

单词 乔装

乔装 verb ()

pretend v



dress up in disguise (idiom); to pretend for the purpose of deceit

See also:


Joe n

surname Qiao

External sources (not reviewed)

结束后,小男孩说的是实话,侵略者,谁 乔装 成 男 孩的父母,角侦探男孩。
After concluding the boy is telling the truth, the invaders, who were posing as the boy’s parents, corner the Detective Boys.
罗宾同意参加的比赛伪装成鹳,而小约 乔装 成 酱 公爵约翰王子附近。
Robin agrees to participate in the tournament disguised as a stork whilst Little John disguises himself as the Duke of Chutney to get near Prince John.
前两个星期,一名身穿自杀式炸弹背心 乔装 成 妇女 的男子在 Badbaado 营地未来得及引爆其爆炸物就被 逮捕。
Two weeks earlier, a man wearing a
[...] suicide vest and disguised as a woman was arrested before he could detonate [...]
his explosives at the Babaado camp.
乔装成前 往苏丹的索马里难民,经过 10 天一个营地接一个营地的跋涉, 终于越过苏丹边界抵达卡鲁拉市,并向苏丹警察自首,说明他们的处境。
On the evening of 4 September 2011, while the guard was asleep, the two fugitives escaped at 2330 hours by digging a hole under the fence surrounding the camp and, after walking for 10 days from one camp to another passing themselves off as Somali refugees headed for Sudan, they entered that country and arrived in the city of Karourah, and went to the Sudanese police to explain their situation.
联合材料二指出,“ 短期议程”《预 防犯罪法》(第 20253 号法 )对 身份 检 查规则作了重大修 改,明文规定任何人,“ 凡 戴 面具乔装改 扮 , 以 隐瞒或 掩 盖自己 的 身份或 妨碍辨 认 的 ” , 警 方可以 对他实施检 查,并授 权 警 方 “ 不用详细 陈 述理由” 即 可 搜 查他们的衣服、行李 或 车辆。
JS2 indicated that the “short-term agenda” Crime Prevention Act (Act No. 20,253) had made significant changes to the rules governing identity checks, explicitly stating that anyone “wearing a mask or disguise in order to conceal or cover their identity or hinder identification” could be checked and authorizing the police to search their clothing, luggage or vehicles “without further cause”.
然而在1962年的前几个月初,在罗马高级时装中心的意愿下组织并建立起的"意大利国家 装 商 会 "达到 乔 尔 吉 尼所构想出的广泛的范围以及结构。
In the first few months of 1962, however, an organisation called the "Camera Nazionale
della Moda Italiana" was created by
[...] the Centro Romano Alta Moda (The Centre for Haute Couture [...]
in Rome), and reflected more
or less, in its aims and structure, the Association devised by Giorgini.
此选购件不能用在下端装或 P 型压力表上,并且必须在 工厂装到 M 型压力表上。
This option is not available on lower mount or P model gauges and must be factory installed on M model gauges.
丘库先生(尼日利亚)(以英语发言):今天下午, 我带来了总统和尼日利亚联邦共和国 装 部 队 总司乔纳森·埃伯勒·古德勒克先生的问候和良好祝愿, [...]
(Nigeria): This afternoon, I bring greetings and best wishes from Mr.
Jonathan Ebele Goodluck, President and
[...] Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal [...]
Republic of Nigeria, and I make the
following statement on his behalf.
热尔曼·加丹加先生和马蒂厄·恩乔洛·楚伊先生是在刚果民主共和国伊图 里地区积极活动的武装团体的两个前领导人:加丹加先生据称指挥伊图里爱国抵 抗力量,并已被任命为刚果民主共和国 装 部 队 准将; 乔 洛 ·楚 伊先生据称是 民族主义与融合主义者阵线的前领导人,也是刚果民主共和国武装部队中校。
Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui are two former leaders of armed groups active in the Ituri region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Mr. Katanga allegedly commanded the Forces de résistance patriotiques en Ituri and had been appointed Brigadier General of the Forces armée de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC); Mr. Ngudjolo Chui was allegedly the former leader of the Front des nationalistes et intégrationnistes and a Colonel in FARDC.
挖掘与保存、培训及文化旅游:“文化路线--耶稣基督之路”,涵盖从加沙地带 (Nusseirat 遗址,圣希拉容修道院所在地)到约旦河西岸(布尔津村和 乔 治教 堂)的文化、宗教和考古景点,不仅包括与耶稣生前相关的景点和传统,还包括 那布卢斯的撒玛利亚传统这种宗教传统和民间传统。
Excavations and preservation, training, cultural tourism “Cultural Itinerary Jesus Christ Route”, covering the cultural, religious and archaeological sites from the Gaza strip (the site of Nusseirat, location of the Saint Hilarion Monastery) to the West Bank (the village of Burqin and the Church of Saint Georgos) including not only the sites and the traditions related to the life of Jesus Christ, but also religious and popular traditions such as the Samaritan traditions in Nablus.
首先,阿根廷共和国认为,有必要提醒联合王国,阿根廷共和国与联合王国 之间在马尔维纳斯群岛、乔治亚 和南桑威奇群岛及其周边海域的主权问题上存在 争端,大会第 2065(XX)号、第 3160(XVIII)号、第 31/49 号、第 37/9 号、第 38/12 号、第 39/6 号、第 40/21 号、第 41/40 号、第 42/19 号和第 43/25 号决议以及非 殖民化特别委员会每年通过的决议都承认主权争端的存在及其性质。
First, the Argentine Republic finds it necessary to remind the United Kingdom that there is a sovereignty dispute between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom over the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas and that the existence and characteristics of the dispute have been recognized by the United Nations in General Assembly resolutions 2065 (XX), 3160 (XXVIII), 31/49, 37/9, 38/12, 39/6, 40/21, 41/40, 42/19 and 43/25, as well as the resolutions adopted each year by the Special Committee on decolonization, whereby both Governments are urged to resume negotiations in order to find as soon as possible a peaceful solution to the dispute.
委员会第四次会议审议了项目 5.6,同时重点关注了建立三个中心的建议--即关于设立地区水下考古中心 (克罗地亚扎达尔)的建议;关于在中国建立亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心的建议;以及关于在阿贝奥库 塔城奥卢塞贡·奥巴乔总统 图书馆建立非洲文化与国际交流研究所(尼日利亚奥贡州)的建议。
At its fourth meeting, the Commission examined item 5.6 focusing simultaneously on the proposal to create the three centres: Proposal for the establishment of a regional centre for underwater archaeology (Zadar, Croatia); Proposal for the establishment in China of a world heritage training and research institute for the Asia and the Pacific region; Proposal for the establishment of an institute for African culture and international understanding at the Olusegun Obasanjo presidential library in Abeokuta (Ogun State, Nigeria).
阿根廷政府提请大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府注意国际社会提出的要 求,这反映在联合国大会第
2065(XX)、3160(XXVIII)、31/49、37/9、38/12、39/6、 40/21、41/40、42/19 和 43/25
[...] 号决议以及非殖民化特别委员会各项决议中;这 些决议承认阿根廷和联合王国对马尔维纳斯、 乔 治 亚 和南桑维奇群岛及周围海 域存在主权争端,并敦促双方恢复谈判,尽快为争议找到和平解决办法。
The Argentine Government reminds the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the mandate from the international community reflected in United Nations General Assembly resolutions 2065 (XX), 3160 (XXVIII), 31/49, 37/9, 38/12, 39/6, 40/21, 41/40, 42/19 and 43/25, and in the resolutions of the Special Committee on Decolonization, which recognize the existence of a dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom concerning
sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands,
[...] South Georgia Islands, South Sandwich Islands and [...]
the surrounding maritime areas, and
invite both parties to resume negotiations with a view to finding a peaceful solution to the dispute as soon as possible.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩 装 部 队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩 装 部 队 确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未经授权的装人 员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and
supporting the deployment of
[...] the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, [...]
assets and weapons, taking
all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
此外,提议 将一个当地雇员员额改叙为本国干事职等设施管理干事,负责非洲经委会设施管
[...] 理方面的技术文件、设计准备和行政支持,并为照明、供暖、通风和空调系统以 及建筑相关装提供 所需价值评估工程(同上,第 18A.117 段)。
In addition, it is proposed to reclassify one Local level post to the National Officer level for a Facilities Management Officer to provide technical documentation, design preparation and administrative support in the management of ECA facilities, and to provide the required value engineering for the
lighting, the heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and
[...] architectural-related installations (ibid., para. [...]
冈比亚还报告称,它继 续开展合作,在受影响地区的社区进行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素 装备 完善的人道主义排雷队,时刻准备应对任何紧急情况。
Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected areas and has a well trained and fully equipped humanitarian demining team which is always ready to respond to any emergencies.




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