

单词 乙醚

乙醚 ()

diethyl ether C2H5OC2H5

See also:

radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 5)
letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc
second in order
turning stroke (in Chinese characters)


ether n
glycol n
aniline n
benzene n

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,乙醚修改 本身,泉水的纯洁,强大的风力,车辆的所有香水,这是举行具备触摸的质量。
But from ether, modifying itself, [...]
springs the pure, powerful wind, the vehicle of all perfumes; that is held to possess the quality of touch.
心,由(婆罗门)的愿望,推动创建,执行,修改自己的创作工作,从那里产 乙醚 , 他 们宣布,声音是后者的质量。
Mind, impelled by (Brahman's) desire to create,
performs the work of creation by
[...] modifying itself, thence ether is produced; they [...]
declare that sound is the quality of the latter.
西班牙化学家, 发乙醚。乙 醚后来被称为 “甜的硫酸盐晶体”。
Ether discovered by Spanish chemist and called [...]
“sweet vitriol.
[...] 年7月1日起,列入电子信息产品污染重点防治目录中的电子信息产品中不得含有 铅、汞、镉、六价铬、聚合溴化联 乙醚 和 聚合溴化联苯及其他有毒有害物质。
The Measures for the Control of Pollution from Electronic Information Products stipulates that from July 1st , 2006, electronic information products listed in the category of key electronic information products for pollution prevention may not include lead, mercury, cadmium,
hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls or
[...] polybrominated diphenyl ethers or any other toxic [...]
and hazardous substances.
受暴雨影响,少量1 脂肪醇乙二醇醚泡沫 通过雨水排水道进入Alz运河。
A small1 amount of fatty
[...] alcohol polyglycol ether foam escaped into [...]
the Alz Canal from the storm-water drainage system following heavy rainfall.
它还常用作 生乙酸丁酯、乙二醇丁醚、丙烯酸丁酯和氨基树脂等 化学品的中间体。
It is also an intermediate in the manufacture of chemicals, such as butylacetate, butylglycolether, butylacrylate and amino resins.
由於多溴聯醚通常 積聚在脂肪內,故市民應進食低脂食品, 切去肉類和肉類製品的脂肪,減少使用動物脂肪配製食物,以及採用低脂的烹調方法。
As PBDEs tended to accumulate in [...]
fat, the public should consume low fat food, discard fat from meat and meat product, reduce
the use of food made from animal fat and adopt low fat cooking methods.
瓦克在市场上推出名为‘GENIOSIL® STP-E’的多功能粘结剂后不久,我们就发现了硅烷封端 醚 ,” Glosch博士补充道。
We came across the silane-terminated polyethers soon after WACKER had begun marketing them as versatile binders under the name GENIOSIL® STP-E,” adds Dr. Glosch.
[...] 茶));戊唑醇(鲜食葡萄,干葡萄,桃(包括欧盟层面的油桃),苹果,梨,青椒,樱桃 和杏);吡醚菌酯(柑橘,油籽(除花生外));螺 乙 酯 (可食用内脏(哺乳动物)); 啶虫脒(青葱和梅子)以及吡唑萘菌胺。
The Delegation of the European Union expressed its reservation on a number of MRLs proposed for the following pesticide / commodity combinations: tebuconazole (lettuce, head); acephate / methamidophos (rice); hexythiazox (hops, dry and tea, green, black (black, fermented and dried)); tebuconazole (table grapes, dried grapes, peaches (includes nectarines at EU
level), apples,
[...] pears, peppers, cherries and apricots); pyraclostrobin (papaya, citrus, oilseeds (except [...]
peanuts)); spirotetramat
(edible offal (mammalian)); acetamiprid (spring onions and plums) and isopyrazam.
成份: 水 (山竹果浸泡水)、甘油 (棕櫚)、乙醯葡萄糖胺、菸鹼酸、生育醇 (大豆/玉米/芥花油)、山竹果果皮油 (生物活性果皮油)、乳酸菌/山竹果果皮發酵過濾物 (生物活性聚合與酸複合物)、藤黃屬倒捻子果皮粉 (山竹果)、蔗糖月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、葡糖酸內酯
(玉米)、黃原膠 (巨藻)、乙醯卡尼丁、山梨醣醇 (玉米)、葡萄糖、蔗糖二月桂酸酯
[...] (甘蔗)、玻尿酸鈉、藻萃取 (微藻)、長葉車前葉萃取 (車前草葉)、蔗糖三月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、蜂斗菜根萃取 (雜交款冬)、乙醯殼多糖琥珀醯胺 (蘑菇)、植酸鈉(稻米)、苯甲酸鈉、山梨酸鉀、氯苯 醚 、 檸 檬酸 (玉米)、乳酸 (甜菜)、精氨酸 (玉米/甘蔗)。
Ingredients: water (mangosteen infused water), glycerin (palm), acetyl glucosamine, niacinamide, tocopherol (soybean/corn/canola oil), mangosteen pericarp oil (BioActive pericarp oil), lactobacillus/mangosteen pericarp ferment filtrate (BioActive polymeric and acidic complex), garcinia mangostana pericarp powder (mangosteen), sucrose laurate (sugar cane), gluconolactone (corn), xanthan gum (kelp), acetyl carnitine hcl, sorbitol (corn), glucose, sucrose dilaurate (sugar cane), sodium hyaluronate, algae extract (microalgae), plantago lanceolata leaf extract (plantain), sucrose trilaurate (sugar cane), petasites japonicus root extract (betterbur), chitosan
succinamide (mushroom),
[...] sodium phytate (rice), sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, chlorphenesin, citric acid (corn), lactic acid (sugar beet), arginine (corn/sugar cane).
陳蓉蓉女士說,這 項風險評估研究的目的,是檢測動物源性食物的多溴聯 醚 含 量 ;估計本港中學生可能 從這些食物攝入多溴聯醚的情況;以及評估多溴聯 醚 對 健康帶來的風險。
Ms Melva CHEN said that the RA study aimed
[...] to measure the levels of PBDEs in food of animal origin, to estimate the potential dietary exposure to PBDEs of secondary school students in Hong [...]
Kong from these
foods and to assess the associated health risks.
这 些结果表明,国内醚供应商已经解决了环戊烷和 醚 的 兼 容问题。
These results indicated that the domestic polyether suppliers have solved the compatibility issue of cyclopentane and polyether.
日本东京三菱化学株式会社投建的高新聚合物工厂,主要生产 PTMG(聚四亚甲醚二醇 )弹性纤维,大量供应于中国纺织市场。
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, is the majority owner of MCC Advanced Polymers (MAP), which will produce PTMG fibers for use in China's textiles industry.
獨立非執行董事確定上述關連交易乃基於以下情況下 簽訂:(甲)在本集團一般及日常業務過程中訂立; 乙 ) 按 正常商業條款或按不遜於本集團提供予獨立 第三方或由獨立第三方提供的條款訂立;及(丙)根據規管該等交易的相關協議,按公平合理且符合 本公司股東整體利益的條款訂立。
The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were entered into (a) in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group; (b) either on normal commercial terms or on terms no less favourable to the Group than terms available to or from independent third parties; and (c) in accordance with the relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
如果每個類別的食品和樣本數目增加,化驗檢測工作便能 夠更全面地涵蓋香港市面供應的發酵食物,以及更準確地評估這些食物 的氨基甲乙酯含量範圍和平均值。
Increasing both the number of food items and the number of samples per individual food commodity for laboratory analysis could provide a more comprehensive coverage and a more precise estimate of the range and average EC concentration of fermented foods in the Hong Kong market.
这套实验采用三种不同水平的表面活性剂(月 醚 硫 酸 钠、月桂基硫酸钠和椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱),并在配方中含有不同的阳离子电荷密度(1.7和3.0m [...]
A design of experiments was conducted
by varying the levels of three
[...] surfactants (sodium lauryl ether sulfate, sodium lauryl [...]
sulfate, and cocamidopropyl betaine)
in formulations containing cationic cassia polymers of different cationic charge density (1.7 and 3.0m Eq/g).
為此,我們已運 用財務委員會( 下稱「財委會」) 轉授的權力,由 2004 年 2 月 29 日起, 在環境運輸及工務局開設一個首長 乙 級 政 務官編外職位( 首長級薪級 第 3 點 ) ,出任人員須肩負下述職務︰協助監察合併事宜督導委員會和 合併事宜管理委員會的運作情況;監察商議工作的進度,並跟進需要 政府提供意見或資料/採取行動的事宜,以協助進行商議工作;就商 議過程中涉及合併建議的各項運輸事宜,作出政策上的指引;與主要 的相關機構和人士保持聯絡;以及與財經事務及庫務局合作,一同處 理合併建議的估值和財務事宜,並一起管理政府為合併計劃委聘的顧 問的工作。
Against this background, one supernumerary post of AOSGB (D3) has been created in the ETWB under delegated authority from Finance Committee (FC) with effect from 29 February 2004 to help oversee the operation of the merger steering committee and the merger management committee; to monitor the progress of the negotiations and follow up on matters that may require the Government’s input/actions to facilitate the negotiations; to provide policy guidance on a whole range of merger-related transport issues arising from the negotiations; to maintain liaison with major stakeholders as well as to work hand in hand with the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) on the valuation and financial aspects of the possible merger and the management of Government’s consultant(s) for the merger exercise.
(c) “可待因;其酯類醚類” 將受適用於《毒藥表規例》( 第 138 章,附屬法例B)第 [...]
(c) “codeine; its esters and ethers” will be regulated [...]
by provisions applicable to the Part I of the Poison List Regulations (Cap. 138 sub. leg. B).
还有其他例子表明,使替代化 学品获得登记的重重困难,正妨碍着商业对它们的采用(例如,在 1,3-氯丙烷+氯化苦 和二甲基二醚,已 发现两种非常有效的替代熏蒸剂,在埃及的登记过程缓慢而困难)。
There are also others where difficulties in getting the alternative chemicals registered are hampering their commercial adoption (for example, the slow and difficult registration process in Egypt with 1,3-Dichloropropene + chloropicrin (1,3-D Pic) and dimethyl disulphide (DMDS), two alternative fumigants found to be efficient).
该公司也正在内蒙古建设60万吨/年甲醇装置和40万吨/年 二醚装置,定于2007年底建成。
The company is also building 600kt/y methanol and 400kt/y DEM facilities which will be finished by the end 2007.
因此,業界應繼續密切監察生產過程、找出可能引起問題的地方和 制訂方法,以防止或減少食品在製造及貯存過程中產生氨基甲 乙 酯, 並把食品的氨基甲乙酯含 量減至最低。
It is therefore important for the industry to continue closely monitor the manufacturing process, identify potentially problematic conditions and develop methods that would prevent or reduce the formation of EC and maintain EC contamination at the lowest level possible during processing and storage.
在这三种砜类聚合物当中,Veradel 聚醚砜的最初模量最 大,温度升高以后的模量仍然最大。
Of the three sulfone polymers,
[...] Veradel® polyethersulfone has the highest [...]
initial modulus and also the highest modulus at elevated temperature
(b) 對規例第19條作出修訂,闡明就位於“甲類地盤”、 乙 類 地盤” 或 “ 丙類地盤” 上的一幢或多於一幢的建築物而准許的最大上 蓋面積及最高地積比率,須分別按照規例第20及 21條釐定; 而位於任何其他地盤上的一幢或多於一幢的建築物的高度, 以及就該幢或該等建築物而准許的最大上蓋面積及最高地積 比率,則須由建築事務監督釐定。
(b) amend regulation 19 to clarify that the maximum site coverage and maximum plot ratio permitted in respect of a building or buildings on a “class A site”, “class B site” or “class C site” are to be determined in accordance with regulations 20 and 21 respectively, and that the height of a building or buildings and the maximum site coverage and maximum plot ratio permitted in respect of a building or buildings on any other site are to be determined by the Building Authority.
[...] 虫脲的总体保留意见,因为该化合物在欧盟正在接受评估;具体保留意见包括:桃子、 李子和青椒的建议值;噻螨酮(草莓) 醚 菊 酯 (葡萄);麦草畏(大豆);啶虫脒 (欧芹(除菠菜外的叶类蔬菜)),以及粉唑醇(葡萄干(无核葡萄干、葡萄干和小葡萄干) [...]
The Delegation of the European Union expressed its reservation on the following proposals for MRLs for pesticide / commodity combinations: general reservation on diflubenzuron as the evaluation of this compound was ongoing in the EU and specific reservations for the proposals for
peaches, plums and peppers; hexythiazox
[...] for strawberries; etofenprox for grapes; dicamba [...]
for soybeans; acetamiprid for scarole
(leafy vegetables except spinach) and flutriafol for dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) and grapes.
該 項調查顯示,工㆟在工作㆖接觸到的㆚㆓醇㆒㆚ 醚 醋 酸 酯的份量,並未超越美國政 府工業衛生專家協會建議的現行限度,即百萬分之五和每立方米含有 [...]
27 毫克。
This survey revealed that occupational exposure of workers to
[...] ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate was within [...]
the current threshold limit value (TLV)
of five parts per million (ppm) and 27 miligrammes per cubic meter (mg/m3), as recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
美国公司阿博特禁止向古巴出售七 醚 药 物 ;该药物是吸入全身麻醉 剂,可迅速导入,是对儿童麻醉导入的首选理想药物,也是对发生缺 血的麻醉病人血运重建的良好心肌保护剂。
Sevoflurane is an inhalant general anaesthetic with rapid induction, making it an ideal, first-line means of administering anaesthesia to children.
其重點要求為進入日本市場的七大類電子產品(個人電腦、冷氣機、電視機、電冰箱、洗衣機、微波爐、乾衣機)必須揭露鉛、汞、鎘、六價鉻、多溴聯苯(PBB)與多溴聯 醚 ( P B DE)等六項有害物質含有狀況資訊,並依含量狀況貼上綠標或橘標。
The key is to require seven major types of electronic products (personal computers, air conditioners, television sets, refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, clothes dryers) that import to Japan to expose the information of products containing six hazardous substances (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium,
polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and
[...] Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) )and label [...]
green mark or orange mark in accordance with content standards.




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