

单词 乙巳

See also:

turning stroke (in Chinese characters)
radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 5)
letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc
second in order

6th earthly branch: 9-11 a.m., 4th solar month (5th May-5th June), year of the Snake

External sources (not reviewed)

巳預留 資源支援中學學科教師,例如 提供培訓和代課教師,以及進行一項有關英語延展教學活動的大 [...]
We have earmarked resources [...]
to support the content subject teachers in secondary schools, such as provision of in-service
training courses with supply teachers and conducting a large-scale study on English-medium extended learning activities.
海麗商巳於20 05年中落成,為海麗邨及鄰近私人屋苑居民的購物消費中心點。
Completed in 2005, Hoi Lai Shopping Centre has become a shopping place for residents of Hoi Lai Estate and the nearby private housing courts.
巳向本 公司尋求解除一项在大唐股權購買協議完成日期起兩年期間內未得本公司事先書面同意前不得 [...]
Datang has sought from the [...]
Company a release from the lock-up restriction not to transfer any Datang Existing Shares without
prior written consent of the Company for a period of two years from the date of completion of the Datang Share Purchase Agreement.
The POP Team is now busily preparing for the exit poll and various pre-election studies.
為此,我們已運 用財務委員會( 下稱「財委會」) 轉授的權力,由 2004 年 2 月 29 日起, 在環境運輸及工務局開設一個首長 乙 級 政 務官編外職位( 首長級薪級 第 3 點 ) ,出任人員須肩負下述職務︰協助監察合併事宜督導委員會和 合併事宜管理委員會的運作情況;監察商議工作的進度,並跟進需要 政府提供意見或資料/採取行動的事宜,以協助進行商議工作;就商 議過程中涉及合併建議的各項運輸事宜,作出政策上的指引;與主要 的相關機構和人士保持聯絡;以及與財經事務及庫務局合作,一同處 理合併建議的估值和財務事宜,並一起管理政府為合併計劃委聘的顧 問的工作。
Against this background, one supernumerary post of AOSGB (D3) has been created in the ETWB under delegated authority from Finance Committee (FC) with effect from 29 February 2004 to help oversee the operation of the merger steering committee and the merger management committee; to monitor the progress of the negotiations and follow up on matters that may require the Government’s input/actions to facilitate the negotiations; to provide policy guidance on a whole range of merger-related transport issues arising from the negotiations; to maintain liaison with major stakeholders as well as to work hand in hand with the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) on the valuation and financial aspects of the possible merger and the management of Government’s consultant(s) for the merger exercise.
符合这个规格的一些品牌产巳列出 在 B 部份之最後驱动齒轮箱文中。
Some common brands meeting this specification are listed in section B of Final Drive Gearbox.
我們獲得教育事務委員會支持後,已就九龍城興建一間專 門提供設計及藝術課程的直資中學向財務委員會申請撥款, 巳 得到 批准。
With the support of this Panel, we have since then sought and obtained funding approval of the Finance Committee for a DSS secondary school specializing in design and arts in the Kowloon City district.
獨立非執行董事確定上述關連交易乃基於以下情況下 簽訂:(甲)在本集團一般及日常業務過程中訂立; 乙 ) 按 正常商業條款或按不遜於本集團提供予獨立 第三方或由獨立第三方提供的條款訂立;及(丙)根據規管該等交易的相關協議,按公平合理且符合 本公司股東整體利益的條款訂立。
The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were entered into (a) in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group; (b) either on normal commercial terms or on terms no less favourable to the Group than terms available to or from independent third parties; and (c) in accordance with the relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
石排灣商場位於香港仔漁光道,屬石排灣邨重建發展計劃的一部分,商場毗鄰漁暉苑,鄰近有香港仔郊野公園及香港仔水塘 巳 於 20 05年10月落成。
Shek Pai Wan Shopping Centre, located on Yue Kwong Road, Aberdeen, is part of the Shek Pai Wan Estate Redevelopment Project.
因此,業界應繼續密切監察生產過程、找出可能引起問題的地方和 制訂方法,以防止或減少食品在製造及貯存過程中產生氨基甲 乙 酯, 並把食品的氨基甲乙酯含 量減至最低。
It is therefore important for the industry to continue closely monitor the manufacturing process, identify potentially problematic conditions and develop methods that would prevent or reduce the formation of EC and maintain EC contamination at the lowest level possible during processing and storage.
本年內, 本巳著手為即將實施的最低工資( SMW) 法例所帶來的挑戰作準備。
This year, we had to make preparations to meet the challenges arising from the enactment of Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) Ordinance.
[...] 償還其單獨或與其他任何人士共同承擔或對或與本公司共同承擔之債款、負債及債務,而不論 其付款、清償或償還期巳到期 與否 而且該種留置權應延伸而適用於時時宣佈之有關股份一切 [...]
The Company shall have the first and paramount lien upon all the shares registered in the name of each Member and upon the proceeds of sale thereof, for his debts, liabilities and engagements, solely or jointly with any other person, to or with the Company, whether the period for
the payment, fulfilment or discharge thereof
[...] shall have actually arrived or [...]
not, and such lien shall extend to all dividends
from time to time declared in respect of such shares.
日本厂商巳电子 工业株式会社推出的「HONEY HEART」,是一款以女生最憧憬的小脸拍摄作为号招,同时也是专为女性设计的照相贴纸机。
Honey Heart rolled out by
[...] Japan-based Tatsumi Electronics [...]
Co. is a photo sticker machine specially designed for female users
and features the small face photography highly appreciated by girls.
(b) 對規例第19條作出修訂,闡明就位於“甲類地盤”、 乙 類 地盤” 或 “ 丙類地盤” 上的一幢或多於一幢的建築物而准許的最大上 蓋面積及最高地積比率,須分別按照規例第20及 21條釐定; 而位於任何其他地盤上的一幢或多於一幢的建築物的高度, 以及就該幢或該等建築物而准許的最大上蓋面積及最高地積 比率,則須由建築事務監督釐定。
(b) amend regulation 19 to clarify that the maximum site coverage and maximum plot ratio permitted in respect of a building or buildings on a “class A site”, “class B site” or “class C site” are to be determined in accordance with regulations 20 and 21 respectively, and that the height of a building or buildings and the maximum site coverage and maximum plot ratio permitted in respect of a building or buildings on any other site are to be determined by the Building Authority.
如果每個類別的食品和樣本數目增加,化驗檢測工作便能 夠更全面地涵蓋香港市面供應的發酵食物,以及更準確地評估這些食物 的氨基甲乙酯含量範圍和平均值。
Increasing both the number of food items and the number of samples per individual food commodity for laboratory analysis could provide a more comprehensive coverage and a more precise estimate of the range and average EC concentration of fermented foods in the Hong Kong market.
1.5.3 巳完成 的調查是以經常與青年人有接觸的團體或個人為對 象,而特意不就公衆 輿論加以調查。
The survey conducted was purposely not a public opinion survey, but was a survey of those organisations or members of the public having dealings with young persons in their day to day activities.
图为巳电子 推出的照相贴纸机-「HONEY HEART」。
The photo sticker machines
[...] rolled out by Tatsumi Electronics--- [...]
“Honey Heart” .
總括而言,各服務單位在滿足服務對象不同的需要 巳 取 得 重大成就。
All in all, substantial achievements [...]
have been made among individual services to meet the various needs of our service users.
[...] 注方便残疾人士获取医疗卫生服务的需要,现时大部分母婴健康院及妇女健康中巳备有 专为残疾人士而设的无障碍设施,本署亦会继续推行有关计划,改善各 [...]
Most of the MCHCs and WHCs have provision to cater for persons with disabilities and there are ongoing projects to further improve
the barrier-free facilities in the health
[...] centres, e.g. provision of more wheelchair [...]
accessible gynaecological examination tables in MCHCs.
此 外 , 因 工 受 傷 致 死 的 鐘 點 家 傭 的 僱 主 須 支 付巳 故 僱 員 合 理 的 殯 殮 費 和 醫 護 費 。
In addition, for a part-time domestic helper who dies due to a work-related accident, the employer is liable to pay reasonable expenses of funeral and medical attendance on the deceased employee.
宾州卫生巳经制定了在六、七年级以及在不分年级的班级里相应年龄(十一至十二岁)的学童中进行 脊椎侧凸的普查的法规。
The Pennsylvania Department of Health has adopted regulations regarding each child in grades 6 and 7 and age appropriate (11 and 12 years of age) children in ungraded classes to be screened for scoliosis.
[...] Winwill Investment Pte Ltd 巳發行 股本之 20﹪,及成立一間名為南聯物業管理有限公司之全資附屬公 [...]
Other than the aforesaid investment in 20%
of the issued share capital of Winwill
[...] Investment Pte Ltd and the formation [...]
of a new wholly-owned subsidiary in the name
of Winsor Estate Management Limited, there are no other changes in the Group’s structure.
若座巳有配 备专用的夹钳,请切记于固定安装时勿锁紧超过 24,4Nm.
If there is already a Selle Royal clamp, remember that the tightening torque must not exceed 24.4 Nm.
年1月23日,三菱重工印刷纸工机械株式会社(取缔役社长:清水巳) 与利 优比株式会社/Ryobi Limited(代表取缔役社长:浦上 彰)两家公司就开始进行 商业用印刷机事业的业务合作的协商事宜签订了基本协议书,以此向外界发布。
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Printing & Packaging Machinery, Ltd. (Masami Shimizu, President) and Ryobi Limited (Akira Urakami, President and COO) herein announce signing a Letter of Intent, dated January 23, 2013, for a joint study on business alliance for commercial printing machinery business.
满意地注意到特别是过去五十年来众多的前殖民地 巳 实 现独立,并注意到 许多前托管领土和非自治领土已按照《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》行使其 自决和独立权利, 又满意地注意到给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会对促 进《宣言》的目的和宗旨所作出的重要贡献
in particular, that during the past fifty years a large number of former colonial Territories have achieved independence and that many former Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories have exercised their right to self determination and independence in accordance with the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
罰則:對應於違犯地點,在違犯隊的越位線上罰踢 (f) 參加maul不持球方的球員自動脫離maul集團後,若這時maul集 巳 沒有 其他隊友,maul將會繼續組成,這時將會有兩條越位線,持球方以maul 集團中最後面隊友的後腳為越位線,不持球方則以持球方最前面參加 maul球員的前腳為越位線。
(f) When players of the team who are not in possession of the ball in the maul voluntarily leave the maul such that there are no players of that team left in the maul, the maul may continue and there are two offside lines.
新一代系统还配有多种高级加工功能:如《矩阵加工》,《镜像加工》,《扫描加工》,《钻孔加工》……该系统备有U盘系统升级功能;凡“啄木鸟”雕刻机合法用户可通过因特网从洛克公司官方网站上直接下载控制系统升级程序,对自已系统进行升级,方便用户不断提 巳 有 机 器的性能,共享洛克公司科研成果,为客户创造价值!
The new controller has many kinds of high level functions, like “Duplicate Mode”, “Mirror Image Mode”, “Scanning Mode”, “Drilling Mode” *, etc. With the new DSC controller, updates can be made via files that can be downloaded from ROC-MESE website (only for registered end users).
根 據 上 市 規 則 第 17.04 (1) 條 , 本 公 司 向 董 事( 不 包 括 屬 有 關 購 股 權 承 授 人 的 本 公 司 獨 立 非 執 行 董 事 )、 鮮 清 平 先 生 與 鮮 帆 先 生 授 出 購 股 權 一巳 經 本 公 司 獨 立 非 執 行 董 事 批 准 。
In accordance with Rule 17.04(1) of the Listing Rules, the grant of Share Options to directors (excluding the independent non-executive director of the Company who is the grantee of the Relevant Share Options), Mr. Xian Qingping and Mr. Xian Fan has been approved by the independent non-executive directors of the Company.
结果是令人称奇的,一巳经转 移的肾癌的 人 ( 巳 转 移 到肺和大脑) ,医生说只能活两个星期,他马上吃哈里森博士医生寄来的诺丽胶囊,他的医生很吃惊,X光照片显示她的肺部什么也没有,这位病人生活质量极大地改善了。
The result is surprising, a Sijing me tastasis of renal carcinoma people ( have me tastases to the lung and brain ), the doctor said to live for only two weeks, he immediately eat Harrison doctor sent Noni capsules, his doctor was very surprised, X photo her lungs showed nothing, the patient quality of life greatly improved.




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