

单词 义务人

See also:


volunteer duty

义人 adj

righteous adj


righteous man

External sources (not reviewed)

如果纳义务人遭受 了损失,他可以在 接下来的五年内从利润中减去这些损失后纳 税,但是可减损失的数额不能超过一年损失 的50%。
If a taxpayer incurs a loss, he can reduce profit in following five years by the amount of this loss, but the reduction cannot be higher than 50% of the loss in one year.
此外,纳义务人有义务在3月 31日前对纳税义务产生的 上一年度进行纳税申报。
Additionally, a taxpayer is obliged to submit an annual tax declaration before 31 March following the year in which the tax obligation arose.
预先定价协议的主要好处是事先得到税务当 局的认可,即认可纳义务人对转 移定价的 计算和适用是正确的。
The main advantage of the APA is the confirmation by the tax authorities that the calculation and application of transfer prices chosen by a taxpayer are correct.
向警察、监狱和拘留所工作人员以及司法工作者提 义务人 权 教育和 培训,并确保他们就任何侵犯人权的行为追究责任(捷克共和国)
To provide obligatory human rights education [...]
and training to police, prison and detention staff and judiciary, and ensure
their accountability for any human rights violations (Czech Republic)
从实践得许多例子都认为义务人道 地执行驱逐,同时有义务适当地尊重 被驱逐人的尊严。
p.57. “Thus in cases concerning the expulsion of aliens, an international tribunal would normally accept as conclusive the reasons of a serious nature adduced by the State as justifying such action.
消除对妇女的暴力行为宣言》阐明,一旦出现 基于性别的暴力,不论是国家还是个人所犯,国家须克尽职守,履 义务 。 1 48 人权理 事会和大会通过的无数涉及加强努力,消除一切形式侵害妇女暴力的决议 也敦促各国克尽职守,防止、调查、追究和惩处侵害妇女和女孩的施暴者,并为 受害者提供赔偿。
The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women spells out the obligation of States to exercise due diligence when gender-based violence occurs, whether perpetrated by the State or by private persons.148 In numerous resolutions relating to the intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women, the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly have also urged States to act with due diligence to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish the perpetrators of violence against women and girls and to provide protection to the victims.149 86.
文化权利的共同目标在于特性:这些权利包括个人或与他人共有的所 有权利、自由义务,人类据 此可以获得文化参照,发现和表达他们的特性。
The common object of cultural rights resides in identity: these rights encompass all those rights, freedoms and duties through which human beings can have access to the cultural references allowing them to find and express their identity, as individuals or in common with others.
正是有了这义务,人们才能够将“生命权、自由权以及追求幸福的权 利”视为其正当权利。
These obligations are what enable people [...]
to claim “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” as their just entitlements.
24.94 柬埔寨人权教育信托基金 2012-2013 两年期的资源估计为 2 216 000
[...] 美元,将使人权高专办 能够在法律改革、司法、履行报 义务 、 人 权 教 育和培训、监测人权状况以及加强非政府组 [...]
织能力等领域提供援助,从而有助于建设国家能力,将国际人权标准纳入国内法律、政策和 做法。
24.94 The Trust Fund for Human Rights Education in Cambodia, for which resources for the biennium 2012-2013 are estimated at $2,216,000, will enable OHCHR to provide assistance in the areas
of legal reform, administration of
[...] justice, reporting obligations, human rights education [...]
and training, monitoring of human
rights situations and the strengthening of the capacities of non-governmental organizations, which will contribute to the building of national capacity to incorporate international human rights standards into national laws, policies and practices.
鉴于以色列作为占领国始终未能坚持国际人道主义法所具体 规定的法义务,人权理 事会有权坚持让以色列结束对包括东耶路撒冷在内的整 个巴勒斯坦被占领土的占领,作为公正、持久、全面和平的基础。
The Human Rights Council possesses the authority to insist on Israel ending its occupation of the entire Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, both as the basis for a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace and in view of the persistent failure of Israel to uphold its legal duties as the occupying Power, as these are specified by international humanitarian law.
加纳祝贺马尔代夫采取各项政策增进人权,包括对新的警察开 义务人权 培 训并在所有政策领域将男女平等问题纳入主流。
Ghana congratulated Maldives on the adoption of policies to promote human rights, such as the mandatory human rights training for new police personnel and the mainstreaming of gender equality across all policy areas.
随着时 间的进展,缔约国将看到这些机制的实用性,他们可以信赖这些机制来履行众多
[...] 长期和临时的报告义务,包括根据人权理事会普遍定期审查流程所拥有的报义 务、人权理 事会特别程序提出的报告要求,以及地区机构提出的报告要求。
Over time, States parties will see the utility of having these mechanisms be entrusted to
respond to the full range of permanent
[...] and ad hoc reporting obligations, including [...]
under the Universal Periodic Review procedure
of the Human Rights Council, the requests emanating from the special procedures of the Council, and eventually also the regional bodies.
在申请再审人上海富日实业有限公司(以下简称富日公司) 与被申请人黄子瑜、上海萨菲亚纺织品有限公司(以下简称萨菲 亚公司)侵犯商业秘密纠纷案【(2011)民申字第 122 号】中,
[...] 应当表明权利人保密的主观愿望,明确作为商业秘密保护的信息 的范围,使义务人能够 知悉权利人的保密愿望及保密客体,并在 [...]
正常情况下足以防止涉密信息泄漏;单纯的竞业限制约定,如果 没有明确用人单位保密的主观愿望和作为商业秘密保护的信息
The courts have streamlined the line relationship
[...] between superior and inferior courts [...]
and have clarified the scope and procedures
of supervision by superior courts, so as to raise the intellectual property-related judicial standard at the basic-level courts.
自从2006年开始,波兰的纳义务人有权 针对转移定价向财政部部长提交一份协议申 请,被称作预先定价协议(APA),这不仅适 用于波兰纳义务人之间 的交易,也适用于 波兰和国际企业之间的交易。
Since 2006, Polish taxpayers are entitled to apply for an agreement with the Minister of Finance in scope of transfer pricing.
义务人对所 有其他国家承担这一 义务,从塞内加尔的习惯义务中可推断出比利时在侯赛因·哈布雷案中享有 [...]
权利:我请求法庭原谅我再次重复,这就是说比利时有权看到塞内加尔直接 审理侯赛因·哈布雷,或者如无法做到这一点,则有权要求将其引渡。
Given that this obligation is borne by the obligor [...]
towards all other States, Belgium has rights which are the corollary
to Senegal’s customary obligation in the case of Mr. Hissène Habré: that is to say, and I beg the Court’s forgiveness for repeating myself once again, the right to see Senegal directly try Mr. Hissène Habré or, failing which, the right to have him extradited.
在提及2011年9 月财政部公布的茉莉花计划时,第一份联合材料建议突尼 斯确保新的经济和社会方案充分尊重和整合经济、社会和文化权利国际公约规 定义务、人权原 则和可持续发展原则,并以包容、透明和民主的方法制定这 些方案。
While referring to the Jasmine Plan announced by Ministry of Finance in September 2011, JS1recommended that Tunisia ensure that new economic and social programmes fully respect and integrate the obligations deriving from the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, human rights principles and principles of sustainable development and are developed with an inclusive, transparent and democratic approach.123 JS1 further made a series of recommendations to improve the standard of living of Tunisians.124 JS2 recommended that Tunisia adopt a policy relating to real estate property, as to guarantee the right of adequate housing and agriculture.125 66.
三、符合本条第一款所列条件的,对于受海运履约方委托履行运输合同约定 的承人义务的人违反 本公约对海运履约方规定的义务的作为或不作为,海运履 [...]
3. A maritime performing party is liable for the breach of its obligations under this Convention caused by the acts or omissions of any person to which it
has entrusted the performance of any of
[...] the carrier’s obligations under the contract [...]
of carriage under the conditions set
out in paragraph 1 of this article.
[...] 不会违背公共政策,但所判赔偿金额与所受危害,或者 义务人 违 反合 同 义务 的 情况不相称时,这种判决就会违背公共政策”。
In the view of the Court of Cassation, “in principle, a sentence of punitive damages may not, in itself, be contrary to public policy, but it becomes so
when the sum awarded is disproportionate to the harm suffered or to
[...] the obligor’s breach of its contractual obligations”.
履行或承诺履行运输合同规定的承 人义务 的 其他任何人,以该人按照 承运人的要求,或在承运人的监督或控制下直接或间接作为为限。
( d ) Any other person that performs or undertakes to perform any of
[...] the carrier’s obligations under the contract [...]
of carriage, to the extent that the
person acts, either directly or indirectly, at the carrier’s request or under the carrier’s supervision or control.
亦可谓 城市和地方当局作为教科文组织的合作伙伴在地方管理、文化遗主、公民权 义务 培 训 、人 权及其它领域开展活动。
Also, cities and local authorities could be associated as partners with UNESCO in undertaking activities for local governance, cultural heritage, training in citizenship, human rights and other areas.
它促请理 事会对新西兰继续施加压力,要求它履行条 义务 , 就 与毛 人 有 关 的特别程序 的建议采取行动。
It urged the Council to continue to apply pressure to New
[...] Zealand to meet its treaty obligations and act on the recommendations [...]
of special procedures relating to Maori.
第三十四条 托运人为其他人负赔偿责任 托运人委托包括受雇人、代理人和分合同人在内的任何人履行托运人任义 务的, 对于此等人的作为或不作为造成违反本公约规定的托 人义务 , 托 运人负 赔偿责任,但托运人委托承运人或代表承运人行事的履约方履行托 人义务 的,对于此等人的作为或不作为,托运人不负赔偿责任。
The shipper is liable for the breach of its obligations under this Convention caused by the acts or omissions of any person, including employees, agents and
subcontractors, to which it has
[...] entrusted the performance of any of its obligations, but the shipper is not liable for acts or omissions of the carrier or a performing party acting on behalf of the carrier, to which the shipper has entrusted the performance of its obligations.
第二十四条 绕航
[...] 如果绕航根据适用的法律构成违反承 人义务 , 承运人或海运履约方不得因 此被剥夺本公约为其提供的任何抗辩或赔偿责任限制,但第六十一条规定的情形 [...]
When pursuant to applicable law a deviation constitutes a breach of
[...] the carrier’s obligations, such deviation [...]
of itself shall not deprive the carrier
or a maritime performing party of any defence or limitation of this Convention, except to the extent provided in article 61.
第三十条 托运人对承运人赔偿责任的基础
[...] 一、对于承运人遭受的灭失或损坏,如果承运人证明,此种灭失或损坏是由 于违反本公约规定的托人义务而造 成的,托运人应负赔偿责任。
1. The shipper is liable for loss or damage sustained by the carrier
if the carrier proves that such loss or damage was caused by a breach of
[...] the shipper’s obligations under this Convention.
同样有关的 还有《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第12条,涉及缔约国消除保健方面对妇 女歧视义务;《残疾人权利 公约》第25(b)条规定,医疗卫生应“提供旨在尽量 减轻残疾和预防残疾恶化的服务,包括向儿童和老年人提供这些服务”;《公民及 政治权利国际公约》第 [...]
7条禁止酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚, 其中包括禁止未经自由同意进行医疗或科学试验。
Equally relevant are the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women, article 12,
[...] concerning the obligation of States to eliminate discrimination against women in health care; the Convention on the Rights of Persons [...]
with Disabilities,
article 25 (b), which requires that health services be “designed to minimize and prevent further disabilities, including among children and older persons”; and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 7, which prohibits torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and includes the prohibition of medical or scientific experimentation without free consent.
正在进行的向私营公司移交保护计划的工作以及其他相关改革应当咨询受人的意见,因为国家义务维护 、保护和确保在其管辖范围内充分享有权利,不 能把这义务推卸给其人。
The ongoing transfer of protection schemes to private companies and other related reforms
should be
[...] made in consultation with beneficiaries, in the understanding that the State obligation to uphold, protect and ensure the full enjoyment of rights within its jurisdiction [...]
cannot be delegated.
非政府组织和 其他私人行为者有时统称为“公民社会”行为者,他们的活动也包括在条款草案 的范围,但处于次要地位,或作为国家义务(例如第 5 条所规定的各国合作义 务)的直接受人,或 根据受灾国、第三国或实体或私人行为者国籍国国内法 律,间接地实施条款草案。
The activities of nongovernmental organizations and other private actors, sometimes collectively referred to as “civil society” actors, are included within the scope of the draft articles only in a secondary manner, either as direct beneficiaries of duties placed on States (for example, of the duty of States to cooperate, in article 5) or indirectly, as being subject to the domestic laws, implementing the draft articles, of either the affected State, a third State or the State of nationality of the entity or private actor.
因为我们的耳麦已经过优化可以兼容 Microsoft 产品,即插即用,节省了医人员的宝贵时间,使他们可以将这些时间用于更具增值 义 的 任 务 , 比如 病 人 护 理
Because our headsets are optimized for use with
[...] products, they are plug-and-play, saving your staff precious hours that can be spent on more value-added tasks such as patient care.
此 外,委员会关切地注意到有些报告显示:库尔 人义务 兵 在服强制性兵役期间死 亡的人数日益增加,遗体被送还其家庭时有严重受伤的证据(第1 [...]
条、第2条、 第 12 条和第16条)。
Moreover, the Committee notes with concern reports of a growing trend of deaths of Kurdish conscripts
who have died while carrying out their
[...] mandatory military service and whose bodies [...]
were returned to the families with evidence
of severe injuries (arts. 1, 2, 12 and 16).
第六十一条 赔偿责任限制权的丧失 一、如果索赔人证明,违反本公约规定的承 人义务 所 造 成的损失,是由于 声称有权限制赔偿责任的人本人故意造成此种损失的作为或不作为所导致的,或 是明知可能产生此种损失而轻率地作为或不作为所导致的,则承运人或第十八条 述及的任何人,无权根据第五十九条的规定或按照运输合同的约定享有限制赔偿 责任的利益。
1. Neither the carrier nor any of the persons referred to in article 18 is entitled to the benefit of the limitation of liability as provided in article 59, or as provided in the contract of carriage, if the claimant proves that the loss resulting from the breach of the carrier’s obligation under this Convention was attributable to a personal act or omission of the person claiming a right to limit done with the intent to cause such loss or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss would probably result.




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