

单词 乌齐雅

See also:


even adv

all together adv


surname Qi n


elegant adj

External sources (not reviewed)

总干雅克·迪乌夫先生在讲话中对亚太区域过去二十年取得的快速经济增 长表示肯定,认为这在很大程度上减轻了贫困。
In his statement, Mr Jacques Diouf acknowledged the impressive economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region during the past two decades, which had resulted in a major reduction of poverty.
曼德拉是仍然在世的最后一位非洲解放斗争 传奇人物,在他之前有恩克鲁玛、 雅 塔 、 尼雷尔、齐基韦、桑戈尔等等。
As the last living legend of the liberation
struggle in Africa, he has joined the ranks of his
[...] predecessors: Nkrumah, Kenyatta, Nyerere, Azikiwe, Senghor and others.
[...] 的集装箱列车运行,并将参与组办 2012 年从中乌鲁木齐到德国柏 林的集装箱列车示范运营。
It had successfully assisted in the organization of container trains operating from China to Germany
and would also be involved in organizing demonstration
[...] container trains from Urumqi, China, to Berlin, [...]
Germany, in 2012.
粮农组织总干雅克·迪乌夫先 生对韩国总 统及全体与会者表示热烈欢迎。
Mr Jacques Diouf, Director-General of FAO, warmly welcomed the President of the Republic of Korea and all participants to the Conference.
这个镇有一个丰富而愉快的建筑遗产与历史悠久的市中心,教堂(圣母院LA GRANDE)和“雅的修剪整齐的花 园中的Parc de Blossac。
The town has a rich and pleasant architectural
heritage with an historic centre, churches
[...] (Notre-Dame-la-Grande) and elegantly manicured gardens [...]
in the Parc de Blossac.
信息来源告知工作组,2009 年 7 月新乌鲁木齐发生 暴乱之后,据报告称 上百名维吾尔族青年男子因涉嫌参与暴乱被拘留,其中一些还遭到强迫失踪。
The source informed the Working Group that, following the July 2009
[...] unrest in Urumqi, Xinjiang, hundreds of [...]
Uighur young men were reportedly detained
on suspicion of having participated in the unrest and some of them were also subjected to enforced disappearance.
得知 Bulimasu 中校未能控制第 112
[...] 团武器库后,Ringo 指挥官离开齐,前 往乌维拉,听取 Byamungu 上校进一步指示。
Bulimaso had failed in taking control over
the 112th regiment’s weapons depot, Commander Ringo
[...] departed from Fizi for Uvira to obtain further [...]
instructions from Col.
2009 年 9 月,根据 中国、印度和哈萨克斯坦的提议,通过了对《亚洲公路网政府间协定》的修正, 以包括:(a) 中国境内乌鲁木齐-塔克 什肯路段,连接到蒙古 雅 浪 塔 ;(b) 印 度境内的普尔巴里-斋关路段,将 AH48 公路从不丹边境延伸过来;和(c) 哈萨克 斯坦境内的阿克托别-赛尚路段,作为 AH61 公路的支路。
Amendments to the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network were adopted in September 2009 at the proposal of China, India and Kazakhstan, to include: (a) the Urumqi-Takeshkan road section in China, connecting with Yarantai in Mongolia; (b) the Phulbari-Jaigaon road section in India, extending route AH48 from the border of Bhutan; and (c) the Aktobe-Zaysan road section in Kazakhstan as a branch of route AH61, therefore providing road connectivity to all landlocked countries in the region.
在这方面,理事会表扬毛里塔总统尼亚穆罕默 德 · 乌 尔 德·阿卜杜勒·齐兹、南非总雅各布 ·祖马、布基纳法索总统布莱斯·孔波雷、坦桑尼亚总统 贾卡亚·基奎特、乍得总统伊德里斯·代比·伊特诺,以及非盟委员会主席让·平 [...]
In this regard, Council pays tribute to Presidents Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz of Mauritania, Jacob Zuma of South [...]
Africa, Blaise Compaoré
of Burkina Faso, Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania and Idriss Déby Itno of Chad, as well as to the Chairperson of the AU Commission, Dr. Jean Ping, and the President of the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Mr. James Victor Gbeho, for their contribution to the search for a solution to the current crisis in Côte d’Ivoire.
我要特别感谢总干雅克·迪乌夫博 士的宝贵建议以及粮农组织工作人员 的辛勤工作和贡献。
I wish to extend a special recognition to Dr Jacques Diouf, the Director General, for his valuable advice and the FAO staff for their contribution and dedication.
另一位女性谢利·雅齐莫维奇最近当 选为以色列工党领导人。
Another woman, Shelly Yachimovich, was recently elected to lead the Israeli Labour party.
信息来源称,2009 年
[...] 7 月暴乱发生后,中国安全部队立即 乌 鲁 木 齐 的两 个维吾尔族人聚集区――二道桥和赛马场发动了若干次拘留行动,之后继续进行 [...]
小范围拘留,行动至少持续到 2009 年 8 月中旬。
According to the source, immediately after the July 2009 unrests, Chinese security
forces allegedly conducted several detentions
[...] in two areas of Urumqi with a high Uighur [...]
population, namely Erdaoqiao and Saimachang,
which continued, on a lesser scale, until at least mid-August 2009.
这一尝试最终随着二至四月在齐和 雅 加 达 的一系列警察搜捕而结束。
The experiment ended with a series of
[...] police raids in Aceh and Jakarta in February, [...]
March and April.
2005 年 中,康帕克回教战士成员乌利尔在 雅 加 达 的办公室 进行了调查,从而为谋杀行动做准备,但这一行动因 [...]
Surveys were conducted in mid-2005 of
[...] Ulil’s office in Jakarta for an operation that [...]
was later aborted.
在俄罗斯联邦乌拉尔州马雅克核 电厂开展的工人健康流行病学研 究,以及对 Techa 河附近因该厂的放射性物质排放而暴露于辐射的人口进行的流 行病学研究,为长期暴露于低剂量内部结合态放射性核素提供了有价值的信息。
Valuable information on the long-term low-dose exposures to internally incorporated radionuclides has been provided by epidemiological studies of the health of workers at the Mayak nuclear complex in the southern Urals of the Russian Federation, and of the population near the Techa River whose exposure was due to radioactive discharges from that facility.
粮农组织总干雅克·迪乌夫, 国际农业发展基金(农发基金)总裁卡纳 约·恩万泽先生、世界粮食计划署执行干事乔塞特·希兰女士、秘书长的粮食安 [...]
全与营养特别代表 David Nabarro 先生、高级别专家组指导委员会主席 M.S.斯瓦 米纳坦先生等在会上致词。
Opening statements were delivered by Jacques Diouf, Director [...]
General, FAO; Kanayo Nwanze, President, International Fund
for Agricultural Development (IFAD); Josette Sheeran, Executive Director, World Food Programme; David Nabarro, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Food Security and Nutrition; and Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan, Chair of the Steering Committee of the High-level Panel of Experts.
粮农组织总干雅克·迪乌夫先生、世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)执行干事 Josette Sheeran女士、国际农业发展基金(农发基金)副总裁Yukiko Omura女士 代表农发基金总裁Kanayo [...]
David Nabarro先生代表联合国秘书长、以及粮食安全和营养高级别专家小组主 席Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan教授致开幕辞。
Jacques Diouf, Director-General of FAO; Josette Sheeran, Executive Director of the World [...]
Food Programme (WFP); Yukiko Omura,
Vice-President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), on behalf of Kanayo F. Nwanze, President of IFAD; David Nabarro, Coordinator of the High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Crisis, on behalf of the Secretary-General of the United Nations; and Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan, Chair of the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition, delivered opening statements.c 7.
出于安全原因,观察员部队把 22D 号阵地(22
[...] 号阵地的哨位)人员和附近的 观察员部队一支军事警察分遣队疏散 齐乌 阿 尼 营地。
UNDOF position 22D (an outpost
of position 22) and a nearby detachment of the UNDOF military police were
[...] evacuated to Camp Ziouani for safety reasons.
日本航空的包机目的地计有帛琉、阿拉斯加、艾丽斯泉(Alice Springs)乌鲁木齐及乌兰巴托。
The charter flights include destinations such as Palau,
[...] Alaska, Alice Springs, Urumuqi and Ulan Bator.
[...] 华盛顿特区中国大使馆通知对话基金会说,高智晟“ 乌 鲁 木 齐 工 作”,但 是他的家属不知道这一情况,也没有听到高智晟本人的亲口表示。
On 15 February 2010, the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C., informed
the Dui Hua Foundation that Zhisheng Gao
[...] was “working in Urumqi”, but his family [...]
did not know of this fact, nor had they
heard any word from Zhisheng Gao himself.
2011 年 10 月,乌克兰安全局乌克兰雅尔塔 组织了 乌 克 兰和北大西洋 公约组织专家出席的网络防御年度圆桌会议。
In October 2011, the Security Service of
Ukraine organized and
[...] conducted in Yalta, Ukraine, the annual round of talks on cyberdefence by experts from Ukraine and the North [...]
Atlantic Treaty Organization.
齐亚乌丁·艾 哈迈德·巴尔尼(Ziauddin Ahmad Barni,1890-1969 年)在德里出生并接受教育,他的父亲和一个兄弟曾为促进乌尔都语报纸的发展作出贡献,另外,其多名家族成员是著名书法家。
Ziauddin Ahmad Barni (1890–1969) was born and educated in Delhi, where his father and one of his brothers were instrumental in the development of Urdu newspapers and several members of the family were renowned calligraphers.
为了填补豪雅专卖店的空缺,2012年4月底, 雅 与 宝 齐 莱 ( Bucherer)在卢塞恩合作新开了一家面积达84平方米的专卖店;5月初,又有一家豪雅与Türler 合作,占地20-60平方米的活动式品牌店(Pop-up store)在苏黎世机场亮相;今年底,将有一家63平方米的豪雅专属专卖店在日内瓦盛大揭幕。
Previously missing from the map of TAG Heuer stores, Switzerland opened its first 900 sq ft TAG Heuer store in Lucerne at the end of April 2012, in association with Bucherer Handels AG, followed in May by a modular pop-up store of 215 to 645 sq ft at Zurich airport with Türler.
乌迪内斯、齐奥、 拿波里和国际米兰都有机会拿到这张门票。
Udinese, Lazio, Napoli and Inter Milan [...]
all have the chance to win the ticket.
全球顶尖银行瑞士瑞信银行是我们全国范围内的小姐妹学前班以及位于青岛、清远 乌 鲁 木 齐 和 武 汉的合作项目院的赞助机构。
Leading global bank Credit Suisse is a
national sponsor of our Little Sisters Preschool and supports the following
[...] sites: Qingdao, Qingyuan, Urumqi, and Wuhan.
当我们庆祝粮农组织及其合作伙伴这项最伟大的成就之际,我想提醒诸位,如果没有世界各国政府以及非洲、亚洲和欧洲主要组织的共同努力与坚定承诺,没有捐助方和国际机构坚持不懈的支持,就不可能取得这一非凡的成就,”粮农组织总干 雅 克 • 迪 乌 夫 今 天说。
As a contribution to the International Pollinators Initiative, FAO's Plant Production and Protection Division (AGP) and its partners have collaborated with INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, a public research body of the French
同一源所的总部在北京,在上海乌 鲁 木 齐 设 有 事务所,在深圳、大连、海口等地设有办事机构,其地理分布优势使同一源所能够与中央和各相关地方的政府部门及司法部门保持密切的业务联系,使同一源所的服务范围能够深入华北、华东、西北、东北、华南等中国最重要的经济发展区域。
The headquarters of the Coorigin Law Firm is
in Beijing, there also has other
[...] affiliates in Shanghai, Urumqi , offices in Shenzhen, [...]
Dalian, Haikou and other cities.
Such the advantages of its geographical distribution that it could maintain close business ties with the government departments and judicial departments of central and local, it could make the Coorigin Law Firm’s service scope can go to the north, east, northwest, northeast, south China, and other China's most important Regional economic development region.
以色列乌马雅宫殿区的侵入性挖掘活动还在持续,以色列声称“施工工程 无非不过是清除陈年瓦砾和灰尘,以保持周围地区环境的美化”,这种说法是不 [...]
Intrusive Israeli
[...] excavations in the Ummayad palaces area [...]
are ongoing and Israeli allegations that “works being carried
out do not exceed removing accumulated debris and dust in order to maintain the aesthetics of the surrounding area”, are unacceptable and incompatible with the reports of the Jordanian Awqaf Authorities and the Reconstruction Committee of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
后,他罗波安,17年后,他Abias,7年后他亚撒,41岁后,他约沙法,25年后,他约兰,8年后,他亚哈谢,1年;后他亚他利雅,6年后她约西亚,40年后他亚玛谢,39岁;后, 乌 西 雅 , 52 年;后,他约坦,16岁;后,他亚哈斯,17年后,他希西家玛拿西,55年后,他阿蒙,2年;后,他约西亚,31年后他约哈斯,3个月后,他约雅敬,11岁,29岁;后,他。
And after him Rehoboam, 17 years; and after him Abias, 7 years; and after him Asa, 41 years; and after him Jehoshaphat, 25 years; and after him Joram, 8 years; and after him Ahaziah, 1 year; and after him Athaliah, 6 years; and after her Josiah, 40 years; and after him Amaziah, 39 years; and after him Uzziah, 52 years; and after him Jotham, 16 years; and after him Ahaz, 17 years; and after him Hezekiah, 29 years; and after him Manasseh, 55 years; and after him Amon, 2 years; and after him Josiah, 31 years; and after him Jehoahaz, 3 months; and after him Jehoiakim, 11 years.




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