

单词 九校联盟

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External sources (not reviewed)

它旨在帮助教育部、教联盟和私立 学 校 管 理 部门参与社会对话进程,提出 解决合格师资短缺的国家政策方法。
It aims to assist ministries of
[...] education, teachers’ unions and private school management to engage [...]
in a social dialogue process
in order to propose national policy solutions for shortages of qualified teachers.
在过去的三年里,来自于澳大利亚 校联盟 ( Gr oup of Eight)中五所院校九名新 学者、两名学生和四名研究人员首次访问了12所中国研究机构。
In the past three years, nine
[...] new academics two students and four research staff from five of the Group of Eight [...]
Australian universities
have visited 12 Chinese research institutions for the first time.
联盟现在有九个民 事特派团,约有 2 000 名借调人员部署在八个不同行 动区。
The European Union now has nine civilian missions [...]
with around 2,000 seconded personnel currently deployed in eight different theatres of operations.
这种集体方式还动员了艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染 联盟 以 及 学 校 和 大 学中的卫 生俱乐部。
This community approach mobilizes also the
[...] PLWHA associations, and school and university health [...]
preservation clubs.
安提阿和亚历山大的每所学校坚持问题的一个侧面,以在两个性质的化 联盟 , 一所 学 校 陷 入景教,其他进入Eutychianism,虽然领导人正统。
The schools of Antioch and Alexandria each
insisted on one side of the
[...] question as to the union of the two Natures in the Incarnation; the one School fell into Nestorianism, [...]
the other into
Eutychianism, though the leaders were orthodox.
在这方面,应强调指出,2010 年 4 月 19 日在委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国加拉 加斯举行美洲人民玻利瓦尔联盟-人民贸易协定”(美 联盟 - 贸 易 协定 ) 第 九 届首脑会议期间,安提瓜和巴布达、多民族玻利维亚国、古巴、多米尼加、厄瓜多尔、 尼加拉瓜、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯和委内瑞拉国家元首和政府首脑“再次要求美 国响应国际社会、特别是拉丁美洲和加勒比各国人民和政府的要求,立即、无条 件地终止对古巴实施的经济封锁”。
In this context, it should be pointed out that, at the ninth Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America and the Peoples’ Trade Agreement, held in Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on 19 April 2009, the Heads of State and Government of Antigua and Barbuda, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela demanded once again that the United States Government should immediately and unconditionally lift the economic embargo against Cuba, as universally urged by the international community and in particular by the peoples and Governments of Latin America and the Caribbean.
为此,举行 了多次教科文组织和教科文组织俱乐部、中心和协会世界联合会联合小组会议,从而确保向 执行局第一九届会 议(2004 年春季)提交一份报告,概要说明与《中期战略》(20022007 年)的主要目标相一致并促使俱乐部运动与其他有关网络,例 联 系 学 校 、 联 系 图 书 馆和姊妹大学-教科文组织教席计划建立联系的新颖合作方法。
To this end, a number of meetings of a Joint UNESCO/WFUCA Working Group have been organized to ensure that a
report will be presented
[...] at the 169th session of the Executive Board (Spring 2004) to outline fresh approaches to cooperation which harmonize with the main thrusts of the MediumTerm Strategy for 2002-2007 and which stimulate linkages between the Clubs movement and other relevant networks such as the Associated Schools, the Associated [...]
Libraries and the
UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs programme.
为在非洲开发一个教科文组织教席网络,已选 九 所 大学 院 校 作 为 实施该项目的 合作伙伴。
To develop a network of the UNESCO Chairs in Africa, nine university institutions which applied have been selected as participants in the project.
公私伙伴 关系在联盟工作中发挥日益重要的作用,是制订有全球影响力的具体项目的基 础,例如与思科、卡洛斯特·古尔本金安基金会和若干其他伙伴发起的“对话咖
[...] [...] 啡馆”;世界文化间创新机制,与宝马集团一起设立的世界促进创新设施,帮助 发现和推广在不同文化之间搭桥的最有创新性的基层举措;不同文 联盟 暑 期学 校;与 威望迪公司共同设立的联合工作队,以确定不同文化间对话和文化多样性 [...]
20 家公司(雅虎、Intuit、英特尔和其他公司等)合作开展的。
They form the basis for the development of concrete projects with a global dimension, such as the “Dialogue Café” with Cisco, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and a number of other partners; the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation with the BMW Group to help identify and replicate the most innovative grass-roots initiatives
for cross-cultural
[...] bridge-building; the Alliance of Civilizations summer schools; a joint task [...]
force with Vivendi on measuring
the impact of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity; and the “Do one thing for diversity and inclusion” campaign made possible through a partnership with 20 of the largest firms in Silicon Valley (Yahoo, Intuit, Intel and others).
委员会欢迎接下来拟由印度尼西亚在国际空间气象举措、日地物理学科学委 员会和九州大学的协作下于
[...] 2012 年 9 月 17 日至 26 日在印度尼西亚万隆主办的 国际空间气象举措和磁数据采集系统空间科学 校 ; 拟于 2012 年 9 月 18 日至 21 日在奥地利格拉茨举行的关于“空间气象”议题的第 九 届 联 合 国 /欧空局/奥地 利数据分析和图像处理促进空间应用和可持续发展专题讨论会;拟由基多天文台 [...]
代表厄瓜多尔政府于 2012 年 10 月
8 日至 12 日在基多举行的联合国/厄瓜多尔国 际气象空间举措讲习班。
The Committee welcomed the upcoming International Space Weather Initiative and Magnetic Data Acquisition System (MAGDAS) School on Space Science to be held in Bandung, Indonesia, from 17 to 26 Septemb er 2012 and hosted by Indonesia in
collaboration with
[...] the International Space Weather Initiative, SCOSTEP and Kyushu University; the 19th United Nations/ESA/Austria Symposium on Data Analysis and Image Processing [...]
for Space Applications
and Sustainable Development on the topic “Space Weather”, scheduled to take place in Graz, Austria, from 18 to 21 September 2012; and the United Nations/Ecuador Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative, scheduled to take place in Quito from 8 to 12 October 2012, to be hosted by the Quito Astronomical Observatory on behalf of the Government of Ecuador.
它还感谢联合王国和欧联盟对学校 基 础 设施建设给予的支持。
It also thanked the United Kingdom and the European Union for their support for the schools’ infrastructures.
这将与世界 renound
[...] 阿拉伯银行联盟医学中心连接 在伙伴关系中的抒情和阿拉伯银 联盟 研 究 机构 校 园 坐 落在 15 分钟内步行的抒情站点。
This will connect the Lyric in partnership with the
world renound UAB Medical
[...] Center and UAB Research Institutions whose campus is located [...]
within a 15 minute walk from the Lyric site.
学生经常参与国际学校体育会议(ISAC)和中蒙国际学校协会(ACAMIS)这两个最受欢迎中国国际 校联盟 的 竞 赛活动,并在2010/2011年的赛季中取得优异成绩。
Students compete in the two
[...] most popular leagues among international schools in China, [...]
ISAC and ACAMIS, with excellent results from the 2010/2011 seasons.
索罗图恩和弗里堡成联盟的第九和 第 十个成员。
Solothurn and
[...] Fribourg became the ninth and tenth members.
[...] 巴布韦、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚、斯威士兰和莱索托的财政、卫生和教育部长们 联 合 国 系统九名行 政长官共聚一堂,会议的目的是找到这些国家在加强抗击艾滋病毒/艾滋病行动方 [...]
The high-level meeting convened on HIV/AIDS in southern Africa where Ministers of Finance, Health and Education from Zambia, Zimbabwe,
Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland and Lesotho
[...] met together with nine United Nations system Executive [...]
Heads, had the objectives of identifying
key challenges facing these countries in scaling up their national responses to HIV/AIDS and defining the role of the United Nations system in supporting national efforts.
九 項建校計 劃的標書批出日期和有關標價 載列於附件 2 。
The tender award dates and the tender
[...] prices of these nine projects are [...]
at Enclosure 2.
委员会举办了关于文联盟(第一七 九 届 会 议)、全球化时代的人权--加强合作伙伴关系(第一八零届会议)、教科文 组织和非政府组织应对复杂的危机、威胁与机遇(第一八一届会议)的开放性论坛,以及关于"媒体在促进对话和相互 理解方面的作用“(第一七九届会议)、在联合国改革框架内与非政府组织的合作伙伴关系”(第一八零届会议)、 [...] [...]
Report on the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Meetings of the Joint Expert Group UNESCO (CR)/ECOSOC (CESCR) on the Monitoring of the Right to Education.
M23 成员还告诉专家组说, 他们同恩杜马保卫刚果民兵组织(见上面第 60 至 63 段)、刚果促进和平爱国联 盟的Albert Kahasha上校(见下 面第 226 和 127 段)和抵抗阵线(见上面第 51 和 52 段),因为他们对中央政府提出的要求是一样的。
Albert Kahasha of UPCP (see paras. 126-127 below) and FRPI (see paras. 51-52 above), as they had the same demands for the central Government.
在 二 零九年訂定歐盟 V 期 柴油為法定車用柴油規格之前,我們會檢 討這項稅務優惠安排。
We will review this tax concession arrangement before making Euro V diesel the statutory standard for motor vehicle diesel in 2009.
附件 A 載列有關校在本學年(即九九㆕ 至 九 五 年 度)實際提 供宿位數目的分項數字。
At Annex A is a breakdown of the actual number of hostel places provided at the relevant institutions in the current academic year, that is, 1994-95.
国际基督教学校联会(ACSI)、国际基督 教学校(CSI)以及安大略省基督教 校联 盟(OACS)是代表加拿大和国外私立基督 教学校的三大组织。
The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), Christian Schools
International, (CSI), and
[...] the Ontario Alliance of Christian Schools (OACS) are three organizations that represent private Christian schools in [...]
Canada and abroad.
11月5日星期六,青岛耀中的男子和女子足球队在接受了一系列的专业技巧培训后,来到了青岛国际 校联盟 足 球 邀请赛的主办方学校──青岛国际学校(ISQ)。
On Saturday November 5, with much anticipation and following many hours of skills practice, our boys’ and girls’ soccer
teams arrived at
[...] International School of Qingdao (ISQ), the host of the Qingdao International Schools Network (QISN) soccer tournament.
品牌设计灵感来自于美国东部 校联盟 I VY LEAGUE(常春藤联盟)的生活方式:学习,运动休闲,年度学院竞赛,度假旅游等,这些优越卓越的天之骄子有着他们伟大的梦想与追求,并保持着传统的贵族气质。
Its design concept comes from the life style of
[...] the students in Ivy League: study, sports [...]
and leisure, annual college contest, vacation
tour etc. These prominent persons have their great dreams and conduct themselves with traditional nobility.
多媒體大樓-第 2 階段 向財務委員會建議,把 20EJ
[...] 號工程計劃提升為甲級;按 付款當日價格計算,估計所 需費用為 4 億 3,700 萬 元,以 供香港城市大學九龍塘校 園北陲興建多媒體大樓。
20EJ PWSC(2007-08)60 (Head 708) Multi-media Building – stage 2 To recommend to Finance Committee the upgrading of 20EJ to Category A at an estimated cost of $437.0 million in money-of-the-day prices for the
construction of a Multi-media Building at the
[...] northern part of the campus of City University of Hong Kong in Kowloon Tong.
大会第六十四届会议联合国 毒品和犯罪问题办公室在其任务授权范围内 加大努力,继续有系统地发展反恐领域以及与该办公室任务相关的专题领域的专 门法律知识,并应请求为建设会员国的能力提供技术援助,以批准和执行各项恐 怖主义问题国际公约和议定书,特别是通过编制技术工具和出版物以及对刑事司 法官员进行培训等途径,此外请该办公室向预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会第 九届 会 议报告其在这方面的活动;并请秘书长就决议执行情况向大会第六十五届会议 提交报告(第 64/177 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly
[...] requested the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, within its mandate, to intensify its efforts to continue to systematically develop specialized legal knowledge in the area of counter-terrorism and pertinent thematic areas of relevance to the mandates of the Office and to provide, upon request, technical assistance for building the capacity of Member States to ratify and implement the international conventions and protocols related to terrorism, especially through the preparation of technical tools and publications and the training of criminal justice officials, and requested the Office to report to the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at its nineteenth session on the [...]
activities of the Office
in that regard; and also requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session a report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/177).
香港校課程訂出九種共通能 力,包括:協作能力、溝通能力、創造力、批判性思考 能力、運用資訊科技能力、運算能力、解決問題能力、 自我管理能力和研習能力。
Nine types of generic skills are identified in the Hong Kong school curriculum, i.e. [...]
collaboration skills, communication
skills, creativity, critical thinking skills, information technology skills, numeracy skills, problem solving skills, self-management skills and study skills.
其中,亚美尼亚总统谢尔 日·萨尔基相在 2012 年 1 月 22 日亚美尼亚武装部队创建 20 周年纪念活动上的 讲话(可在网站
www.president.am/events/statements/eng/?ID=121 上查阅)和 在
[...] 2012 年 2 月 18 日“支援家园捍卫联盟”第九届大 会上的讲话(可在网站 www.president.am/events/statements/eng/?id=122 [...]
表明,他们明目张胆地曲解和扭曲亚美尼亚对阿塞拜疆发动的战争的根本原因、 过程和后果。
id=121) and at the ninth Convention of the
[...] Volunteer Homeland Defenders Union on 18 February 2012 (available [...]
from www.president.am/events/
statements/eng/?id=122) represent yet more cynical examples of blatant misinterpretation and distortion of the root causes, course and consequences of the war unleashed by Armenia against Azerbaijan.
22 专家组获得了刚果保卫民主联盟与后者联系的短信 (见图
[...] [...] 13)。据一些刚果民主共和国武装部队军官和情报来源,基里班亚也已与南 基伍Nindja 森林中的Raia Mutomboki派部队建立了联系,并频繁与南卢贝罗的 刚果促进和平爱国联盟中的 刚果民主共和国武装部队逃兵Albert Kahasha校联系(见S/2012/348,第 126 和 127 段)。
According to several FARDC officers and intelligence sources,
Chiribanya has also
[...] established ties with units of Raia Mutomboki in South Kivu’s Nindja forest and communicates frequently with FARDC deserter Col.
在特别委员会第 6 和
[...] 7 次会议上,多民族玻利维亚国、巴西、中国、科特迪 瓦、古巴、厄瓜多尔、萨尔瓦多、格林纳达、危地马拉、圭亚那(代表南美洲国联盟发言)、印度尼西亚、马里、尼加拉瓜、巴拉圭(代表南方共同市场成员国 和联系国发言)、秘鲁、俄罗斯联邦、塞拉利昂、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、乌拉圭 [...]
和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国代表也就福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯)问题发了言(见 A/AC.109/2011/SR.6 和 7)。
At the 6th and 7th meetings of the Special Committee, the representatives of Bolivia
(Plurinational State
[...] of), Brazil, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana (speaking on behalf of UNASUR), Indonesia, [...]
Mali, Nicaragua, Paraguay
(speaking on behalf of the States members and associated States of MERCOSUR), Peru, the Russian Federation, Sierra Leone, the Syrian Arab Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) also made statements on the question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (see A/AC.109/2011/SR.6 and 7).




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