

单词 义和乱

See also:


justice n
meaning n
righteousness n

mix up
illicit sexual relations
throw into disorder
in confusion or disorder
in a confused state of mind

External sources (not reviewed)

跨国有组织犯罪、恐怖义和叛乱集 团 活动破坏 萨赫勒区域的和平、安全与稳定。
Transnational organized crime, terrorism and the activities of rebel groups undermine peace, security and stability in the Sahel.
[...] 法,重点叙述了最近一些国家在武装冲突以及反恐怖 义和 戡 乱 行 动 中增加了使 用定点清除。
He identified modern practices on targeted killings and focused on the recent increased use of targeted
killings by a number of States in the context of armed conflict, as well as
[...] counterterrorism and counter-insurgency operations.
该法对于处理国家某些地区发生的严重恐怖 义和 叛 乱 或 交战局面,以及 维持各邦保护人民的责任方面是有必要的。
25. This Act is considered necessary to deal with serious
[...] terrorist and insurgency/ militancy situation [...]
arising in certain parts of the country
and uphold the duty of the state to protect and secure its citizens.
反恐怖义和反叛乱也模 糊了在应对安全威胁时合法与不合法行为之间的界限。
Counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency also blur the [...]
line between what is legitimate and what is not in addressing security threats.
我也仍然感到严重 关切的是,因为该问题,恐怖义网 络 和 叛 乱 团 体 可以从走私毒品和武器等犯罪 活动中获得重大经济利益。
I also remain seriously concerned that terrorist networks and rebel groups could derive significant economic benefit from criminal activities, including drug and arms trafficking.
司法部告诉专家组,N´Guessan 先生因犯下经济罪、对国防构成威胁、建 立武装团伙、参与义运动和叛乱以 及 策划对抗科特迪瓦国家当局,而被提出起 诉。
The Group was informed by the Ministry of Justice that Mr.
N’Guessan has been
[...] indicted for the commission of economic crimes, threat to national defence, establishment of armed bands, participation in an insurrectionary movement and rebellion, and plotting against the [...]
authority of the State of Côte d’Ivoire.
阿片剂(包括海洛因在内)非法贩运是一个日益严重的问题,产生 非法资金的流动,助长腐败和有组织犯罪,并在有些情况下为恐怖 义 活 动和 叛乱提供资金。
Illicit traffic in opiates, including heroin, is a growing problem, generating illicit
financial flows, fuelling corruption and organized crime and in some
[...] cases funding terrorist activities and insurgency.
由于预先存在的情况,当地的情况发生变化,以及利比亚变化所形成的新因 素——所有这些合并起来,增加了次区域犯罪、 乱和 恐 怖 主 义 的 风 险。
A mixture of pre-existing conditions, changing local dynamics and new factors
generated by the changes in Libya contribute to increased risks
[...] of criminality, insurgencies and terrorism in [...]
the subregion.
该法第 25 条进一步规定,“侵犯朝鲜民主主义人民 和 国 主 权、有关机构 有合理理由认为其乱朝鲜民主义 人 民 共 和 国 的 安全和公共秩序或患有传染 病的外国人,禁止进入朝鲜民主主义人民共和国”;第 30 条规定,“持有污损或 伪造移民证件或有关机构认为不适合离境的外国人,不得离开朝鲜民主主义人民 共和国”。
The law further provides in article 25 that “Foreigners who have violated the sovereignty of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, who are regarded by the relevant organ as having reasonable grounds for disturbing the security and public order of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and who have an infectious disease shall be prohibited from entering the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” and in article 30 that “Foreigners who carry soiled or forged immigration certificate or who are regarded by the relevant organ as being unfit to exit shall not leave the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”.
由于这一艰难局面,我吁请苏丹政府从本国饱受 连年乱和贫穷之苦的人民的利益出发,采取紧急行 动来重新考虑其驱逐那些人道义机 构 的决定,以保 证那些在难民营里的、在实地的、在痛苦之中的人们 能够获得水、食物以及基本的健康服务。
Because of that difficult situation, I call on the Government of the Sudan, in the interests of its own people, who have suffered many, many years of
war and deprivation,
[...] to take urgent action to review the decision to expel those humanitarian agencies in order to ensure that the people who are in the camps, [...]
who are on the
ground and who are suffering have access to water, food and basic health services.
在与政府进行几个月和平谈 判之后,2003 年 8 月,停火协议被单方面撕毁,此后毛义分子叛乱不断升级。
The Maoist insurgency has escalated since the ceasefire agreement was broken unilaterally in August 2003 after several months of peace negotiations with the Government.
[...] 被科特迪瓦当局指控为危害国防、组建武装团体、 指挥和参加武装团体、参加叛乱运动、企图危害公共秩序、 乱 、 部落 主 义和仇 外行为。
The Group was informed that Mr. N’Guessan had been accused by the Ivorian authorities of endangering national defence, creating armed groups, directing and participating in armed
groups, participating in insurrectional movements, attempting to endanger
[...] public order, rebellion, tribalism and xenophobia.
7 条列出的标准给出最终审核 结果。该条规定,如果申请有违南非的国际法 义 务 , 侵犯人权,引进不稳定的 军事力量从而乱和平, 造成区域不稳定,对军事力量的平衡起到了负面影响或 以任何方式支助或鼓励恐怖主义,将不予批准。
Under this section, authorizations are not to be granted if
they would be in
[...] conflict with the country’s international legal obligations, result in the infringement of human rights, [...]
endanger the peace
by introducing destabilizing military capabilities, contribute to regional instability or negatively influence the balance of power, or support or encourage terrorism.
[...] 冲突(在阿富汗,毒品生产供养恐怖主义活动,滋生活跃的武器换毒品交易);存 在非法跨界运送现金的活动(向恐怖 义 提 供 资助的潜在来源);(该区域的政治乱和内乱导致)过剩武器的流动;边境偏远且保护不足,外加缺乏人力和物质 资源以确保有效的边境管制;存在大量移民工人(转而增加了对非正式汇款系统 [...] [...]
The implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) in Central Asia is hampered by several factors: proximity to the conflict in Afghanistan (where drug production feeds terrorist activities and has generated a dynamic arms-for-drugs trade); the illicit activities of transborder cash
couriers (a potential
[...] source of terrorism financing); the circulation of surplus arms (owing to political and civil unrest in the region); [...]
remote and underprotected
borders, coupled with the lack of human and material resources to ensure effective border control; and the large number of migrant workers (which in turn increases the use of informal remittance systems, a potential source of terrorism financing).
必须指出,这些要求停止 60 多年来强加给巴勒斯坦人民的剥夺财产、流亡 和非义状态 的示威,是在席卷整个地区的 乱和 变 革 的最敏感背景下发生的。
It is important to note that these demonstrations, calling for an end to the dispossession, exile and injustice imposed on the Palestinian people for over 60 years, are taking place in the context of a most sensitive time of upheaval and change sweeping the region as a whole.
这是 一条死路,只会造成更多的乱和反 暴 力,更多的痛 苦和苦难,并使那些为自己追求更美好生活的手无寸 铁的平民变成只懂得暴力、流血和各种形式极端义 语言的极端分子。
That is a deadend road and will only bring more instability and counter-violence, more pain and suffering, and will transform those who are defenceless — civilians who are seeking a better life for themselves — into extremists who know only the language of violence, blood-letting and extremism in all its forms.
萨赫勒区域好几个国家的外围地区面临着若干往往相互关联的不安全来源, 并且出现日益严重的、与武器有关的活动,包括犯罪、 乱和 恐 怖 主 义。
The peripheral areas of several countries in the Sahel region face numerous, often interrelated, sources of
insecurity and are subjected to increasing levels of arms-related activity, including
[...] criminality, rebellion and terrorism.
[...] 识到:盗版削弱了中国电影产业获取市场回报的能力,从根本上制约了中国电影产业生产力 的发展;盗版扼杀电影产业的原始创新,损害消费者不断增长的文化需求的长远利益;盗版 降低了中央政府的财政收入,乱了 社会 主 义 市 场 经济秩序,极大地败坏了中国政府的国际 形和声誉
It is hoped that relevant education will enable the people to realize that: piracy has fundamentally hindered the development of the movie industry and has undermined the capabilities of the movie industry to obtain market returns; piracy will, in the long run, harm the longterm interest of consumers in their increasing demand for cultural products by strangling the movie industry’s ability to innovate; piracy lowers the fiscal
revenues of the central government,
[...] disturbs the order of the socialist market economy and severely harms the international image and reputation of the [...]
Chinese government.
Internal insurgencies and terrorism have [...]
endangered national security and hampered the livelihood of the people.
这些事件还包括组建了中非共和 国政府和通过了得到议会核可的总体政策宣言;举行 了苏丹、乍得与中非共和国的三方首脑会议;与仍未 加入《利伯维尔和平协议》的最后一个 乱 团 体 —— “争取义与和平爱国者同盟”——签署了停火协 议;一个外国政治军事运动团体即将返回其所属国; 以及解除武装、复员和重返社会进程启动。
They also include the formation of the Government and its general policy statement, affirmed by the Parliament; the tripartite Sudan-Chad-Central African Republic summit; the signing of a ceasefire agreement with the Convention des patriotes pour la justice et la paix, the last rebel group remaining outside the Libreville peace accords; the imminent return to its own country of a foreign politico-military movement; and the start of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process.
对 于阿拉伯国家近期的涌动和变化,我们的对策必须有
[...] 助于维护阿拉伯国家的共同利益,推动其进步和尊 严,防止其误入极端义、混乱、分 化 和 宗 教 或宗派 分裂的歧途。
We must respond to the recent upwellings and changes in the Arab world in such a way that they serve its common good, foster its
progress and dignity and prevent it
[...] from veering towards extremism, chaos, fragmentation and [...]
religious or sectarian division.
达尔富尔的主要乱组织——义与 平 等运 和 苏 丹 解放运动/军——仍然在继续作战,并正在考虑(如果公决受挫)同苏丹人民解放运动、武装部族组织——如达尔富尔和科尔多凡的巴嘎拉人、青尼罗河畔的努巴人和因吉散那人——及喀土穆东边和北边对政府不满的选区结盟。
The main Darfur insurgency groups, the Justice and Equality Movement [...]
(JEM) and Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLA), continue
to fight and contemplate possible alliances with the SPLM (if the referendum is endangered) and with armed tribal groups such as the Baggara in Darfur and Kordofan, the Nuba and Ingesana in Blue Nile and disgruntled constituencies in the East and north of Khartoum.
案例研究:南达尔富尔州尼亚拉卡尔马境内流离失所者难民营的 乱和 人 道 主义 危机
Case study: unrest and humanitarian crisis in Kalma [...]
camp for internally displaced persons, Nyala, Southern Darfur
[...] 面的几个优先领域的能力提出了一些建议,办法是提供安全的通信、反 乱 、反 恐怖义和防简 易爆炸装置的训练等手段。
The meeting made a number of recommendations on developing the capacity of the Somalia National Security Agency and Transitional Federal Government forces in the priority areas of communication, through the
provision of secure means of
[...] communication, counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism and counterimprovised [...]
explosive device training.
11 6. 联合来文 6 表达了对于洪都拉斯国家规定与国际准则不符的担忧,例如,鼓 励逮捕“嫌疑犯”的立法,关于非法社团定罪,或者煽动 乱 罪 , 恐怖 义 犯罪 和非法 游行等社会抗议犯罪;12 缺乏对于强迫失踪的定罪,缺乏对于酷刑、性 剥削、歧视等罪行的定义。
These are to be found in legislation that encourages detention “on suspicion”; criminalizes unlawful association and public protest as aspects of the offence of sedition, terrorism and unlawful demonstration;12 fails to define enforced disappearance
as an offence; and
[...] fails to define the crimes of torture, sexual exploitation or discrimination, inter alia.13 CPTRT considers it necessary to revise the definition of torture and to repeal all [...]
corresponding legislation
on penalization, in strict compliance with the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and including a commitment to make the crime of torture imprescriptible.14 7.
黎巴嫩谴责对加沙的封锁,要求以色列应停止 封锁,开放过境点,并谴责以色列 乱 人 道 主 义援 助 进入西岸,要求其结束殖民活动,包括结束在巴 勒斯坦被占领土上修建定居点、隔离 和 拆 毁 住宅 的活动。
Lebanon condemned the blockade of Gaza, demanded that Israel should end it and open the crossing points
and condemned
[...] Israel’s disruption of humanitarian access to the West Bank and demanded an end to colonization activity, including settlements, the separation wall and demolitions of homes [...]
in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
暴力犯罪是针对人的生和健康 实施的, 可根据刑事诉讼予以惩罚的,因此造成受伤害的人死亡,健康严重受损或健康乱持续起码六个月的行为。
A crime of violence is an act committed against the life or health of a person which is punishable under the criminal procedure and as a result of which the injured [...]
person dies, sustains serious damage
to his or her health, or sustains a health disorder lasting for at least six months.
首先,关于达尔富尔局势,非洲联盟-联合国首 席联合调解人继续在多哈与苏丹政 和 两 大 叛 乱派 别——义与平等运和解放与正义运动——进行接 触。
First, with respect to the situation in Darfur, the African Union-United Nations Joint Chief Mediator continues to engage the Government of the Sudan and the two leading rebel factions — the Justice and Equality Movement and the Liberation and Justice Movement — in Doha.
例如,人权事务委员会在其第九十六届至第九十八届会议期间向各缔约国 提出的结论性意见中建议:在反歧视法律中保护妇女免遭间接歧视;平等机会法
[...] [...] 律规定就业目标;宣布在工作场所的性骚扰为违法行为;取消民法中的歧视性规 定,例如:离婚妇女在六个月以内不准再婚以及在夫妻关系中以丈夫为尊;取消 刑法中关于强奸的限制性义;确保 将 乱 伦 和 非 实 际性交的性虐待视为严重犯罪 行为;取消关于必须证明妇女曾经做过抵抗,强奸罪名才能成立的规定;以及对 [...]
For example, during its ninety-sixth to ninety-eighth sessions, recommendations by the Human Rights Committee to States parties in concluding observations included recommendations regarding protection against indirect discrimination in anti-discrimination laws; employment targets set by equal opportunities legislation; criminalization of sexual harassment in the workplace; discriminatory provisions in civil codes, such as prohibitions on women remarrying in the six months following divorce and provisions providing that the husband is the
head of the conjugal
[...] union; restrictive definitions of rape in the criminal code and the need to ensure that incest and sexual abuse [...]
other than actual sexual
intercourse are considered serious criminal offences; eliminating the requirement for women to prove resistance against an assault in order to establish rape; and the need to prosecute rape and other crimes of sexual violence ex officio.40 42.
又深为关切对女童的歧视以及对女童权利的侵犯往往导致减少女孩获得教 育的机会并降低其所获教育的质量,造成其营养和身心保健的机会减少,使女孩
[...] 保护的和不成熟的性关系的后果的影响,并使她们常常受到各种形式的文化、社 会、和经济 剥削及暴力,受害于虐待、强奸 乱 伦 、与维护名誉有关犯罪以及 有害传统习俗,例如杀害女婴、童婚、逼婚、产前性别挑选和切割女性生殖器等
Deeply concerned also about discrimination against the girl child and the violation of the rights of the girl child, which often result in less access for girls to education, and to quality education, nutrition and physical and mental health care, in girls enjoying fewer of the rights, opportunities and benefits of childhood and adolescence than boys, and in leaving them more vulnerable than boys to the consequences of unprotected and premature sexual relations and often being subjected to various forms of cultural, social,
sexual and economic
[...] exploitation and violence, abuse, rape, incest, honour-related crimes and harmful traditional [...]
practices, such
as female infanticide, child and forced marriages, prenatal sex selection and female genital mutilation




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