

单词 九江市

See also:


also Jiujiang county
Jiujiang prefecture level city in Jiangxi






External sources (not reviewed)

项目公司位於江西省南九江市的昌九工业走廊及环鄱阳湖 生态经济圈的核心地区,覆盖永修县、共青城、德安县和星子县。
The project company is located at the heart of ChangjiuIndustrial Corridor and Poyang Lake Ecological and Economic Area.
於 2010 年内,除了向中华煤气收购在遼寧省及浙江省的六个项目外,集团分别在江西省、遼寧省、
[...] 山东省和广西壮族自治区共获取八个新项目,包括山东省潍坊市臨朐县、莱阳市南海新区,遼寧省 鞍山市工业新区、大連市旅顺经济开发区、朝阳市喀左县,江西九江市港区、抚州市抚北工 业园,以及集团首次於广西壮族自治区投资的一个管道燃气项目。
In 2010, in addition to the six projects acquired from HKCG in Liaoning and Zhejiang Provinces, the Group also secured eight new projects in Jiangxi Province, Liaoning Province, Shandong Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, including Linqu County of Weifang City and Nanhai New District of Laiyang City in Shandong Province, the New Industrial District of Anshan City, Lvshun Economic Development Zone of Dalian City and Kazuo County of Chaoyang City in Liaoning
Province, Chengdong Harbour
[...] Districtof Jiujiang City and Fubei Industrial Park of Fuzhou City in JiangxiProvince, [...]
and Lingui New District
of Guilin City, being the first piped gas investment project of the Group in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
於 2011 年内,集团继续扩展业务版图,分别在江西省、湖南省、安徽省和遼寧省共取得五个新项目,包括 江西九江市水县九江市工业园,遼寧省北票市,安徽省马鞍山市博望新区,以及集团首次於湖 南省投资之汨羅市管道燃气项目。
In 2011, the Group continued to expand its business profile geographically with the acquisition of five new projects in Jiangxi, Hunan, Anhui and Liaoning Provinces, with projects in Xiushui County ofJiujiang City inJiangxi Province; Wuning Industrial Park of JiujiangCity in Jiangxi Province; Beipiao City in Liaoning Province; Bowang New District of Maanshan City in Anhui Province, as well as the piped gas project in Miluo City – the Group’s first project in Hunan Province.
The Sino-Germany Symposium on Nature Reserve Management Measure against Climate Change, which was jointly sponsored Sino-German Cooperation Platform for Highly Carbon-Storing Ecosystems project of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH(GTZ), Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES), Environmental Protection Department of Jiangxi Province, and German Federal Agency for
Nature Conservation (BfN), had been successfully
[...] held inJiujiang CityofJiangxi Province from October 19th [...]
to 20th, 2009.
另一方面,有些均线上消费额比起居民总支出水平相对较高,如长沙、桂 林九江德。
Meanwhile, some citieshaverelatively high online consumption per capita relative to their total consumption levels.
我们看到亚洲区卫二零收入及业务均有所上升,预期这股增长动力 将会延续至二零一零年。
We saw increased revenues and activities
[...] in the Asian satellite market throughout 2009, and [...]
we expect this momentum to carry forward into 2010.
於截至 2010 年 12 月 31 日止年度九江於收购日期至报告期期末为集团贡献的营业 [...]
额微不足道,其支出令集团溢利减少 470,000 港元。
During the year ended 31
[...] December 2010,Jiujiang had insignificant [...]
contribution to the Group’s turnover and its expenses
reduced the Group’s profit by HK$470,000 for the period between the date of acquisition and the end of the reporting period.
本人欣然宣布,集团有限公司(「」或「集团」)截至二零一二年十二 月三十一日止年度录得股东应占溢利港币九十四亿二千七百万元,较去年增长百分之二 十二,盈利表现创下自九九之高峰。
I am pleased to announce that for the year ended 31st December, 2012, Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Limited (“CKI” or the “Group”) reported profit attributable to shareholders of HK$9,427 million, an increase of 22% over last year.
Survey conducted in late-September revealed that, among the ten most well-known political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan, in terms of popularity rating, Wen Jiabao topped the list, attaining 77.5 marks.
根 据 无 锡 市 国 土 局 与 深 圳 市 风 水 隆 投 资 发 展 有 限 公 司(「风 水 隆」)(自 二 零 零 七 年 十 一 月 十 六 日 起 成 为 本 公 司 附 属 公 司 的 无 锡 深 港 国 际 服 务 外 包 产 业 发 展 有 限 公 司(「深 港 国 际」)(前 称 为 无市 江世 界 投 资 有 限 公 司,前 唯 一 拥 有 人 及 目 前 持 有49%股 权 的 股 东)於 二 零 零 四 年 二 月 二 十 日 订 立 的 购 地 协 议 及 无 锡 市 国 土 局、风 水 隆 及 深 港 国 际 於 二 零 零 四 年 十 二 月 七 日 订 立 的 补 充 协 议(统 称「该 等 协 议」), 无 锡 土 地 的 土 地 出 让 金 人 民 币362,000,000元 应 於 二 零 零 五十 日 前 全 数 支 付,而 无 锡 土 地 的 开 发 应 於 二 零 零 七十 日 前 竣 工。
According to the land purchase agreement signed on 20 February 2004 between Wuxi State-owned Land Bureau and Shenzhen Feng Shui Long Investment Development Company Limited (“Feng Shui Long”) (the former sole owner and now a shareholder of 49% equity interest in Wuxi SHIOC International Outsourcing Industry Development Company Limited (“SHIOC”) formerly known asWuxi JiangNan Dai Shi Jie Investment Development Company Limited, a subsidiary of the Company since 16 November 2007) and a supplemental agreement signed between Wuxi State-owned Land Bureau, Feng Shui Long and SHIOC on 7 December 2004 (collectively the “Agreements”), the land premium for the Wuxi Land of RMB362,000,000 should be fully repaid by 30 September 2005 and the development of the Wuxi Land should be completed by30 September 2007.
跟随全球趋势,中国从1999年到2000年在江苏省江市蒙古呼和浩特市进 行 了 环 境 信 息 公 开 的 试 点 工 作 (李 , 2011 b) 。
Following the global trend, China experimented with environmental information disclosure programs in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province, and Hohhot, Inner Mongolia from 1999 to 2000 (Li 2011b).
中心的食物研究化 验所曾对这些饮品的能量康有关的营养素含量进行化验 分析。
[...] analyses for energyand nine nutrients of local [...]
public health interest were conducted by the Food Research Laboratory of CFS.
The paper was based on ideas presented at
[...] recent forumsheld at City College that brought [...]
together planning minds from throughout
New York City to discuss how the 50 year-old Zoning Resolution can be used to reduce carbon emissions, improve sustainability and help the city address climate change realities.
非控股股东权益: 於收购日期确认九江非控股股东权益乃按照应占被收购公司於收购当日的净资产 [...]
的公平值比例厘定,为 4,632,000 港元。
The non-controlling interests in Jiujiang recognised at [...]
the acquisition date was determined with reference to the proportionate
share of fair value of the acquiree’s net assets at the acquisition date and amounted to HK$4,632,000.
倘上述收购港华燃气维尔京九江及桂林港华之交易於 2010 年 1 月 [...]
1 日完成,年内集团综 合总收入将为 3,154,341,000 港元,而年内综合溢利则将为 536,855,000 港元。
If the above acquisitions
[...] of Towngas BVI, Jiujiang and Guilin had [...]
been completed on 1 January 2010, total consolidated revenue
of the Group would have been HK$3,154,341,000, and consolidated profit for the year would have been HK$536,855,000.
该方案综合了2010年新地区愿景研究》中所收集的地 区人士意见、咨询平台成员进行多次实地视察后提出的建议,并参考九龙城区内楼宇年龄和状况、居住环境、发展大型运输系统的契机、小区特色及历史文化等因素。
The PURPs havebeen prepared having incorporated local views collected during the 2010 District Aspirations Study onUrban Renewalin Kowloon [...]
City District and
suggestions of DURF members after a number of site visits, and having taken into account factors including building age and conditions, living environment of the residents, opportunities brought by the development of mass transportation systems, local character, and historical and cultural background of the District, etc.
The major work of the DURF is to
[...] truly reflect the request and priorities onurban renewal put forward by the local community while integrating professional advice, and propose to the Government an urban renewal plan, which displays the character of Kowloon City, reflectlocal [...]
aspirations and strike
a balance among different social interests.
宣布要在多座公园设园篱,市长马克里(Mauricio Macri)的支持者不时要求政府拿出对策打击犯罪,故围墙显然是为降低周遭社区的犯罪率,然而这项措施却遭到反对,尤其在百年公园附近的反弹声浪格外强烈。
The political base of Chief of Government Mauricio Macri constantly demands increased measures to fight crime, thus the apparent purpose of this move is to reduce crime in surrounding neighbourhoods.
(b) 本 集 团 之 合 并 差
额 乃 指 根 据 为 筹 备 本 公 司 股 份 於 香
[...] 港 联 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司於 一九 九 九十 一 日 完 成 之 公 司 重 [...]
组(「重 组」)收 购 之 附 属 公 司 之 股 本
面 值 总 值 高 出 本 公 司 就 交 换 而 发 行 之 股 本 面 值 之 数。
(b) The merger difference of the Group represents the difference between the aggregate nominal value of the share capital of the subsidiaries acquired pursuant to a corporate reorganization (the “Reorganization”), which
was completed on 21
[...] September 1999, in preparation fora listingofthe Company’s shares on [...]
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Limited, over the nominal value of the share capital of the Company issued in exchange thereof.
Before evaluating people's attitudes towards the development plans of theWKCD,this survey attempted to gauge how many respondents were aware that this site was originally zoned for a green park with cultural facilities as part of the Chek Lap Kok Airport development project.
就 市 场 占 有 率 而 言 , 本 集 团 於 截 至 二
[...] 零 一一年 九 月 三 十 日月 之有 率 由 40 % 增 至 44 [...]
% , 在 整 个 武 汉 市 场 处 理 的 货 物 合 共 为 540,012
TEU( 二 零 一 零 年 : 468,696 TEU )。
In terms ofmarket share, for thenine months ended [...]
30 September 2011, the marketshare of the Group increased from 40%
to 44% with a total of 540,012 TEUs (2010: 468,696 TEUs) handled for the whole of Wuhan.
As for the relative rankings, Zhu Rongji and Wen Jiabao continue to rank 1st and 2nd.
In early 2011,on this basis, we combined with Chinese nuclear power research institute,Zhenjiang science and technology bureau, the People's Government in Jingkou District, established "Jiangsu nuclear science and technology industrial park", constructed nuclear power key material test nuclear industrialization base in Zhenjiang.
The overall rankings in the past 18 months showed that eight political figures have been on the list for four times.




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