1974 年建议书的实施情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In view of the limited number of submissions, of the fact that further submissions are expected, and of the need to provide additional background information on possible options, it is proposed that the implementation of the 1974 Recommendation should bere-examined by the Executive Board atits 190th session. unesdoc.unesco.org |
香港(国际财务报告诠释委员会)- 诠释第九号(修订),「重新评估勘入式衍生工具」及香港会计 准则第三十九号(修订),「 [...] 金融工具:确认及计量」。 asiasat.com | HK(IFRIC) 9 (amendment), ‘Reassessment ofembedded derivatives’ [...] and HKAS 39 (amendment), ‘Financial instruments: recognition and measurement’. asiasat.com |