

单词 之内

之内 noun ()

inside n

External sources (not reviewed)

对于新来的留学生而言,要找到合适的住宿是其面临的最大挑战之一;而要找到其预算范 之内 的 住 宿则更是难上加难。
Finding the right accommodation is one of the biggest challenges facing a new international student, and finding a place in your price range can be even harder.
选择正确的 B 组份限流器尺寸并使 A/B 压力保持平衡 将使系统保持在正确的压力范之内 , 从 而确保稳定的 混合比率。
Selecting the correct component B restrictor size and balancing the A/B pressures will keep the system in the proper pressure range, resulting in a consistent mix ratio.
为 增加效益,这一动议可能需要一个小型的秘书处,但最好设在某个参与机 之内。
The initiative would probably require a small secretariat to be most effective, but
[...] ideally it would be housed within one of [...]
the partner organisations.
此类政策通常属于 各有其具体职能、目标和远景的部委的权限范 之内 , 对 市场的监管办法在大多 数情况下也各不相同。
Such sets of policies usually fall within the ambit of different ministers who have specific mandates, goals and visions, and their approach to market regulation is, in most cases, diverse.
教科文组织威尼斯办事处为确认千年发展目标基金“可持续旅游与农村发展”联合项 目内从事的主要活动做出了贡献,该项目与教科文组织指定的地点有关,这些指定地点包括
[...] 在世界旅游组织实施的项目组成部分(与世界遗产地和生物圈保护区有关的旅游)选定的地之内。
UNESCO Venice Office contributed to the identification of the key activities to be carried out within the MDG-F joint programme “Sustainable Tourism and Rural Development”, in relation with the UNESCO designated sites included in the areas
selected by the project component to be implemented by UNWTO (tourism
[...] related to World Heritage Sites and biosphere [...]
造成紧张局 势升级的还有其它因素,其中既有中国内部因素也 有外部因素,但外部因素不在本报告的研究范之 内。
Other factors – both internal and external to China – have also been responsible for increasing tensions, but they are beyond the scope of this study.
公司与土著人民之间进行直接谈判也许是最为有效和可行的方式,可 就在土著领之内或附 近开采自然资源达成安排,充分尊重土著人民的权利,这 [...]
Direct negotiations between companies and indigenous peoples may be the most efficient and desirable way of arriving at
agreed-upon arrangements for the extraction of
[...] natural resources within or near indigenous [...]
territories that are fully respectful
of indigenous peoples’ rights, and they may provide indigenous peoples with opportunities to pursue their own development priorities.
因此,可以说, 爱沙尼亚居民在一小之内,都 可以获得紧急积极治疗。
Hence, it may be said that emergency active treatment is accessible within one hour for inhabitants of Estonia.
各国建议汇编包括:第一部分“具体建议”,涉及普遍定期审查、特别程 序、人权理事会咨询委员会和申诉程序,议程和工作方案框架及理事会的工作方 法和议事规则;第二部分“相互交差的和其他方面的建议”;以及第三部分“对 于是否属于日内瓦审查范之内的问 题存在异义、并需要主席与各国磋商以便进 一步确定的其他问题”。
The compilation of State proposals contained: part one “Concrete proposals” on the Universal Periodic Review, the Special Procedures, the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee and the Complaint Procedure, the Agenda and Framework for a Programme of work and the Council’s Methods of work and Rules of Procedure; part two “Cross-cutting and other proposals”; and part three “Other issues on which differences exist as to whether they fall within the purview of the review in Geneva and require further determination on which the President will consult with States.
为了就业在国家居住的外国 人没有包括在人口普之内。
Foreigners residing in the country for employment purposes were not included in the census.
作 为气候变化、农业和粮食安全范 之内 的 举措的一部分,国际农业研究协商小 组(农研协商小组)的研究方案分析了气候变量与粮食安全指数之间的关系, 并正在为尼泊尔评估来自气象站和遥感图像的气候数据,以研究最近的气候模 式变化及其可如何影响该国的粮食安全。
As part of an initiative within Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, a research programme of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) analysing linkages between climate variables and food security indicators, climate data from weather stations and remote sensing imagery are being assessed for Nepal, in the search for recent changes in climate patterns and how they may impact food security in the country.
根据联合检查组章程(大会第 31/192 号决议,附件)第 11 条第 4 款(d)和(e) 项的规定,如果一份报告只涉及一个组织,该报告及行政首长对报告的评论,应
在收到报告三个月以内递送该组织的主管部门,供该主管部门下一次会议审议; 如果一份报告涉及一个以上组织,该报告连同各行政首长的联合评论及其有关各
[...] 自组织的问题所发表的任何评论,应在收到联检组报告后六个 之内 准 备 好,以 提交有关主管部门下一次会议审议。
In accordance with subparagraphs 4 (d) and (e) of article 11 of the statute of the Joint Inspection Unit (General Assembly resolution 31/192, annex): when a report concerns only one organization, the report and the comments of the executive head thereon shall be transmitted to the competent organ of that organization not later than three months after receipt of the report for consideration at the next meeting of the competent organ; and, when a report concerns more than one organization, the report, together with the joint comments and any comments of the respective heads on the matters that concern their particular organization, shall be ready for
submission to the competent organs of the organizations not later
[...] than six months after receipt of the [...]
Unit’s report for consideration
at the next meeting of the competent organs concerned.
食典委同意作为方案修改从标准范围中删除涉及“果酱制品”的内容,因为这类 产品没有在标准范之内。
The Commission agreed to delete the reference to “fruit spread” from the scope of the Standard as an editorial amendment since this product was not covered by the Standard.
咨询委员会认识 到,秘书长提出这一替代办法,是因为他确认离职后健康保险福利被视 为一种服务条件,因而应列入共同工作人员费 之内。
The Advisory Committee understands that this alternative is put forward by the Secretary-General in recognition of the fact that after-service
health insurance benefits
[...] are considered a condition of service and, therefore, should be included within common staff costs.
第二十八条 托运人与承运人在提供信息和指示方面的合作 如果有关货物正确操作和运输的信息处于被请求方的占有之下,或有关货物 正确操作和运输的指示是在被请求方能够合理提供的范 之内 , 且 请求方无法以 其他合理方式获取此种信息和指示,承运人和托运人应就对方提出的提供此种信 息和指示的请求作出响应。
The carrier and the shipper shall respond to requests from each other to provide information and instructions
required for the proper
[...] handling and carriage of the goods if the information is in the requested party’s possession or the instructions are within the requested party’s reasonable ability to provide [...]
and they are not
otherwise reasonably available to the requesting party.
将这些措施结合起来,将会确保印度国内的氟氯烃消 费总量将控制在《蒙特利尔议定书》规定的允许范 之内。
The combination of these measures will ensure that the total national consumption of HCFCs is within the allowable limits under the Protocol.
但 如果由于保管不当而发生下列故障,则不在质保范之内。
However, defects or failures caused by the following are not covered.
不过,总干事希望重申,与其他多边组织如联合国秘书处和经合发组织相比, 教科文组织处境更为不利,在其他组织里,总部和总部外的安全问题经费或者重建和翻修经 费都是通过在预算上限之外增加预算拨款的方式安排的,无须在正常计划与预 之内 解 决
In that regard, the Director-General wishes to note again that UNESCO finds itself in a more disadvantageous position than other multilateral organizations, such as the United Nations Secretariat or OECD, where the funds for security arrangements at Headquarters and in the field or for reconstruction and renovations are provided through supplementary budget appropriations over and above the budgetary ceiling and need not be met from within the regular programme and budget.
如果电阻在范之内,参 见第 页的喷枪的修理 27,了解关于不良性能的其他可能 原因。
If in range, refer to Gun Repair on page 27 for other possible causes of poor performance.
世界资 源学会进行的全球分析显示,全世界目前开工的矿场和勘探地点有四分之一以上 与严格保护区的 10 公里半径覆叠,甚至在其范之内; 现时所有开工的矿场和 勘探地点几乎三分之一是位于具有高度养护价值的完整生态系统地 之内 ; 现 时 所有开工的矿场几乎三分之一是位于情况紧张的流域;现时开工的矿场和勘探地 点几乎五分之一是位于地震危险大或极大的地区;三分之一以上位于天生就有水 质问题的地区。
Global analysis undertaken by the World Resources Institute showed that more than one quarter of the world’s active mines and exploration sites overlap with or are within a 10-kilometre radius of a
strictly protected
[...] area; nearly one third of all active mines and exploration sites are located within areas of intact ecosystems of high conservation value; almost one third of all active mines are located in stressed watersheds; nearly one fifth of [...]
active mines and exploration
sites are in areas of high or very high seismic hazard; and more than one third are in areas that may be predisposed to water quality problems.
第 34 条进一步规定法院可以发出命令“(a) [禁止]该人在一之内从事本 法规定的任何活动;(b) [...]
[责令]该人提供金钱或其他形式的补偿,以便采取任何补 救行动或补偿因其犯罪行为而受损失的人;(c) [责令]该人竭力协助修复因其犯罪 行为而对环境造成的任何损害;或(d)
[责令 ]该人开展技术研究和调查方案,以发 展和完善安全标识、安全要求及安全标准,或支付开展此类研究所需费用”。
Section 34 further outlines court orders which may
“(a) [prohibit] the person for a period
[...] of not more than one year from engaging [...]
in any activity regulated under this Act;
(b) [require] the person to provide compensation, whether monetary or otherwise, for any remedial action taken or damage suffered by another person arising out of the commission of the offence; (c) [require] the person to do anything that will assist in repairing any damage to the environment arising out of the commission of the offence; or (d) [require] the person to conduct programs of technical research and investigation into the development and improvement of safety marks, safety requirements and safety standards, or to pay an amount in the manner prescribed to be used to conduct the research”.
要么执行《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》多边基金在法律上 被视为环境署的一部分(即一个由环境署控制的实体),因此应当将多边基金的财 务报表与环境署财务报表合并,要么执行《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定 书》多边基金不在环境署权之内, 其 财务报表应当单独列报。
Either the Multilateral Fund is legally considered an integral part of UNEP (that is, an entity over which UNEP exercises control) and the financial statements of the Multilateral Fund should therefore be consolidated in the financial statements of UNEP, or the Multilateral Fund is outside the purview of UNEP, and its financial statements should then be presented separately.
为了履行此规之内容,在 2007 年修改了国家残疾人委员会的章程(当前 受于 2009 年 12 月 4 日通过的第 1855/2009 号皇家法令规范和制约),其目的是 指定该机构作为公约的执行及实施机构,在其职能中包含组建政府管理部门的关 联机构,以推动、保护及跟进在西班牙实施的国际残疾人人权法律规定,尤其是 联合国制定的《国际残疾人权利公约》的实施情况。
In order to comply with this article, in 2007 the regulations governing the National Disability Council (now regulated by Royal Decree No. 1855/2009 of 4 December 2009 were amended to designate it as the institutional body responsible for the application and implementation of the Convention, incorporating into its functions that of serving as the focal point in the general administration of State for the promotion, protection and monitoring in Spain of the international legal instruments relating to the human rights of persons with disabilities which been incorporated into domestic law, and, in particular, the United Nations International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
通过 此种伙伴关系开展的活动包括:为政府官员举办培训讲习班、把培训教材翻 译成当地语文、根据特定需要为政府首席新闻官员制订培训方案、以及把这 一方案作为固定内容纳入国家民事服务培训框 之内。
The activities conducted through such partnerships included organizing training workshops for government officials, translating the training modules into the local language, customizing the programme for Government chief information officers and institutionalizing the programme into national civil service training frameworks.
委员会根据其议事规则第118条(原第112条)第5 款希望在90 天之内被告 知缔约国为回应本决定所采取的措施。
In conformity with rule 118 (former rule 112), paragraph 5, of its rules of procedure, the Committee wishes to be informed, within 90 days, on the steps taken by the State party to respond to this decision.
虽然各国完全可以灵活地利用这些资金实现淘汰,但预 计的一揽子标准措施是:(一)使一个哈龙管理方案到位,以便在某种给定应用 不再需要时回收哈龙,(二)制定必要的政策和条例,(三)向防火产业和紧要 用户提供一些培训以确保它们有安全管理哈龙的技术能力和进行替代品置换,和 (四)如在预算范之内,获 得简单的回收设备以确保哈龙的安全回收。
While the countries have full flexibility to use these funds to achieve the phase-out, the standard package foreseen is to (i) put in place a halon management program so that halons are recovered when no longer needed for a given application, (ii) develop the necessary policies and regulations, (iii) provide some training to the fire protection industry and critical users to ensure their technical capacity to safely manage halons and their replacement by substitutes, and (iv) if possible within the budget, acquire simple recovering equipment to ensure safe recovery of halons.
(3) 在董事会会议上停止担任董事的任何董事,在如无其他董事反对下及 如出席董事未达法定人数的情况下,可继续出席及作为董事行事以及计入法定人之内,直至该董事会会议终止。
(3) Any Director who ceases to be a Director at a Board meeting may continue to be present and to act as a Director and be counted in the quorum until the termination of such Board meeting if no other Director objects and if otherwise a quorum of Directors would not be present.
(c) 在提交申請通知書後 7 天內,安排將第 545 章附表 1 第 2 部
[...] 所指明的中、英文版本的通告張貼在有關土地,並刊登於一 份中文報章和一份英文報之内。
(c) cause a copy of the notice as specified in Part 2 of Schedule 1 to Cap. 545 in Chinese and English languages to be affixed at the land in question and also published in a Chinese
language newspaper and an English language newspaper not later
[...] than seven days after filing of the [...]
notice of application.
关于可持续消费和生产方式的 10 年方案框架》的挑战是促使迅速改变不 可持续的消费和生产方式,以便保持在生态系统承受能力的范 之内 , 同 时确保 全球的生活水平向上看齐。
The challenge of a 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns is to facilitate a swift shift in unsustainable consumption and production patterns in order to remain within the carrying capacities of ecosystems while ensuring upward convergence in living standards across the planet.
政府还对《儿童权利公约》第 20 和 21 条提出保留,该两条涉及替代性照 料和领养,“因为伊斯兰教法是马尔代夫法律的基本来源之一,伊斯兰教法没有 把机构或领养包括在伊斯兰教法所规定的保护和照料儿童的方法和途 之内 ”。
The Government has also expressed its reservation to Articles 20 and 21 of the CRC, dealing with alternative care and adoption “since the Islamic Shari’ah is one of the fundamental sources of Maldivian Law and since the Shari’ah does not include the system or adoption among the ways and means for the protection and care of the Children contained in Shari’ah”.




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