

单词 乖张

乖乖 noun

pet n

See also:

(of a child) obedient, well-behaved
contrary reason

classifier for flat things, such as paper, tables, faces, bows, paintings, tickets, constellations, blankets, bedsheets
sheet of paper
open up
surname Zhang

External sources (not reviewed)

奥地利的玛丽-泰雷兹非常重视她作为母亲的角色,她支持负责教育王储的博须埃,他们之间的通信就是证明:“先生,不要容忍我儿子的任 乖张 行 为 ,这会破坏他所信仰的宗教的圣洁,以及他所要继承的王位的威严。
Maria Theresa of Austria attached importance to her role as a mother and gave her support to Bossuet, the tutor of the Dauphin, as can be seen in their correspondence: “Allow nothing, Monsieur, in the conduct of my son that might offend the holiness of the religion that he professes, or the majesty of the throne to which he is destined”.
行政長官亦因為有民選 背景,委任出來的行政機關㆟選亦不 乖 離 市 民意願太遠,因此在推行政策時便相對 ㆞沒有太多意見相左的情況出現。
And the Chief Executive, because he is popularly elected, would not be inclined to appoint people whose work style is totally incompatible with the popular will.
她在政務官行列中可說是能乖巧官 員的表表者,堪稱乖乖女”政務官,但她竟然說沒有想過延後報酬這 問題。
She is a "prim and proper" Administrative Officer, and according to her, she had not thought of the issue of deferred reward.
請 問 政 府 會 否認真 檢 討 這項 政 策 , 要 麼 要求九巴乖乖"減價 , 要 麼 交 稅給政 府 ,成為一間 真 正具社 會 責任的 巴 士公司?
Will the Government seriously review this policy and require the KMB to either reduce its fare obligingly or pay the Government a fuel duty, so that it could really become a bus company that has a sense of social responsibility?
在摩洛哥王国政府出台的 e-摩洛哥国家战略的框架内,办事处支持经济和一般事 务部在电子政务领域实施的计划,并且资助了 张 摩 洛 哥地方电子政务的路线图,目 的是清查摩洛哥的地方电子政务倡议,研究和分析其他国家的类似建议以及分析和概 括所清查的倡议的优点和缺点。
As part of the e-Morocco national strategy, drawn up by the Government of Morocco, the Rabat Office is providing support to the programmes being implemented by the Minister of Economic and General Affairs in the field of e-government, and has funded a roadmap on local governance in Morocco with a view to collecting information on all local e-govenance initiatives in the country, identifying and analysing similar programmes in other countries, and analysing and summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of those initiatives.
我只是反駁一句,主席已經叫我出去, 叫我乖。
I only retorted with one sentence, and the President already told me to leave and asked me to behave properly.
我相信他們聽過後,這一生裏也會記住的 ─ 每一乖仔、乖女都要記住,盡快爭取普選,因為進行普選,是為了我 [...]
們香港人的尊嚴,我們不可以讓一小撮人 - 我也不說甚麼庸才了 - 我們不應該讓一小撮人壟斷了我們的權利。
I believe that after they have listened to these debates,
they will remember it for the rest
[...] of their lives ― all good boys and girls have to [...]
remember that they have to champion
for the early introduction of universal suffrage because the introduction of universal suffrage has to do with the dignity of Hong Kong people and we cannot let a small bunch of people ― I am not going to say anything about people of mediocrity again ― we should not let a small bunch of people monopolize our rights.
既然所賺的還未夠 蝕於罰款之上,他們自然便乖乖地 , 於是便可把問題解決了。
Because the money they earn may not be enough to pay the fines.
市民是消費者,我相信假若 我們不公開諮詢或不透過綠皮書、白皮書或公聽會這些渠道給市民充份考慮心裏的意 見,而是我們替他們考慮㆒切,則到最後,市民是 乖乖 ㆞ 給 別㆟剝奪了發表意見的 權利,有權知和有權講的權利。
I believe that, if we do not hold public consultation, if we do not, through such means as green papers, white papers and public hearings, let the members of the public fully think things over in their minds, if we do all the thinking for them, then, eventually, they will submissively let others deprive them of their right to express their views and their right to know and to speak out.
教科文组织张教育领域的规划和管理工作应以更强 有力的证据为基础,而且张尝试 使用具有包容性、方便儿童的创新型教育办法,制定有效 的教育政策和法律,重点确保优质教育权、特别是农村和弱势群体的优质教育权,从而提高 质量。
UNESCO advocated for stronger evidence-based planning and management in the area of education and for improved quality through piloting innovative inclusive and child-friendly educational approaches and developing effective education policies and laws, focusing on ensuring the right to quality education, especially for rural and disadvantaged populations.
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和张实质 上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
我從未試過這乖,主 席,我必須道歉,多年來我也未有像 今天這乖乖地聆聽所有同事的發言 ⎯⎯ 雖然我不是一直坐在這 裏,但我也會在外面聽着。
I have never behaved so well, President, I must apologize that, throughout the years, I have never behaved [...]
this well; I have been sitting
here today, listening to the remarks made by all Honourable colleagues.
但现在主流新闻媒体 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战,新闻传播平台正在迅速 张 , 并 不 断地花样翻新,社交媒介工具也在改变着人们获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 询委员会试想,现在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如何使其新闻活动更 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以较贴近 世界各地人们日常生活的方式促进联合国工作。
However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being challenged by the rising popularity of alternative sources, news distribution platforms are rapidly multiplying and diversifying and social media tools are revolutionizing the way in which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public Information to assess how it can enhance the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more relevant to the daily lives of individuals all around the world.
在这方面,咨询委员会收 到张表(见 表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租约到期日、年租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 之间进行了区分。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
我覺得這完乖離常 理,並 希望政府或立法局任何㆒位同事,能夠舉出㆒個例子來說服我們,說明為何在保障國 家安全時會對㆒名女性或男性作出性騷擾?
I find this entirely devoid of common sense, and I hope the Government or any Member of this Council can give us an convincing example, illustrating why in safeguarding national security it will have to sexually harness a man or a woman?
他們在香港有時 候會賣乖,但 在北京,最有需要由他們提出時......代理主席,我不 知道你在北京會否這樣做,照我估計也是凶多吉少的,你不會替我們說 話的 ⎯⎯ 他們稍後表決時也不知道應如何投票,最終大概也會是反對 的。
They make flattering remarks when they are in Hong Kong but when they are in Beijing, and when their support is most needed …… Deputy President, I do not know if you will do the same in Beijing, but I guess the odds are against us, for you will not speak for us ― I am not sure how they are going to vote later; they will probably oppose it.
議員對制訂新條文第 26A 條表示歡迎,該新條文確保專利巴士營辦機構不能將被 判處的罰款轉嫁巴乖客, 辦法是訂明巴士公司在釐訂車費時,不得將此類罰款作 為經營成本計算。
Members welcome the introduction of the new section 26A, which will ensure that financial penalties of franchised bus operators cannot be passed onto bus passengers.
彼得宣称,我们不是随乖 巧捏 造的虚言;(参看《彼得后书》1:16) 当他目睹了摩西、以利亚和耶稣身着闪光衣 服的荣耀“异象”,他就看到了在变容山上 那即将到来的耶稣之国的荣耀——摩西代表 古代伟人(参看《希伯来书》11:38-40), 他将成为天国在地上的代表;以利亚代表福 音时代的“征服者”——这完整的一幕预 示着,那“随后而来的荣耀”在为公义的 缘故受难后,将依照他的喜好完成拣选。
Peter declares (2 Pet. 1:16), that we are not following cunningly devised fables; that he saw in a figure the glory of the coming kingdom of Christ on the mount of transfiguration, when he beheld the glorious “vision” of Moses and Elijah and Jesus in glittering garments—Moses representing the ancient worthies (Heb. 11:38-40) who shall be the earthly representatives of the heavenly Kingdom, and Elijah representing the “overcomers” of this Gospel age—the scene as a whole foreshadowing the “glory to follow,” after the sufferings for righteousness’ sake shall have completed the election according to favor.




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