

单词 九折

See also:


nine num

a loss
turn sth. over
suffer loss
tip sth. out (of a container)
document folded in accordion form
accounts book
turn upside-down
break (e.g. stick or bone)
change direction
convert into (currency)
tenth (in price)


fold v
break v
turn v

External sources (not reviewed)

就以公 共 交 通機構為例,巴 士公司在 10 月開始實行減 價 , 15 元 以九 折 , 10 至 14.5 元九五 折 , 為期 1 年 。
The bus companies effected fare
reductions in October,
[...] offering a 10% discount on journeys which charge over $15 and a 5% discount on those which charge [...]
between $10 to $14.5 for a period of one year.
回程車九折適用於單程車費為港幣 10 元至 14 元 9 角的路 線。
Note: 20% discount on the return trip where the single journey fare is HK$15 or above; 10% discount on the return [...]
trip where the single
journey fare is between HK$10 and HK$14.90.
在 2002 年,如果用户减少 40%的 用水量,水费就可以九折。
If households reduced their consumption by at least 40% in 2002, they were
[...] entitled to a 10% discount on the bill.
(e) 引入分享利潤機制,讓港鐵公司由二零一三年開始,透過「即日第 二程車九折優惠 」計劃,與乘客分享年度利潤。
Besides, the current Tuen Mun – Nam Cheong Monthly Pass and the new Tung Chung – Nam Cheong Monthly Pass Extra are both sectional passes.
議員: 主席,地 鐵 有 限 公司(“地鐵 公司" ) 去 年 推 出“啟 用 初 期 車九 折 優 惠 "計劃, 乘客由 去 年12 月 中 至本年 3 月 底 憑 各類型 八 達 通 卡 乘 搭 地 下 鐵 路 ( “地鐵 " ),由 南 昌 站 或 美 孚 站 往 返 其他地鐵 車 站 , 均可 享九折 車費優 惠 。
MR TAM YIU-CHUNG (in Chinese): Madam President, the MTR
Corporation Limited
[...] (MTRCL) introduced last year a 10% Introductory Fare Discount concession plan for passengers using any type of the Octopus Card on Mass Transit Railway (MTR) trains to and from Nam Cheong Station and Mei Foo Station between mid-December last year and the end of March this year.
一 些 只有高 級 公務員享 有 的 郵輪、 旅遊、 家 具、搬遷等 津貼, 或繼續保 留 , 或 略 為 削 減 , 或實報實銷 ,九 折兌現
All these are allowances to which only the senior civil servants are entitled. These allowances are either permitted to remain unchanged, or reduced slightly, or become accountable or can be converted into cash with a 10% deduction.
經 過社會 輿 論 的多番 催迫, 一 些 主 要的公 共 交通機構近期 先 後 推 出了一 些 乘車優 惠 , 例如超過某個車資 可九五折 或 九 折 價 格 優 惠 , 或同日第二程 享 有 折 扣 等 , 亦 有 巴 士公司為 65 歲 或以上 長 者 , 提供乘車優 惠 。
Thanks to the constant pressure of public opinion, several major public transport operators have introduced concessions one after another recently, such as a 10% or 15% fare concession for fares above a certain level, or fare concessions for a second ride on the same day; and a bus company has even offered fare concessions to elderly people aged 65 or above.
回程車九折適用於單程車費為港幣 10 元至 14 元 9 角的路 線。
When the aforesaid schemes were launched in 2006, it was made clear that they would run for three years only.
限量版愛心曲奇禮包每份售價為港幣$50,內含六塊曲奇、聖誕感謝卡、natures purest 九折優惠 卡及精美小熊袋,由11月17日至11月27日期間可於協康會網頁下載訂購表格預訂。
Valued at HK$50 each, the charity cookies gift pack consists of 6
pieces of cookies, a Christmas card from Heep Hong children, a natures
[...] purest 10% off discount card and a little [...]
bear bag.
[...] 場事先張揚,在春節期間食油割價促銷的情況會逐漸減少,並可能由原先九折縮減至九五折;在春節過後,各類食油更會加價 10%至 15%。
For instance, we noticed the other day that the edible oil association made an advance announcement for the supermarkets on its own initiative that the chances of having
cut-throat price reductions during the Chinese New Year
[...] would be less, and the discount rate would also reduce [...]
from 90% to 95%.
翻查香港大學民意研究計劃最近十年的選前調查記錄,就會發現在過去兩屆區議會選舉,實際投票率只是最後投票意欲統計的四八折;而在過去三屆立法會選舉,實際投票率則是最後投票意欲統計的五二至 九折 之 間
There is usually a wide gap between the number of people who said they would vote, and those who actually voted.
這些推廣計劃包括“搭十送一”推廣 優惠、小童周末及公眾假期免費乘搭港鐵、即日第二 九折 優 惠 、東 涌─香港全月通,以及更多轉乘優惠等。
These new fare promotions include "Ride 10 Get 1 Free" promotion, Free Child Travel on
Weekends and Public
[...] Holidays, 10% discount for second journeys taken on the same day, Tung Chung - Hong Kong Monthly Pass and more interchange discounts, and so on.
由 2003年 10月 至 2005年 5月,該 公司曾 為 單程票
[...] 價 為 15元 或 以上的路線 推九 折 回程優惠, 而 在 周日或 公 眾假期 [...]
劃一收 取 長者1元 的車費。
From October 2003 to May 2005, the company had introduced a
[...] 10% return trip discount on routes where [...]
the single fare was $15 or more, and a
$1 flat fare for the elderly on Sunday and public holidays.
他表示,儘 管 如 此 , 城巴希望獲 得 市民諒 解, 在平衡 所 有有關各方利益 方面會有困 難 ,並指 出該公司 現時已以預繳 形 式為最有 需 要的人士(
[...] 即 乘 搭 長 途 線 的 乘客)提九 折 票價優惠, 而 有 關 乘客現在充分運 [...]
用該項 優惠。
He said that Citybus nevertheless would like to seek the understanding of the public that there were difficulties in balancing the interests of all the stakeholders,
pointing out that the company was already
[...] offering a 10% fare discount to passengers who [...]
had the Action greatest need, i.e. those
on long-distance routes, on a payment in advance basis and that
所有Mizuno品牌的运动鞋八折优惠,其它品牌的运动 九折 优 惠
20% OFF all Mizuno
[...] Running Shoes, 10% OFF all other brand [...]
running shoes.
就此, 九 鐵 公司經考慮各項 有 關因素 後 , 決 定 為來往 新界西 北及九龍巿 區 的 西 鐵 乘 客 所 提 供 的 額九 折 票 價 優 惠 , 將於本年 12 月 19 日 優 惠 期 屆 滿 後 終 止。
In this connection, after considering all the relevant factors, the
Corporation decided that the
[...] additional 10% discount to West Rail passengers travelling between the Northwest New Territories and urban Kowloon would expire on [...]
19 December this year.
例 如是乾螺頭, 他們便寫
[...] 珍珠肉,還用很 大 的 字寫上 “買一九 折:1 24 元”,又 用 很小的 字寫 “每 ” 。
Take dried conch meat, which has been referred to as pearl meat by the shop, as an example, the shop
has written in large
[...] characters that "10% discount for purchase up to [...]
one catty: $124" and then in very small characters the words "per tael".
遇上某一年度需要按票價調整機 制加價時,帳戶會撥出一筆以加價為港鐵帶來的額外收入之一半作為上限之 金額,透過有時限的「即日第二程車 九折 優 惠」計劃回饋乘客。
The sum would go to a fare concession account each year, and triggered for sharing with passengers when there is fare increase under the FAM for that particular year subject to a cap of half of the total additional revenue generated by the corresponding fare increase for that year.
以天水圍北的天恆 前往尖沙咀為例,居民要先搭 265M 到大欖隧道轉車站,這半程收費 9.1元, 接 ,他們要轉乘 269B
[...] 才能到尖沙咀,這半程又要另外收費 7.4 元,雖 然 , 全程收費共 16.5 元,理應九折優惠 ,但由於要分開兩次付錢,居民結果 也是拿不到折扣。
Then they need to take the 269B bus to reach Tsim Sha Tsui, and this half of the journey costs another $7.4. Although the whole journey costs $16.5
in total and should therefore be
[...] given a 10% discount, residents do not enjoy a discount [...]
because the payment of the fares is split into two parts.
如果以一種方式,或以一個時間來計算,例 如兩三年內,加上九折的折扣,我們的損失可能只是十多二十億元或 [...]
If the calculation is done in a certain way or is based on a period of
time, for example, two to three years, and
[...] factoring in a discount of 10% or 20%, [...]
our loss may only be some $1 billion to
$2 billion or some $2 billion to 3 billion.
另外,由於 約 95%港鐵乘客使用八達通卡,當中大多數經常乘搭港鐵,因此大部分港鐵
[...] 乘客也能受惠於「即日第二程車 九折 優 惠 」計劃( 雖然每次施行均會有時 [...]
限 ) 。
Further, as some 95% of MTR passengers use Octopus cards and the majority of them are also
frequent travellers, most MTR passengers can also benefit from the time-limited “10%
[...] Same Day Second Trip Discount” scheme.
目前,城巴有限公司及新世界第一巴士有限公司為其轄下共 20 條巴士
[...] 路線提供預繳即日來回優惠,讓以八達通預繳來回程車資的乘客,享 九折 車費優惠,或 1 元或 2 元的車費折扣。
Passengers who make a prepayment for a return journey with an Octopus Card
[...] can enjoy 10% discount or concession [...]
of $1 or $2.
折舊下降的原因為亞洲 二號衛星於二零九年年初完折舊 , 而取代亞洲二號衛星之亞洲五號衛星於二零 九 年 十 月才開始 進折舊。
The drop in
[...] depreciation was because AsiaSat 2 was fully depreciated by early 2009 while the depreciation for AsiaSat 5, which is the replacement of AsiaSat [...]
2, only started from October 2009.
金 融 工 具 不 存 在 活 躍 市 場 的,本 集 團 採 用 估 值 技 術 確 定 其 公 允 價 值,估 值 技 術 包 括 參 考 熟 悉 情
況 並 自 願 交 易 的 各 方 最 近 進 行 的 市 場 交 易 中 使 用 的 價 格、參 照 實 質 上 相 同 的 其 他 金 融 工 具 的 當
[...] 前 公 允 價 值、現 金 流折 現 法 和 期 權 定 價 模 型 等。
Valuation techniques include reference to most recent market prices used by knowledgeable and willingness parties, reference to
current fair value of other financial instrument with
[...] similar nature, discounted cash flow method [...]
and option valuation models.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家;
(d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化
[...] 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九 文 化區計劃的願景。
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of
funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the
[...] vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.
本會促請政府全 面 檢討西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃,在規 劃文化設施 之 前 , 應 先 考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容, 延 長提交發展建議的期 限 ,並公開 及 詳 細 地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體 、地產 界 、立法會、公眾 及相關組織 , 以 貫徹文化委員會就西九龍發 展計劃提出‘以 人 為本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民間主導’的原則 , 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適切合 宜 的發展及運作方案, 而 在發展過程中,政府應 促成發展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。
That this Council urges the Government to
[...] comprehensively review the West Kowloon Cultural District development project, consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for submission of development proposals, openly and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating [...]
a development and operation
plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.
該期權獲行使後,除於該期間發生的期權回購開支(包括期權溢價以及利潤分成)外,還對114百萬美元的額 折 舊 開支加以確認,以 反映假設相關資產先前於期權期限內並無分類為持作出售而須對計提 折 舊。
Following the exercise of the option, in addition to the option repurchase expenses (including the option premium and profit entitlement) incurred during the
period, $ 114 million of
[...] additional depreciation expense was recognised to reflect the depreciation that would have been charged if the related assets had not previously been classified as held for sale during the option period.
咨询委员会获悉,这种方法有以下益处:(a) 所有地 点都有全球范围的大幅折扣; (b) 能更快确定问题的症结所在,从而最大限度 [...]
地减少本组织网络意外停机时间;(c) 具备互操作性,减少了事故发生时多个供 应商之间相互指责的现象,还可在所有办事处执行共同的最终用户电话程序。
The Advisory Committee was informed that this approach
provides the following benefits: (a)
[...] significant worldwide discounts for all locations; [...]
(b) speedier diagnosis of problems,
thereby minimizing unplanned downtime of the Organization’s networks; and (c) interoperability, which reduces finger-pointing among multiple vendors when incidents occur and also allows implementation of common end-user procedures for telephones at all offices.
[...] 巴布韦、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚、斯威士兰和莱索托的财政、卫生和教育部长们与联合国系统九名行 政长官共聚一堂,会议的目的是找到这些国家在加强抗击艾滋病毒/艾滋病行动方 [...]
The high-level meeting convened on HIV/AIDS in southern Africa where Ministers of Finance, Health and Education from Zambia, Zimbabwe,
Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland and Lesotho met
[...] together with nine United Nations [...]
system Executive Heads, had the objectives
of identifying key challenges facing these countries in scaling up their national responses to HIV/AIDS and defining the role of the United Nations system in supporting national efforts.
(B) 在公司法與公司細則與新股有關的條文的規限下,本公司所有未發行股 份(包括因增加股本而設立的任何新股份)須由董事控制。董事可按彼 等唯一及全權酌情認為屬適當的條款及條件以及時間向其認為屬適當
[...] 的人士發售、配發、授予購股權或以其他方式處置該等股份,惟該等股 份不得折讓方式發行。
(B) Subject to the provisions of the Act and of the Bye-Laws relating to new shares, all unissued shares in the Company including any new shares created upon an increase of capital shall be under the control of the Directors who may offer, allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of them to such persons, on such terms and conditions and at such times as
the Directors shall in their sole and absolute discretion think fit, but so that no shares
[...] shall be issued at a discount.




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