单词 | 乘客量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 乘客量 noun —patronage nSee also:乘客 n—passengers pl • commuters pl • ridership n 乘 (...) v—ride (sth.) v 乘—mount • make use of • take advantage of • avail oneself of • four (archaic) • Buddhist sect or creed • multiply (mathematics) • surname Cheng • four horse military chariot (archaic) • generic term for history books 客 n—customer n • guest n • visitor n
上述18個車站乘客量較少 ,在繁忙時段,該18個 車站每站的平均候車人數在任何時間都少於20人,遠低於其 他輕鐵車站約100人的平均候車人數。 legco.gov.hk | The patronage at the 18 stops mentioned above is relatively low, during peak hours, the average number of passengers waiting at any one [...] time at each of the 18 [...]stations is less than 20, which is much lower than the average number of 100 passengers waiting at other LR stations. legco.gov.hk |
一月十六日是使用 AT P 駕駛的第一個工作天,當日服務維持暢 順亦十分暢順,乘客量與平 常日子相若。 legco.gov.hk | On 16 January, the first working day for East Rail trains operating [...] under ATP, service was running smoothly and [...] the number of passengers travelling on East Rail [...]was similar to normal days. legco.gov.hk |
有鑑於現時來往香港及蛇口的跨 境客運渡輪服務的乘客量甚低 ,我們預料短暫的服務停頓並 不會為公眾帶來重大影響。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the low patronage of the existing [...] cross-boundary passenger ferry service [...]between Hong Kong and Shekou, the service [...]gap is not expected to have a major impact on the public. legco.gov.hk |
車站月台上蓋的覆蓋長度,會因 應月台的乘客量及乘客使用 月台的情況而定。 legco.gov.hk | The length of the shelter is determined having regard to the patronage and the utilization of platforms. legco.gov.hk |
港鐵 公司會繼續留意社區發展、乘客量及 乘 車 模式的改變,確保 輕鐵車站設施符合乘客的需要。 legco.gov.hk | The MTRCL will continue to take note of [...] the community development and any change [...] in patronage and passenger travelling pattern [...]to ensure that LR stop facilities can [...]cater for the needs of the passengers. legco.gov.hk |
港鐵公司希望透過這個市場策略,會增加港 鐵 乘客 量及擴闊顧客層面。 legco.gov.hk | The MTRCL aims to increase its [...] patronage and broaden its customer base through [...]this marketing strategy. legco.gov.hk |
檢討亦包括考慮服務範圍內將來人口的增長,以及九龍 南線啟用後預期所帶動的輕鐵乘客量 增 長等因素,以評估未 來的乘客需求。 legco.gov.hk | The review also examined the future population growth in NWNT, [...] and the expected [...] increase in LR patronage after the commissioning of the Kowloon Southern Link (KSL), for the purpose of assessing future passenger demand. legco.gov.hk |
由二零零四年十二月六 日 開始,東鐵在早 上 繁忙時 段 已 加強列車的班 [...] 次,由每小時 每方向二十二班 增加至二十四班,以 應 付 馬鐵帶 來 的 額外乘客量。 legco.gov.hk | Since 6 December 2004, East Rail has stepped up its morning peak [...] frequency from 22 to 24 trains per hour per direction and is well poised to take up [...] the additional passengers from MOS Rail. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,我們會因應現有巴士服務 的 乘客量 和 乘客 需求 增加巴士路線的班次,或視乎情況開設新的巴士服務。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, we may increase the service [...] frequency of bus routes according [...] to the patronage of and passenger demand for existing [...]bus services, or introduce new [...]bus services where circumstances so warrant. legco.gov.hk |
為確保中標者擁有營運郵輪碼頭的經驗,投標者必須符合 [...] 最低要求,在過去三年,擁有營運上 落 乘客量 每 年達20萬人次的 母港的經驗。 legco.gov.hk | To ensure that the successful tenderer would have the required experience in operating the new cruise terminal, tenderers are expected to fulfill a minimum requirement of three years’ immediate experience in [...] operating a cruise terminal with a minimum annual throughput of 200 000 embarking [...] and disembarking homeport passengers. legco.gov.hk |
基於上述兩個原因,合併前九廣鐵路公司預計輕鐵在 2011年每天的乘客量會上 升大約兩成,並已決定購置22部輕 鐵車卡,以配合上述的乘客量增長。 legco.gov.hk | Based on the above two factors, pre-merger Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation forecast that [...] there would be an [...] increase of around 20% in LR daily patronage and decided to purchase 22 LRVs to meet the patronage increase mentioned above. legco.gov.hk |
在繁忙時 間,公司亦有安排月台助理在乘客量 較 多的車站協助月台上 的乘客上落列車。 legco.gov.hk | During rush hours, the Corporation also deploys Platforms Assistants at stations with larger passenger flow to assist passengers in boarding and alighting. legco.gov.hk |
九鐵公司決定該工程涵蓋的車站, 是經考慮相關因素包括車站的實際地理環境 、 乘客量 及 技術 上的可行性。 legco.gov.hk | In deciding the stops covered in the works programme, KCRC has taken into account the geographical [...] environment, patronage and technical [...]feasibility. legco.gov.hk |
(二 ) 合併前的九鐵公司及合併後的港鐵公司一直有監察各輕鐵 車站的乘客量,以 便整體輕鐵服務包括車站設施,能配合社 區發展及乘客量的轉變。 legco.gov.hk | (b) The pre-merger Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation Limited (KCRC) and the [...] post-merger MTRCL have been [...] monitoring the patronage at LR stops with a view to ensuring that its LR service as a whole including stop facilities ties in with the community development and changes in patronage. legco.gov.hk |
該18個車站屬乘客量較少的車站, 自合併以來的情況亦一樣。 legco.gov.hk | The patronage at these 18 stops is relatively [...] low and has been so since the rail merger. legco.gov.hk |
公共小巴在公共交通系統內發揮輔助集體運輸工 [...] 具的功能,主要提供往返鐵路車站及公共交通交匯處的接駁服 務,以及服務乘客需求不足以支持高 乘客量 運 輸 工具的地區。 legco.gov.hk | PLBs supplement the mass carriers in the public transport system with the major functions to provide feeder service to railway stations [...] and public transport interchanges and [...] serve areas where passenger demand does not [...]justify the provision of high capacity services. legco.gov.hk |
公司在香港以外的附屬及聯營鐵路公司於2012 年錄得的總乘客量約為11.71 億人次,而2011 年的總乘客量約為10.65 億人次。 stock.pingan.com.hk | Total passengers carried by the group’s rail subsidiaries and associates outside of Hong [...] Kong was approximately 1,171 million [...]in 2012, against approximately 1,065 million in 2011. stock.pingan.com.hk |
隨着九龍南線 於 2009年通車,西鐵線由南昌站伸延至紅磡站,西鐵線的 [...] 服務亦由原先3.5分鐘加密至3分鐘一班,單一方向每小時 可載客量達至46 900人次,以應付預期增長的乘客量。 legco.gov.hk | Following the opening of the Kowloon Southern Link in 2009, which extended the West Rail Line from Nam Cheong Station to Hung Hom Station, train frequency has been enhanced to three [...] minutes, raising the carrying capacity to 46 900 per hour in one direction in order to meet [...] the anticipated passenger growth. legco.gov.hk |
北京京港地鐵有限公司現時營運的兩條地鐵綫共有35 個車站,全長50 公里,於2012 年的總乘客量合計為4.27 億人次,每日平均乘客量則逾117 萬人次。 stock.pingan.com.hk | BJMTR, which currently has two lines with 35 [...] stations and a route length of 50 [...] km, has now carried over 1 billion passengers since BJL4 service commenced in September 2009. stock.pingan.com.hk |
上述兩次招標的結果反映,在現時的經營環境 和 乘客量 持續 低企的情況下,市場認為這兩項持牌服務的營運在財務上並 不可行。 legco.gov.hk | The results of the two tender exercises reflect that the market does not consider the operation of the two licensed services financially viable under the existing operating environment and persistently low level of patronage. legco.gov.hk |
我們作出上述估計時,已 考慮到港鐵公司和專營巴士營辦商現時在自願提供 2元優惠 票價的日子較高的乘客量,但 沒有計及推行優惠計劃或會導 致增加的額外乘客量、日 後交通票價的調整和其他轉變的情 況,因為這些事宜難以(甚至不可能)預測。 legco.gov.hk | In these estimates, while we have considered the higher patronage experienced by the MTRCL and the franchised bus operators on the days during which they are currently offering $2 [...] concessionary fare on a [...] voluntary basis, we have not factored in additional patronage which may be induced by the Scheme, the impact of [...]future transport fare [...]adjustments and other changing circumstances which are difficult, if not impossible, to anticipate. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 關於更 改或取 消 電話預約 服務時所 徵 收 的 附 加 費,香 港 復 康 會對高 用 量 乘客及 低 用 量 乘客實施 兩級收 費 。 legco.gov.hk | (c) On the surcharge imposed on changes or cancellation of DAR bookings, HKSR has introduced a two-tier surcharge for heavy users and light users. legco.gov.hk |
在衡量對乘客可能造成的不便,以及車輛空轉引 擎對途人可能造成的環境滋擾後,我們並不支持進一步豁免 的要求。 legco.gov.hk | Weighing between the inconvenience to the passengers and the environmental [...] nuisances that idling vehicles may otherwise [...]cause to the pedestrians, we do not support the call for any further exemption. legco.gov.hk |
於非繁 忙時間,列車的可載客量足夠應付 乘客 的 需 要。 legco.gov.hk | The train [...] capacity is adequate for passenger needs during non-peak [...]periods. legco.gov.hk |
兩間鐵路公司亦自發地制定顧客服務承諾或服務目標,這些承諾或目 標包括衡量乘車環境的準則。 legco.gov.hk | The two corporations have voluntarily [...] established customer service pledges or service targets which also cover measures on passenger environment. legco.gov.hk |
運輸署在審批專營巴士公司設置巴士站的申請時,會考慮 現場的地理環境及其他因素,例如上 落 乘客 的 數 量 、 巴 士 站與行人路的寬闊度、行人和車輛的流量,以及方案對附 [...] 近居民或商戶可能帶來的影響等,以決定是否接納申請, 以及巴士站的位置及規模。 legco.gov.hk | In vetting applications from the franchised bus companies for designation of bus stops, the Transport Department (TD) will consider the physical environment and other factors of the [...] proposed site, such as the number of [...] alighting/boarding passengers, the width between [...]the bus stop and the pavement, the [...]pedestrian and vehicular flows, as well as the potential impact of the proposal on nearby residents and shop operators. legco.gov.hk |
但由於事故發生時正值繁忙時間, 乘客 的 數 量 很 多,車站職員 亦需要短時間內處理多項工作,因此未能如一般情況下的時間 [...] 內回應乘客的查詢或要求,令個別車站或大堂一度出現乘客聚 集的情況。 legco.gov.hk | As the incident occurred during peak hour, there was a [...] large number of passengers and station staff [...]were required to handle various tasks [...]within short periods of time, staff might not have been able to address passengers’ enquiries or requests within the time that it would have taken under normal circumstances, resulting in passengers gathering in certain stations or concourses at one time. legco.gov.hk |
該等建議包括為往來機場與東涌的機場路綫(一般稱為「A」 綫 )和對外路綫(一般稱為「E」綫 )增設巴士轉乘優惠計劃,以方便 乘客及節省車資;加推不同巴士公司之間的巴士轉乘優惠計劃, [...] 以進一步改善巴士網絡的覆蓋範圍;推出更多分段收費以惠及短 途乘客;以及盡量在合 適路綫上為機場員工提供票價優惠。 legco.gov.hk | Such proposals include, for example, more BBIs between the airport routes (commonly known as “A” routes) and external routes (commonly known as “E” routes) serving the Airport and Tung Chung for added convenience and fare savings, new inter-company BBIs to further improve the bus network [...] coverage, as well as more section fares [...] for short-distance passengers, and possible fare [...]discounts to airport workers on suitable routes. legco.gov.hk |
我們認為應繼續由巴士公司因應個別路線的營運情況、 公司的財政狀況和乘客的分布量等, 決定應否及如何在個別長途 路線實施分段收費,以達致有效地運用巴士服務的資源。 legco.gov.hk | We consider that it is more appropriate for the bus companies to continue to determine whether and how section fare should be adopted on individual long-haul routes having regard to the operating condition of individual routes, the companies' financial situation and the distribution of passengers with a view to using bus service resources effectively. legco.gov.hk |
由於將軍澳站至北角站之間的服務已加強及“3+1”的列車安 [...] 排適用於寶琳站、坑口站及康城站,因此,我們在下文提供 與這3個站有關的載客量、乘客人次 等的資料。 legco.gov.hk | As the service between Tseung Kwan O Station and North Point Station has been enhanced and the "3+1" train arrangement applies to Po Lam Station, Hang Hau Station and LOHAS Park [...] Station, we provide information relating to the [...] capacity and patronage of the three stations [...]in the following paragraphs. legco.gov.hk |