

单词 义愤填胸

See also:


extremely angry

External sources (not reviewed)

在我們因為義填胸而採取任何行動之前,我們必須非常肯定,到底我們要求做甚麼 和為何我們希望這樣做?
Before we set off down the path of righteous indignation we must be very sure what we seek to do and why we wish to do it.
[...] 則堂承批土㆞的特權,則此件糾紛將會永無寧日,而長洲分租㆟則氣 填胸。
Yet, if the status of the Tong as
the leaseholder is not totally revoked, the
[...] dispute would never end and the [...]
Cheung Chau sublessees would remain grievous and furious.
义愤填膺的 悲惨时刻,委内瑞拉人民 向英勇的巴勒斯坦人民表示毫无保留的声援,与 [...]
In this tragic hour of outrage, the people of Venezuela [...]
express their unreserved solidarity with the heroic Palestinian
people, share in the grief of thousands of families at the loss of their loved ones and extends their hand to them, affirming that the Government of Venezuela will work tirelessly to see those responsible for these atrocious crimes severely punished.
另一方面,它是要让穆斯林国家对这一冒天下之 大不韪的事件感义愤填膺, 从而转移它们对穆斯林世界和中东问题和局势的关 注。
On the other hand, it is intended to divert the attention of Muslim nations from the issues and
circumstances of the Muslim world and of the Middle East by
[...] causing them to be enraged and offended by [...]
this great offence.
令人遗憾的是,报告避而不谈一个事实,即阿族 当局继续维护用混凝土填埋贾科维察市中心两度被 毁的塞尔维亚教堂遗址这个令 义愤填 膺 的 决定。
Unfortunately, the report passes over in silence the fact that the ethnic Albanian authorities continue to defend the outrageous decision to pave over with concrete the remains of the Serbian church in the centre of Djakovica that has been destroyed twice.
令人费解的是,对于在改变位于贾科维卡中 部的两度被毁塞尔维亚教堂遗址上铺设混凝土这个 令义愤填膺的决定方面缺少进展,报告继续保持缄 默。
Inexplicably, it continues to remain silent on the lack of progress in reversing the outrageous decision to pave over with concrete the remains of the twicedestroyed Serbian church in the centre of Djakovica.
在得知营地中有袭击者时,当地 平民对营地内一再出现犯罪活动感 义愤填 膺。
On learning of the presence of the assailants in the camp,
[...] local civilians exasperated by repeated criminality [...]
descended on the camp.
没收巴勒斯坦人领土和财产、驱逐领土 上的人民以及用以色列定居者取代原有居民的系统 性政策,加之关闭巴勒斯坦机构和对老城内穆斯林和 基督教圣地采取挑衅行为,包括袭击阿克萨清真寺, 这令阿拉伯国家和伊斯兰国家深受伤害,感 义愤填 膺。
The systematic policy of confiscating Palestinian territory and wealth, depopulating that land and replacing its inhabitants with Israeli settlers, along with the closure of Palestinian institutions and the provocative acts against Muslim and Christian Holy Sites in the Old City, including attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque, have produced bitterness and great rancour in the Arab and Islamic worlds.
招聘少数群体的条件已有所改善, 取消了 招聘选拔中 对身高、体重、 年龄胸围的义务性要求。
The prospects for minority recruitment had improved when
the compulsory height,
[...] weight, age and chest size requirements had been removed from the selection requirements for recruits.
由於職業健康診所提供的服務(包括到病人的工作的地點視察) 與骨科胸肺科 門診的性質不同,因此不能直接比較兩者的病人 [...]
As the nature of services provided by the occupational health clinics, including inspection of the
patients' workplace, is different from that
[...] of orthopaedic and thoracic out-patient clinics [...]
of the HA, a direct comparison of their
number of patients, new and old cases as well as workload of each doctor cannot be made.
2003 年,亚美尼亚前任总统罗伯特·科恰良公开发表“亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆 之间种族不相容”的言论,在国际社会引起理所当然 义愤。
Thus, the public comments made in 2003 by the previous President of Armenia, Robert Kocharyan, about “ethnic
incompatibility between Armenians and Azerbaijanis”
[...] have produced justifiable indignation within the international [...]
国际社会义愤填膺和 痛苦地目睹一个不负责 任和凶残的政权正在犯下一些最明目张胆的危害人 [...]
类罪行和灭绝种族罪行,这个政权肆无忌惮地违反国 际法、国际人道主义法和人权法的最基本原则。
The world community is
[...] witnessing with outrage and anguish the [...]
perpetration of some of the most blatant examples of crimes
against humanity and genocide committed by an irresponsible and brutal regime that knows no boundaries in violating the most basic principles of international law, international humanitarian law and human rights law.
更令人義填胸的是,在答問會上,特首竟然厚顏地 ─ 我只是說厚 顏 [...]
─ 張開手掌,向民主派議員示意政改方案何在。
What fills one with even greater righteous [...]
anger is that in the Question and Answer Session, the Chief Executive blatantly
― and I am only saying blatantly ― extended his palms to ask the pro-democracy camp what proposal on constitutional reform there was.
为了减少有罪不罚现象,小组委员会建议所有执法人员在执勤 时必须佩带明显的身份标识,如姓 胸 牌 或其他识别标志。
With a view to decreasing impunity, the SPT recommends that all law enforcement
officers be obliged to wear a means of clear identification,
[...] such as a name badge or other identification [...]
while on duty.
面对既有证 据,人们忍不住会对顽固坚持将核能作为一种威慑手 段继续用于军事目的的做法感 义愤填 膺 , 因为同样 众所周知的是,这类武器的使用会产生可怕的滥杀滥 伤后果,从而削弱人权和国际人道主义法并粉碎一切 人道主义或人性理念。
Given the evidence, one cannot help but be indignant at the stubborn attachment to the continued use of nuclear energy for military purposes as a means of deterrence, when it also well known that such use would have a horrendous and indiscriminate impact, undermining human rights and international humanitarian law and shattering any notion of humanism or humanity.
这种 做法引起早期人道义者的愤怒, 活体解剖者们求助于勒内·笛卡尔(1596-1650 [...]
The practice
[...] angered early humanitarians, and vivisectionists [...]
turned to Rene Descartes (1596-1650) to justify their research methods.
今 天是你 們 民 建聯的 七 周年黨 慶,以 往 你 們 曾 說 會 採取執 政 黨 的 路 向,如 果 執 政 黨胸襟和原則是 如此容 易受到政 府 的 恐 嚇 而 退 縮 , 因而放棄你 們 以 往 的 原則的 話 ,我便 認 為 你 們 須考慮一下執政 黨 所須具 備胸襟。
The DAB used to say that it would take the approach of a ruling party. If the breadth of mind and an adherence to principles as required of a ruling party can be shaken so easily by intimidation of the Government, and if your principles can be abandoned so readily, then please think again whether you still have the breadth of mind of a ruling party.
特首早前聯同司局長,手持揚聲器,義 填胸 地 高呼:起動、起動、 起動,我看罷的第一個反應是 ⎯⎯ 以往政府有時候會批評一些空喊口 號的人只是在喊一些完全沒有內涵的口號,沒有實質 ⎯⎯ 但我的第一 個回應是,我們不是執政,所以惟有把我們的意見,以口號、行動和示 威的方式告訴政府。
Earlier on, the Chief Executive, in collaboration with the Secretaries and Directors of Bureaux, shouted boldly "Act Now, Act Now, Act Now" with his amplifier.
然 而,可以转化为实实在在的东西——有意义地改变巴 勒斯坦人民的生活——的义愤慨在 哪里?
But where is the moral outrage that translates itself into something tangible — a meaningful [...]
change in the lives of the Palestinians?
既令义愤填膺又 违反常理的是,指导美国对古 巴的制裁和颠覆政策的仍然是载于前美国助理国务 卿莱斯特·马洛里 1960 年 4 月 6 日撰写的一份备忘 录的想法。
It is both outrageous and abnormal that the policy of sanctions and subversion applied by the United States against Cuba continues to be guided by the thinking contained in the memorandum by the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Lester Mallory, written on 6 April 1960, which was declassified a few years ago.
[...] 相互尊重和公开的对话使那些寻求以谈判和非暴力 方式解决争端的人力量更强,使那些 愤 怒 、 恐怖义、暴力、侵略和仇恨取代说理和礼仪的人力量更弱。
Frank, respectful and open dialogue strengthens those who would resolve disputes through negotiation and
non-violence and weakens those who would replace
[...] argument and civility with rage, terrorism, violence, aggression [...]
and hatred.
以色列 无视国际社会义愤并违 反国际法最基本的原则,它 正在违反《联合国宪章》和各项人权法,并且无视联 [...]
合国的相关决议和宣布隔离墙非法的国际法院咨询 意见,由此坚持对巴勒斯坦的强硬和野蛮占领。
Israel, ignoring
[...] the international outrage, in contravention [...]
of the most basic rules of international law, is violating
the Charter of the United Nations and every human rights law and ignoring the relevant United Nations resolutions — as well as the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, which declared the wall to be illegal — thus perpetuating the hardline and brutal occupation of Palestine.
功能用途、社会结构、政治环境以及经济发展均不断变化,这种变化体现在对历史城 市景观的结构性干预中,应该承认它们是城市传统的一部分,需要决策者高瞻远瞩 胸 怀整 个城市,而且需要与其他有关方面和利益相关方进行对话。
Continuous changes in functional use, social structure, political context and economic development that manifest themselves in the form of structural interventions in the historic urban landscape may be acknowledged as part of the city's tradition, and require a vision of the city as a whole with forward-looking action on the part of decision-makers, and a dialogue with the other actors and stakeholders involved.
根据 ST/SGB/2006/6 号秘 书长公报,指定工作人员,包括所有 D-1或L-6
[...] 及以上职等工作人员以及参与采 购和投资的工作人员,都义务填报 年度财务披露表。
Pursuant to the Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2006/6, designated staff members, including all staff at the D-1 or
L-6 level and above and those involved in procurement and
[...] investment, are obliged to file annual [...]
disclosure statements.
[...] 够的初步分析,了解自己掌握的相关信息对其他方面的 义 , 填 补 知 识空白的实 际重要性,了解谁能提供帮助,问题可能会更容易解决。
The sharing of information, whether nationally or internationally, remains a problem, but it is more easily resolved when the concerned agencies have done enough preliminary analysis to understand both the relevance to other parties
of the information they have, and the
[...] actual importance of filling gaps in their knowledge [...]
and who might be able to help.
大会在第 63/250 号决议中认可了行政和预算问题咨询委员会的一项建议, 要求秘书长在今后关于道德操守办公室活动的报告中提供按工作地点分列的数 据,说明披露方案所涉人数、履填 报 义 务 的人数、未能履 填 报 义 务 的 人数、 以及未能履行的原因。
In its resolution 63/250, the General Assembly endorsed a recommendation by the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions that in future reports on the activities of the Ethics Office the Secretary-General provide data, by duty station, on the number of individuals covered by the programme; the number of individuals who have complied with their filing obligations; the number of individuals who have failed to comply with those obligations; and the reasons for their failure to comply.
2011 年第四季度启动的这一计划采用根据区域和国家政策提供救 济、促进早日恢复和支持生计的做法,通过确定轻重缓急和扩大干预规模 填补 人义工作与发展工作之间的空白。
The plan, which was initiated in the last quarter of 2011 through a prioritization and scaling up of interventions, aims to bridge the gap between humanitarian and development work with an approach that provides relief, promotes early recovery and supports livelihoods, in line with regional and national policies.
基元支持显示位图、 JPEG、图元文件和多种其它图像类型,可使用透明背景 填 充 背 景,可 义 围 绕 图像 周围的边缘,还支持添加数据、文本和操作,从而允许构造更为复杂的元素。
The primitive supports the display of bitmaps, JPEGs, metafiles, bitmaps and many other image
types. It can operate with a
[...] transparent or filled background, and can optionally define an edge to [...]
go around the image.




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