单词 | 乖乖 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 乖 —perverseless common: shrewd • abnormal • (of a child) obedient, well-behaved • irregular • contrary reason 乖乖 noun—pet n
既然所賺的還未夠 蝕於罰款之上,他們自然便會乖乖地 , 於是便可把問題解決了。 legco.gov.hk | Because the money they earn may not be enough to pay the fines. legco.gov.hk |
我相信他們聽過後,這一生裏也會記住的 ─ 每一個乖仔、乖女都要記住,盡快爭取普選,因為進行普選,是為了我 [...] 們香港人的尊嚴,我們不可以讓一小撮人 - 我也不說甚麼庸才了 - 我們不應該讓一小撮人壟斷了我們的權利。 legco.gov.hk | I believe that after they have listened to these debates, [...] they will remember it for the rest [...] of their lives ― all good boys and girls have to [...]remember that they have to champion [...]for the early introduction of universal suffrage because the introduction of universal suffrage has to do with the dignity of Hong Kong people and we cannot let a small bunch of people ― I am not going to say anything about people of mediocrity again ― we should not let a small bunch of people monopolize our rights. legco.gov.hk |
請 問 政 府 會 否認真 檢 討 這項 政 策 , 要 麼 要求九巴“ 乖乖"減價 , 要 麼 交 稅給政 府 ,成為一間 真 正具社 會 責任的 巴 士公司? legco.gov.hk | Will the Government seriously review this policy and require the KMB to either reduce its fare obligingly or pay the Government a fuel duty, so that it could really become a bus company that has a sense of social responsibility? legco.gov.hk |
行政長官亦因為有民選 背景,委任出來的行政機關㆟選亦不 會 乖 離 市 民意願太遠,因此在推行政策時便相對 ㆞沒有太多意見相左的情況出現。 legco.gov.hk | And the Chief Executive, because he is popularly elected, would not be inclined to appoint people whose work style is totally incompatible with the popular will. legco.gov.hk |
他們在香港有時 候會賣口乖,但 在北京,最有需要由他們提出時......代理主席,我不 知道你在北京會否這樣做,照我估計也是凶多吉少的,你不會替我們說 話的 ⎯⎯ 他們稍後表決時也不知道應如何投票,最終大概也會是反對 的。 legco.gov.hk | They make flattering remarks when they are in Hong Kong but when they are in Beijing, and when their support is most needed …… Deputy President, I do not know if you will do the same in Beijing, but I guess the odds are against us, for you will not speak for us ― I am not sure how they are going to vote later; they will probably oppose it. legco.gov.hk |
她在政務官行列中可說是能幹乖巧官 員的表表者,堪稱“乖乖女”政務官,但她竟然說沒有想過延後報酬這 問題。 legco.gov.hk | She is a "prim and proper" Administrative Officer, and according to her, she had not thought of the issue of deferred reward. legco.gov.hk |
議員對制訂新條文第 26A 條表示歡迎,該新條文確保專利巴士營辦機構不能將被 判處的罰款轉嫁巴士乖客, 辦法是訂明巴士公司在釐訂車費時,不得將此類罰款作 為經營成本計算。 legco.gov.hk | Members welcome the introduction of the new section 26A, which will ensure that financial penalties of franchised bus operators cannot be passed onto bus passengers. legco.gov.hk |
我只是反駁一句,主席已經叫我出去, 叫我要乖。 legco.gov.hk | I only retorted with one sentence, and the President already told me to leave and asked me to behave properly. legco.gov.hk |
彼得宣称,我们不是随从乖 巧捏 造的虚言;(参看《彼得后书》1:16) 当他目睹了摩西、以利亚和耶稣身着闪光衣 服的荣耀“异象”,他就看到了在变容山上 那即将到来的耶稣之国的荣耀——摩西代表 古代伟人(参看《希伯来书》11:38-40), 他将成为天国在地上的代表;以利亚代表福 音时代的“征服者”——这完整的一幕预 示着,那“随后而来的荣耀”在为公义的 缘故受难后,将依照他的喜好完成拣选。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | Peter declares (2 Pet. 1:16), that we are not following cunningly devised fables; that he saw in a figure the glory of the coming kingdom of Christ on the mount of transfiguration, when he beheld the glorious “vision” of Moses and Elijah and Jesus in glittering garments—Moses representing the ancient worthies (Heb. 11:38-40) who shall be the earthly representatives of the heavenly Kingdom, and Elijah representing the “overcomers” of this Gospel age—the scene as a whole foreshadowing the “glory to follow,” after the sufferings for righteousness’ sake shall have completed the election according to favor. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
市民是消費者,我相信假若 我們不公開諮詢或不透過綠皮書、白皮書或公聽會這些渠道給市民充份考慮心裏的意 見,而是我們替他們考慮㆒切,則到最後,市民是 會 乖乖 ㆞ 給 別㆟剝奪了發表意見的 權利,有權知和有權講的權利。 legco.gov.hk | I believe that, if we do not hold public consultation, if we do not, through such means as green papers, white papers and public hearings, let the members of the public fully think things over in their minds, if we do all the thinking for them, then, eventually, they will submissively let others deprive them of their right to express their views and their right to know and to speak out. legco.gov.hk |
政府不可以表現得像有些人所說的“輸打贏要",你支持政府喜 歡的事,政府便說你乖;你 不支持的時候,政府便說不妥,而且連機制也不 顧了。 legco.gov.hk | The Government must not behave like a bad loser — hugging its apologists, but showing displeasure and even brushing the established mechanism aside in case someone disapproves of its actions. legco.gov.hk |
政府經常強調,運輸物流業是香港的經濟支柱,但這次卻要等到運輸業 界發起集體抗爭,要政黨羣起施壓,政府 才 乖乖 地 就 範。 legco.gov.hk | The Government always stresses that the transportation and logistics industries are the economic pillars of Hong Kong. But on this occasion the Government has waited until the transportation industry has rallied itself in resistance and political parties have exerted pressure before giving in to the demands of the industry. legco.gov.hk |
中央如不下達指令,一切大可交由選民決定,但中央指令一出, 建制派便要乖乖聽命,全面杯葛,而他們也必然會聽命而行,而且要 繼續聽命,當中包括曾蔭權。 legco.gov.hk | But once the Central Authorities had made an order, the pro-establishment camp must follow the instruction meekly and boycott the by-election completely. legco.gov.hk |
当时的我,只是一个新住客,也没资格说什么,只 好 乖乖 就 范。 4tern.com | I was a fresh tenant, I did not dare to speak, so I just followed orders. 4tern.com |
我從未試過這麼乖,主 席,我必須道歉,多年來我也未有像 今天這麼乖乖地聆聽所有同事的發言 ⎯⎯ 雖然我不是一直坐在這 裏,但我也會在外面聽着。 legco.gov.hk | I have never behaved so well, President, I must apologize that, throughout the years, I have never behaved [...] this well; I have been sitting [...]here today, listening to the remarks made by all Honourable colleagues. legco.gov.hk |
相比起連續 3 天只懂說“早晨”的前行政長官董先生,行政長官曾先生 顯然比較鎮定自若,甚至還會“賣口 乖 ” , 讚賞遊行的人有熱誠、有理想、 愛香港,又表明自己有生之年一定會看見普選。 legco.gov.hk | When compared with the former Chief Executive, Mr TUNG Chee-hwa, who could only utter "good morning" on three consecutive days, the incumbent Mr TSANG is apparently more composed. legco.gov.hk |
我们还专门为它准备了一根可移动的滚珠链,让这小家 伙 乖乖 地 跟 在你的皮带环、手机带或钥匙扣旁边。 tunewear.com | There is a removable ball-bearing style chain included for attaching TETRAN to your belt loop, cell phone strap or key ring. tunewear.com |
1919年在天津地區曾有一位薛錫田代表著當地的商人勸參加五四示威的學生 們 乖乖 地 平 靜下來,但我們無從知道他是否名春暉。 e-yaji.com | We have located a brief mention of a Xue Xitian and another man acting as representatives of merchants in the Tianjin area and trying to calm and disperse student protesters after the Versailles Treaty scandal in 1919; but if that person is Xue Chunhui (perhaps even the boy on the bottle eleven years later? e-yaji.com |
主席,不過你很英明,你召了他們進來之後,他們 就 乖乖地 坐在這裏了。 legco.gov.hk | You have called them to return to the Chamber and they have to sit here properly. legco.gov.hk |
本栏目公布的是小川英治教职研究员和清水顺子女士测定的“亚洲货币单位(AMU)与东亚货币的 A M U 乖 离 指 标”结果,是2005年伊藤隆敏教职研究员开始主持的“亚洲最佳汇率制度”研究项目的一部分。 rieti.go.jp | The purpose of this site is to publish the results of the AMU (Asian Monetary Unit) and AMU Deviation Indicators calculated by RIETI Faculty Fellow OGAWA Eiji and SHIMIZU Junko as a part of the RIETI project, "The Optimal Exchange Rate Regime for East Asia," headed by Faculty Fellow ITO Takatoshi. rieti.go.jp |
行政長官 在委任 這些董 事局的 成員時 , 不 單 止 是 用 人 唯 親 , 更 是 “用人 唯 乖 ” , 即 委 任那些最聽 話 的人加 入 董 事局,不 聽 話 的 便 不委任 。 legco.gov.hk | These incompetent managing boards are all appointed by the Chief Executive, and, when he does so, he will only select those close to him, or even those who are "well-behaved" in his eyes. legco.gov.hk |
Happy雖然被主人棄養,但仍然很乖、 不搗蛋、不吠,還能跟中心所有大小狗相處,是一隻非常難得的雪撬犬,牠由進入領養中心的一刻開始,每逢見到工作人員,只要您叫牠的名字,牠便會笑著來到您身邊,坐下來輕輕的依傍著您。 hk-aac.com | Even though, Happy was abandoned by his owner but we've found her very friendly with people, don't mess around or bark for nothing and mixed well with other dogs in the centre & trust our volunteers – just called her name, she always come to you with a smile and sat along side with you. hk-aac.com |
關於風險利率的問題,很多同事 也認為應考慮盡快作出了斷,因為對於很多學生,特別 是 乖 學 生來 說,這風險利率猶如一種懲罰一樣。 legco.gov.hk | On the issue of interest rate risk, many of my colleagues think that consideration should be given to put an end to it as soon as possible, as for many students, especially those who are docile, the interest rate risk is just like a kind of punishment. legco.gov.hk |
就似一家人” 全國大獎獲獎作品 來自浙江的“就似一家人” [...] 全國大獎作品裡,在下 大雪的冬天,慈眉善目的 爺爺用大衣緊緊地把小孫子包起來,乖 巧的小土狗靠在爺孫倆的身上,仿佛一 家三代同堂一起合照,讓人在大冬天有 一種溫暖的感覺。 animalsasia.org | Grandfather, grandson and dog, showing without a doubt that dogs are family too. animalsasia.org |
我覺得這完全乖離常 理,並 希望政府或立法局任何㆒位同事,能夠舉出㆒個例子來說服我們,說明為何在保障國 家安全時會對㆒名女性或男性作出性騷擾? legco.gov.hk | I find this entirely devoid of common sense, and I hope the Government or any Member of this Council can give us an convincing example, illustrating why in safeguarding national security it will have to sexually harness a man or a woman? legco.gov.hk |
雖然只有1 200人有權選特首,而且只要“ 北大人” 吹陣風或吹魔 笛,建制派選委便會乖乖地隨着笛子音樂搖動,立即便有人靠攏“北 大人”欽點的真命天子,然後便等待新官上場,論功行賞;但是,這 並不代表全港市民只會做這場詼諧“政治show”的觀眾,我們要透過社 會輿論,要求所有候選人向全香港市民作出嚴肅的承諾,作為全港市 民日後監察這位特首的依據。 legco.gov.hk | People will immediately draw close to the chosen one ordained by the "masters in the north" and then wait for this new officer to assume office and award them accordingly. However, that does not mean all Hong Kong people will merely act as spectators of this ridiculous "political show". legco.gov.hk |
我有時也很感慨,法國工 人只是為了延長退休年齡兩年便去罷工,香港工人是多麼 “乖 ”,從來 未曾為了爭取退休金而罷工。 legco.gov.hk | It stirred up some feelings in me when I saw that people in France would go on strike only because the retirement age may be extended for two years, while Hong Kong people are so submissive that they have never gone on strike to fight for their pension rights. legco.gov.hk |
今天我仍然是一隻乖B女,不愛亂吠,開朗愛人抱又懂出外大小便,只是貪食改不了,但健康非常一點也不像13歲呢!我希望您們來探探我,或是成為我最終的主人。 hk-aac.com | I am still very healthy, love people to have me in their arms, I don't bark for nothing, I learnt to PP & Pull outdoor, except from my addiction to delicious food, otherwise I don't look like a 13 yr old – I am perfect! hk-aac.com |
此外,這些農村的選民本身也是保守的,他們習慣了順從權貴; 因此,在投票時,他們也會乖乖的跟 隨著地區勢力人士的帶領,例如是當地的地主、郊 區的商人、鎮長或村長、甚至是校長或老師。 hkahe.com | Also, these farmer-voters were themselves conservative and traditionally used to obeying higher authorities. In casting votes, they therefore obediently followed the lead of local men of influence, such as local landlords, rural merchants, town or village heads, or even school principals and teachers. hkahe.com |
因 此 , 即 使 是 在 有 關 證 據 可 能 為 被 告 開 脫 罪 責 的 情 況 下,承 認 證 人 有 權 不 提 供 會 使 其 本 人 或 配 偶 獲 罪 的 證 據 也 不 會 特 別 乖 離 原 則 。 hkreform.gov.hk | So no new departure of principle is involved in recognising the right of a witness not to give evidence incriminating his or her spouse, even where this evidence might exculpate an accused. hkreform.gov.hk |