单词 | 乔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 乔noun—Joen乔—surname QiaoExamples:乔治n—Georgen 乔治亚n—Georgian 乔纳森n—Jonathann
吴先生 毕业於乔治城大学,获得工商管理理学士学位,及毕业於哥伦比亚大学,并获工商管理硕士学位。 wingtaiproperties.com | Mr. Ng graduated from Georgetown University with a BSBA degree, and also graduated from Columbia University with a MBA degree. wingtaiproperties.com |
马里兰州,博萨斯达 2012年1月24日电:全美癌症研究基金会今日宣布:将第七届圣•乔奇癌症研究创新成就奖授予王振义博士和陈竺博士,以表彰他们在急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)的研究上所取得的原创性成果及在该研究基础上发展的治疗APL的全新疗法。 afcr.org.hk | (BETHESDA, Maryland, January 24, 2012) - NFCR announced today that Dr. Zhen-Yi Wang and Dr. Zhu Chen have been awarded the 7th Annual Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research for their innovative research that led to the successful development of a new therapeutic approach to acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). afcr.org.hk |
乔丹体 育公司去年收入达 2,700 万美元,而且正在进行上海证券交易所上市申请工作。 servcorp.com.hk | Qiaodan Sports had $270 million in revenues last year, and is in the process of applying to get listed on the Shanghai stock exchange. servcorp.com.hk |
财务董事乔浩华回应 HKSCC Nominees Limited 的代表 [...] Lee Tsz Kit 先生所提出的另一个问题时表示,公司提早采纳经 修订的香港会计准则第 12 号「所得税 - 递延税项:收回相关 资产」,此修订主要影响对香港投资物业递延税项负债的计 量。 swirepacific.com | In response to a further question from [...] Mr. Lee Tsz Kit representing HKSCC Nominees [...] Limited, P AKilgour,Finance Director [...]advised that the Company had early adopted [...]the amendment to Hong Kong Accounting Standard 12, Income taxes – Deferred tax: Recovery of underlying assets, which mainly affected the measurement of deferred tax liability on investment properties in Hong Kong. swirepacific.com |
从乔治·克恩通过这一承诺也决定在比赛中的第一个中东的挑战者阿布扎比海洋赛马的赞助商。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Georges Kern is through this commitment also deciding to be the sponsor of the first Middle Eastern challenger in the race: the Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing. en.horloger-paris.com |
她 持有夏威夷大学酒店及旅游业管理学士学位,以及美国乔治华盛顿大学工商管理硕士学位,主 修财务及国际商业。 wingtaiproperties.com | She holds a BBA degree with distinction in Hotels and Tourism Management from University of Hawaii and a MBA degree in Finance and International Business fromGeorge Washington University, Washington, D.C. wingtaiproperties.com |
在座各位若然听过乔纳森 ·布罗姆博士(Dr Jonathan Broome)在最近会议上的专题演说,便会明白我们的目标是什麽,并会了解我们由脚前一步走到目的地所会遭遇的困难。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Those of you who heard Dr. Jonathan Broome's key-note speech at the recent symposium will understand both what we are aiming for and the difficulty of getting from where we are today to where we want to be. housingauthority.gov.hk |
营造业在美国整体经济的比重接近5%,图中一名乔治亚州工人为兴 建中的加油站装设油管。 americancorner.org.tw | Construction accounts for nearly 5 percent of the U.S. economy; here a worker fits pipe on a gasoline station [...] under constructionin Georgia. americancorner.org.tw |
财务董事乔浩华回应 HKSCC Nominees Limited [...] 的代表 Lee Tsz Kit 先生所提出的一个问题时表示,香港财务报告准则 第 10 号「综合财务报表」将於二零一三年一月一日或之後的 年度生效,该准则界定控制权的原则,并确定以控制权作为把 [...]被投资实体纳入一家公司综合财务报表的根据;公司仍在研究 香港财务报告准则第 10 号的可能影响,暂时尚未对国泰航空 有限公司(本公司持有其百分之四十五权益)应否纳入公司的 综合财务报表作出定论。 swirepacific.com | HKSCC Nominees [...] Limited, P A Kilgour, Finance Director [...]advised that Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standard 10, Consolidated [...]Financial Statements (“HKFRS 10”), which defined the principle of control and established control as the basis for consolidation of invested entities in a company’s consolidated financial statements, would come into effect for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2013, and that the Company was still examining the possible impact of HKFRS 10 and had not yet concluded whether Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, in which the Company held a 45% interest, would be consolidated in the Company’s consolidated financial statements. swirepacific.com |
博卡纳拉倡行有利於平民的政策,与拜占庭建立友好的关系、改革公 共债务与税制,并着手建造俗世之行政中心,亦即现在的圣乔治宫 (Palazzo San Giorgio)。 spinola.it | Boccanegra pursues policies favoured by the popolo, establishing advantageous ties with the Byzantines, reforming the public debt and taxes, and beginning to build a secular, administrative centre, the present Palazzo San Giorgio. spinola.it |
笔者只是希望透过科学和公开的调查数据,回答乔菁华先生提出的问题,及指出选举制度中鲜为人知的奥妙。 hkupop.hku.hk | The author just wants to respond to Mr. KewChing-wa's questions and point out the mysteries within the election system through scientific and open survey figures. hkupop.hku.hk |
1874年,乔治‧爱德华‧伯爵(Georges-Edouard [...] Piaget)先生於瑞士的La Côte-aux-Fées设立了品牌的第一间制表工作坊,专门制作怀表,并为着名钟表品牌制作精准的钟表机芯。 piaget.com.hk | In 1874, Mr. Georges-Edouard [...] Piaget set up the first Piaget workshop in La Côte-aux-Fées, Switzerland, where dedicated Piaget [...]designers began by crafting pocket watches and high-precision clock movements for prestigious brands. piaget.com |
造访乔治城,您便可在许多小吃摊品嚐到马来西亚的传统料理。 seagate.com | Visit George Town for a taste of traditional Malay cooking at one of the many food stalls. seagate.com |
公司董事会三位独立董事陈少华先生、朱武祥先生及乔文骏先生因任职期限於2009年'月2'日满六年, [...] 达 到 法 定 最 长 任 职 期 限,已 於2009年'月2'日 辞 去 公 司 第 四 届 董 事 会 独 立 董 事 职 务。 zte.com.cn | Mr. Chen Shaohua, Mr. Zhu [...] Wuxiangand Mr.QiaoWenjun,three [...]of the Independent Directors of the Board [...]of Directors of the Company, resigned from their respective office of Independent Director of the Fourth Session of the Board of Directors of the Company with effect from 2' July 2009, the date on which the six-year term (being the statutory maximum term) of their offices concluded. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
除了土耳其的苏丹(sultan﹐即 国王﹐他是穆斯林(回教)帝国的领袖)﹑教宗及英国的乔治三世外﹐所有的欧洲统治者均 参与其中。 hkahe.com | All the European rulers joined except the sultan of Turkey who was the head of Muslim Empire, the Pope who refused to sign and George III of England. hkahe.com |
总结政改发展,虽然超过半数巿民赞成乔晓阳 最近的讲话,谓香港实行普选要符合多个条件,包括要适应行政主导政制,有利社会各阶层和有利资本主义经济发展,但只有四分一巿民认为中央政府对普选的定义,是香港发展普选的主要考虑因素。 hkupop.hku.hk | Wrapping up, although more than [...] half agreedwith QiaoXiaoyang's recent [...]remark that the implementation of universal suffrage [...]in Hong Kong requires a number of conditions, including compatibility with the executive-led political system, balancing the interests of different sectors, and conducive to the development of a capitalist economy, only one-quarter said the Central Government's definition of universal suffrage should be the main reference for Hong Kong's development. hkupop.hku.hk |
实际上,乔治·迈 克尔的歌曲,包括收录在《信念》中的歌曲最近就被用于美国热门电视剧《神奇律师(Eli Stone)》中。 tipschina.gov.cn | So much so, in fact, that George Michael's songs - including tracks from Faith - recently featured in the hit US TV show Eli Stone. tipschina.gov.cn |
乔纳森 曾负责500公顷的苏格兰港口和中国许多地方的新区规划,包括台湾Acer新镇。 venicebiennale.hk | He has since been responsible for master planning the 500 ha Port of Leith in Scotland and many proposals for new settlements in China, with Oval Partnership, including Acer Aspire in Taiwan. venicebiennale.hk |
美国圣路易市华盛顿大学乔治华伦布朗社会工作学院讲座教授Nancy [...] Morrow-Howell教授将联同梅陈玉婵教授探讨模拟项目与政策的发展方向,提供机会予长者们参与不同的社会活动,回应长者对继续工作、承担社区重要义务、开拓创意生涯和帮助照顾新一代的意向。 cadenza.hk | Professor [...] Nancy Morrow-Howell, George Warren [...]Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis, joins Professor [...]Ada Mui to talk about how model programmes and policies can respond to the roles of people in later life when older adults express a desire to continue to work, to perform important volunteer roles in their community, to undertake creative endeavors, and to care for the younger generation. cadenza.hk |
去年 12 月我们曾报导了运动鞋制造商乔丹体育公司在未请迈克尔·乔丹代言,和并未获得乔丹品牌所有者耐克公司授权的情况下使用迈克尔·乔丹姓氏的中文翻译作为公司名称的消息。 servcorp.com.hk | Last December we did a post on theQiaodan Sports Company, a maker of sports shoes that uses the Chinese transliteration of Michael Jordan's last name, without the endorsement of the superstar, and without license from Nike, owner of the Air Jordan Brand. servcorp.com.hk |
一个从加州转学到宾州或乔治亚州的 学生,无疑将发现其间的差异,但学科的组合大致上是之前所熟 [...] 悉的,尽管联邦政府并不要求一套全国性的课程。 americancorner.org.tw | A student transferring from a school in California to one in [...] Pennsylvania or Georgia will find differences [...]no doubt, but the mix of academic [...]subjects will be largely familiar, despite the fact that the federal government does not mandate a national curriculum. americancorner.org.tw |
我在英国伦敦出生长大,曾在超过15个国家发行过畅销歌曲,CD销售超过50万张,并且曾与许多音乐人和音乐团体同台演出,其中包括:布莱恩‧亚当斯,乔治‧麦可,赛门与葛芬柯,MC哈默,瓦尼拉‧艾斯,超级男孩,杰斯,新好男孩,裘汀‧史芭克丝,在「舞林群星会」(Dancing with the Stars)中获得优胜的德瑞克‧霍夫,蜜西‧艾莉特,玛丽‧布莱姬,阳光大卫,非凡人物合唱团等等。 mormon.org | I was born and raised in London, England,and has had hits in over 15 countries, selling over half a million Cd's and have performed alongside such groups as Bryan Adams, George Michael, Simon Garfunkel,MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, N'SYNC, Jay-Z, The Backstreet Boys, Jordyn Sparks,Dancing with the stars winner Derek Huff Missy Elliott, Mary. mormon.org |
2003 年 Teynur 被任命为SGS乔治亚总经理,2004 年他被任命为 SGS 亚塞拜然和乔治亚总经理,2006 年成为 SGS 哈萨克斯坦和里海总经理。 sgsgroup.com.hk | In 2003 he was appointed Managing [...] Directorof SGSGeorgia before his appointment to the role of Managing Director SGS Azeriand Georgia in2004 and [...]latterly Managing Director [...]SGS Kazakhstan and Caspian Region in 2006. sgsgroup.com.ar |
在本项乔治亚州法规里,“武器”一词指的是以下 物件,它们包括任何手枪,左轮手枪,或任何旨在推 [...] 动任何形式的导弹的武器装置,或任何匕首,猎刀, 弹簧刀,弹道刀,或任何其他有两或两英寸以上刀口 的刀,直边剃须刀,刀片,弹簧棒,金属棒,警棍, 或含有两个或两个以上刚性部件,连接起来且可被自 [...]由挥舞的物品,如各种不同形式和样式的双节棍,飞 镖,或战斗链,或任何有两个或两个以上的突出点或 尖锐刀口叶片的投掷物,或尖锐的物品,如投掷星, 东方镖,或任何像这类的武器。 lilburnms.com | For the purposes of this GeorgiaCode section, the [...] term “weapon” means and includes any pistol, revolver, or any weapon [...]designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind, or any dirk, Bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, and any other knife having a blade of two or more inches, straight-edge razor, razor blades, spring stick, metal knucks, blackjack, or any flailing instrument consisting of two or more rigid parts connected in such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which may be known as a nun chahka, nun chuck, nunchaku, shuriken, or fighting chain, or any disc, of whatever configuration, having at least two points or pointed blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may be known as a throwing star or oriental dart, or any weapon of like kind. lilburnms.com |
提 名 委 员 会 召 集 人 为 独 立 董 [...] 事 糜 正 琨 先 生,委 员 包 括 侯 为 贵 先 生、谢 伟 良 先 生、李 居 平 先 生、朱 武 祥 先 生、乔文骏先 生 及 李 劲 先 生。 zte.com.cn | The convenor of the Nomination Committee is Independent Director Mr. Mi Zhengkun. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
这包括了前联合国副秘书长乔杜里 (Anwarul Chowdhury)大使、帕格沃什科学与世界事务会议前任主席斯瓦米纳坦(M.S. Swaminathan)博士、未来学家与可持续发展专家黑兹尔‧亨德森(Hazel Henderson)博士、和平运动家与达特茅斯学院荣誉教授博尔丁(Elise Boulding)博士、中日友好协会主席宋健及印度前总理因德尔‧库马尔‧古杰拉尔(Inder Kumar Gujral)博士。 daisakuikeda.org | Among them were: Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, former UN Under-Secretary-General; Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, former president of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs; futurist and sustainable development expert Dr. Hazel Henderson; Dr. Elise Boulding, peace activist and professor emerita of sociology at Dartmouth College; Song Jian, president of the China-Japan Friendship Association, China; and former Indian Prime Minister Dr. Inder Kumar Gujral. daisakuikeda.org |