

单词 乔冠华

See also:

surname Qiao


crown n
cap n
crest n
hat n

be first
put on a hat
surname Guan

abbr. for China
surname Hua

External sources (not reviewed)

Camara先生持有巴黎采矿学院华盛 顿特 区 乔 治 郡 大学和几内亚共和国国家大学的毕业证书和学位证书。
Mr. Camara holds certificates and degrees
from the school of Mines in Paris, the
[...] University of Georgetown in Washington DC and National [...]
University in Republic of Guinea.
应世界 大会组织者的要求,委员会同意会议协调者为冠 华教授
At request of the World Congress organisers, it was agreed by the Board that the coordinator of this
[...] session should be Guanhua Huang.
冠花萃取精华抑制 已有脂肪细胞的膨胀。
Celosia Cristata extract slows the [...]
expansion of existing fat cells.
关于1725年的大觉醒的发展,加深了与说教和公理会牧 乔 纳 森爱 德 华 兹 的 写作,并达成后Whitefield的宣讲团1740年达到高峰。
The Great Awakening developed about 1725, deepened with the preaching and writing of the Congregational minister Jonathan Edwards, and reached a peak after 1740 with Whitefield's preaching tours.
一个值得以任一方式加以保护 的行星”,由开放大学的 Charles Cockell 介绍;“国际火星探索方案和现行行 星保护措施”,由欧空局的 Gerhard Kminek 介绍;“外行星卫星对生命的潜在 严峻考验:地外生命和地球上生命”,由美国国家航空航天局(美国航天局)
喷气推进实验室的 Kevin Hand 介绍;“生活中世界以外的行星保护:空间研委
[...] 会在未来开展的探索飞行任务和保护与促进科学方面的作用”,由空间研委会乔治华盛顿大学的 Pascale Ehrenfreund [...]
A planet worth protecting either way”, by Charles Cockell of the Open University; “The international Mars exploration program and current planetary protection measures”, by Gerhard Kminek of ESA; “Outer planet satellites as potential crucibles for life: extraterrestrial and terrestrial”, by Kevin Hand of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States; “Planetary protection beyond the living world: the role of COSPAR in future exploration missions and in
preserving and promoting science”, by Pascale Ehrenfreund of
[...] COSPAR and George Washington University; [...]
and “We lost Pluto?
摩洛哥还制定了预防和控制糖尿病、心血管冠 状动脉和呼吸系统疾病的方案,目的是减少患病和死 [...]
Morocco has also set up national
programmes to prevent and control diabetes and
[...] cardiovascular, coronary and respiratory [...]
diseases, so as to reduce illness and mortality
and improve quality of life for patients and their families.
中国呼和浩特——2013锐武百万争霸 华 丽 谢 幕, 冠 、 伊 沙赛义德、张美煊、罗德卡波尔和赵子龙夺得中国首条MMA国家冠军金腰带和100万人民币现金支票。
HOHHOT, China – It was fantastic finishes all around at the 2013 RUFF Super Fight, as Wang Guan, Irshaad Sayed, Zhang MeiXuan, Rodrigo Caporal, and Zhao ZiLong walked away with China’s first MMA national championship belts and 1-million RMB a piece in prize money.
Hill 女士从马萨诸萨大学安姆斯特分校获得文学学士学位,并以优异成绩获 乔 治 华 盛 顿 大学法学院法学博士学位。
Ms. Hill received a BA from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a JD with honors from the George Washington University School of Law.
同样在 2007 年, 圣约社的一名代表出席了在维也纳举行的全球打击贩卖人口活动倡议会议,负责
[...] 方案发展的资深副总裁担任了推动美国批准《儿童权利公约》运动的主席,并分 别在 6 月华盛顿市乔治敦大学举办的《全国儿童权利公约》专题讨论会和在 [...]
11 月举行的《儿童权利公约》座谈会上发言。
Also in 2007, a Covenant House representative attended meetings of the Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) in Vienna, and the Senior Vice President for Program Development served as Chair of the Campaign for United States Ratification of the
Convention on the Rights of the Child
[...] and spoke at the Georgetown University National [...]
Symposium on the Convention on the
Rights of the Child in June in Washington, D.C. and at the Colloquium on the Convention on the Rights of the Child in November.
与美国和平研究所乔治·华盛顿 大学和卡特中心开展合作,研究非正式司法制度,包括传统 [...]
Collaboration with the United States Institute
[...] of Peace, George Washington University [...]
and the Carter Center in research on informal
justice mechanisms, including traditional justice practices and alternative dispute resolution
但是美帝国主义按计划将由巡 洋舰、驱逐舰、核潜艇、登陆舰等、十几架航母飞机、F-15、F-16 战斗机组成的乔治·华盛顿 ”号核动力航空母舰舰队作为主要力量派遣驶入朝鲜西海狭窄水 域后,便开始开展大规模联合海上演习。
nuclear carrier flotilla made up of cruisers, destroyers, nuclear submarines, landing craft, etc., dozens of carrier-based aircraft and F-15 and F-16 fighters as main forces to the narrow waters of the West Sea of Korea as they planned.
这是为了纪念带领美国结束独立战争的第一位总 乔 治 · 华 盛顿 而修建的,在1884年建成之际是当时世界上最高的建筑物。
It was the tallest structure in the world upon its completion in 1884 in memory of George Washington, the first U.S. president and the general who led the U.S. forces in their war for Independence .
从1874年乔治•爱德华•伯 爵(Georges-Edouard Piaget)在瑞士侏罗山区的小村庄La Côte-aux-Fées开设首家机芯制工坊,直至伯爵成长为全球顶级的奢侈品牌,历经一个半世纪的岁月,伯爵倾力弘扬制表传承,继而推广至珠宝工艺,逐渐形成了双线方针:制表技艺与珠宝工艺并重。
From the workshop of Georges-Edouard Piaget, created in La Côte-aux-Fées in 1874, to the international-scale luxury brand it has now become, Piaget has succeeded within almost a century and half in developing an exceptional two-fold watchmaking and jewelry expertise.
现在在同一地点,再次计 划进行军事演习;美国航空母舰乔 治 · 华 盛 顿 号” 目前正在朝鲜半岛领水。
Now in that same place a military exercise is again scheduled; a United States aircraft carrier, the
1874年乔治‧爱德华‧伯 爵(Georges-Edouard Piaget)先生于瑞士的La Côte-aux-Fées设立了品牌的第一间制表工作坊,专门制作怀表,并为著名钟表品牌制作精准的钟表机芯。
In 1874, Mr. Georges-Edouard Piaget set up the first Piaget workshop in La Côte-aux-Fées, Switzerland, where dedicated Piaget designers began by crafting pocket watches and high-precision clock movements for prestigious brands.
冠华教授报告了于 2004 年 10 月 11-14 日在中国 北京召开的第 7 次会议。
Prof. G. Huang reported on the approaching 7th Conference, to be held in Beijing, China, on October 11-14, 2004.
鑒於心血管疾病是本港第二位最常見的致命疾病,而醫學研究亦指 出,食用含反式脂肪成分的食物會增加 冠 心 病 的風險,有些國家例如丹 麥,早於 2003 [...]
年已經立法規定食物內反式脂肪含量的上限,亦有多個地區 例如紐約、芝加哥、麻省等,將陸續禁止食肆使用人造反式脂肪製造食物,
以保障市民健康,本會促請政府效法該等地區,從速制定法例,禁止本地食 肆使用人造反式脂肪製造食物,並為所有進口食品及本地製造食品所含反式 脂肪的含量設定上限,以及規定食品在包裝上必須列明反式脂肪的含量,以 供消費者識別。
That, as cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of deaths in Hong Kong, and medical research also reveals that consumption of food
containing trans fats will increase the
[...] risk of contracting coronary heart disease, and [...]
given that some countries such as Denmark
have legislated as early as 2003 to prescribe the permissible maximum level of trans fats in food, the use of artificial trans fats in food production in restaurants will also be gradually banned in places such as New York, Chicago and Massachusetts to safeguard public health, this Council urges the Government to follow the practice of these places to expeditiously legislate against the use of artificial trans fats in food production in local restaurants, to prescribe the permissible maximum level of trans fats for all imported and locally produced food, and to require the trans fats contents in food to be listed on the package labels for identification by consumers.
公开会议,并且表达了委员会对 冠华 教 授 招待这次会 议的感激之情。
The Chairman of Section I friendly welcomed all members
and observers to this public session and expressed the Board’s
[...] gratitude to Prof. Guanhua Huang for hosting [...]
the meeting.
若干种与营养有关的 慢性疾病,冠心病 和中风等,现在都属于全球主要死亡致因之列。 世界上收入最低国家的负担增长最快,有时导致出现营养不足和营养 [...]
Several nutrition-related chronic
[...] diseases, such as coronary heart disease and [...]
stroke, are now among the leading causes
of death worldwide, with the burden growing most rapidly on the world’s lowest-income countries, at times leading to a “double burden” of both under- and over-nutrition, and placing a huge burden on societies and health systems.
[...] 和宣传本组织及其计划的其他人士(例如和平艺术家或体育运 冠 军 )、签订合同和建立合作伙 伴关系,以及具体的宣传活动,但是在每一种情况下被许可者均应用一个短语或提示,说明有关 [...]
The Director-General is empowered to authorize the use of UNESCO’s name, acronym or logo notably in connection with patronage, the appointment of goodwill ambassadors, and other personalities promoting the Organization
and its programmes, such as Artists for
[...] Peace or Sports Champions, and also contractual [...]
arrangements and partnerships, as
well as specific promotional activities, provided that in each case the grantee uses a phrase or indication of how the entity or activity in question is thus linked.
这些精美绝伦的手表中有些还特别采用大胆的金质 冠 以 彰显 奢 华 尊 贵 、刚毅硬朗的气质。
Some of these beautifully executed
[...] timepieces feature bold gold crowns for added panache and [...]
masculine glamour.
Woods 拥有北达科他大学的“社会工作”学士学位,并参加 乔 治 华 盛 顿 大学和 ESI 国际公司的范围广泛的项目管理培训。
Woods holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of
North Dakota and has extensive Project Management education
[...] from The George Washington University [...]
and ESI International.
乔治·温哥华(Ge orge Vancouver,1757–98 年)13 岁加入皇家海军,在 1778–80 年詹姆斯·库克 (James Cook) 船长命运多舛的第三次航行期间,他曾在皇家海军舰艇 Discovery(发现号)上担任海军少尉侯补军官,后来成为太平洋西北部的著名探险家和勘测师。
George Vancouver (1757–98), who became a noted explorer and surveyor of the Pacific Northwest, joined the Royal Navy at the age of 13 and was a midshipman on H.M.S. Discovery during Captain James Cook’s ill-fated third voyage of 1778–80.
最近的几笔慈善资金分别捐赠给乔 治 华 盛 顿卡弗中心(用于体育馆地面铺设)、Norwalk社区健康中心以及Norwalk社区粮库。
Recent grants have been awarded to the Family and Children's Agency, DOMUS, the Norwalk Community Health Center and to the Norwalk Community Food Bank.
从高空俯瞰,U.S.S. 乔治华盛顿 ——这艘尼米兹级核动力航空母舰就像一块漂浮在无际汪洋中的漂流木一般。
What from high above looks like a piece of
driftwood floating in the endless seas is in
[...] reality the U.S.S. George Washington, a Nimitz-class [...]
aircraft carrier of more than 97,000 tons displacement.
此次展会吸引了海内外14个国家和地区的印标参展企业参与,包括:大 冠华 、 科 雷、紫明、乐凯、中德集团浙江正润、方邦、科思高、铖铭、大鹏、东航、奥科、天岑、正博、峰明、华耀、锐光、劲豹、臻兴网印、台索、帝天、金立基、恒铭、缔特卡、金泰、日本琳得科、台湾罗铁、加拿大亿迪ETI、美国艾利、互通多威龙、浩田、瑞安中天、奈本、炜冈、博泰Brotech、日本三起宏Sanki、天津中天盛通集团、兆龙、中山富洲、摩码Moma、达尔嘉、联冠LECCO、TOP [...] [...]
LABEL、新图美、罗特利、美国耀能亮、Klockner Pentaplast等展示高素质的新产品、新技术、各项解决方案及新的管理系统,展品覆盖印前、喷墨印刷、胶印、柔凹印刷、标签印刷、印后、油墨及耗材。
The show attracted world’s renowned printing and label
exhibiting companies form 14 countires & regions
[...] namely: Hans-Gronhi, Crons, Shanghai [...]
Clarity, Lucky Film, Zhongde Group, Fangbang,
Flexco, Chengming, Ruian Dapeng, Donghang, Aoke, Tiancen, Wenzhou Zenbo, Huayao, Ruiguang, Jingbao, Juisun Screen Printing, Taiso, Ditian, Shenzhen Jin-based, Datacard, Anser, Hengming, Lintec (Japan), Labelmen (Taiwan), ETI, Avery Dennison, Dowell, Haotian, ZhongTian, Nickel, WeiGang, Brotech, Sanki, Tianjin Zhongtian Shentong Group, Label Long, ZhongShan Fuzhou, Moma, Colamark, LECCO, Top Label, Soontomax, Rotary, Unilux, Kloeckner Pentaplast, etc. They gathered to display a wide-ranging of new and high-quality product, technology, all kinds of solutions and management systems that cover pre/post-press, inkjet, offset, flexo, gravure and label printing, printing ink as well as consumables.
学校推 行“学科性公司制”后, 依托该学科成立了长冠华生物 化工技术有限公司,几年中, 公司为该学科投资兴建了矿冶生物工程大楼,增添了大批仪器设备,极大地提升了我校 矿冶生物加工技术及生物工程学科的研究发展能力。
In recent years, the corporation invested and built mining and metallurgical and biological engineering building, and added a great deal of equipments and instruments.
他毕业于哈佛大学,拥有宗教研究和教育学高级学位,并 华 盛 顿 乔 治 城 大学外交学院获得荣誉学士学位。他整个职业生涯都是在诸如新罕布什尔州Phillips Exeter Academy和华盛顿西雅图Lakeside School这样的精英学校工作,在这些学校担任过历史系主任和资深教师辅导员。
He was graduated from Harvard University with advanced degrees in the study of Religion and in Education, and earned his undergraduate degree with Honors from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.  He has spent his entire career at schools such as Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire and Lakeside School in Seattle, Washington, where he was head of the History Department and a senior mentor to teachers.
首先,阿根廷共和国认为,有必要提醒联合王国,阿根廷共和国与联合王国 之间在马尔维纳斯群岛、乔治亚 和南桑威奇群岛及其周边海域的主权问题上存在 争端,大会第 2065(XX)号、第 3160(XVIII)号、第 31/49 号、第 37/9 号、第 38/12 号、第 39/6 号、第 40/21 号、第 41/40 号、第 42/19 号和第 43/25 号决议以及非 殖民化特别委员会每年通过的决议都承认主权争端的存在及其性质。
First, the Argentine Republic finds it necessary to remind the United Kingdom that there is a sovereignty dispute between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom over the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas and that the existence and characteristics of the dispute have been recognized by the United Nations in General Assembly resolutions 2065 (XX), 3160 (XXVIII), 31/49, 37/9, 38/12, 39/6, 40/21, 41/40, 42/19 and 43/25, as well as the resolutions adopted each year by the Special Committee on decolonization, whereby both Governments are urged to resume negotiations in order to find as soon as possible a peaceful solution to the dispute.
委员会第四次会议审议了项目 5.6,同时重点关注了建立三个中心的建议--即关于设立地区水下考古中心 (克罗地亚扎达尔)的建议;关于在中国建立亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心的建议;以及关于在阿贝奥库 塔城奥卢塞贡·奥巴乔总统 图书馆建立非洲文化与国际交流研究所(尼日利亚奥贡州)的建议。
At its fourth meeting, the Commission examined item 5.6 focusing simultaneously on the proposal to create the three centres: Proposal for the establishment of a regional centre for underwater archaeology (Zadar, Croatia); Proposal for the establishment in China of a world heritage training and research institute for the Asia and the Pacific region; Proposal for the establishment of an institute for African culture and international understanding at the Olusegun Obasanjo presidential library in Abeokuta (Ogun State, Nigeria).




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