


make use of
take advantage of
avail oneself of
four (archaic)
Buddhist sect or creed
generic term for history books
surname Cheng
four horse military chariot (archaic)
multiply (mathematics)








External sources (not reviewed)

卡车往往 装满武器和弹药其货物则被安置在上面掩护货物。
The trucks are loaded with weapons and
[...] ammunition, and the passengers and their goods [...]
ride on top to conceal the cargo.
监於部分反对管制停車熄匙的人士提出天气炎热驾驶 者的舒适问题,一位成员提议在夏天时才进行停車熄匙管制的 [...]
A member suggested conducting a pilot
scheme in summer as some opponents of the ban had
[...] raised the issue of passenger and driver comfort [...]
when the weather is hot.
另一位成员对此 表示同意,并提议查证空转引擎五分钟以接否比重新 开启引擎排出更多废气。
Another member echoed the view and suggested verifying whether idling would emit more pollutants than restarting an engine in a five minutes' pickup period.
无法工作的养恤金是同劳动能力丧失程度相当 的百分述两笔金额较多的一个。
A pension for incapacity for work
is a percentage corresponding to the loss of
[...] capacityfor work multipliedby the greater [...]
of the two above-mentioned sums.
在审议了秘书长的报告(A/62/538 和 Add.1 及 2)以及咨询委员会的相关报告 (A/62/7/Add.36)之后,大会在其第 62/547 号决定中决定从 2008 年 4 月 1 日起,
法院法官以及两法庭法官和审案法官的年净基薪定为 158 000
[...] 美元,加上一个相 应的工作地点差价调整数,其中工作地点差价调整数由相当于净基薪一个百分点 的指数点酌用于荷兰或坦桑尼亚联合共和国的工作地点差价调整出,同时考虑到秘书长报告(A/62/538)第 77 段所提议的调整机制。
By decision 62/547, the General Assembly, having considered the report of the Secretary-General (A/62/538 and Add.1-2), and the related report of the Advisory Committee (A/62/7/Add.36), decided to set, effective 1 April 2008, the annual net base salary of the members of the Court and the judges and ad litem judges of the two Tribunals at US$ 158,000, with the corresponding post adjustment per multiplier point equal to 1 per cent
of the net base
[...] salary, to which would be applied the post adjustment multiplier for the Netherlands or the United Republic of Tanzania, [...]
as appropriate,
taking into account the adjustment mechanism as proposed by the Secretary-General in paragraph 77 of his report (A/62/538).
必要时,学校所有人 要提供校车,支交等。
If necessary, school owners provide school
[...] transport, support using ofpublic transport, etc.
秘书长还提议,在今后采用将工作地点差价调整并入基薪并同时相 应地重新调整工作地点差价调整方法修正适用于专业及以上职类工作 人员的基薪表时,也应同时以同样的百分比调整法院法官以及两法庭法官和审案 法官的基本年薪(A/61/554/,第 [...]
83 段)。
The Secretary-General had also proposed that on the occasion of future revisions to the base salary scale applicable to staff in the Professional and higher
categories that are
[...] effected through the consolidation of post adjustment multiplierpointsinto the base scale with a corresponding readjustment [...]
in the post
adjustment multipliers, the annual base salary of the members of the Court and the judges and ad litem judges of the Tribunals, also be adjusted by the same percentage and at the same time (A/61/554, para. 83).
The copper equivalent measure is
[...] determined by multiplyingthe volumes [...]
of the respective commodity produced or marketed
by the ratio of the respective commodity’s average price over the average copper price in the prevailing period.
(ii) 倘及每当本公司须资本化任何金额的溢利或储备(包括任何股份溢价 账或实缴盈余账),并将该等款项悉数用於缴足任何普通股(不包括 任何自可供分派溢利或储备(包括任何股份溢价账或实缴盈余账)拨 付的入账列作缴足及为代替全部或部份现金股息或实物分派(即有关 普通股持有人将会或可能会收到而将不会构成资本分派的股息或分 派)的面值,紧接有关记录日期前生效的换股价须透个分数 (分子为紧接有关发行前已发行普通股的总面值,而分母为紧随有关 发行後已发行普通股的总面值)的形式作出调整。
(ii) If and whenever the Company shall capitalise any amount of profits or reserves (including any share premium account or contributed surplus account) and apply the same in paying up in full the nominal value of any Ordinary Shares (other than any Ordinary Shares credited as fully paid out of distributable profits or reserves (including any share premium account or contributed surplus account) and issued in lieu of the whole or any part of a cash dividend or specie distribution which the holders of the Ordinary Shares concerned would or could otherwise have received and which would not have constituted a Capital Distribution), the Conversion Price in force immediately prior to the Record Date therefor shall be adjusted by a fraction of which the numerator shall be the aggregate nominal amount of the issued Ordinary Shares immediately before such issue and of which the denominator shall be the aggregate nominal amount of the issued Ordinary Shares immediately after such issue.
(4) 倘 未 能 根 据 第 ( 3 ) 款 获 准 进 入 该 场 所 , 则 凡 持 有 拘 捕 令 的 人 员 , 或 该 员 在 有 可 能 获 发 拘 捕 令 , 但 因 恐 拟 拘 捕 的脱 以 致 未 能 前 往 领 取 拘 捕 令 的 情 形 下 , 得 有 合 法 权 力 进 入 该 场 所 , 以 及 在 其 内 搜 查 ; 如 该 员 表 明 其 权 力 及 目 的 , 并 正 式 要 求 准 许 入 内 而 遭 拒 绝 , 则 在 别 无 他 法 可 行 时,不 论 该 场 所 属 於 拟 拘 捕 的 人 或 他 人 所 有 , 该 员 得 有 合 法 权 力 打 破 该 场 所 的 内 外 门 窗 , 以 便 进 入 。
(4) If ingress to such place cannot be obtained under subsection (3) it shall be lawful in any case for a person acting under a warrant and in any case in which a warrant may issue but cannot be obtained without affording the person to be arrested an opportunity of escape from a police officer, to enter such place and search therein and in order to effect an entrance into such place to break open any outer or inner door or window of any place whether that of the person to be arrested or of any other person if, after notification of his authority and purpose and demand of admittance duly made, he cannot otherwise obtain admittance.
要使用空气调节器的读数来 计算流体输出压力,应将调节器量60。
To calculate the fluid output pressure using the air
[...] regulator reading,multiply the regulator [...]
gauge by 60.
21 世纪议程呼吁所有国家:(a) 把土地使用规划和交通规划结合起来,以鼓 励减少运输需求的发展模式;(b) 酌情采高的城市交通方案;(c) 通过 酌情在各国城市和郊区中心提供安全的自行车道和步行道,鼓励采用非机动车交 通工具;(d) 特别关注有效的交通管理、公共交通的高效运营和公共基础设施的 维护;(e) 促进不同国家和代表性地区和大城市地区交流信息;(f) 重新评估目 前的消费和生产模式,以减少能源和自然资源的使用。
In Agenda 21, all countries were called upon to (a) integrate land use and transportation planning in order to encourage development patterns that reduce transport demand; (b) adopt urban transport programmes favouring high occupancy, as appropriate; (c) encourage non-motorized modes of transport by furnishing safe cycleways and footways in urban and suburban centres in countries, as appropriate; (d) devote particular attention to effective traffic management, efficient operation of public transport and maintenance of public infrastructure; (e) promote the exchange of information among countries and representatives of local and metropolitan areas; and (f) re-evaluate current consumption and production patterns in order to reduce the use of energy and natural resources.
然而,在采用 大纲前将对这个数额加以调整,以列入咨询委员会和 第五委员提议的最新修正案,以及根据 2010-2011 两 年期方案预算第一次执行情况报告(A/65/589)所适
[...] 用的最新参数进行的重新费用计算,考虑到业务汇率 变化、实际通货膨胀、薪资情况、工作地点差价调动和生活费调整数。
However, the amount would be adjusted prior to the adoption of the outline to include the latest amendments proposed by the Advisory Committee and the Fifth Committee and recosting based on the updated parameters applied in the first performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/65/589) in respect of operational rates of exchange, actual
inflation experience, payroll experience and the movement of
[...] post adjustment multipliersand cost-of-living [...]
货物运输速度及安全性有赖于动力 学、空气动力学以及交通安全技术的广泛应用——在高 速列车和低噪音轨道车辆研发领域尤其如此。
The faster, safer transportation of people and goods is a question of dynamics, aerodynamics and travel security – especially in the development of high-speed trains and low-noise railway vehicles.
计算方法是先把有关除 害剂在进食的每种食物中的最高残余限天进食该食物的分量,然後相加起來。
This is calculated by multiplying the MRL established [...]
in a given food commodity by the relevant daily consumption and then adding them up.
The third generation of the powerful trend-setter will make use of a whole host of the latest assistance systems to support the driver, including the drowsiness detection system ATTENTION ASSIST, developed by
Mercedes-Benz and fitted as standard; the optional
[...] anticipatoryoccupant protection system [...]
PRE-SAFE®, which is unique in the world;
the Intelligent Light System that provides five lighting functions (cornering light function, country mode, motorway mode, active light function and enhanced fog lamps), which are activated depending on the driving conditions.
据管理国报告,开设了沿海运输服务,为东西两大岛和离岛上的住区供应燃 料和用品,以及在两个大岛之间提供定期渡轮服务,载货物。
According to the administering Power, there is a coastal shipping service supplying fuel and stores to settlements on the east, west and
outlying islands, as well as a regular ferry service between the two main
[...] islands, carrying both passengersand freight.
3.4 不停靠原定港口 假如船长或承运人认为,在原定登岸港口靠岸会造成船只、任行李或货物之不便、延误、损坏或危险,不论为何原因(包括不违背 前述之限制、疫情及罢工或要挟罢工)该船可以放弃在船票指定的登 岸港口停靠,并可由承运人全权决定其行李载往任何其他港 口登岸。
If, in the opinion of the Master of the Vessel or the Carrier, entry into the port of disembarkation may result in inconvenience, delay,
damage, or danger either to
[...] the Vessel orany Passenger or Luggage or cargo for any reason whatsoever (including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing restriction, 9 epidemic and whether actual or threatened strikes), the Vessel may omit to call at the port of disembarkation named on the Ticket and maycarry thePassengers to any other port [...]
in the Carrier’s sole
discretion and land them and their Luggage there.
从以前使用间接型测量文化产出, 到对流程和产出的直接测量,这一转变为我们提出一种具有国际和跨部门可比性的文化影响力测 [...]
The shift from
[...] using indirector multipliermodels tomeasure [...]
cultural outputs to using direct measures of process and output
provides the opportunity to develop an approach for measuring the impact of culture that can be compared internationally and with other sectors.
领取养老金者和残疾人以及 在校学生还可以免共汽车。
Pensioners and disabled persons as well as students during school hours are also eligible for freebus transport.
如果您购买了具有日期限制的机票,请遵循实际支付票价适用的各项规则,下列一项或多项限制(其中包括,但不限于下列一项或多项限制)可能适用于您的旅行:(1) 可能无法退票,但可交费兑换满足原始机票的所有规则/限制(包括支付全部票价差额)的其他限价机票;(2) 可能需要收取预定变更/取消费用;或者 (3) 可能限制的航班和/或要求限定时间以及最短和/或最长停留时间。
If you have purchased a restricted ticket, depending on the rules applicable to the fare paid, one or more restrictions including, but not limited to one or more of the following, may apply to your travel: (1) the ticket may not be refundable but can be exchanged for a fee for another restricted fare ticket meeting all the rules/restrictions of the original ticket (including the payment of any difference in fares); (2) a fee may apply for changing/canceling reservations; or (3) travel may be restricted to specific flights and/or times and minimum and/or maximum stay may be required.
The sample size of the first stage naming survey is 1,003 successful interviews, not 1,003 x 63.6% response rate, while the sample size of the second stage rating survey is 1,027 successful interviews, not 1,027 x 65.9% response rate.
2.12偿之责任坏承运人任何财产,则必须负责赔偿,包括但不限於船只之 结构、机器、机件、齿轮组、配件、装饰、设备及用品及承运人之登 岸阶梯及码头建筑物,而承运人保留扣托运行李的权利,直 至承运人以其绝对之酌情权认为所获之赔偿达满意为止。
APassenger shall beheld responsible for and shall indemnify the Carrier against any damage caused by him to any property of the Carrier, including but not limited to the structure, machinery, gear, fittings, furnishing, equipment and appliances of the Vessel and the Carrier’s landing stage and terminal buildings, and the Carrier reserves the right to detain the Passenger’sChecked Luggage [...]
until compensation satisfactory
to the Carrier in its absolute discretion has been made to the Carrier.
调查团的结论是,以色列军队在拦截船队以及在以色列拘后将其驱 逐出境过程中有一系列违反国际法,包括国际人道主义法和人权法的行为。
The fact-finding mission concluded that a series of violations of international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law, were committed by the Israeli forces during the interception of the flotilla and during the detention of passengers in Israel prior to deportation.
(i) 倘及每当因任何合并或分拆而修订普通股面值,则紧 接此前生效的换股价须透个分数(分子为紧 随有关修订後一股普通股的面值,而分母为紧接有关 [...]
修订前一股普通股的面值)的方式作出调整,有关调 整将於该等修订生效日期生效。
(i) If and whenever there shall be an alteration in the nominal value of the Ordinary Shares by reason of any consolidation or sub-division, the Conversion Price
in force immediately prior thereto
[...] shall be adjusted by multiplyingit bya fraction [...]
of which the numerator shall be the nominal
value of one Ordinary Share immediately after such alteration and of which the denominator shall be the nominal value of one Ordinary Share immediately before such alteration and such adjustment shall become effective on the date on which such alteration takes effect.
根据该 方法,曾经得益于导师服务的成功企业家将每人指导一些有潜力的未来企业家,
[...] 作为对此前获得的导师服务的“回报”,通过以具有成本效益的方式利用隐含的 知识和未充分利用的技能和时间,产应。
Under this approach, successful entrepreneurs – having themselves profited from mentorship services in the past – would “pay” for these services by committing themselves to each in turn mentoring
several further prospective
[...] beneficiaries, producinga multiplier effect by harnessing [...]
tacit knowledge and underutilised
skills and time in a cost-efficient manner.
9. 衣着 任何人如被公司的任何受雇人认为其衣着或衣服会弄污或破坏公司的任何船只或公司的 码头的座位或装置,或会弄污或破坏其衣着或衣服的,又或任何人如被公司的 任何受雇人认为会因任何其他适当的理由到厌恶的,均不得进入公司的任何码 头司的任何船只;而公司的受雇人可藉给予任何上述理由而阻止任何该等人士 进入公司的任何码头司的任何船只。
No person whose dress or clothing may in the opinion of any servant of the Company soil or damage the seats or fittings of any of the Company's vessels or of the Company's
piers or the dress or
[...] clothing of any other passenger, and no person who in the opinion of any servant of the Company may for any other appropriate reason be offensive to passengers shall enter upon any of the Company's piers or travel in any of the Company's vessels, and it shall be lawful for any servant of the Company to prevent any such person from so doing by giving any of the aforesaid reasons therefor.




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