

单词 乘客量

See also:

(...) v

ride (sth.) v

make use of
take advantage of
avail oneself of
four (archaic)
generic term for history books
surname Cheng
four horse military chariot (archaic)
Buddhist sect or creed
multiply (mathematics)

External sources (not reviewed)

有關檢討 包括了14條在《渡輪服務條例》下定期載客的持牌離島渡輪航 線 ( 有關航線及乘客量載於附件A )。
The review covers 14 outlying island ferry routes which
[...] are regular passenger services licensed under the Ferry Services Ordinance (the routes and their patronage are [...]
at Annex A).
試行的巴士路線會盡可能包括高速公路及市區 和新市鎮內的接駁道路( 須頻密開車及停車)、不同斜度的道路、不同長 度的路線,以及不同乘客量。
The bus routes for the trial run will include highways and connections within urban areas and new towns (with frequent
starts and stops), and those covering different road gradients,
[...] route lengths, and passenger loadings as far as practicable.
舉 例來說 ,即使 日後西港島線乘客量和相應車費收入遠低於 釐 定資金差額時假 設的數字 ,政府亦沒 有 責任向港鐵公司提供進一步 的財務資助。
To illustrate,
[...] should the patronage and the corresponding fare revenue arising from the WIL turn out to be substantially lower than [...]
those assumed in determining
the funding gap amount, the Government has no obligation to provide any further financial support to the MTRCL.
因此,根據現時乘客量估算 ,沙中線並沒有 對現有港鐵公司系統帶來額外客源的收益。
Hence, according to the current projection of patronage, the SCL will not generate extra fare revenue for the existing MTR system.
然而,對乘客量偏 低 及不會有營辦商提交標書的渡輪服務,當局須考 慮是否需要繼續這些服務。
However, for ferry
[...] services where the patronage was low , and [...]
no operator would submit a bid, consideration would have to
be given to whether there was a need to continue such services.
[...] 所改善,會吸引更多市民前往該處,從而增加渡輪航線 乘客 量。
It was hoped that with the improved environment at the piers, more people would be attracted there
[...] to boost up patronage of the ferry routes.
其餘的月台則由乘客量較低 而無須擴闊,或由於兩旁的交通情 況,以致道路空間有限,不能加以擴闊。
Widening of the remaining platforms is either unnecessary
[...] because of the lower passenger volume or not possible [...]
because of road space constraints given
the need to cope with adjoining vehicular traffic.
(a) 在策劃新鐵路的最初階段,首席運輸主任/巴士及鐵路 2 負
[...] 責提供專業意見,利便當局評估擬議新鐵路的成本效益和經 營可行性、新鐵路的不同走線方案 乘客量 預 測、改善相關 運輸基礎設施的需要,以及如何更有效協調各種公共交通工 具。
(a) At the very early stage of planning of a new railway, he is responsible for providing professional input to facilitate assessment on the cost-effectiveness and viability of the proposed new
railway, evaluation of options for alignments of the new
[...] railway, forecast of ridership, the need for [...]
associated transport infrastructure
improvements, and the scope for better coordination of the different public transport modes.
(c) 九鐵公司
[...] 應提供東 鐵在早 上 繁忙時 間的估乘客量,並 採取措 施,確保在沙田 至中環 [...]
線通車前,大圍站的乘客通 常 可 登 上 首 班到站的列 車。
(c) KCRC should provide a forecast on the loading of East Rail
during morning peak hours and take measures
[...] to ensure that passengers at the Tai Wai [...]
station would normally be able to board
on the first train arriving at the platform before the commissioning of the Shatin to Central Link.
(三 ) 馬 鐵 通車對 各 條 往 返 馬 鞍山的 巴 士 和 小巴路 線乘客量有何 具 體 影響?
(c) of the specific impact of the commissioning of the MOSR on the patronage of various bus and minibus routes serving Ma On Shan?
我可以告訴大家,我們有積極跟九鐵研究如何可以增 乘客 量,因為這對它們也是有利的。
I can tell Members that we have been actively examining with the KCRC how the patronage can be increased, since this is also beneficial to the KCRC.
在西奥多拉查士丁尼统治乘客量由 该monophysites提出给予他们的希望。
In the reign of
[...] Justinian the patronage accorded to the [...]
Monophysites by Theodora raised their hopes.
專營巴 士公司一般會視乎個別路線的服務性質 乘客量 和 分 布情況、車程距離、所需行 車時間等因素,考慮是否提供及如何訂定分段收費水平。
Franchised bus companies generally consider factors
such as the service nature, number and
[...] distribution of passengers, travelling distance [...]
and journey time of individual routes,
to decide on the provision of section fare and its fare levels.
[...] 求,就(i)南區土地用途規劃,及(ii) 南港島線(東段)預乘客量和 南 港島線(東段)對其他公共交通工具的影響提供資料。
At the request of the Subcommittee on Matters Relating to Railways, this paper presents information on (i) land
use planning in the Southern District and
[...] (ii) projected patronage of the South [...]
Island Line (SIL) (East) and assessment of
the impact of the SIL (East) on other public transport modes.
頭 等 及 商 務 客 艙 的 業 務 隨 著 世 界 經 濟 反 彈 而 回 升 , 而 離 港 的 消乘 客 量 亦 於 復 活 節 及 清 明 節 長 假 期 間 出 現 增 長 。
First and Business Class sales were supported by a rebounding world economy and leisure travel out of Hong Kong saw an up-tick during the back-to-back long weekend holidays over Easter and Ching Ming.
(b) 在與營辦 商商談 票價折扣方面, 政府當局的目 標 是盡量爭 取 較 高的折扣率,但 認
[...] 為亦需 顧 及 多項因素,例如營運 成 本的變動乘客量 、 資 源 限 制 及 營 辦 商面對的競爭。
(b) In negotiating fare discount with the operators, the Administration had aimed at as high a discount rate as possible, but considered that regard should also be
given to factors such as changes in
[...] operating costs, passenger volumes, resources constraints [...]
and competitions faced by the operators.
For the year to date,
[...] the number of passengers carried has risen [...]
by 10.0% compared to a capacity rise of 14.5%.
在預測公共交通服務分配時,模型能考慮在不同混合模式 (例如小巴轉乘鐵路,巴士轉乘渡輪等)、不同路線、不同交通
[...] 工具的費用及不同的行程時間(包括轉乘及候車時間等),從而 估計乘客在各個鐵路站的出入人流、車費收益及 乘客量 等數 據。
When forecasting the distribution of public transport modes, the model projects the incoming and outgoing passenger flow at each railway station, fare revenue and total patronage by taking into account various mixed modes (e.g. interchange from
minibus to railway; interchange from bus to ferry), routes, fares and travel time
[...] (including interchange and waiting time).
北京奧運會及兩次颱風吹襲香港, 乘客量 造 成 一定影響。
The Beijing Olympics and the impact of the two typhoons that hit Hong Kong had a
[...] negative impact on passenger numbers for the month.
高鐵穿梭服乘客量預測 ,採用了四階段運輸模型,以多 樣的調查數據和統計資料,並考慮香港與內地的最新規劃數據和 發展,透過有系统的方法,估算高鐵 乘客量。
on various survey data and statistical information, and take into account latest planning data and developments of both Hong Kong and the Mainland.
Cathay Pacific Airways carried more
[...] than one million passengers in December - [...]
the highest in five months - ending 2000 on a strong note.
國 泰 航 空 營 業 及 收 益 管 理 部 總 經 理 邵 世 昌 表
[...] 示 : 「 我 們 很 高 興 隨乘 客 量 回 升 , 我 們 可 以 在 八 月 [...]
恢 復 更 多 航 班 。
Cathay Pacific General Manager Revenue Management, Sales &
Distribution Ian Shiu said: "We are pleased to be able to restore more
[...] flights in August as passengers come back gradually.
這項研究以鐵路及專營巴士為重點,因為香港以這兩類公共 交通工具乘客量最多 ,共佔本港公共交通 乘客量 七 成 以上。
The study focussed on railways and franchised buses because they are the two most patronized public transport modes in Hong Kong, altogether accounting for over 70% of the total public transport patronage in Hong Kong.
今年首三個月乘客量增幅 為15.9%,運力增長則為13.1%。
For the year to date, passenger numbers have grown [...]
by 15.9% compared to capacity growth of 13.1%.
由於局長在 主 體答覆內 說 將 會 作出檢 討 , 我 的
[...] 補充質詢正正是, 如 果 有些新 界市區路 路 程 較 短乘 客量又 並非集 中在繁忙時 間 內 , 請問局長會否 [...]
考慮不以地理界 限 為 檢 討 基 準 , 使 新 市 鎮 的 居
民 免 受 乘搭昂貴巴士 之 苦 ?
As the Secretary said in the main reply that a review will be made, my supplementary question is: If there are some New Territories urban routes
which have a shorter journey
[...] distance and that the passenger volume is not concentrated [...]
during the peak period, then would
the Secretary consider not using geographical boundaries as a basis for making the review so that people living in the new towns may not have to pay higher fares?
具吸引力和方便的設施,以維 乘客量 ; 以
Attractive and convenient facilities
[...] to retain patronage; and ▪ Minimization of conflicts [...]
with existing land uses.
乘客量上升 之同時,座位數量也增加了百分之八點六,導致乘客運載率下降了百分之三點八。
While the number of passengers rose marginally, the amount of seat capacity [...]
grew by 8.6%, causing the passenger load factor
to fall by 3.8 percentage points.
邵 世 昌 續 表 示 , 雖乘 客 量 上 升 , 而 多 個 航 點 [...]
的 載 客 率 亦 持 續 偏 高 , 但 因 航 空 公 司 之 間 的 競 爭 激 烈 , 以 致 票 價 大 幅 下 調 , 令 收 益 率 極 低 。
While passenger numbers are increasing [...]
and load factors to many destinations are running quite high, Mr Shiu said that intense
competition between airlines is bringing fares down and keeping yields at a low level.
國 泰 航 空 九 月 份乘 客 及 貨 運 量 大 幅 下 跌 , 與 去 年 同 期 比 較乘 客 量 下 降 了 百 分 之 十 二 點 一 , 僅 錄 得 八 十 七 萬 一 千 一 百 廿 六 人 次 ; 而 [...]
貨 運 量 則 跌 了 百 分 之 十 二 點 二 , 至 六 萬 一 千
四 百 廿 噸 , 此 乃 受 全 球 經 濟 滑 落 及 美 國 恐 怖 襲 擊 影 響 。
Cathay Pacific Airways saw passenger and cargo numbers decline substantially during September due to the general economic [...]
slowdown and the impact of the
US terrorist attacks on travel and tourism demand.
客 運 方 面乘 客 量 見 回 升 , 但 市 場 競 爭 仍 然 非 常 激 烈 , 以 致 平 均 票 價 仍 遠 低 於 去 年 , 反 映 大 幅 削 價 的 情 況 依 然 持 續 , 而 頭 等 及 商 務 乘 客 的 需 求 仍 未 見 改 善 。
Average fares are much lower than last year, reflecting aggressive discounting and continued weakness in demand for front-end business travel.




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