单词 | 久陪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 久陪 —accompany over long termSee also:久 adj—long adj 久 n—(long) time n 陪 v—accompany v 陪—assist • keep sb. company
於是,這名好心的 海關人員便陪他到大堂找那位教授,向他解釋陳教授被拒絕入境,着他 無須等候。 legco.gov.hk | When Prof CHAN told the customs officer that he [...] could not leave because he had to give lecture at half past six o'clock and a professor was waiting for him outside, [...]the kind-hearted [...]officer accompanied him to the hall to look for the professor and explain to him that Prof CHAN had been barred from entry and there was no need to wait for Prof CHAN any longer. legco.gov.hk |
因此,委員會認為必須減少審訊時應用的文件數量,並將 各項問題簡化,方便陪審團工作。 legco.gov.hk | We believe that it is essential to reduce the volume of documents required at trial and to [...] simplify the issues for the jury. legco.gov.hk |
今天下午 5 時,我的助手便陪伴了 一名事主到警署。 legco.gov.hk | At five o'clock this afternoon, my [...] assistant accompanied a client [...]to the police station. legco.gov.hk |
局長或許會說他根本沒有誠意討論,此事根本沒有轉圜餘地,只不過我 們說要開會,他便陪我們 開會,他根本不想開會,是我們要求他開會而已。 legco.gov.hk | The Secretary may say that he simply does not want any discussions, and that there is actually no possibility of any reversal. legco.gov.hk |
这项挑战的其他方面是在反恐调查中通常收集大量情报,并需要破译情报的 工具,以便让陪审团 和法官理解情报内容。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other aspects of that challenge were the amount of intelligence typically gathered in [...] counter-terrorism investigations and the tools needed to decode the intelligence to make it [...] comprehensible to jury and judges. daccess-ods.un.org |
因 為 只 是 適 值 該 人 [...] 在這裏 , 於 是 便以《 陪 審團條例》 第 4A 條 來 [...]向 他 提 問而已。 legco.gov.hk | As the person happens to be here, so the government officers ask him for information under [...] section 4A of the Jury Ordinance. legco.gov.hk |
因此, 民 主 黨 建 議政府研究讓 爸爸在 孩 子 出 生的時 候 可以享 有有薪 的 侍 產 假 , 以 及 之後可以享 有 無 薪 假 期,以便陪 伴 太太及 照 顧 嬰 兒 。 legco.gov.hk | For this reason, the Democratic Party proposes that the Government should study the possibility of offering paid parental leave to fathers at the birth of their babies. legco.gov.hk |
科索沃特派团为科索沃代 表的参加提供了便利,并陪同他 们前往现场。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNMIK facilitated the [...] participation and accompanied the Kosovo [...]representatives to the site visit. daccess-ods.un.org |
2 月 2 日,我的政治 副手为委员会首次访问基尔库克提供了便利, 并 陪同 前往,委员会最终在那里举行了会议并开始了工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 2 February, my political deputy facilitated and accompanied the committee’s first visit to Kirkuk where they finally went and started working. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 待有建議提出要求在高等法院使用㆗文時,當局便會檢討有 關 陪 審 員 英文程度 的規定。 legco.gov.hk | (b) The language requirement for jurors will be reviewed as and when it is proposed to allow the Chinese language to be used in the High Court. legco.gov.hk |
如果局長繼續表示無須寫明在本地法例裏,使用第七十三(九)條便可 以,主席,那可能我們便要奉陪了。 legco.gov.hk | If the Secretary continues to maintain that there is no need to set this down in local legislation and it will do just to invoke Article 73(9), Chairman, then we probably have to go along with this. legco.gov.hk |
倘被告㆟承認犯法,但後來卻在法庭聆訊㆗以非自願認罪為理由反駁認罪供詞的 話,法官便會 令陪審團 離席,然後在聽取被告㆟當時認罪的情況後,判定認罪供 [...] 詞是否可獲接納。 legco.gov.hk | If an accused confesses to a crime but later challenges that [...] confession in court proceedings on the ground that it is involuntarily obtained, the judge [...] will order the jury to retire. legco.gov.hk |
如果是嚴重的事情,在高等法院進行審訊便 須設立陪審團,陪審團經過審訊後認為被告罪名成立,自然會裁決有 罪,最後法官便會判刑。 legco.gov.hk | When the accused is found guilty by the Jury after the hearings, a verdict of guilty will be returned and the Judge will mete out a sentence. legco.gov.hk |
銀行僱員的工會亦有這樣的設想,可否在風險 評估表格中加入投資者的經驗、教育程度等,例如某人在過去3年曾否 [...] 購買高風險產品,如果沒有的話,便應在親 友 陪 同 或經過最少兩名職員 的解釋,才可以選擇購買高風險產品。 legco.gov.hk | An example is to ask whether or not the customer has purchased any high-risk product in the past three years and if not, he can [...] choose to buy high-risk products only in the [...] company of friends and relatives or after [...]listening to the explanation made by at [...]least two employees of the bank. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 建立接收设施,并提高现有机构的能力,以便接收无 人 陪 伴 未 成年 人、移民、难民和寻求庇护的儿童 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Establish reception facilities and [...] increase the capacity of the existing [...] structures for unaccompanied minors, migrant, [...]refugee and asylum-seeking children daccess-ods.un.org |
A. 在加拿大以外陪伴一加拿大公民或一 永 久 居民 02/2012 陪伴一 加拿大公民 如果你陪伴的人是你的配偶、普通法伴侣或父母(如果本人为22周岁以下子女),那么在加以外陪伴此加拿大 公民的每一天可以被算作满足居留义务之要求的天数。 vfs-canada.com.cn | Proof of relationship with the inviter in Canada (e.g. copy of birth certificate, copy of marriage certificate, proof of correspondence, etc.). vfs-canada.com.cn |
你承認自己十分愚蠢,承認自己很 stupid,承認自己無能力,我便讓你有人 陪同。 legco.gov.hk | You can beg the IPCC and I will let you have a third person accompanying you"; or "You admit your ignorance, your stupidity and your incapacity, and I will allow you to have company. legco.gov.hk |
在 衡 量 證 人 的 可 信 程 度 是 很 重 要 的 情 況 下 ( 而 這 情 況 經 常 出 現 ) , 該 陪 審 員 便 未 必 能 夠 像 其 他 陪 審 員 同 樣 有 效 地 履 行 其 職 務 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Where assessment of the credibility of a witness is important, as so often it is, that juror may not be capable of acting as effectively as the others. hkreform.gov.hk |
殘疾人士普遍有經濟困難,他們外出也 要考慮更多的因素,例如乘車是否方便、有沒有 人 陪 伴 ,以及車費會否太貴 等。 legco.gov.hk | It is a fact that persons with disabilities are financially hard up and they have to consider more factors when they want to go out. legco.gov.hk |
一 般 而 言 , 只 [...] 需 作 出 一 次 選 擇 , 即 可 永 久 有 效 , 但 已 從 陪 審 員 名 單 中 除 名 的 人 應 有 [...]權 向 司 法 行 政 官 提 出 申 請 , 要 求 將 其 名 字 重 新 納 入 用 以 [...]製 備 將 來 的 陪 審 員 名 單 的 名 冊 內 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Generally, an election should be once and for [...] all. However, a person whose [...] name has been removed from a jury list should have a right to [...]apply to the sheriff to have [...]his or her name reinstated on the roll from which future jury lists will be completed. hkreform.gov.hk |
所以, 如果是在內地,便須有內地的人員陪 同 , 而在香港,則須有本地的醫護 人員陪同,情況便是這樣。 legco.gov.hk | Thus, if he is in the Mainland, he must be accompanied by Mainland health care personnel; if he is in Hong Kong, he must be accompanied by health care personnel in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
如 你 於 出 庭 的 第 一 天 未 獲 選 出 任 陪 審 員 , 你 便 會 獲 免 除 該 天 的 陪 審 員 職 務 , 但 法 庭 可 能 要 求 你 於 另 訂 的 日 期 再 次 到 庭 。 hkreform.gov.hk | If you are not selected to serve as a juror on the first day of your attendance at court, you will be released from jury service on that day but you may be asked by the court to return on a further day. hkreform.gov.hk |
如 果 警 方 只 是 擬 備 一 份 經 修 [...] 改 的 陳 述 , 那 麼 陪 審 團 便 難 以 信 納 [...]被 控 人 的 確 未 有 提 及 控 方 所 倚 據 的 事 宜 。 hkreform.gov.hk | If only an edited statement is [...] prepared the jury can never be [...]satisfied that the accused did not mention the matter relied upon by the prosecution. hkreform.gov.hk |
假 如 流 失 的 陪 審 員 達 到 某 個 數 字 , 便 要 解 散 陪 審 團 , 而 整 個 審 訊 過 程 亦 頇 重 新 開 始 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The longer the case, the more likely it is that jurors will be lost through sickness, emigration, business reasons, etc. If sufficient jurors are lost then the jury is discharged and the case must start again. hkreform.gov.hk |
香港特別行政區(下稱"香港特區")政 府正計劃派遣一名高級工程師陪同訪問團,以便 向議員簡介高鐵香港段與內地段的連接情況。 legco.gov.hk | The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative [...] Region ("HKSAR") was planning to send a [...] senior engineer to accompany the delegation [...]to brief Members on the connection of the [...]Hong Kong section with the Mainland section of ERL. legco.gov.hk |
在 本 席 看 來 , 我 所 具 有 的 唯 一 真 正 選 擇 或 酌 情 決 定 權 只 有 兩 者 : 一 是 假 如 [...] 本 席 有 任 何 理 由 擔 心 會 出 現 審 訊 失 誤 或 有 違 公 正 [...] 的 情 況 , 便 要 解 散 該 陪 審 團 , 而 不 論 後 果 和 [...]律 師 的 意 願 如 何 ; 相 反 , 假 如 本 席 不 擔 心 會 出 現 [...]上 述 情 況 ( 而 我 的 確 不 擔 心 ) , 便 會 指 示 審 訊 繼 續 進 行 。 hkreform.gov.hk | It seems to me that the only real [...] choice or discretion that I had was either [...] to discharge the jury, whatever the consequences, [...]and irrespective of the wishes [...]of counsel, if I had any reason to apprehend a mistrial or a miscarriage of justice, or else, if I had no such apprehension (and I had none) to direct the trial to continue. hkreform.gov.hk |
此外,被訪者對淫褻物品審裁處的工作成效評價愈差,便愈贊成 以 陪 審 員制度取代現時的審裁員制度,以及廢除審裁處,改由法庭裁判官評定物品類別。 hkupop.hku.hk | On another front, it is found that respondents who rated the work effectiveness of OAT negatively were more likely to agree with "drawing adjudicators from the list of jurors instead of the list of adjudicators for each tribunal hearing" and "abolishing the OAT and having the articles classified by a magistrate". hkupop.hku.hk |