

单词 乙状结肠

See also:


colon (large intestine)

External sources (not reviewed)

由于癌肿围绕肠壁周径浸润,使肠腔变狭窄,尤其是直肠 乙状结肠 的 交界处,多为狭窄型硬癌,极易引起肠道梗阻现象。
Due to cancer infiltrating around intestinal
wall, resulting in narrowing of
[...] intestinal cavity, especially in the junction of rectum and [...]
sigmoid, it is mostly scirrhous
cancer of stenotic type and extremely easy to cause intestinal obstruction.
有猜测称,因为坐姿无法使耻骨直肠肌彻底放松、导致排泄不彻底,粪便回 乙状结肠 并 持续 给 乙状结肠 施 压,这可能成为导致痔疮和憩室病的主要原因之一。
Some hypothesize that, because this sitting position causes incomplete evacuation, waste then backs up into the sigmoid colon, putting continuous pressure on the sigmoid colon.
组成成分:去离子水和一种表面活 性剂, 以及防止低温时结用的乙 二醇
Composition: Deionized water, a surfactant,
[...] and ethylene glycol to prevent freezing at low temperatures.
结肠癌早期症状多为 较轻或不明显,常被患者忽视,也容易漏诊。
The symptoms of colon cancer in early [...]
stage are ofen mild or subtle, which are unnoticeable with patients and easily misdiagnosed.
一些可能影结肠的疾 病包括癌症,息肉,溃疡 结肠 炎 , 憩室炎和肠易激综合征。
Some of the disorders that may
[...] affect the colon include cancer, polyps, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome.
这些产品的另一优点是它们的粘附性更强, 可用来粘合聚乙烯等难以结的表 面。
A further feature is the improved adhesion of both grades, especially in the
[...] case of difficult surfaces such as polystyrene.
肺癌症状 肝癌症状 胃癌症状 血癌症状 乳腺癌症状 卵巢癌症状 宫颈癌症状 脑癌状 结肠癌症状 胰腺癌症状 前列腺癌症状 淋巴瘤症状 骨癌症状 皮肤癌症状 阴茎癌症状 舌癌症状 睾丸癌症状 口腔癌症状 食道癌症状 鼻咽癌症状 甲状腺癌症状 胆管癌症状 胆囊癌症状 阴道癌症状 肠癌症状 膀胱癌症状 喉癌症状 眼癌症状 肛门癌症状 肾癌症状 肾上腺癌症状 子宫内膜癌症状 多发性骨髓瘤症状 软组织肿瘤症状 十二指肠癌症状
Breast Cancer Symptoms Cervical Cancer Symptoms Leukemia Symptoms Lung Cancer Symptoms Lymphoma Symptoms Colon Cancer Symptoms Prostate Cancer Symptoms Brain Tumor Symptoms Skin Cancer Symptoms Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms Liver Cancer Symptoms Bone Cancer Symptoms Ovarian Cancer Symptoms Stomach Cancer Symptoms Oral Cancer Symptoms Esophageal Cancer Symptoms Nasopharyngeal Cancer Symptoms Thyroid Cancer Symptoms bile duct cancer symptoms Gallbladder Cancer Symptoms Bowel Cancer Symptoms Bladder Cancer Symptoms Throat Cancer Symptoms Eye Cancer Symptoms Kidney Cancer Symptoms Adrenal Cancer Symptoms Multiple Myeloma Symptoms Soft Tissue Cancer Symptoms Duodenal Cancer Symptoms Testicular Cancer Symptoms Penile Cancer Symptoms
因此,伊朗伊斯兰共和国似乎没有遵守三 乙 烷 的 冻 结要 求
The Islamic Republic of Iran therefore appears to be in
[...] non-compliance with the TCA freeze requirement.
[...] 肉瘤、淋巴瘤、非霍奇金淋巴瘤、白血病、黑色素瘤、神经母细胞瘤或肾母细胞瘤、生殖细胞细胞瘤、 视网膜母细胞瘤(眼部肿瘤)以及食管,胃,前列腺,睾丸,乳腺,卵巢,宫颈,膀胱, 状 腺 , 肺, 脑,肾肿瘤,胰腺,肝结肠和直 肠等组织器官发生的癌症。
Individual pesticides have been linked, either by laboratory evidence or epidemiological studies, to a long list of cancers, including multiple myeloma, soft tissue sarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia, melanoma, neuroblastoma or Wilm’s tumor, germ-cell tumors, retinoblastoma (eye tumor); and cancer of the esophagus,
stomach, prostate, testis, breast, ovary,
[...] cervix, bladder thyroid, lung, brain, kidney, pancreas, liver, colon and rectum.10,11
一项有关 HOWARU® Bifido——乳双歧杆菌 HN019™ 的功效的最新研究发现,健康成人每日服用 HN019™ 可减结肠传输时间、并改善功能性 肠 道 症 状。
A recent study on
[...] the effects of HOWARU® Bifido  — Bifidobacterium lactis HN019™ — found that daily consumption decreased colonic transit time and improved functional gastrointestinal symptoms in otherwise healthy adults.
考虑到有 2 个国家已经得到可以实现履约的援助(孟加拉国与波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维 那),2 个国家表示执行机构正在核实哥斯达黎加和厄瓜多尔的消费性质以及伊朗有一个 项目被纳入 2004 年业务计划但数据还在核实过程中,看来有必要立即采取行动使 5 个国家 (不包括数据报告有误的马绍尔群岛和阿曼)实现履行三 乙 酸 的 冻 结 义 务
There appeared to be a need for immediate actions to enable 5 countries (excluding data errors in reporting for Marshall Islands and Oman) to achieve compliance with their TCA freeze obligations, noting that 2 countries had received assistance that should enable compliance (Bangladesh and Bosnia and Herzegovina) and 2 countries indicated that implementing agencies were verifying the nature of the consumption in Costa Rica and Ecuador and a project was included in the 2004 business plans for Iran but data was still being verified.
它们包括排尿控制问题肠道症状和 性 功能障碍。
These include problems of
[...] bladder control, bowel symptoms and sexual dysfunction.
肠胃炎是肠胃发炎的状况, 通常是由于病毒和细菌从口部进入肠胃道所致。
Gastroenteritis is an
[...] inflammation of the stomach and intestines, most commonly [...]
caused by viruses and bacteria introduced
from the mouth to the gastrointestinal tract.
The main symptom of Bowel cancer is painless [...]
hematochezia (having blood in stool) and the blood is red or bright red which
is very similar to the symptom of early hemorrhoids.
其次大便习惯改变也肠癌的典型 状 之 一 ,由于 肠 肿 块 及其产生的分泌物,会产生肠道刺激,导致肠癌患者出现便意频繁、排便不尽感和里急后重等症状。
[...] change in bowel habits is one of the typical symptoms of Bowel cancer, because [...]
the rectal mass and its secretions
will cause intestinal stimulation, resulting in the symptoms such as frequent urination, feeling of defecation incompletion and tenesmus.
例如,该公司提供的胶粘剂可用于安装带水泥涂层的聚 乙 烯 泡 沫 结 构 板 ,以及用于内部装饰品和卫生设施的石膏和水泥构件。
To name but a few examples, the company
supplies adhesives for the
[...] assembly of structural panels consisting of cement-coated polystyrene foam, as well as gypsum [...]
and cement elements
used in interior fittings and sanitary facilities.
在所有用于纸张涂布的水溶性聚合物中,例如羧甲基纤维素(CMC)钠、淀粉以及人工合成的助 结 料 等, 聚 乙 烯 醇 无疑是最好的——它是我们的聚合物溶液的关键成分。
Of all the water-soluble polymers used in paper-coating, such as
sodium CMC, starch,
[...] synthetic co-binders, the No. 1 is polyvinyl alcohol – the key ingredient of our polymer solutions.
特瑞堡密封系统提供从各种弹性体 O形圈 到具有复结构的 聚四乙烯 和 聚氨酯 等材料的密封件。
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions offers you everything from the versatile elastomer O-Ring to complex multi-faceted PTFE based and polyurethane geometries.
但是,法院认为根据《纽 约公约》第五㈡条(乙)项,这种状况 不 能被引申为拒绝执行。
The Court held, however, that this position could not be extended to the denial of enforcement according to Art V (2) lit. b NYC.
我们还力求处理通常与艾滋病毒有关的续发性 疾病,包括结核和乙型肝 炎。在基本保健设施中设 立肺结核病房,使得每天能够对药物摄入量进行直接 观察,这一比例从 28%上升到 98%。
We have also tried to address some of the secondary illnesses often related to HIV, including tuberculosis and hepatitis-B. The establishment of tuberculosis rooms in primary health care facilities resulted in daily direct observation of drug intake, which rose from 28 per cent to almost 98 per cent.
根据美国疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)的报告,有规律的身体锻炼能大大地减少患冠心病的风险,并能降低中风 结肠 癌 、 糖尿病和高血压的患病风险。
According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), regular physical activity substantially
reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and decreases
[...] the risk of stroke, colon cancer, diabetes, [...]
and high blood pressure.
咨询委员会目前收到的报告(A/64/532)提供了标准化出入控制项目 的最新实状况, 以及 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算订正估计数,这 些订正数参照了独立小组的报告以及安全和安保部管理审查 结 果。
The report currently before the Advisory Committee (A/64/532) provides an update on the status of the implementation of the standardized access control project and revised estimates [...]
under the proposed
programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011, drawing on the outcome of the report of the Independent Panel and the management review of the Department of Safety and Security.
此外还可以用它把聚乙烯粘结到纸 板、 纸和纤维材料上。
It can also be used for adhesive bonding of PVC to cardboard, paper and fiber materials.
在Anuga展上S+S还将展示其它几款产品: 受ATEX认证的GF 4000压力输送应用式金属分离器; LIQUISCAN VF+金属分离器,适合为肉类或肠等 糊 状 和 粘稠的产品做检测。
The S+S product range on show at Anuga is further complemented by an ATEX-certified version of the GF 4000 metal separator for pneumatic conveying applications and
the LIQUISCAN VF+ metal separator for the
[...] inspection of paste and viscous products encountered in the meat and sausage.
会议建议,文件 31 C/4
[...] 介绍教科文组织战略所使用的方法( 状结 构 , 即在本组织统一专 题项下有一些目标和优先事项)应作为改进 [...]
32 C/5 草案的基础。
It is suggested that the device used
to represent UNESCO’s strategy in
[...] document 31 C/4 (the structural tree, which groups [...]
objectives and priorities under a unifying
theme for the Organization) should be used as the basis for improvements in the draft document 32 C/5.
如果幽门螺杆菌被杀灭,胃溃疡或十二 肠 溃 疡的 症 状 便 会 在很大程度上得到改善或是完全消除。
If the H. pylori germs are killed, the symptoms of stomach ulcer or gastritis will be greatly improved or disappear altogether.
在生命周期评估 (LCA) 中,我们对采用埃奇得和埃能宝茂金属聚乙烯树脂制成的 25 千克(55
[...] 磅)自动成型灌装封口 (FFS) 包装袋与纸/聚乙烯/纸结构的 传统解决方案进行了环境综合影响比较。
A life cycle assessment (LCA) evaluated the environmental impact profile of 25 kilogram (55 pound) form fill and seal (FFS) sacks
made from Exceed and Enable mPE resins compared with more conventional
[...] solutions of three-layer paper/PE/paper structures.
据发表在10月17日发表在《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,在一项发现林奇综合征——这是由某些基因(DNA错配修复 [MMR ]基因)的突变引起的最常见形式的遗传 结肠 直 肠 癌 ( CRC)——患者的策略比较中,与多种替代策略相比,在某些CRC病人中进行通用的肿瘤MMR测试有着发现林奇综合征的更大的敏感性,尽管对诊断的改善是适度的。
In a comparison of strategies to identify individuals with Lynch syndrome, the most common form of hereditary colorectal cancer (CRC), caused by mutations in certain genes (DNA mismatch repair [MMR] genes), universal tumor MMR testing among certain CRC patients had a greater sensitivity for the identification of Lynch syndrome compared with multiple alternative strategies, although the diagnostic improvement was modest, according to a study in the Oct. 17 issue of JAMA.
患者在接受检查时,只需要用水服下一颗智能胶囊,它就会通过胃肠肌肉的蠕动,按照胃——十二指肠——空肠与 肠 — — 结肠 — — 直 肠 的 路线运行,做个全程的“消化道摄影师”,然后以数字信号传输图像到病人随身携带的记录装置上,医生在根据胶囊所拍摄的图像作出及时诊断。
Patients only need to orally take a intelligent capsule with water, and then the capsule will move along stomach - duodenum - jejunum and ileum - colon - rectum through the peristalsis of gastrointestinal muscles, which seems like doing a whole-process "gastrointestinal photographer" and then transmits the images by digital signals to a recording device carried by patient, thus doctor can make a timely diagnosis through the captured image.
2008 年报告中提供了关于社区卫生保健六个领域的数 据――流感疫苗结肠癌监 测筛查、乳透监测乳腺癌、哮喘治疗、糖尿病治疗、 [...]
The data presented in the 2008 report relates to six fields of
community health care – flu vaccination,
[...] screening for detection of colorectal cancer and mammography [...]
for detection of breast
cancer, asthma treatment, treatment of diabetes, treatment of children and cardiology treatment.




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