单词 | 乐之 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 乐之 —Ritz (cracker brand)Examples:助人为快乐之本—pleasure from helping others 音乐之声—The Sound of Music, Broadway musical (1959) and Academy Award-winning movie (1965) 先王之乐—the music of former kings
Piacere在意大利语中表示“欢乐”之意 , 成功满足了最为挑剔的食客们的味蕾享受。 shangri-la.com | Meaning “pleasure” in Italian, Piacere succeeds in delighting the palates of the most discerning of diners. shangri-la.com |
马蒂厄在帮助“和平一天”和可口可 乐之 间 建 立长期关 系中发挥了重要作用。 peaceoneday.org | Marc Mathieu was instrumental in helping to build the longstanding [...] relationship between Peace One Day and Coca-Cola. peaceoneday.org |
除了创作音乐之外,让艺术为人所知是音乐家的重要 任务,林肯公园就是这方面的典范。 ifpi.org | as well as creating music, a big part of being a musician is getting the art out there and linkin park is exemplary in that regard. ifpi.org |
夜幕降临,您可以置身于Diamond Heart曼妙的音乐之中, 细品最爱的饮品和小吃,度过一个放松惬意的夜晚。 shangri-la.com | Music from the Diamond Heart Duo complements a relaxing evening with your favourite beverages and snacks in the popular hotel meeting place. shangri-la.com |
搭乘“幻想曲号”不仅是欢乐之旅,更是发现之旅。 msccruises.com.cn | MSC Fantasia is not only a voyage of pleasure, but one of discovery. msccruises.com.eg |
西部兽医大会(WVC)在世界级旅游目的地――世界 娱 乐之 都 拉 斯维加斯举行,为兽医专业人士和相关团体提供全面继续教育的活动。 tipschina.gov.cn | WVC provides comprehensive continuing education for [...] veterinary professionals and related groups in a world-class destination -- [...] Las Vegas, the Entertainment Capital of the World. tipschina.gov.cn |
弗朗茨·约瑟夫·海顿(1732--1809),奥地利作曲家,指挥家,古典音乐最著名的作 曲家之一,被誉为“交响乐之父” 和“弦乐四重奏之父”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Austrian composer and conductor, was one of the most prominent composers of the Classical period. unesdoc.unesco.org |
香港,堪称著名的购物、观光与娱 乐之 都 ,同时也是理想的商务旅行目的地。 marriott.com.cn | Known for spectacular shopping, [...] sightseeing and entertainment, Hong Kong is ideal [...]for business travel. marriott.co.uk |
如Willie Nelson和Kris Kristofferson 这样的音乐传奇人物,都从潜水吧的舞台开始他们的 音 乐之 路。 ba-repsasia.com | Music legends like Willie Nelson and Kris Kristofferson got their start playing on the bar’s stage. ba-repsasia.com |
鲜少演奏的拉丁风格作品为这个集才华、魅力与欢乐于一身的 音 乐之 夜 更 添光彩。 vacheron-constantin.com | The programme of rarely played Latin works crowned an evening of musical discovery that combined talent, charm and joy. vacheron-constantin.com |
文化价值与娱乐:对于许多人而言,个别具有较高美感质量、可供体育及 娱 乐之 用 ,并且还可作为圣地 的湿地也具有重要的文化价值。 teebweb.org | Cultural values and recreation: for many people, particular wetlands also have important cultural values as places with high aesthetic quality, for [...] sports and recreation, and also as [...]sacred sites. teebweb.org |
无论您想去哪里,无论您想做些什么,都有一条量身定做的路线,保证能让您的旅途成为一个非 凡 之 旅 、 欢 乐之 旅 , 这些记忆将会成为你永远的美好回忆。 discoverireland.com | Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, you can tailor-make an itinerary that is guaranteed to thrill the senses with memories you’ll cherish forever. discoverireland.com |
作为经典流行音乐和流行音乐录制技术的发源地,Abbey Road Studios(爱彼路录音室)也见证了许多脍炙人口的电影 配 乐之 诞 生。 bowers-wilkins.cn | As well as being the birthplace of countless classic pop and pop recordings, Abbey Road Studios also saw the creation of many of the most famous movie scores. bowers-wilkins.eu |
凯·威尔奇(Kai Welch)成长于美国俄勒冈州的荒野之中,在2005年搬去伟大的 音 乐之 城 纳 什维尔之前,他已经和这里的很多音乐人有过合作。 yugongyishan.com | Kai Welch is a mulit-instrumentalist raised in the wilderness of Oregon who has worked with a range of Nashville artists after moving to the great musical city in 2005. yugongyishan.com |
瑙鲁之前称为快乐之岛,为 1798 年到达该岛的第一位西方人——英国捕鲸船船长约翰·费恩所命名。 wdl.org | Formerly, Nauru was called Pleasant Island, the name given to it by John Fearn, a British whaling captain who became the first westerner to visit the island in 1798. wdl.org |
这位音乐家的人生旅程将他从芝加哥的贫民窟带到西雅图、波士顿和纽约,甚至抵达众多欧洲城市,四处表演并为当时代举足轻重的重要爵士乐手作曲,包括灵 魂 乐之 父 查 尔斯(Ray Charles)和基尔斯彼(Dizzy Gillespie)。 audemarspiguet.com | The musician’s journey has taken him from inner city Chicago to Seattle, Boston, and New York, and [...] on to various European [...] cities, where he played and composed for the principal jazz heavyweigts [...]of the time, including Ray Charles and Dizzy Gillespie. audemarspiguet.com |
挪威高端音响- 挪威音乐之旅( Electrocompaniet)产自遥远的挪威小镇 Tau, 但它在中国也不无所闻。 norway.org.cn | High-end audio product manufacturer, Electrocompaniet, make all their products in the small Norwegian town of Tau, but that does not mean their presence is unheard of in China. norway.cn |
Urus 为四座跑车,宽敞舒适,适合家庭及亲友休闲 娱 乐之 用。 lamborghini.com | Urus offers plenty of space for four people, for the family, for leisure pursuits with friends. lamborghini.com |
他在 Bratislava 走上学习音乐之路,后进入维也纳音 乐学院学习指挥和作曲。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He started his studies of music in Bratislava then went on to the Music Academy of Vienna to study conducting and composition. unesdoc.unesco.org |
数以百万计的旅行者每天都会使用Priceline.COM的网络,但他们不知道正是后台的Junos帮助他们开启了 快 乐之 旅。 juniper.net | The millions of travelers who rely upon Priceline.COM's network every day might never know it, but that's Junos helping [...] them find their happy trails. juniper.net |
在2012年,Kero One将发行他的第四张个人专辑,继续他的世界 音 乐之 旅 , 制作音乐,在各种不同媒介上推广他的音乐,以及完善他的youtube音乐频道 (www.youtube.com/keroonetv)。 yugongyishan.com | In 2012, Kero one will release his fourth solo album and continue to tour, produce music, place his music in television shows, and work on his youtube channel (www.youtube.com/keroonetv). yugongyishan.com |
在古典音乐和爵士乐之间, 她偏爱前者所深具的浪漫色彩。 audemarspiguet.com | She favors classical to jazz, finding the former [...] far more romantic. audemarspiguet.com |
辛辛那提市领导人正全力宣传辛辛那提市的“ 音 乐之 都 ” 形象,并正在筹备将于2012年7月举行的世界合唱比赛(The World Choir Games)。 tipschina.gov.cn | City leaders are promoting Cincinnati as The City That Sings as they prepare to host The World Choir Games in July 2012. tipschina.gov.cn |
于1971年在长岛去逝,人称爵士乐之王 —伟大的书包嘴。 oris.ch | By his death in 1971 at Long [...] Island he was the king of jazz – Satchmo [...]the Great. oris.ch |
不过,由于声音和语音是人类生活和文化的不可分割的一部分,因此找到厌烦和 享 乐之 间 的平衡至关重要。 bksv.cn | However, as sound and speech are integral to human life and culture, it is crucial to [...] find a balance between annoyance and [...]enjoyment. bksv.com |
Essentially曾举办“音乐和娱乐活动,”如“Lynx仲夏派对,”也曾和“EMI Music”合作创建了一个可控环境,使Lynx得以和“Ly nx 音 乐之 星 ” 在现场音乐活动上宣传品牌、传播品牌信息、获取数据、推出体验活动。 csm.com | Essentially event manage Music and Entertainment Events, like the Lynx All Nighter and worked with EMI Music to create a controlled environment that provided Lynx with the ability to brand the live music event with Lynx Music Star and incorporate brand messages, data capture, and experiential activity. csm.com |
这本16世纪的手稿包含了名为Kitāb al-ibtihāj bil-kalām ‘alà al-Isrā’ wal-Mi‘rāj (关于讨论先知穆罕穆德夜行登霄的喜 乐之 书 ) 由奈智姆·鲁丁·穆罕穆德·伊本·阿玛德·阿尔-加伊特(卒于1573年)所著的神秘主义著作。 wdl.org | This 16th-century manuscript contains an early copy of the mystical work by Najm Al-Dīn Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Ghayṭī (died 1573) entitled Kitāb al-ibtihāj bil-kalām ‘alà al-Isrā’ wal-Mi‘rāj (The book of delight at the discussion of the night journey and ascension of the Prophet Muhammad). wdl.org |
无论您是寻求放松或探索的夫妇,共享天 伦 之乐 的 家 庭,享受蜜月的新婚燕尔,还是欢聚一堂的好朋友,邮轮都能满足您的需求。 msccruises.com.cn | Whether you’re a couple seeking relaxation and exploration, a family after activities, newlyweds making memories, or a group of friends looking for good times, a cruise has everyone covered. msccruises.com.eg |