

单词 乏力



try to rouse oneself but lack the strength [idiom.]

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

这就很可能导 致这样的结果:要么成本很高、监管过于严格,要 么要求过于薄弱、乏力度。
This raises the possibility of either costly, overly stringent requirements or weak, unambitious requirements.
Hafiz A.
[...] Pasha 先生解释说,亚洲及太平洋区域在过去几十年农业和粮 食生乏力,使 本区域因此成为纯粮食进口地区。
Mr. Hafiz A. Pasha explained that Asia and the
[...] Pacific had witnessed a lack of buoyancy in agriculture and [...]
food production over the past decades,
which had caused the region to become a net food importer.
现行政策与实施程序之间的差距以及 乏力 度 的方针 与标准,审计检查工作很难进行,而且分析工作缺少 可靠的依据。
Gaps in the existing policy and procedures, together with weak guidelines and criteria, have made it difficult to formulate audit observations, as the basis for analysis was inadequate.
台湾医疗设备行业2011年产值接近100亿元新台币,尽管全球经济增 乏力 , 预 期2012年产值仍有望增长7%,部分原因是台湾经济部(MOEA)力促台湾医疗设备骨干企业发展。
Taiwan's medical devices industry in 2011 generated output of nearly NT$100 billion, and despite weak global economic growth, output is expected to expand 7% in 2012, in part from an initiative by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) to promote backbone enterprises in the industry.
第一,缺乏遠見和承擔,給人的 感覺是被動的“小修小補”;第二,對於一些制度性和系統性的問題和 長期實施的政策,政府和特首並沒有魄力作出全面檢視,以及作出一 些改良和革新,當然我指的不單是政制的問題,在醫療、教育和社保 等方面,均出現了無心乏力的改 革心態;第三,特首第一次競選時 亦提過,他擔憂的所謂“社會結構的兩極發展”,即“M”型發展,貧富 懸殊加劇,從而擔心社會流動的僵化和不足。
Third, when the Chief Executive stood for election for the first time, he expressed great worries about the "bipolar development of the social structure", that is, a "M-shaped" development with intensified disparity between the rich and the poor, and that social mobility was stagnant and inadequate.
事实上,这些国家的特点是国内资源调集水平和投 资水平低下、制造业发乏力、商 品依赖程度高、 费用日益昂贵的粮食和燃料进口、贸易赤字不断增 多,这使它们特别容易受到全球经济放缓的冲击。
Indeed, the fact that such countries were characterized by low domestic resource mobilization and investment, poor development of manufacturing industries, high commodity dependence, increasingly expensive food and fuel imports and growing trade deficits made them particularly vulnerable to a global slowdown.
如果您每晚睡眠不到8小时,可能会导致以下症状,如头痛,神志不清,烦躁不安,全 乏力 , 抑 郁和疲劳。
When you get far less than eight
hours of sleep per night, symptoms such as headaches, confusion,
[...] irritability, malaise, depression and fatigue can result.
其中许多国家同样面临着没有失业保险计划或保 乏力 的 挑 战,需要改善现有的培训方案,以 提高可持续的市场竞争力并将弱势群体纳入劳动力市场,因此它们所面临的挑战与拉丁美洲国 家大致相同。
Many of these countries face similar challenges of missing or weak unemployment insurance schemes and they need to improve existing training programmes for increased sustainable competitiveness and labour market inclusion of vulnerable groups, therefore facing challenges that are similar to the ones confronted by Latin American countries.
该地区的平均失业率处于采用 共同货币以来的最高水平,而随着公司和家庭实行去杠杆化,政府采取紧缩性财 政政策,许多经济体增乏力或面 临衰退。
Average unemployment in the region is at its highest level since the common currency was introduced, and many economies face anaemic growth or recessions as firms and households are in a process of deleveraging, while governments pursue contractionary fiscal policies.
Brazil has lost a lot of steam in the second quarter. Meanwhile, India and Russia still expanded at a decent clip, although deceleration is quiet visible in both as well.
流感症状通常表现为突发的高烧、咳嗽、全身酸痛、头痛、疲 乏力 、 流 鼻涕、咽喉痛,或任何这些症状的并发症。
Influenza symptoms usually appear as an abrupt onset of high fever, cough, body aches, headache, malaise, runny nose, sore throat, or any combination of these.
在国内外利益相关者的眼里,这些措施由于 定义含糊、执乏力,是缺乏法律 效力的。
These measures lack legitimacy in the eyes of [...]
both Chinese and international stakeholders because enforcement is inconsistent and unclear.
其結果是一般 的感乏力及暈眩。
This results in dizziness and a general sense of weakness.
尽管有林林总总的政府立法、政策和方案倡议,现 实情况却是执乏力、资 源匮乏、成效远不足以满足非洲裔哥伦比亚人的需求。
Despite a plethora of Government legislation, policy and programme initiatives, the reality is poor implementation, inadequate resources and outputs which fall far short of the needs of Afro-Colombians.
其他普遍存在的困难包括:从生物 学和生态学角度来看,资源状况和管理行动可能产生的后果有很大不确定性;渔
业管理目标的界定不明确或确切,造成被动而非积极主动的管理;经常缺乏有效 或适当的用户或使用权制度;渔民和其他有关利益攸关方不参与管理或参与不充
[...] 分;国家和区域渔业管理机构能力不足;监管、管制和监督制 乏力 , 致 使非法、 无管制和未报告的捕捞活动猖獗。
Other common difficulties include high levels of biological and ecological uncertainty about the status of resources and the likely consequences of management action; poorly or loosely defined objectives for fisheries management leading to reactive rather than proactive management; frequent absence of effective or appropriate systems of user or access rights; absence of or inadequate participation by
fishers and other stakeholders in
[...] management; insufficient capacity in national and [...]
regional fisheries management authorities;
and widespread illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing resulting from inadequate monitoring, control and surveillance systems.306
尼古拉女士表示,虽然法律框架着重规定政府首先有义务保障教育,但是 政府往往由于乏力量, 语言不同,性别不平等以及贪污腐败而无法保障教育。
Ms Nicolai stated that while legal frameworks emphasized that it was the primary obligation of Governments to ensure
education, they were often unable to
[...] do so because of lack of capacity, language differences, [...]
gender disparity and corruption.
故对中年以上患者有下列表现时应提高警惕,考虑患上结肠癌的可能:近期内出现排便习惯改变(如便秘、腹泻或排便不畅)、持续腹部不适、隐痛或腹胀;粪便变稀,或带有血液和粘液;粪便隐血试验持续阳性;原因不明的贫血 乏力 或 体重减轻等;腹部可触摸到肿块。
Therefore, it should be alerted for middle aged people or above with symptoms as follow, which could be colon cancer: change of habit of bowel movement over a short period of time, such as diarrhea,  constipation, or unsmooth bowel movement, persistent abdominal discomfort, vague pain or bloating; loose stool, the presence of blood or
mucus in stool; repeated positive in occult blood test;
[...] unidentified anemia, week or weight loss, [...]
mass palpable in abdomen.
这些办事处的监管环境软弱无力(见上述第 19-20 段)和总部对地区 办事处业务活动的监乏力是产生这些案件的因素。
The weak control environment in the field offices (see paras. 1920 above) and inadequate control by Headquarters over field office operations were contributing factors in these cases.
馬逢國議員: 代 理主席,現時政 府 對 公 共資助 機構( 即 受 政 府資助的志 願 團 體、中小 學及各 大專院校 )的員工薪酬及 附 帶 福利是有所規定的,即 不得高 於 公務員的薪酬及 待遇; 但 這 樣 的規定並不適 用 於 根據獨 立法例成立的法定 機構, 這些法定機構的財政及運作情況, 可以說 是 由 法定機構本身 的 董 事會 自行處 理,縱 使 政 府有委任 相 關 政 府 政 策 局的官 員 進 入法定機構的 董 事局, 但從近 期 的 不 少個案中 , 都 會發現 政 府 對 這些法定機構的 薪酬調 整機制的監 察 顯 然相乏 力 , 所以才 出現“無 皇 管 ” 的 情況。
Even though the Government has appointed relevant Policy Secretaries to the boards of statutory bodies, it has been indicated by many recent incidents that the Government's monitoring of the pay adjustment mechanism of these statutory bodies is blatantly very weak, thus giving rise to "no regulation at all".
新興市場經濟持續增長,但擴張步伐漸 乏力。
Emerging market economies continue to grow but the pace of expansion is looking feebler by the day.
报告称,申诉人患有头痛症,记忆衰 退、无法集中注意力等症状,而 乏力 不 济 ,并一位神经专科医生正在对他进行 [...]
The report stated that the author suffered
from headaches, memory lapses,
[...] concentration problems and lack of energy, and that [...]
he was under examination by a neurologist.
以右上腹痛为主要症状,向右肩胛部延伸,伴有食欲不振 乏力 、 腹 胀、低热,恶心及黄疸等。
And the main symptom presents as pain in right upper abdomen, which could extends to
right scapular region and is
[...] accompanied by poor appetite, lack of power, abdominal distension, [...]
low-grade fever, nausea, jaundice and so on.
用于肺肾两虚,精气不足,久咳虚喘,神 乏力 等 症
Suitable for people with deficiency in the lung and kidney, insufficient essence,
[...] chronic cough and lassitude.
產品首推Comma 6A與6B拉霸機的第卅九屆ENADA羅馬展,已於2011年10月12日至14日間順利落幕,受到義大利國內景氣低迷波及,今年不但展館數量縮減,買氣也顯得欲 乏力。
The 39th ENADA Rome, focusing on Comma 6A (AWP) and Comma 6B (VLT) products, took place on October 12~14, 2011 in Rome, Italy and smoothly came to an end with around 200 exhibitors and 14,702 visitors.
身日俱黃、色澤鮮明如橘子色、发熱口渴、腔腹悶脹,食欲不振、身 乏力 、 脅 肋脹痛、心煩欲吐、小便短少黃赤或深黃色、大便干燥或硬或 [...]
2 至 3 日一行或更長時間、舌質偏紅、舌苔黄膩、脉弦數。
Bright yellow coloration of the skin and sclera, fever, thirst, feeling
as fullness and distension in the
[...] epigastrium, anorexia, fatigue, hypochondriac distension [...]
and pain, restlessness, nausea,
scanty dark urine ( or deep yellow urine ), dry stools ( or stiff hard stools or stools in 2—3 days or more ), red tongue with yellow and greasy fur, taut and rapid pulse.
儘管歐洲主權債務危機與美國經濟復 乏力 使 全 球環境更具挑戰,但香港經濟估計在2011年仍可維持4.9%的增長,低於2010年7.0%的增長。
Despite a challenging global environment due to the
sovereign debt crisis in Europe and anemic
[...] economic recovery in the United States, [...]
the Hong Kong economy still managed to
grow by an estimated 4.9% last year, down from the 7.0% growth in 2010.
在当前经济增乏力的时 期,公共投资可以带来重大收益――不仅降低政府成本,还通过提高 行政工作的透明度和可预测性,为所有投资者创造一个更加有利的环境。
During the current period of weak economic growth, those investments could pay important dividends – not only by reducing government costs, but also by creating a more welcoming environment for all investors by increasing the transparency and predictability of administrative processes.
這 些 年 頭 是 明 治 政 府 的 緊 張 時 刻 , 因 為 還 有 很 多 嚴
重 問 題 , 例 如 反 對 力 量 的 存 在 、 因 封 建 制 度
[...] 致 使 全 國 分 裂 、 朝 廷乏 力 量 以 鞏 固 及 中 央 化 其 權 [...]
力 , 集 權 中 央 正 是 一 個 新 政 府 得 以 生 存 的 必 需 條 件 。
These years were in actually the crucial time for the Meiji government as many serious problems such as the existence of resistant force, the
disunity of the whole nation due to the
[...] feudal system, the lack of imperial force greatly [...]
hindered the consolidation and centralization
of imperial power which was the prerequisite for the survival of the new government.




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