

单词 乐于助人

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The people around are
[...] really friendly and helpful.
由于泰山的快乐乐于助人,Zu gor开始预热,他如泰山继续揣摩他是什么。
Thanks to Tarzan’s
[...] cheerfulness and helpfulness, Zugor begins to [...]
warm to him as Tarzan continues to try to figure out what he is.
这一客户端软件在我们的电脑上运行平稳,支持人员始 乐于助人 , 并 且软件中内置了高水平的自定义/定位功能。
The client software runs smoothly on our computers, the support
[...] is always happy to help and there's has a [...]
pretty good level of customization/localization built-in.
此外,Rebol的人不止乐于助人,而 且观念是很开放的,并不是每个人都能够这样的,包括如今在自由软件阵营的某些人。
Furthermore, people at Rebol, are not
[...] only nice and helpful but also very open minded, what is [...]
not always true for others, including
some people in the today free software community.
这是我们看到过的最好机会,他们有最出色的支持,他们的员工非 乐于助人 , 而 且价格您也无可挑剔。
This is by far the best chat we have seen, they have the greatest support and their stuff
[...] is always happy to help, and you cannot beat [...]
their prices.
助人 – 我变得更乐于助人,也因此结交了世界各地的好友。
I made many friends from all over the world.
很快,他们都被中国同事的热情好客 乐于助人 所 感 动。
They very soon came
[...] to appreciate the helpfulness and hospitality [...]
of their Chinese colleagues.
The staff are nice and
[...] friendly and always ready to help.
Your staff are professional and very helpful.
认识到目前这一代青年在历史是人数最多的;青年人单凭其人数,凭其重要 性,就应在实现千年发展目标等国际商定发展目标的工作中占据中心位置,特别 是因为在大多数发展中国家中青年占很大人口比例,这给各国提供了进行战略性 投资的难得机会,以获得人口红利并打破贫困的代际循环; 还认识到青年富有创造力和创新能力 乐于助人 , 能适应变化,精力充沛, 生性乐观,对其家庭、社区和社会起到重大促进作用,因此是发展的相关行动者 和战略合作伙伴
that the current generation of young people is the largest in history and by sheer numbers and importance, they deserve a central place in efforts to achieve internationally agreed development goals; including the Millennium Development Goals, especially as most developing countries have a high proportion of young people in their populations and this youth bulge offers countries a rare chance to make strategic investments to gain a demographic dividend and break the intergenerational cycle of poverty
我认为MR最棒的地方在于所有同事 乐于助人 又 非常友好,无论在我的部门中,还是在公司内部。
I think it's great that all of the colleagues – in my department and in the company as a
[...] whole – are so helpful and friendly at MR.
波德拉谢省劳动力成本低廉并有大量合格的工人,再加乐 于助人的地 方政府为活跃在该地区分区内的投资者提供“ 极具竞争力的咨询” ,进一步 加大了对投资者的吸引。
Podlaskie’s low labor costs and the availability of qualified workers coupled with a helpful local government providing “competitive consulting” add to the incentives for investors active in subzones located in that region.
在我联系 Provide Support
[...] 寻求技术支持时,他们显得非常博学 乐于助人 , 而且耐心十足!聊天图标在我们的网站上看上去非常和谐,我们很高兴能让我们的客户有机会选择在线联系我们。
When I contacted Provide Support for technical support, they were
[...] very knowledgeable, helpful, and patient! The [...]
chat icon looks great on our website,
and we love that our clients have the option to contact us online!
[...] 用,并期待在今后一年里与你以及与广大会员国合 作,帮助构建一个以责任感、恪守道义原则 乐于帮 助有需要的人为宗旨的组织。
In commending the Secretary-General’s leadership, my delegation looks forward to working with
you, Mr. President, and the
[...] membership in the next year to help create an Organization guided [...]
by duty, morality and solidarity with those in need.
斯洛伐乐于作为一个诚实的中人 继 续 帮助 建立 信任、进一步加强联合国的安全部门改革的能 力、增加联合国系统内以及同区域和次区域行为体之 间的一致性和协调,并且促进积极的协同作用,同时 设法避免重复。
Slovakia is keen to continue contributing as an honest broker to building trust, further strengthening United Nations capacities for security sector reform, enhancing coherence and coordination within the United Nations system as well as with regional and subregional actors, and promoting positive synergies, while at the same time trying to avoid duplicities.
英国慈善组织编 制和分享关于助的当 前信息和最佳做法,提供与专家的联系途径,并致 于激 励更多人乐善好施,并由此享受所带来的非凡惠益。
Philanthropy UK develops and shares current information and best practice on giving, provides accessible links to specialists and aims to inspire more people to become philanthropic and, thus, enjoy the extraordinary awards this brings.
( 外空委) 的工作作出了宝贵的贡献。他最后指出,加拿大政府非 乐 于 支持 本次会议,确信随后展开的讨论在 助于 确 保 全 人 类 都 享受到和平利用外层空间 的裨益。
He concluded by stating that the Government of Canada is very pleased to support this conference and is sure that the ensuing discussions will advance work towards ensuring that all mankind benefits from the peaceful use of outer space.
上海和睦家医乐于成为 您的伙伴,促进您的健康状况,通过每月提供实用的信息和建议来 助 您 实 现自己的保健目标。
Shanghai United Family
[...] Hospital & Clinics is excited to be your partner in improving your health by providing helpful information and tips every month to assist you in achieving [...]
your healthcare goals.
本组织力求为未出生的婴儿、残疾人、体弱者和老人代言,促进尊重从受精 到自然死亡的所有人类生命,加强和推动公众对生命问题的理解和知识,包括但 不于胎儿 发育、人工流产、新的生殖技术、领养、安宁看护、 乐 死 、 医生助自杀、人体实 验、人工流产后综合征及贞节/禁欲教育。
The organization seeks to advocate for the preborn, the disabled, the infirm and the elderly by promoting respect for all human life from fertilization to natural death by fostering and promoting public understanding in and knowledge of
life issues, including,
[...] but not limited to, foetal development, abortion, new reproductive technologies, adoption, palliative care, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, human experimentation, [...]
post-abortion syndrome and chastity/abstinence education.
某些组织还向捐助方提供信托基金的审计报告,这将使得 助 方 更 加 乐于接 受单一审计原则。
Some organizations also make the trust funds’ audit reports available to donors, which enhanced donor responsiveness to accept the single audit principle.
内部审计办公室的产出重点是评价和改进治理、风险管理和管控工作,为此 目的,将确保:(a) 办公室具有明确的与机构目标相关的任务规定,并 助于一 个独立、客观和能妥善发挥作用的管理结构,还具有核可的年度工作计划;(b) 办 公室能够及时得到并保持数量和质量合适 人 力 资 源,以执行其年度工作计划并 完成任务;(c) 办公室高效实施㈠ 审计和调查方法,包括使用支助工具、技术 和知识管理方法;㈡ 业务管理办法,包括各司的管理和业务活动管理以及业绩 监测;㈢ 质量保证和持续改进。
The Office of Internal Audit will focus its outputs on evaluating and improving governance, risk management and control processes by ensuring that (a) it has a clear mandate linked to organizational objectives and is supported by an independent, objective and well-functioning management structure with approved annual work plans; (b) it secures and retains the right quantity and quality of human resources in a timely manner to execute its annual work plans and fulfil its mandate; and (c) it is effective and efficient in applying (i) audit and investigation methodologies, including the use of supporting tools, technology and knowledge management approaches; (ii) operational management practices, including divisional and engagement management and performance monitoring; and (iii) quality assurance and continuous improvement.
这种磋商形式有助于 增加计划和预算选择方案的透明度 ,也可更好地发挥全国委员会的作用,更 助于 总 部 和 总部外办事处之间的分工,以及更好地使用下放的财力 人 力 资 源。
That kind of consultation, by contributing to the transparency of pragmatic and budgetary choices, could be more consistent with the role of the National Commissions, improve task sharing between Headquarters and field offices and ensure better use of decentralized financial and human resources.
这包括但不于青年才俊通过文字和图像表达对本组 织和本组织会员国领人的期 望;学者、学生和教师在他们的工作中看到联合国 带来的显著“影响”;大学生在完全 于 他 们自己的“全球模拟联合国”中模拟 大会的各种活跃潜能;非政府组织和 人 从 更 加广泛的地域给长期争论的专题注 入新的生命并带来更多的参与机会;各国政府、研究机构和媒体寻求而且现在能 够以便捷的形式找到会员国对关键问题的立场的记录;创意社区在对本组织议程 至关重要的事务中看到以具有知识性和 乐 性 的 方式联系受众的机会。
These include, but are not limited to, talented young voices giving expression, through word and image, to their expectations of the Organization and those who lead its Member States; scholars, students and teachers who see in their work a discernible United Nations “impact”; college students who adapt the dynamism of the General Assembly’s possibilities to a “Global Model United Nations” that is entirely their own; non-governmental organizations and individuals who breathe new life into long-debated topics with the vigour of a vaster geographical base and greater opportunities for participation; Governments, research institutions and the media, which seek, and can now find, the recorded positions of Member States on key issues in readily accessible form; and the creative community, which sees in matters vital to the Organization’s agenda the chance to reach its audiences in a fashion that informs as it entertains.
该文件规定了助于将基于人权的 社会模式和方法纳入影响残疾人地位的 政策主流的措施和活动:将与残疾人地位有关的问题纳入总体发展计划的主流; 制定有效的法律保护;提供基于受益人的权利和需求的社会、医疗和其他服务; [...]
活的政策和实施方案;为残疾人提供无障碍建筑环境、无障碍交通、信息,通讯 和公共服务,并提供适足的生活和社会安全水准。
The document prescribes measures and
[...] activities which shall help mainstream the social model and approach based on human rights into [...]
the policies affecting
the status of persons with disabilities: mainstreaming issues relating to the status of persons with disabilities into general development plans; developing efficient legal protection; availability of social, health and other services based on the rights and needs of beneficiaries; developing policies and implementing programmes providing equal opportunities for persons with disabilities and encouraging independence, personal development and active living in all areas; providing access for persons with disabilities to the constructed environment, accessible transportation, information, communications and public services, and providing adequate living and social safety standards.
对于秘书长于人力资 源管理的报告(A/63/282), 咨询委员会的评论和建议重点讨论了以下领域:人力 资源规划和监测;职业发展和助; 加 强领导力和管 理能力;业绩管理;人力资源信息技术;保健服务和 工作人员与管理人员的关系。
With regard to the Secretary-General’s overview report on human resources management reform (A/63/282), the Advisory Committee’s comments and recommendations focused on the areas of human resources planning and monitoring; career development and support; strengthening [...]
of leadership
and management capacity; performance management; human resources information technology; health-care services; and staff-management relations.
[...] 注非洲地区),突出强调有必要增加关于 助于人 们 了 解和参与可持续发展进程的问题的媒 [...]
Focus continues to be placed on the empowerment of marginalized groups through community multimedia, and on journalism education (with a particular focus on Africa),
highlighting the need to increase media content
[...] on issues that contribute to people’s understanding [...]
and engagement in sustainable development processes.
[...] 要责任是帮助社会进行转变,处理所有这些问题:科学工作者能够、期待并 乐于 帮 助 各 国 政治领 袖采纳从长远的观点上看是明智的政策。
Hence, scientists have an overriding responsibility to help societies to make a transition to deal with
all these issues: scientists can, expect
[...] and are willing to help political leaders [...]
to adopt policies that make sense in the long term.
农民、小块土地拥有者、于城市 边缘的副业生产地花园拥 人乐 意 交 付的地产税和租金会比他们 以前交付的多得多,原因(1)城市有新来的居民,他们需要新的更赚利润的农产品,这里的原因是大大 省掉了铁路运费,(2)通过对天然成分的土壤应有的回报,(3)通过所拥有土地的正当的、公平合理 [...] [...]
的 和 自 然 条 件 ; ( 4
The rate-rent that which will be readily paid by farmer, small occupier, and allotment holder, would be considerably [...]
greater than the rent
he paid before: (1) because of the presence of a new town population demanding new and more profitable farm products, in respect of which railway charges can be largely saved; (2) by the due return to the soil of its natural elements; (3) by the just, equitable, and natural conditions on which the land is held and (4) by reason of the fact that the rent now paid is rate and rent, while the rent formerly paid left the rates to be paid by the tenant.




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