

单词 九六



nine tones and six modes (tonal system of Cantonese and other southern languages)

See also:



six num


External sources (not reviewed)

本集團及本公司之繳入盈餘結餘乃本集團於一九九一年重組及本公司於 九九六 年 削 減股本時產生(扣除已作出 分派)。
The balance of contributed surplus of the Group and the Company arose as a result of the Group reorganisation in 1991 and the Company’s capital reduction in 1996 less distributions made.
本信託契約已分別根 據一九八九年十月六日、一九九一 年 六 月 一 日、一九九一年十一月二 六 日 、 一 九 九 一 年十 二月二日、一九九二年三月三十一日、一 九 三 年 六 月 七 日、 九九六 年 四月十五日、一九 九年六月二 十四日、二零零一年十月三十一日、二零零二年十月七日及二零零七年七 月九日之 附加信託契約,以及一九九五年五月二十日之卸任及就任契約,和二零零三年十月二十四日之 基金經理卸任及就任契約以及構成大福 SRI 亞洲基金的信託契約之修改而修訂。
This Trust Deed has been amended by supplemental trust deeds dated 16th October, 1989, 1st June 1991, 26th November 1991, 2nd December 1991, 31st March 1992, 7th June 1993, 15th April 1996, 24th June 1999, 31st October 2001, 7th October 2002 and 9th July 2007 respectively, a Deed of Retirement and Appointment dated 20th May 1995 and a Deed of Retirement and Appointment of Manager and Modification of the Trust Deed constituting Taifook SRI Asia Fund dated 24th October 2003.
大会第五十届会议和第五十二、五十四、五 六 、 五 十 九 、 六 十 一 和六十三 届会议审议了这个项目(第 50/11、52/23、54/64、56/262、59/309、61/266 [...]
和 63/306 号决议)。
The General Assembly considered the item at its fiftieth
session and at its fiftysecond,
[...] fifty-fourth, fifty-sixth, fifty-ninth, sixty-first and [...]
sixty-third sessions (resolutions 50/11,
52/23, 54/64, 56/262, 59/309, 61/266, and 63/306).
V. 薪常會在提出建議及意見前,須確定這些建議不會 影響香港特別行政區政府與主要公務員協會達成的 九六八 年 協議(一九九八年適應版)的有效性。
In considering its recommendations and advice, the Commission shall not prejudice the 1968 Agreement between the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Main Staff Associations (1998 Adapted Version).
民意快訊合訂本》第一至第三冊合起來後,涵蓋 九六 年 九 月 至 九 八 年 六 月 共 二十二期的《民意快訊》,記錄了回歸前一年至後一年的重要數據。
Put together, the three POP EXPRESS Combined Volumes cover 22 issues of POP EXPRESS, published between September 1996 and June 1998 ---- about one year before to one year after Hong Kong's transition.
非上市股份之價值,乃根據附屬公司在本公司於 九九六 年 重 組成為本集團最終控股公司之當日, 佔本集團資產淨額之賬面值計算。
The cost of the unlisted shares is based on the book value of the underlying net assets of the subsidiaries attributable to the Group as at the date on which the Company became the ultimate holding company of the Group under the Group reorganisation in 1996.
譚先生 亦擔任其他五間香港聯交所主板上市公司信星鞋業集團有 限公司(自一九九四年五月起)、中建電訊集團有限公司(自 一 九 九 九 年 十 二 月 起 )、 首 長 四 方( 集 團 )有 限 公 司( 自九九六年二月起)、星光集團有限公司(自二零零四年七 月起)及萬順昌集團有限公司(自二零零四年九月起)以及 一間香港聯交所創業板上市公司北亞策略控股有限公司(直 至二零一三年二月)的獨立非執行董事。
Mr. Tam also serves as an independent nonexecutive director of five other listed companies on the main board of the HKSE, namely, Kingmaker Footwear Holdings Limited, CCT Telecom Holdings Limited, Shougang Concord Grand (Group) Limited, Starlite Holdings Limited and Van Shung Chong Holdings Limited since May 1994, December 1999, February 1996, July 2004 and September 2004, respectively, and a listed company on the GEM board of the HKSE, namely, North Asia Strategic Holdings Limited, till February 2013.
1 0 證 據 條 例 第 I V 部 ( 及九 六 八 年 的 法 令 ) 內 所 載 的 排 除 傳 聞 證 據 規 則 雖 然 內 容 較 為 寬 鬆 , 但 仍 屬 傳 聞 證 據 規 則 。
The exclusionary rule embodied in Part IV of the Ordinance (and the 1968 Act) is still the hearsay rule, albeit in a much relaxed form.
時間是緊迫的,因為港台要籌備㆒條頻道,估計亦要㆒年的時間,至於設立 公眾頻道,由成立管理機構、設立㆗心等事亦要年多的時間,故此我們希望政府在 現階段先定㆘政策方向,待有線電視提供頻道後,「公營頻道」及「公眾廣播」即可九六年面世。
Therefore, we hope the Government will formulate a policy at this stage, so that when channels are to be provided by Cable TV, the “public access channel” and “public broadcasting” can come into operation in 1996.
本公司執行董事及副行政總裁魏義軍先生於 九九六 年 六 月 三 日與亞洲衛星有限公司訂立服務合約, 初步為期兩年,由九九六年六月十 八日至一 九 八 年 六 月 十 七日,並於往後繼續生效,除非或直至任 何一方向另一方於最初兩年屆滿時或其後之任何時間發出不少於六個曆月之書面通知,予以終止。
Mr. William WADE, an ED and the DCEO of the Company entered into a service contract with Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited on 3 June 1996 for an initial term of two years from 18 June 1996 to 17 June 1998 and thereafter, the contract shall continue unless or until terminated by either party in writing giving to the other not less than six calendar months’ notice in writing to expire on or at any time after the end of the initial two-year period.
梁博士是土生土長之中國籍香港居民,持有香港中文大學之科學學士(一等榮譽)學位 (一九九零年)、加州理工學院之數學科學碩士學位(一九九三年)和數學哲學博士學位(九 九六年) ,以及香港科技大學之投資管理科學碩士學位(一九九九年)。
Dr. Leung, a native Hong Kong citizen with Chinese nationality, holds a Bachelor (First Class Honours) degree of Science (1990) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Master degree of Science in Mathematics (1993) and a Doctor degree of Philosophy in Mathematics (1996) from the California Institute of Technology, and a Master degree of Science in Investment Management (1999) from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
文 件 也 有 提 及 英 國 在 執 行九 六 八 年 及 一 九 七 二 年 民 事 證 據 法 令 的 實 際 經 驗 , 而 這 兩 條 法 令 的 內 容 是 與 香 港 的 證 據 條 例 ( 第 8 章 ) 第 I V 及 第 V 部 相 同 。
It also described the English experience in the practical application of the Civil Evidence Acts 1968 and 1972, which are the English equivalents of Parts IV and V of the Evidence Ordinance (Cap. 8).
以色列在九六七年 以来占领的巴勒斯 坦和其他阿拉伯领土内建立移民点的政策和做 法都没有法律效力,并且对于在中东达成全面、 公正和持久的和平构成了严重的阻扰”(第 446(1979)号决议第 1 段)。
T]he policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East.
严格遵守《关于战时保护平民的日内瓦公约》, 废除以前的措施和停止采取可能改变 九六 七年以来包括耶路撒冷在内的被占领阿拉伯领土的法 律地位和地理性质及对其人口组成有实质影响的 任何行动,尤其是不要将以色列的一部分平民迁 入被占领的阿拉伯领土内”(同上,第 3 段)。
to abide scrupulously by the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War, to rescind its previous measures and to desist from taking any action which would result in changing the legal status and geographical nature and materially affecting the demographic composition of the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, and, in particular, not to transfer parts of its own civilian population into the occupied Arab territories” ( ibid. para. 3).
九九六年六月二十一日通過之特別決議案修訂 # 經二零零四年五月二十八日通過之特別決議案修訂 (B) 組織章程大綱所載供本公司購買或以其他方式收購其股份之權力可由董事會按 其認為合適之條款及條件行使。
(B) The power contained in the Memorandum of Association for the Company to purchase or otherwise acquire its shares shall be exercisable by the Board upon such terms and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit.
参加本议定书的国家(以下称“缔约国”),即便未加入 九六 七 年 修订于斯德 哥尔摩并于一九七九年修改的《商标国际注册马德里协定》(以下称《马德里协定》 (斯德哥尔摩)),以及本议定书第十四条(1)(b)所指的参加本议定书的组织(以下称 “缔约组织”),与加入《马德里协定》(斯德哥尔摩)的国家均属同一联盟的成 员。
The States party to this Protocol (hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting States”), even where they are not party to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks as revised at Stockholm in 1967 and as amended in 1979 (hereinafter referred to as “the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement”), and the organizations referred to in Article 14(1)(b) which are party to this Protocol (hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting Organizations”) shall be members of the same Union of which countries party to the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement are members.
自ECCO於九六三年 成立以來,其基本設計哲學一直是以堅定的信念,為顧客設計及製造最舒適的上班及閒暇時穿著的鞋款。
Founded in 1963, ECCO¡¦s fundamental philosophy has always been to design and construct footwear for work and leisure, with uncompromising attention to the comfort of users.
彼於一九九四年獲新華通訊社香港 分社委任為香港區事顧問,亦於九九六年獲選為香港特別行政區第 一屆政府推選委員會委員。
He was appointed as District Advisor to the Hong Kong Branch of Xinhua News Agency in 1994, and also elected to be a Member of the First Selection Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 1996.
張女士其後於九九六年取得中國人民大 學的計算機應用專業文憑,並於二零零六年取得清華大 學的創新管理MIA高級研修班高級文憑及於二零零六年 七月取得大連理工大學頒發的高級管理人員工商管理碩 士學位。
She further obtained a professional diploma in computer application from the Renmin University of China in 1996, a senior diploma in Innovative Management MIA from senior research class in Tsinghua University in 2006 and a Master degree in business administration for senior management from Dalian Polytechnic in July 2006.
周偉偉先生,五十七歲,於九九六 年 十 月被委任為本公司 董事,並於二零零一年八月被委任為董事總經理,亦為本公 司董事會轄下之薪酬委員會委員暨本公司若干附屬公司之董 事。
He is also a member of the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors and a director of certain subsidiaries of the Company.
ECCO品牌自九六三年 由Karl Toosbuy先生創立後,至今已由丹麥南部小規模的工廠發展為國際皮鞋製造商,於全球擁有多達9,000名員工,合併年收入四十五億歐元。
Founded in 1963 by entrepreneur Mr. Karl Toosbuy, ECCO has grown from a small factory in Southern Denmark to an international shoe manufacturing group with almost 9,000 employees worldwide and a consolidated annual turnover of £á 450 million.
在這之前,馬世民先生曾於九六六 年 至 一九八零年期間任職Jardine Matheson,負責管理該公司的工程業務與貿易營運,彼其後成立項目顧問公司 Davenham Investments。
Previously, Mr Murray led Jardine Matheson’s engineering and trading operations from 1966 to 1980, after which he set up Davenham Investments, a project advisory company.
该会议或贸易和发展理事会愿就报告书提出之 任何意见或建议,包括关于可列入委员会工作方案之事项之建议在内,应依 照九六四年 十二月三十日大会决议案一九九五(十九)之有关规定提送大 会。
Any such comments or recommendations which the Conference or the Trade and Development Board may wish to make, including suggestions on topics for inclusion in the work of the Commission, shall be transmitted to the General Assembly in accordance with the relevant provisions of Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) of 30 December 1964.
本人欣然宣佈,長江基建集團有限公司(「長江基建」或「集團」)截至二零一二年十二 月三十一日止年度錄得股東應佔溢利港幣九十四億二千七百萬元,較去年增長百分之二 十二,盈利表現創下自九九六年上市以來之高峰。
I am pleased to announce that for the year ended 31st December, 2012, Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Limited (“CKI” or the “Group”) reported profit attributable to shareholders of HK$9,427 million, an increase of 22% over last year.
九九六年六月二 十一日通過之特別決議案修訂 釐定之其他金額)後更換有關股票,惟須符合董事會認為適當之與刊登通知、憑證及彌 償保證有關之條款及條件(如有),而於磨損或損毀之情況下,於交回舊股票後即可更 換新股票。倘於銷毀或遺失之情況下,則獲補發股票之人士亦應承擔及向本公司支付本 公司就調查有關銷毀或遺失及有關彌償保證之憑證所產生之任何額外費用及合理實銷 開支。
In the case of destruction or loss, the person to whom such replacement certificate is given shall also bear and pay to the Company any exceptional costs and the reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incidental to the investigation by the Company of the evidence of such destruction or loss and of such indemnity.
恒生银行颁发奖学金予五位杰出的香港及内地学生往海外深造,令「恒 生银行海外留学奖学金」自九九六 年 成 立以来,受惠学生的人数增至 四十五名。
Hang Seng Bank has awarded overseas scholarships to five outstanding students in Hong Kong and mainland China, taking the total number of students benefiting from the Hang Seng Bank Overseas Scholarship Scheme to 45 since its launch in 1996.
目前适用于澳门的九六六年十 二月十六日订于纽约的《公民权利和政治权 利国际公约》( 以下简称“公约”) ,自一九九九年十二月二十日起将继续适用于 澳门特别行政区,同时中华人民共和国政府声明: 公约在澳门特别行政区适用,特别是公约第一条,不影响《联合声 明》和《基本法》关于澳门地位的规定。
(i) The application of the Covenant and its article 1 in particular, to the Macao Special Administrative Region shall not affect the status of Macao as defined in the Joint Declaration and in the Basic Law
根據最新的二零零一年人口普查結果, 九九六 年 起 的香港人口估計數字及其他在編製過程中涉及應用人口估計數字的統計數字已予更新。
With the availability of the latest 2001 Population Census results, the population estimates since 1996, together with other statistics which in the process of their compilation involve the use of population estimates, have been updated.
如 財 務 報 表 附 註 三 所 述 , 台 灣 大 哥 大 股 份 有 限 公 司 自 民 國 九 十 七 年 一 月 一 日 起 , 採 用 財 團 法 人 中 華 民 國 會 計 研 究 發 展 基 金 會九 十 六 年 三 月 發 布九 六 )基 秘 字 第 ○ 五 二 號 函,員 工 分 紅 及 董 監 酬 勞 應 視 為 費 用 , 而 非 盈 餘 之 分 配 。
As stated in Note 3 to the financial statements, in March 2007, the Accounting Research and Development Foundation issued an interpretation that requires companies to recognize employees bonuses and remuneration paid to directors and supervisors as expenses starting from January 1, 2008.
这样的逮捕和拘留还违反了《世界人权宣 言》第三、八、九、十、十一和十二条,以及《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》六、九、十 、十四和十五条,而哥伦比亚是该公约的缔约国。
It is also contrary to articles 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and articles 6, 9, 10, 14 and 15 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Colombia is a party.




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