单词 | 义卖会 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 义卖—charity bazaar jumble sale (for good cause) 卖—betray show off or flaunt spare no effort 义n—meaningn justicen righteousnessn 会—will accountancy be likely to be sure to assemble be able to be possible balance an account
1990年代後此画被送往一场慈善义卖会,辗转为现今的拥有人购藏。 ravenelart.com | After 1990s, this painting was sent to a charity sale and later collected by the present owner. ravenelart.com |
现场部份作品将会义卖,收益会捐给澳门保护遗弃动物协会及猫空间。 yp.mo | To raise fund for Meow Space Macau, some of the drawings will be on sale for charity. yp.mo |
经修理後的电器及电脑透 过慈善团体或 志愿机构转赠有需要人士;如无合适受赠 者,有关物品会被义卖,义卖收益会拨作这计划的营运经 费。 wastereduction.gov.hk | The repaired appliances and computers are donated to the needy. If there is no suitable receiver, the repaired goods will be put on charitable sale and the proceeds will be put back to this programme. wastereduction.gov.hk |
亚洲癌症研究基金会总裁巴素娟博士、理事会主席黄子宁先生及财务总监梁国维博士出席了新书慈善义卖及签名会,并介绍了AFCR 的设立宗旨、工作重心以及在香港的科研项目。 afcr.org.hk | AFCR President Dr. Sujuan Ba, Chairman of the Board Mr. Gary Wong and Controller Dr. Kwok Leung were present to support the book signing event and talked about AFCR’s mission, focus and current research work in Hong Kong. afcr.org.hk |
概无关连人士(按上市规则之定义)知会本公司,彼等将於购回授权获本公司股东 批准之情况下,将股份售予本公司,亦无承诺不会将之售予本公司。 cre8ir.com | No connected persons [...] (as defined in the Listing Rules) havenotified theCompany that [...]they have a present intention to sell [...]Shares to the Company nor have they undertaken not to do so in the event that the Repurchase Mandate is approved by the Shareholders of the Company. cre8ir.com |
2011年3月,养和医院首度获颁「商界展关怀」标志,在关爱社群方面的努力备受认同,深感荣幸之余亦再接再厉,昨日由养和医院山村义工队主办的第三届「健步乐行献爱心」顺利举行,透过是次步行筹款及义卖活动,本院为香港新声会共筹得港币$429, 500元正善款,以支持名为「跨越难关. hksh.com | Organized for the third time by the Village Volunteers of Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, with charity sales this year's "Walk for Vision" raised over HK$429,500 for the "Breaking through the Barriers to Regain a New Voice" programme of the New Voice Club of Hong Kong. hksh.com |
a) 就“除害剂”和其他相关词彚采用与食品法典委员会一致的定义;b) 制定最高残余限量和再残余限量名单,以食品法典委员会建议的最高残余限量 /再残余限量为骨干,并采纳食品法典委员会的食物分類方法; c) 对於没有订明最高残余限量/再残余限量的除害剂,除非食环署署长信纳检测 到的除害剂残余水平不会危害或损害公众健康,否则不容许输入和售卖含有这 類除害剂的食物; d) 制定获豁免物质名单; e) 接受增加/修订最高残余限量和获豁免物质的申请; f) 让拟议规例与《除害剂条例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害剂注册作出配 合;以及 g) 拟议规例会在兩年宽限期届满後生效。 cfs.gov.hk | a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by Codex as the backbone as well as the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To prohibit the import and sale of the concerned food for which no MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless DFEH was satisfied that the detected level would not be dangerous or prejudicial to health; d) To provide a list of exempted substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the proposed Regulation with the registration of pesticides for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the proposed Regulation after a two-year grace period. cfs.gov.hk |
(b) 政府当局回应刘慧卿议员的 询问时表示,拟议第16H条中 " 有关售卖得益" 的定义会清楚订明,如法团售卖有关环保 设施,在评税时只可就已被售 出的设施在扣除有关售卖得 益後的资本开支申请扣除。 legco.gov.hk | (b) Responding to Ms Emily LAU's enquiry, the [...] Administration's [...] advice that the definition of "relevant proceeds of sale" in the proposed section 16H wouldmake it clear [...]that if a corporation [...]sold the environmental protection facility, it could only claim deduction of capital expenditure for the sold facility in tax assessment after deducting the relevant proceeds of sale. legco.gov.hk |
期内,「海通国际爱心大使」义工小组及集团员工举办或 参与多项社会服务活动,惠及多个慈善团体,活动包括 香港公益金举办的「公益慈善马拉松」、「公益月饼」、「公 益 爱 牙 日」和「公 益 金 便 服 日」; 国 际 扶 轮 社3450区 的 「扶轮十公里挑战赛」;集团与香港红十字会合办的「捐血 表关怀」行动;伸手助人协会的「曲奇义卖运动」及与集 团合办的「送暖关怀长者行动」;香港乐施会的「乐施米义卖大行动」;香港奥比斯的「世界视觉日」;香港基督教 青年会的「赤脚勤学慈善行」;香港社区组织协会及和富 社会企业联合举办的「踢走贫穷 - 无家者世界盃」足球慈 善赛等。 htisec.com | During the period, the volunteer team “Haitong International Caring Ambassadors” and fellow colleagues of the Group organized and participated in a variety of community services that benefited many charitable organizations, including fund-raising events such as Corporate Challenge, Charity Mooncake, Love Teeth Day and Dress Special Day organized by the Community Chest of Hong Kong; Rotary 10K Race organized by Rotary International District 3450; Blood Donation Day coorganized by the Group and Hong Kong Red Cross; Helping Hand Cookie Campaign and elderly visits co-organized by theGroup and Helping Hand; Oxfam Hong Kong’s Oxfam Rice Selling; ORBIS Hong Kong’s World Sight Day; YMCA of Hong Kong’s Bare Foot Walkathon; Homeless World Cup co-organized by Society for Community Organization and Wofoo Social Enterprises. htisec.com |
界定 「消费者」㆒词的定义,会缩窄消委会的工作范围,因此并不符合消费者的最佳利 益。 legco.gov.hk | Introduction of a definition of“consumer” would narrow the scope within which the Consumer Council may operate and would therefore not be in the best interests of consumers. legco.gov.hk |
四川大地震,LANEIGE及Sulwhasoo 赈灾义卖活动共筹得70多万,全数不扣除成本拨捐香港红十字会,予四川地震灾民救援及重建之用。 amorepacific.com.hk | A Charity sale, jointly organized byLANEIGE and Sulwhasoo, raised over HK$700,000, with all proceeds being donated to the Hong Kong Red Cross to save lives and rebuild homes of the victims of the Sichuan earthquake. amorepacific.com.hk |
要多谢的义务人士包括有:委员会及小组委员会各成员,定期照顾视障人士以及协助户外活动的义工、探访者及替本会卖旗筹款的各界人士。 hksb.org.hk | These include: members of the Council and its committees, those who record books for our talking library service, those [...] who help care for the blind, particularly during outings, [...] those who visit the blind, and those who helpus on Flag Days. hksb.org.hk |
(B) 董事会可透过其认为在各方面均合适的有关方式及有关条款和 条件筹集或担保偿付或偿还该等资金,特别是以发行本公司的债权证、债券股证、债 券或其他证券的方式(不论直接地或以作为本公司或任何第三方的任何债项、责任或义务的附属抵押品方式)来筹集或担保偿付或偿还。 asiasat.com | (B)The Board may raise or secure the payment or repayment of such sum or sums in such manner and upon such terms and conditions in all respects as it thinks fit and, in particular, by the issue of debentures, debenture stock, bonds or other securities of the Company, whether outright or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party. asiasat.com |
在该项安排下,如资料使用者拟在直接促 销中使用资料当事人的个人资料、提供有关资料予 [...] 他人以供用於直接促销或售卖有关资料,则须在使 [...] 用或售卖资料之前,向资料当事人提供(a)有关资料 当事人个人资料的若干书面资讯( 下称" 书面通 知 "),以及(b)一项回应设施,让资料当事人可藉此 以书面向资料使用者表明是否反对拟定的使用或售卖,而如果资料当事人在30日内没有向资料使用 者发出回覆表示反对,便会被视为不反对。 legco.gov.hk | Members raised concern about the Administration's proposed “30day response period”, under which a data user who intended to use the personal data of a data subject, or provide such data to other persons for use, in direct marketing or sell such data had to provide, before the use or sale, the data subject with (a) certain written information about the data subject's personal data ("written notification"), and (b) a response facility through which the data subject might indicate in writing to [...] the data user [...] whether the data subject objected to the intended use or sale, and thedata subject would be taken not to object if no reply indicating [...]objection [...]was sent to the data user within 30 days. legco.gov.hk |
新书签名会暨慈善义卖当天取得的净收益都被捐赠予亚洲癌症研究基金会(AFCR)以资助创新性的癌症研究项目来拯救更多的生命。 afcr.org.hk | All net proceeds from the book sale and coffee sale were donated to the Asian Fund for Cancer Research (AFCR) to support innovative cancer research projects that would lead to more advanced and effective cancer treatments that can save more lives. afcr.org.hk |
此外,"动物售卖"的定义会涵盖为获得回报(如红包及其他馈赠)而送出蓄养动 物的後代。 legco.gov.hk | In addition,the definition of "sale ofanimals" wouldcover the [...] giving out of the offspring of breeding animals for any [...]returns, such as red packets and other presents. legco.gov.hk |
有机天然彩棉」婴儿用品专门店 natures purest 举行「爱心曲奇圣诞慈善义卖」,所有收益将不扣除任何开支,全数拨捐协康会,令更多有特殊需要的孩子及其家庭受惠。 heephong.org | The specialty store of organic baby products, natures purest, will launch a Cookies Charity Sale this Christmas with all proceeds donated to Heep Hong in support of our service for children with special needs and their families. heephong.org |
此外,我们亦有组织步行筹款和月饼义卖等活动。 aon.com | Besides that, we also organized activities such as charity walk and mooncake charity sales. aon.com |
间无心改善车务,只会卖㆞的巴士公司,留来还有甚麽用? legco.gov.hk | Why should we retain a bus company which does not seek to improve its services but merely engage in land sales? legco.gov.hk |
除上文所披露者外,於最後可行日期,本公司董事、监事及高级管理人员及彼等的 联系人概无於本公司或其任何相联法团(定义见证券及期货条例第XV部)的股份、相 关股份或债券中拥有任何个人、家族、公司或其他权益或淡仓,而该等权益根据证 券及期货条例第XV部第7及第8分部须知会本公司及联交所(包括根据证券及期货条 例的条文,被当作或视为拥有的权益或淡仓);或根据证券及期货条例第352条须记 入该条例所指的登记册中;或根据标准守则须知会本公司及联交所。 equitynet.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practicable Date, none of the Directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company and their associates had any personal, family, corporate or other interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required, pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, to be recorded in the register referred therein, or which were required, pursuant to the Model Code, to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange. equitynet.com.hk |
在今年5月的拍卖会中,一颗12.04克拉的浓彩粉红色VS2级明亮式圆钻在6分钟的疯狂竞价之後,以1,740万美元的高价卖给某位匿名电话出价者,原持有者收藏这颗宝石的时间长达36年。 ravenelart.com | In May of 2012, after 36 years in the hands of the same owner, a12.04 ct. [...] round brilliant Fancy Intense Pink VS2 sold for [...]a stratospheric US$17.4 million at auction, after six minutes of frenzied bidding, to an anonymous telephone bidder. ravenelart.com |
虽然这些数字并不显示「义会」方面有重大问题,但我们会继续密切监察有关情况, 并在有需要时,检讨关於「义会」的法例和政策。 legco.gov.hk | Although the [...] figures do not indicate that there is a significant problem with chit-fund associations, wewill continue to monitor the situation closely and review the legislation [...]and [...]policy on chit-funds if the situation so requires. legco.gov.hk |
海通国际爱心大使」参与「乐施米义卖大行动」。 htisec.com | Haitong International Caring Ambassadors at Oxfam Rice Sale. htisec.com |
(二 ) 有何政策和措施(包括核实财务报告)防止以售卖货品形式 在公衆地方筹款的慈善团体侵吞所筹得的款项,并确保款 [...] 项用作慈善用途;政府部门之间有否合作和协调,防止有 团体藉虚假义卖骗取金钱;及 legco.gov.hk | (b) of the policies and measures (including verification of financial reports) in place to prevent charitable organizations selling goods in public places for fund-raising purpose from embezzling the funds raised and ensure that such funds are used for charitable purpose; whether there is any co-operation and [...] co-ordination among government departments to prevent any organization from obtaining money [...] fraudulentlyby false charitysales; and legco.gov.hk |
当日一系列的球洞赞助、慈善拍卖、奖券义卖等活动,加上现金捐款,共为世界各地的失明人士筹得一笔可观的善款。 orbis.org.mo | The combination of hole sponsorships, charityauction,raffle ticket sales and individual donations ended up generating a sizeable amount of funding. orbis.org.mo |
以极为稀有的收藏级宝石为例,在2010年11月(当时全球经济尚未完全复苏)的拍卖会中,格拉夫(GRAFF)珠宝公司以4,600万美元的天价,买下一颗24.78克拉的浓彩粉红色VS2 [...] 级钻石,每克拉的单价高达1,856,336美元;原持有者珍藏这颗宝石的时间超过60年。 ravenelart.com | Fancy Intense Pink VS2 diamond that was previously held by the same owner for [...] more than 60 years was purchased by GRAFF [...] Diamonds inan auction in November 2010, [...](when the world economy was still nowhere [...]near full recovery), for US$46 million, achieving an astounding figure of US$1,856,336 per carat. ravenelart.com |
指港灯或集团中的任何一家的任何母公司、子公司、 同集团附属公司、聯营公司或合资企业(其定义须遵照香港会计师公会所订立的香港财务报告准则)。 hkelectric.com | means any parent, subsidiary, fellow subsidiary, associated company or joint venture (as defined in the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants) of HEC or Holdings. hkelectric.com |
有人可能会说,行政长官办公室主任要协助行政长官与各个政策局的首 长沟通,如果两者的职级不一样,局长可能便不会卖“大内总管”的帐,所 以“大内总管”的级数是应该提升的。 legco.gov.hk | Some people may say that the director of the Chief Executive's Office has to help the Chief Executive in his communication with the Directors of Bureau and if the rank of the two parties is not the same, the Directorsof Bureau may pay no attention to the "chamberlain" and so the latter should be upgraded. legco.gov.hk |