单词 | 九月份 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 九月份—September(almost always used)less common: ninth month See also:九月—ninth month (of the lunar year) 九num—ninenum 九份—Jiufen (or Jioufen or Chiufen), mountainside town in north Taiwan, former gold mining town, used as the setting for two well-known movies 月份n—monthn monthspl
此外,九月份轮值主席 可从前一份报告中选取一、两个主题,在向大会提交新报告时予以突出说明。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition,the [...] Presidentfor themonth of Septembercould select [...]one or two themes from the previous report to highlight [...]in the presentation of the new report to the Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们必须继续共同致力于争取在自九月份会谈开始一年内达成和平协议的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must remain collectively committed to the goal of a peace agreement within a year [...] from the start oftalks in September. daccess-ods.un.org |
台湾的电玩厂商游戏橘子以第二代自制产品共八款游戏,前往参加九月份的东京电玩展(TGS 2010),同时也大手笔包下东京电玩展共近七十个摊位。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Taiwan-based Gamania [...] participated in September’s Tokyo Game [...]Show (TGS) with eight second-generation in-house games and occupied close to 70 booths. taiwanslot.com.tw |
以色列与巴勒斯坦权力机构于九月份恢复直接 谈判,土耳其对此表示欢迎。 daccess-ods.un.org | Turkey welcomed the resumption of direct negotiations between Israel and the [...] Palestinian AuthoritybackinSeptember. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们还 对友好国家土耳其娴熟领导安理会九月份工作表示 赞赏。 daccess-ods.un.org | We express appreciation as well to the friendly country of Turkey for its skilled [...] leadership of theCouncil in September. daccess-ods.un.org |
欧洲联盟欢迎联合国对金融和经济危机做出的 回应,包括行政首长理事会的九项倡议和在九月份建立全球影响和脆弱性警报系统,该系统有助于密 切监测危机的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The European Union welcomed the response of the United Nations to the financial [...] and economic crisis, [...] including the nineinitiatives of the Chief Executives Board, and the establishment of the Global Impact and Vulnerability AlertSystem in September, which wouldallow [...]the impact of the crisis to be carefully monitored. daccess-ods.un.org |
预期成果 11:统计所为《全民教育全球监测报告》提供了统计附件;为《千年发展目标全 [...] 球报告》提供了重要的教育指标,此外还将为九月份的《千年发展目标首脑会议》公布数据 分析;除开展研究之外,还为《人类发展报告》和《世界银行发展指标报告》提供教育数 [...][...]据;为其他伙伴提供教育数据;还为统计所的网站以及与性别平等和教育有关的活动提供情 况介绍表;正在完成《2010 年全球教育摘要》,该《摘要》侧重于性别平等和教育问题, 并将于 2010 年 9 月发布。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Expected result 11: The UIS provided statistical annexes for the EFA Global Monitoring Report; key education indicators for the Millennium Development Goal report, in [...] addition to data analysis which will be [...] releasedfor theSeptember MDGsummit; education [...]data for the Human Development Report [...]and World Bank World Development Indicators report, in addition to research; education data for other partners; fact sheets were also produced for the UIS website and for gender and education-related events; the 2010 Global Education Digest, which focuses on gender and education is being finalized and will be released in September 2010. unesdoc.unesco.org |
沃尔沃卡车(Volvo Trucks)于九月份在德国汉诺威举办的IAA国际车展上推出全新的FH系列,公司总裁Claes [...] Nilsson(见图片)盛赞新款设计为“出色的长途运输卡车,拥有远超竞争对手的领先技术。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Launching the [...] new FHseriesatSeptember’sIAA international [...]Motor Show in Hannover, Germany, Volvo Trucks President Claes [...]Nilsson (pictured) hailed the new design as “an outstanding long-haul truck, with technology way ahead of its competitors. drivelinenews.com |
九 月 份的载货 率 较 去 年 同 期 上 升 2.6 个 百 分 点 [...] 至 71.3% 。 swirepacific.com | The cargo [...] load factorfor themonth rose by 2.6 percentage [...]points to 71.3%. swirepacific.com |
这一培训将从九月份起在其他省份 展开。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO is bringing sharper focus to its education programme, progressively defining its areas of comparative advantage. unesdoc.unesco.org |
第一次是与内部监督事务厅合作于一月份举行,第二次是在一个咨询者 协助下于九月份举行。 daccess-ods.un.org | The first was held in January, in [...] collaboration with the Office of Internal Oversight Services, [...] and the second in September, with theassistance [...]of a consultant. daccess-ods.un.org |
此 外,九 月 份的载客 率 为 74.1% , 较 去 年 同 期 的 [...] 68.4% 为 高 , 但 与 上 月 旺 季 录 得 的 82.1% 比 较 , 则 略 为 下 跌 。 swirepacific.com | The passenger load factor was 74.1% [...] compared to68.4%in Septemberlast year, but [...]well below the peak season figure of 82.1% recorded in August 2002. swirepacific.com |
世服宏图正在扩展全球的办公室网络,九月份我们在阿联酋开设了一个新的办公室地点-阿布扎比。 servcorp.com.cn | Servcorp is expanding its global network of offices in the [...] Middle East this Septemberwith the opening [...]of a much anticipated, premier location in Abu Dhabi. servcorp.com.cn |
九月份,布洛克和其他做空者还参与了和中国互联网公司的激烈口水战,中国的互联网公司指责做空者为追求利润而延长了这场危机,因为引起危机的关键问题早已得到解决。 youngchinabiz.com | Block and other short sellers also engaged in a heated war of words in September with a group of Chinese Internet entrepreneurs, who blamed the short sellers’ pursuit of profits for prolonging a crisis whose major issues had already been resolved. youngchinabiz.com |
政府发言人指出,零售业总销货量在九月份录得较快增长,部份是受惠於中秋节的节日性消费,因为今年中秋节相比去年出现在九月的较後时间,而在较小程度上亦受惠於新电子消费品的推出。 censtatd.gov.hk | A Government spokesman noted that retail sales volume showed [...] faster growth in September, helped partly [...]by festive spending at the Mid-Autumn Festival, [...]which occurred later into the month this year compared with last year, and to a lesser extent by the launch of new consumer electronic products. censtatd.gov.hk |
一众旧式镜用家期待已久,合上Leica M Mount原生接环的GXR Mount A12於九月份正式推出。 think-silly.com | For those in anticipation, the Leica M Mount GXR Mount A12 [...] is going to be launched inSeptember. think-silly.com |
我们审核过简历和申请书后,第一轮面试选拔在九月份或十月初进行;对于未进行招聘的学校,我们可能会返回校园进行校园面试,也可能会安排到办公室来面试或进行电话面试。 china.blackstone.com | Once we have reviewed resumes and [...] applications, first round interview selections [...] are madein September or early October and we will [...]either return to campus for on-campus [...]interviews or arrange for in-office or phone interviews for schools where we do not actively recruit on campus. blackstone.com |
这股赛马、时装和娱乐的旋风从九月份开始,直到十一月中旬结束。 australia.com | This whirlwind of horse racing, fashion and [...] fun startsin September anddoesn’t end untilmid-November. australia.com |
利用本年度九月份於国家实验室地震工程研究中心 (NCREE)执行之六层樓钢结构实验构架以松脱部分樓层螺栓模 [...] 拟六组结构发生破坏损伤情况,分别为一樓与二樓螺栓松脱、一 樓二樓与三樓螺栓松脱、二樓三樓与四樓螺栓松脱、三樓与四樓 螺栓松脱、四樓五樓与六樓螺栓松脱、五樓与六樓螺栓松脱。 ncree.org | In this paper, based on the equation [...] of motion under ground excitation, a damage detection approach is formulated to use [...]measured FRF data both prior and posterior to an occurrence of damage as well as the dynamic stiffness matrix of the structure for determining the location and the extent of the damage. ncree.org |
不过,十月份平均数字则明显比九月份高。 hkupop.hku.hk | Both GA and SA have dropped significantly. However, the average PSI of October issignificantly [...] higher thanthat ofSeptember. hkupop.hku.hk |
对于澳大利亚大部分地方,春天是从九月份到十一月份。 australia.com | Discover Australia’s spring season, which [...] lasts from September to November formost of [...]the country. australia.com |
GuestLogix目前为七家欧洲铁路客户提供服务,其中四家客户是通过九月份收购Initium Onboard公司获得的。 tipschina.gov.cn | GuestLogix currently serves seven European rail customers, four of which were gained through the [...] acquisition of InitiumOnboard in September. tipschina.gov.cn |
我们在2010年签署了生物多样性可持续维护和使用的企业文件,由巴西企业可持续和生物多样性运动(MEB)在九月份提出,而我们也是执行委员会的其中一员. suzano.com.br | In 2010, we signed the Corporate Charter for the [...] Preservation and Sustainable Use of [...] Biodiversity, launched in September by the Corporate [...]Movement for Preservation and Sustainable [...]Use of Biodiversity (MEB), in which we are also part of the Executive Committee. suzano.com.br |
其次,九月份就执行 主任可不经执行局事先批准按照拟议条例第 13.3 条批准的国家、区域和区域间 方案与项目的数额。 daccess-ods.un.org | Secondly, proposals wouldbe made to the Executive Board inSeptember inrespectof the [...] level of country, regional and interregional [...]programmes and projects that could be approved by the Executive Director without the prior approval of the Executive Board, in accordance with proposed regulation 13.3. daccess-ods.un.org |
二零一二年九月份与二零一一年同月比较,大部分主要整体出口货品类别的货值录得升幅,尤其是「电动机械、仪器和用具及零件」(增179亿元,升28.1%)、「办公室机器和自动资料处理仪器」(增61亿元,升18.1%)和「通讯、录音及音响设备和仪器」(增48亿元,升9.3%)。 censtatd.gov.hk | Comparing September 2012 with September 2011,increases were registered [...] in the values of total exports of most principal [...]commodity divisions, in particular "electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, and electrical parts thereof" (by $17.9 billion or 28.1%), "office machines and automatic data processing machines" (by $6.1 billion or 18.1%) and "telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment" (by $4.8 billion or 9.3%). censtatd.gov.hk |
九月份在路易维耳市举办的全国四重唱大会中,他们有机会从一个Beyerdynamic在俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的经销商Worship [...] Rsources中看到这个系统和它多样化的选择,Worship Rsources让The Hoppers去试听MIPRO新的ACT无线系统後他们很轻易的做了决定。 mipro.com.tw | At the National Quartet Convention in [...] Louisville in September, they had a chance [...]to view the systems and various options [...]with Worship Resources, a Cincinnati, Ohio-based dealer for Beyerdynamic. mipro.com.tw |
因此,SEIU-UHW 将在九月份开展了一个领袖招募运动,这将让所有现任的工会 领袖及被上千人认定的准领袖一起加入我们的计划当中以争取未来在以下主要范畴 [...] 上的胜利 seiu-uhw.org | Therefore, be it resolved that [...] SEIU-UHW willlaunch inSeptember a leadershiprecruitment [...]campaign that will involve talking [...]to all current union leaders and identifying thousands of other potential leaders and asking them to join our Plan to Win the Future by focusing primarily in one of the following areas seiu-uhw.org |
九月份时,"约四百名穿制服的警察和平民带着铲子、警棍、砖头、铁钩和其它武器,殴打在附近一家快要完工的工厂里睡觉的教会成员,他们把那座工厂当做敬拜的场所......有数十位基督徒受重伤"(Compass [...] Direct)。 amccsm.org | Back in September, "some400uniformed [...] police and civilians bearing shovels, batons, bricks, iron hooks and other weapons [...]had beaten members of the church who were sleeping at a nearly finished factory building used as a worship site... dozens of Christians were seriously injured" (Compass Direct). amccsm.org |