

单词 乏人照顾

See also:

照顾 n

hand n

External sources (not reviewed)

它还注意到举报侵害儿童的暴力案件的程序极其耗费时间,乏作出反应和为受影响者提照顾的 全 面措施。
It also noted that procedures for reporting
cases of violence against
[...] children were extremely long and lacked comprehensive measures to respond [...]
and provide care to those affected.
社署亦为贫困及无家可归的成年残 人 士 提 供临时住 宿 照顾 , 以 确保他 们的安全,同时免他们因乏及时 照顾 及 容 身之所而陷于困境。
11.13 SWD has also put in place measures for ensuring the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in situations of risk by providing
temporary residential care for the destitute
[...] and homeless adults with disabilities to prevent them from exposure to risks owing to the lack of immediate care and shelter.
特 别报告员指出,在已经是剥削性的环境中, 人照 看 的 未成 人 由 于 缺 乏 家 长保 护,更有可能接触有害物质。
The Special Rapporteur observes that unaccompanied minors are more likely to be exposed to harmful substances for want of parental protection in already exploitative environments.
除非对所有资源乏的农户给予充分 照顾, 否 则全国范围广泛施用微量营养素就不可能实现。
Unless genuine constraints on the part of resource-poor farmers are not taken care of adequately, wide-scale adoption of micronutrient use is not expected in the country.
虽然这使正照顾者的人数增 加,但几乎所有的 经合组织成员国都依然乏合格的 照顾 者 。 28 新技术正开始向需照顾的人提供 远程服务。
While this has led to an increase in the
[...] number of formal caregivers, there remain shortages of qualified caregivers in almost all OECD member countries.28 New technology is starting to provide remote services to persons in need of care, an emerging field that could [...]
grow considerably.
(e) 严重肢体伤人士宿舍为乏基本自 我 照顾 能 力而需要起居照顾及护 理服务的严重肢体伤残人士提供家居式住宿服务。
(e) Hostel for
[...] Severely Physically Handicapped Persons which provides home living for persons with severe physical disability who lack self-care skills [...]
and require assistance in personal and nursing care.
截至2010年3 月,香港特区共有 3,058 (b) 中度弱人士宿舍为可以自照顾但 因 缺 乏 日 常生活技能而未能在社 区独立生活的中度弱智人士提供家居式住宿服务。
(b) Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped Persons which provides home living for persons with moderate
intellectual disability who
[...] are capable of basic self-care but lack adequate daily living skills to live [...]
independently in the community.
此外,拟将驻巴基斯坦的首席 安顾问员额改叙为 D-1 职等,原因是,照其规模、复杂程度和承担的责任, 再加上复杂人道主 义紧急情况,驻巴基斯坦安保管理系统堪比一个大型维持和 平行动。
In addition, the post of the Chief Security Adviser in Pakistan is proposed to be reclassified to the D-1 level as, in terms of size, complexity and [...]
degree of responsibility, in combination
with a complex humanitarian emergency, the security management system in Pakistan is considered comparable to a large peacekeeping operation.
同样地,在社工局的技术和财政支持下,数个非政府组 织为乏家庭看顾和帮助的残人或 体弱长者提供家 照顾。
Also under the SWB financial and technical support, several NGOs provide home
care services
[...] targeted at people with disabilities who lack care and support from their families or [...]
the elderly in poor health conditions.
人员缺乏培训,人手不 足,招聘延误,使用短 顾 问 合 同,当地聘用人员错发合同,以及 乏人 员 培训影 响了对受审计办事处进行恰当的行政管理,这也是其他职责范围中发现许多内部监督不善的原因。
Lack of staff training, shortfalls in staffing, delays in recruitment, staff hired on short term consultancy contracts, confusion in issuing the correct type of contracts for locally recruited personnel and lack of staff training [...]
had affected the proper
management and administration of the offices audited and had resulted in many of the internal control weaknesses found in other functional areas.
根据 2000 年 2 月 18 日关于共和国和地方人口社会支助基金的第 827-XIV 号法律以及 2000 年 10 月 26 日第 1083
[...] 号政府决定通过的关于贯彻落实共和国和 地方人口社会支助基金法的条例,每年向拥有子女的家庭、拥有 16 岁以下残疾 儿童的家庭、单亲家庭、需要监护非社会福利机构孤儿的家庭、由于需 照顾 3 岁以下子女而没有参加就业人员以 及其他低收入家庭提供援助,以及向孤儿、 失去父照顾和处 于社会援助和家庭保障司/局照顾下的儿童提供援助。
In accordance with the Law on the republican fund and local funds of social support of population No. 827-XIV from 18 February 2000 and the Regulations adopted by Government Decision No. 1083 from 26 October 2000 on implementation of the Law on the republican fund and the local funds of social support of population, aid is offered annually to families with children, to families with children with disabilities of an age of up to 16 years, single parent families, families with tutorship on non-institutionalised orphan children, persons not involved in employment due to the need to take care of children until the age
of 3 years and other
[...] families with low incomes, as well as to orphan children and left without parental care and who are under care of the social assistance and family protection Sections/Directorates.
在保护难民领域的国际行动应优先考虑以下四 个方面:消除世界冲突的原因,尤其是通过增强国 家的发展能力;促进遵守国际难民法,它与国人 权法和国人道主义法互为补充,并避免把保护难 民固定为安全问题或移民问题;加强国际团结和合 作,并帮助摆脱冲突的国家建立必需的制度措照 顾他们 的公民;并通过资助国家层面的项目,同时 加强国际层面的努力,特别是发挥建设和平委员会 的作用,以促进难民的自愿遣返。
International action in the field of refugee protection should focus on the following four areas: eliminating the causes of conflicts in the world, including by improving States’ capacities for development; promoting respect for international refugee law, in complementarity with international humanitarian and human rights law, and ensuring that refugees’ human rights were not negatively affected by security or migration concerns; promoting international solidarity and partnerships and assisting States emerging from conflict to build their institutional capacities in order to take care of their citizens; and encouraging refugees’ voluntary repatriation to their home countries by financing national programmes, while strengthening international efforts, particularly the role of the Peacebuilding Commission.
下列人员不需事先就业或从事等于工作的活动:在登记失业之前的十二个 月期间,身为父母或监护人,至少有 180 天抚养 18 岁以下中度、重度和极重度 残疾的孩子,8 岁以下的孩子或 8 岁至在学校读完一年级的孩子的失业人员;在
登记失业之前的十二个月期间至少 180 天接受住院治疗的人,护理病人的人;长
[...] 期无法工作的人,老年人,或接受《残疾人社会福利法》或《社会福利法》规定照顾者津贴的人,因 为宣布长期无法工作而失业的人,在监押的人,在狱中或 [...]
Previous employment or engagement in an activity equal to work is not required of an unemployed person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed raised, as a parent or a guardian, a child of up to 18 years of age with a moderate, severe or profound disability, a child under 8 years of age or a child of 8 years of age until the child completed year one at school; or of a person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed was under in-patient treatment, cared for a sick person, a person who is permanently
incapacitated for work or an
[...] elderly person, or received a caregiver’s allowance under [...]
the Social Benefits for Disabled
Persons Act or under the Social Welfare Act, was unemployed due to declaration as permanently incapacitated for work, or held in custody or served a sentence in a prison or house of detention.
8冲 突是身体致残的主要原因,而战争创伤则导致精神和情绪上的困扰:阿富汗经历 了 20
[...] 年的战争,留下众多残疾人。残疾人往往被社会埋没,在战争情况下,这 可能是致命的:冲突结束后,残人 可 能 发现他们的情况变得更糟,因为提照 顾者不在了,乏无障 碍住房,辅助设备,可获得食物、水、卫生、信息和通信 技术以及基础设施。
There are more conflicts in the world today than ever before, and wars tend to last longer.8 Conflict is a major cause of physical disabilities, and the trauma of war causes mental and emotional disturbances: Afghanistan has experienced 20 years of war, which left many disabled.8 Persons with disabilities are often made invisible by society and this can be lethal in a situation of war: in the aftermath of a conflict, persons with
disabilities may find
[...] their situation exacerbated by the loss of caretakers, and the lack of accessible housing, aids and accessible food, [...]
water, sanitation,
information and communications technology and infrastructure.9
请允许教科文组织工会(STU)直接指出,总干事打算调整秘书处的结构和削减人员 编制,而
[...] 2004 年却填补了 125 个专门人员及以人员职位,其中 乏 未 遵 照 新 政 策(2003 年 9 月 29 日发布的第 2191 [...]
The UNESCO Staff Union (STU) wishes to point out at the outset that although the DirectorGeneral is envisaging a restructuring of the Secretariat and a cut in staff numbers, 125 posts in the Professional category and above were filled in 2004, more often than not
in disregard of the
[...] principles of recruitment set out under the new policy (Administrative Circular [...]
No. 1291 of 29 September 2003).
正如余若薇議員剛才提醒大家,公民黨早已跟財政司司長 說過,要求他作出表示,對“N無人士 ” 缺 乏照 顧 的情況亡羊補牢。
As explained by Ms Audrey EU just now, the Civic Party had talked to
the Financial Secretary long ago, requesting him to take
[...] remedial measures on the lack of attention for the [...]
期間,如有 需要,學校會繼續開放予個別家 乏人照 顧 而 需要回校的學 生,而同時學校亦會作出適當安排,避免回校的兒童太過密集, 以減低疾病傳播的風險。
During the suspension period, schools, if required, would remain open to serve those children whose parents had difficulties in arranging alternative child care, while making necessary arrangements to avoid dense congregation of children to minimize the risk of disease transmission.
由尼日利亚政府、联合国机构、发展伙伴、民间社 会和非政府组织的代表组成的一个委员会正对其执 行情况进行监测,社区一级的儿童保护网络将 使照 顾者敏 感认识到什么构成虐待,并帮助确定受虐待 的儿童和起诉犯人。
Its implementation was being monitored by a committee comprising representatives of the Nigerian Government, United Nations agencies, development partners, civil society and non-governmental organizations, and community-level child
[...] networks would sensitize caregivers on what constituted abuse, and help to identify abused children and to prosecute offenders.
除了获得普遍意义上的福利 及服务之外,同时还有具体针对有残疾人家庭的措施,如对于有残疾人家庭的住 房进行改造以适应残人需求 ;监护住房或家庭共用住房;日 照顾 或 夜 间 照顾 中心;家庭休憩及支持计划等。
In addition to the body of benefits and services of a general nature there are measures designed specifically for families with disabled members, such as rehabilitation and adaptation of their dwellings, protected or communal dwellings, day and night care centres, family respite and support programmes, etc.
顾及到缺乏时间与资源的可能 性,以及保持一定程度灵活性和先后顺序的必要性。
It took into account the possibility that time and resources may not be readily available, and a degree of flexibility and prioritization was necessary.
计划考虑了 131 项措施,这些措施可以分为下列 10 个主题:待 遇平等;社会融合,打击种族主义和仇外心理;消除性别暴力;西班牙人在国外 的权利;宗教自由;有效司法保护(扩展二级刑事审判及其他);对恐怖主义活动 等的受害者的关怀照顾;个人自由 与国家安全力量和部队(防止酷刑的国家机 制,保障被拘押者的权利,对国家安全力量和部队进行人权方面的培训和教育 等);庇护权利和对不驱回原则的尊重;社会权利(教育、住房、健康、就业范 畴、残疾人、个人自主权、儿童);为个人发展而享有良好环境的权利。
Domestic policy measures: A total of 131 measures are planned, under 10 main themes: equality of treatment, integration and combating racism and xenophobia; combating gender-based violence; the rights of Spaniards abroad; religious freedom; effective judicial protection (including the generalization of the right to a second hearing); care for victims (of terrorism, for example); personal freedom and the State security forces (national mechanism for the prevention of torture, guarantees for persons held incommunicado, and human rights training for those forces, inter alia); the right of asylum and respect for the principle of non-refoulement; social rights (education, housing, health care, employment, persons with disabilities, personal autonomy, childhood); and the right to an environment conducive to personal development.
行预咨委会还注意到,在“构成部分 4:支助”项下,“培训联塞部队内的艾 滋病毒/艾滋病保密自愿咨询和化顾 问 并 为特派团所 人 员 设 立保密自愿咨询 和化验设施”这一计划产出没有完成,原因是 乏 经 过 培训 顾 问 (见“预期成 绩 4.1:有效、高效率地为特派团提供后勤、行政和安保支助”项下的计划产出)。
The Advisory Committee also notes that under component 4: support, the planned output relating to the training of voluntary confidential
HIV/AIDS counselling and testing
[...] counsellors within the Force and the establishment of counselling and testing facilities for all mission personnel was not completed because of the lack of trained counsellors [...]
(see planned outputs
under expected accomplishment 4.1: effective and efficient logistical, administrative and security support to the mission).
(i) 在非洲实现没有艾滋病、疟疾和结核病患者的一代,为此提供预防照 顾援助 ,以便尽可能实现到 2010 年在非洲国家普及艾滋病毒/艾滋病治疗的目标, 鼓励制药公司向非洲提人们买 得起的药物,包括抗反转录病毒药物,并确保增 加双边和多边援助,尽可能是赠款援助,通过加强保健系统,帮助非洲防治疟疾、 结核病和其他传染病。
( i ) To provide, with the aim of an AIDS-,
malaria- and
[...] tuberculosis-free generation in Africa, assistance for prevention and care and to come as close as possible to achieving the goal of universal access by 2010 to HIV/AIDS treatment [...]
in African countries, to encourage pharmaceutical companies to make drugs, including antiretroviral drugs, affordable and accessible in Africa and to
ensure increased bilateral and multilateral assistance, where possible on a grant basis, to combat malaria, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases in Africa through the strengthening of health systems.
最后,加强政治、人道主义以及军事层面之间协 调,不仅对保障援助工人员以及 照顾 难 民 和流离失 所者所必需的人道主义空间的安全是至关重要的,而 [...]
且对于从以安全、保护和满足基本需要为优先的初步 阶段充分过渡到恢复以及重建秩序和法治,以确保尊 重和保护人权也是至关重要的。
In conclusion, strengthening coordination between the political, humanitarian and military dimensions is critical not just to guarantee the security of
aid personnel and the humanitarian
[...] space necessary to care for refugees and displaced [...]
persons, but also to adequately transition
from the early stages, where priorities lie in the realm of safety, protection and covering basic needs, towards recovery and the re-establishment of order and the rule of law in order to guarantee the respect and promotion of human rights.
他们还讨论了达到以下目标的战略:发展儿童与家长 照顾 者 之 间安全、 稳定和有利于成长的关系;促进儿童和青少年的生活技能;减少酒精、枪支和刀 具的提供和有害作用;促进两性平等和克服助长暴力的文化和社会规范;支持确 认、关怀和支助受人的方案。
They also addressed strategies aimed at developing safe, stable and nurturing relationships
between children and
[...] their parents and caregivers; promoting life skills for children and adolescents; reducing the availability and harmful use of alcohol, guns and knives; promoting gender equality and overcoming cultural and social norms that support violence; and supporting victim identification, care and support [...]
有关性别暴力的主要原因是避难营 乏 安 全 、夜 照 明 不 足、缺 少合适的卫生设备、缺少避难场所或帐篷使得她们被迫与陌 人 合 住 在一起。
The lack of security in the camps, the poor lighting at night, the dearth of proper sanitation facilities and the shortage of shelters or tents which [...]
compels people to cohabit with strangers are the commonest reported causes of gender-based violence.




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