

单词 乔治一世

See also:


George (name)


period of 30 years
one's whole lifetime
the First (of numbered European kings)
the whole world

一世 n

generation n
age n
era n

External sources (not reviewed)

换言之,乔治一世于17 60年去世时,他的孙子乔治三世即继承了王位,以至当时的英国法庭主要使用德语。
In other
[...] words, when he died in 1760 and his grandson, George III, ascended [...]
the throne, German was the chief language spoken at the English court.
1854年,这位公司创始人将企业交到了他的儿子— 乔治 费 歇 尔 一世 的 手 上。
In 1854 he passed the company he had founded on to his son Georg Fischer I, who had until then run the works in Austria.
作为公司创始人的孙子,乔治费歇尔二世于1856年秋天从其父 乔治 费 歇 尔 一世 手 上 接过了瑞士沙夫豪森工厂的管理权。
Georg Fischer II, the founder's grandson, assumed management of the Schaffhausen works from his father Georg Fischer I in the autumn of 1856.
早在23岁的时候乔治费歇尔一世就 开 始负责管理由其父在奥地利Hainfeld创办的工厂。
He was only 23 years old when he was appointed to manage the mill his father had founded in Hainfeld, Austria.
乔治费歇尔一世一直管 理着位于Hainfeld的工厂,直至其1888年离世为止。
Georg Fischer I ran the Hainfeld mill until his death in 1888.
他的儿乔治费歇尔一世继承 了他位于瑞士沙夫豪森的工厂,并且将它们交由自己23岁的儿子——乔治费歇尔二世负责管理。
His son, Georg Fischer I, inherited the factories in Schaffhausen (Switzerland) and passed them on to his 23-year-old son Georg Fischer II.
一百多年以来,作为三叠纪海洋化石的丰富藏地 一 , 圣 乔治 山 一 直 吸引着众多来自苏 世 和 米兰的研究学者。
As the richest source of Triassic
marine fossils, researchers from the
[...] Universities of Zurich and Milan have flocked here for more than one hundred years.
而是实现了世,鲁滨逊(以乔治F l o ro vsky) 一 个 “ 开幕 世 ” , 由耶稣的死亡和复活,该公司发行并引发了一场王国新阶段,在“来世”上帝的救赎的目的将达到成立一个末世其完成。
Instead of
[...] realized eschatology, Robinson (following Georges Florovsky) speaks of an "inaugurated eschatology", an eschatology inaugurated [...]
by Jesus' death and
resurrection, which released and initiated a new phase of the kingdom in which "hereafter" God's redeeming purpose would achieve its fulfillment.
合伙人玛丽亚•伊丽莎白•舍弗勒和其 乔治 • F. W.•舍弗勒继承了她的丈 乔治 • 舍弗勒博士的毕生事业,舍弗勒先生于1996年 世。
Together with her son Georg F. W.
[...] Schaeffler, owner Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler is continuing the lifelong work of her husband Dr. Ing. h.c. Georg Schaeffler, who died in 1996.
一个值得以一方式 加以保护 的行星”,由开放大学的 Charles Cockell 介绍;“国际火星探索方案和现行行 星保护措施”,由欧空局的 Gerhard Kminek 介绍;“外行星卫星对生命的潜在 严峻考验:地外生命和地球上生命”,由美国国家航空航天局(美国航天局) 喷气推进实验室的 Kevin Hand 介绍;“生活世界以外的行星保护:空间研委 会在未来开展的探索飞行任务和保护与促进科学方面的作用”,由空间研委会乔治华盛顿大学的 Pascale Ehrenfreund 介绍;以及“我们丧失了冥王星?
A planet worth protecting either way”, by Charles Cockell of the Open
[...] University; “The international Mars exploration program and current planetary protection measures”, by Gerhard Kminek of ESA; “Outer planet satellites as potential crucibles for life: extraterrestrial and terrestrial”, by Kevin Hand of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States; “Planetary protection beyond the living world: the role of COSPAR in future exploration missions and in preserving and promoting science”, by Pascale Ehrenfreund of COSPAR and George Washington University; and “We lost Pluto?
据普迦和鲍莎的报道,在他们的村里 一 个 孩 子由于没有得到及时 治 疗 而 去 世。
In their village, a child died because of inadequate treatment, according to [...]
Puja and Pausha.
2007年,露西乔治奥 塔来到北京开始探索 一 阶 段 的创作,思索农村地区的水资源分配与消耗的问题,以及工业大发展,尤其是在中国这样一个面临严峻的环境污染问题的国家中的工业大发展所引发的变化。
In 2007 Lucy + Jorge Orta visited
[...] Beijing to begin the next phase of research, reflecting on the distribution [...]
and consumption of water
from rural communities and the changes that are occurring due to the massive industrial development, specifically in China – now one of the countries with a worrying environmental pollution record.
1864年乔治费歇尔二世开始 用可锻铸铁加工制造管道连接件,他也因此成为了该领域的欧洲 一 人。
In 1864 Georg Fischer II was the first in Europe to manufacture pipe fittings using the malleable casting technique.
这是为了纪念带领美国结束独立战争的 一 位 总 统 乔治 · 华 盛顿 而修建的,在1884年建成之际是当世 界 上最高的建筑物。
It was the tallest structure in
[...] the world upon its completion in 1884 in memory of George Washington, the first U.S. president and the general [...]
who led the U.S.
forces in their war for Independence .
伦敦国王学院是伦敦大学一个下 属学院,1829年由英 乔治 四 世 和 首 相威灵顿公爵所创建,以一流的教学质量和领先的科研水品著名,是世界排名前25的顶尖大学,也是伦敦大学最古老和最大的学院。
King’s College London, a constituent
college of the
[...] University of London, was founded by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington in 1829. [...]
It is reputed for its
world-class teaching and cutting-edge research, and is considered one of the top 25 universities in the world.
在二一世纪,人民的治意愿应在 解决与自决权有关的问题时成为主导。
In the twenty-first century, the political will of the people [...]
should prevail in resolving issues relating to the right to selfdetermination.
英国护国公于 1657
[...] 年颁 发许可状(该许可状后来并乔治二世 国 王于 1661 年颁发的皇家许可状)之后, [...]
英国东印度公司于 1658 年着手进行殖民开发并在该岛设防,随后英国人上岛定 居。
In the wake of a charter from the Lord Protector of Britain in
1657, later consolidated by a Royal
[...] Charter issued by King George II in 1661, the [...]
British East India Company proceeded in
1658 to colonize and fortify the island, which was subsequently settled by the English.
随着恒星的配音阵容乔治·纽伯恩,Pauley Perrette饰和罗宾·阿特金唐斯,这个史诗般的DC宇宙的动画原创冒险爆炸的冲突引出 一 个 问题,这将打破一 - 钢的人或他的代码风格和超能力?
With a stellar voice cast headed by George Newbern, Pauley Perrette and Robin Atkin Downes, this epic DC Universe Animated Original adventure explodes with a clash of styles and super powers that begs [...]
the question, which will break first
– The Man of Steel or his code?
阿根廷代表团重申其对于马尔维 纳斯群岛、乔治亚群 岛和南桑威奇群岛及其周围海 域的合法权利,它们都是阿根廷领土不可分割 一部 分
His Government reaffirmed its legitimate rights of sovereignty
over the Malvinas
[...] Islands, South Georgia Islands and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas, which were an integral part of Argentina’s territory.
对露西乔治奥 塔而言,南极洲无疑 一 座 乌 托邦:这是一片欢迎任何来客的大陆,它的极端气候令人们不得不携手互助,团结一致,自由地开展科学研究,为了全人类的利益相互分享与合作:“这片广袤无垠的白色平原蕴藏着人类共同的愿望,向子孙后代传递着希望的讯息”。
For Lucy + Jorge Orta, Antarctica embodies Utopia: a continent that welcomes everyone, a place whose extreme climate imposes a situation of mutual aid and solidarity, freedom of research, of sharing and collaboration for the good of the whole planet: “Where the immaculate whiteness contains all the wishes of humanity to spread a message of hope for future generations”.
免费美颜礼宾服务及全乔治·阿玛 尼美妆专柜化妆品进驻装 一 新 的 店面内,定会为所有 光临新加坡DFS环球免税店的顾客带来多方位感官的奢华享受。
The inclusion of complimentary
[...] Beauty Concierge services and new-to-market Giorgio Armani Beauty cosmetics housed in [...]
the newly renovated
space promises a multi-sensorial experience for all patrons of DFS Galleria Singapore’s Beauty Hall.
2009年,陆军参谋乔治·W·凯西发起 一 个 美 国陆军和中国人民解放军各个军事单位之间的军方对军方交流项目。
In 2009,
[...] Army Chief of Staff General George W. Casey initiated a military-to-military [...]
exchange program between various military
operations within the U.S. Army and the People’s Liberation Army of China.
在目世界政治和经济不稳定的环境下,重 要的是不要忘了,通过共同努力,国际社会能够按 照《联合国宪章》所确立的原则建 一 个 “ 更加美 好的世界”。
In the current climate of global political and economic uncertainty, it was important to remember that through collective action the international community could create a better world in accordance [...]
with the principles
of the Charter of the United Nations.
又认识到解决全球粮食危机的紧迫感和决心有助于通过促进全球农业、粮食 安全和营养伙伴关系,加强粮食安全方面的国际协调 治 理 , 世 界 粮 食安全委员 会是该伙伴关系一个核 心组成部分,重申必须在现有体制基础上建立有效的伙 伴关系,以加强全球治理
Recognizing also that a sense of urgency and a commitment to solving the global food crisis have served as catalysts for
[...] international coordination and governance for food security, through the Global Partnership for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition, of which the Committee on World Food Security is [...]
a central component, and
reiterating that it is essential to enhance global governance, building on existing institutions and fostering effective partnerships
英国福音活力青年会其他实例包括 乔治 威 廉姆斯和凯瑟琳 世 军 卜 维廉 乔治 米 勒 和托马斯巴纳多的中国内地会的J戴德生社会部委和凯瑟克运动成立。
Other instances of British evangelical
vitality included the
[...] YMCA founded by George Williams, the Salvation Army of Catherine and William Booth, the social ministries of George Mueller and Thomas [...]
Barnardo, the China
Inland Mission of J Hudson Taylor, and the Keswick movement.
我谨以葡萄牙语国家共同体(葡语共同体)主席的身份,随函转递 2012
[...] 年 5 月 5 日安哥拉共和国对外关系部乔治斯 ·希 科蒂 一 封 信,事关 2012 年 5 月 5 日在里斯本举行的葡萄牙语国家共同体部长理事会第九次特别会议的结论意见。
In my capacity as Chair of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP), I have the honour to transmit
herewith a copy of the letter
[...] dated 5 May 2012 signed by Georges Rebelo Chikoti, Minister [...]
for External Relations of the Republic
of Angola, on the conclusions of the ninth Special Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries, held in Lisbon on 5 May 2012 (see annex).
塔拉莫尔(Tullamore)一个热 闹的乡村城镇,拥有众多餐厅、酒吧和商店,另外面积不大的比尔(Birr)则是拥有浓 乔治 风 格 气息的繁荣城镇,比尔还有壮丽的比尔城堡(Birr Castle)和古老科学中心。
Tullamore is a lively country town with stacks of restaurants, pubs, shops and character, while the small Georgian town of Birr has a wonderful Georgian atmosphere and contains the wonderful Birr Castle Demense and Historic Science Centre.
2006年,鉴于美中双边关系的重要性 乔治 · W ·布 什总统和胡锦涛主席创建 一 个 框架,以通过一个更全面的、定期的方式来协助管理此经济关系,这就是所谓的美中战略经济对话,或简称SED。
In 2006, because of the importance
[...] of our bilateral relations, President George W. Bush and President Hu Jintao created [...]
a framework to help
manage this economic relationship in a more comprehensive regular way, called the U.S. China Strategic Economic Dialogue, or SED.
美国总乔治·布什在一份正式报告中清楚地向 波多黎各人民说明,美国政府不承认波多黎各拥有 任何主权,并将波多黎各定义为受美国国会全权管 [...]
An official report produced under President George W. Bush made it very [...]
clear to Puerto Ricans that the Government of the
United States did not recognize any Puerto Rican sovereignty, defining Puerto Rico as an unincorporated territory subject to the plenary powers of the Congress of the United States.




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