单词 | 久负盛名 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 久负盛名 —honed perfection over centuriesless common: special reserve • seasoned See also:盛名—famous reputation
叶凯(一个年轻的猎鹰)他对他的父亲的愿望,加 入 久负盛名 的 飓风防御传单远程前哨巡逻的天空赞比西亚省安全。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Kai (a young Falcon) leaves his [...] remote outpost against his Father’s [...] wishes to join the prestigious Hurricane defense [...]flyers that patrol the skies keeping Zambezia safe. seekcartoon.com |
这个来自苏黎世的前卫设计钟表公司在4月份的Baselworld 2013发布他们的新款腕表Ventura SPARC Sigma MGS之前竟然已经获得了久负盛名的红 点设计2013年的奖项。 iontime.ch | The avantgarde design watch company from Zurich will launch the Ventura SPARC Sigma MGS at Baselworld 2013 in April only - but they’ve already won the prestigious Red Dot Design Award 2013. iontime.ch |
例如,在制造业久负盛名的美 国密歇根州的底特律市,因 为制造工厂转移到海外,那里流失了很多高薪工作岗位。 remminternational.com | An example would be the city of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, which has lost many well-paying jobs to offshore manufacturing. remminternational.com |
在以托斯卡纳的山峰和基昂蒂酒庄为背景的祥和氛围中,拉坎蒂娜托斯卡纳酒吧为真正的行家准备了意大 利 久负盛名 的 红 酒。 msccruises.com.cn | True connoisseurs can find the most renowned Italian wines at La Cantina Toscana, a wine bar that welcomes guests into an environment inspired by the peaceful Tuscany hills and Chianti vineyards. msccruises.com.eg |
舞蹈大赛决赛在久负盛名的纽约玫瑰岛舞厅举行,麦当娜和她的舞蹈指导从10名决赛选手中选中来自孟菲斯的Lil [...] Buck成为最后的获胜者。 tipschina.gov.cn | The final dance-off competition [...] took place at the historic Roseland [...] Ballroom in New York City where Madonna and [...]her choreographers selected Memphis native [...]Lil Buck as the winner from 10 global finalists. tipschina.gov.cn |
对该网站访问量所作的分析表明,该网依然是一 个 久负盛名 的 品牌,是 传播联合国编制的人口资料的有用渠道,2008 [...] 年的访问量接近 15 万次。 daccess-ods.un.org | Analysis of traffic to the website shows that the Network remains a [...] well-established brand name and is a useful channel [...]for the dissemination of the population [...]information generated by the United Nations system, with the number of visits having totalled close to 150,000 in 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
柯达 FLEXCEL NX 数码柔印系统荣获久负盛名的 PIA/GATF InterTech 技术奖。 graphics.kodak.com | The KODAK FLEXCEL NX Digital Flexographic [...] System was awarded the prestigious PIA/GATF InterTech [...]Technology Award. graphics.kodak.com |
2011年6月,通过开展这项工作,项目厅取得 了 久负盛名的 ISO 9001 质量管理系统认证。 daccess-ods.un.org | In June 2011, this work resulted in [...] UNOPS gaining the prestigious ISO 9001 quality [...]management system certification. daccess-ods.un.org |
卢森堡因其有利的地理位置而久负盛 名,来自不同行业的众多跨国公司总 部、研发中心和控股公司均得益于此。 setupineurope.com | Luxembourg has a long established reputation as a favoured location for a wide range of international companies with diverse business models from a variety of sectors. setupineurope.com |
正如Bayat先生解释,德国机械制造业在全世 界 久负盛名 , 而 宝华集团则是该行业的表率,并很好地体现了这一行业的精神与价值。 bauergroup.com | BAUER GROUP, explains Bayat, is an exemplary model of all the values that have made Germany's mechanical engineering [...] so great and successful in the [...] international arena: "The name of BAUER is regarded as [...]synonymous with the qualities of technology [...]market leadership, supreme-quality products, optimum service and unswerving reliability. bauergroup.com |
因为是在一个新的地 点举办这个久负盛名的展览,所以我 们都急于想知道班加罗尔这个印度 很繁荣的都市将如何举办这次展会。 suessen.com | While the event is well established, the venue is new, and we are eager to find out how Bangalore – this striving city in India – will handle this event. suessen.com |
与European Equestrian Masters合作,Gucci [...] Masters是Gucci 20多年来首次赞助的马术项目,与 久负盛名 的 巴 黎国际马术障碍赛合作于Paris Horse [...]Show期间举行年度盛事。 gucci.com | The Gucci Masters is Gucci’s first equestrian sponsorship in over 20 [...] years in association with the European [...] Equestrian Masters – the prestigious annual Paris [...]International Show Jumping Event that [...]takes place during the Paris Horse Show. gucci.com |
他还被任命为久负盛名的美 国消防协会 (NFPA) 标准委员会的成员,确立了他在规范和标准领域的地位。 ul.com | His standing in the Codes and Standards Community was underscored by his appointment to serve as a member of the prestigious National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards Council. ul.com |
海卓泰特的液压扭矩扳手久负盛名, 产 品采用合金钢制造,坚固可靠,在设计时充分考虑到了用户的需求。 hydratight.com | At Hydratight we have a strong reputation for our range of hydraulic torque wrenches - based on a steel alloy they are strong, reliable and designed with the user in mind. hydratight.com |
Harry Winston 手表将一个美国奢侈品牌的高品质和做工 与 久负盛名 的 瑞士精密制表传统相结合,是对其先辈无可比拟的风格的忠实传承。 hk.ashford.com | Combining the high-quality and craftsmanship of a great American luxury brand with the time-honored traditions of fine Swiss watchmaking, Harry Winston watches remain true to their heritage of unsurpassable style. ashford.com |
国王那辆车的车身由来自米兰的Touring设计,另外七名车身设计师则在该款车 型 久负盛名 的 底 盘上设计了各种轿跑车身。 maserati.com.cn | The body of the Shah’s car was [...] produced by Touring of Milan, and seven other coachbuilders contributed various [...] coupé bodies to the prestigious chassis. maserati.us |
2012年11月,就在佳士得和苏富比 久负盛名 的 传 统拍卖盛事于纽约举办 期间,当代艺术品拍卖会以高出一倍的拍卖收入轻松战胜了现代艺术品拍卖 会。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Kandinsky is the highest-rating historical Abstract artist; the top Contemporary Abstract artist is Gerhard Richter In November, during the traditional Christie’s and Sotheby’s prestige sales in New York, Contemporary art sales largely doubled the revenues for Modern art. imgpublic.artprice.com |
维罗中心位于久负盛名的法律和金融街、肖特兰街的枢纽地段,实乃新西兰黄金商务地址,距离新西兰繁华的街区仅有几分钟的路程。 servcorp.com.cn | The Vero Centre occupies a pivotal position on Shortland Street, [...] Auckland's most prestigious legal and financial [...]street while being just minutes away [...]from all the very best New Zealand's largest city has to offer. servcorp.bh |
在2011年举办的首届东南亚房地产颁奖礼中,远东机构荣获东南亚和新加坡最佳开发商的殊荣,它也是全球唯一荣获七 项 久负盛名 的 “ 世界不动产卓越建设奖”(FIABCI [...] Prix d'Excellence Award)的开发商,此最高国际地产业荣誉奖项乃由世界不动产联盟(FIABCI)所颁发,彰显了远东机构在区域以至全球房地产领域所取得的非凡成就。 fareast.com.sg | Far East Organization was awarded Best Developer in South East Asia and Singapore at the Inaugural South East Asia Property Awards 2011, [...] and is the only developer in the world [...] to have won the prestigious FIABCI Prix d’Excellence [...]Awards seven times, underscoring [...]its unique achievements in the regional and international real estate arena. fareast.com.sg |
我们也可以从伦敦金融城何以成为 久负盛名 的 世 界资本中心的原因中获得一些信心。 china.blackstone.com | We should also take reassurance from the reasons for the City’s long-established primacy as a global crossroads of capital. blackstone.com |
一款新产品在久负盛名的经典Audemars Piguet系列中找到了立足点,它就是Jules [...] Audemars自动上链计时码表。 hautehorlogerie.org | A newcomer finds its [...] place within the prestigious classic Audemars [...]Piguet collections: the Jules Audemars self-winding chronograph. hautehorlogerie.org |
海卓泰特最新收购的 Biach Industries 始创于 1955 年,位于美国新泽西州克兰福德市,在多个行业中的精密螺栓拉伸领 域 久负盛名 , 尤 其是在商业核能发电行业。 hydratight.com | Hydratight's latest acquisition Biach [...] Industries, founded [...] in 1955 and based in Cranford, New Jersey (USA), has a formidable reputation for precision bolt tensioning in several fields, most prominently commercial [...]nuclear power generation. hydratight.com |
斯维奇风电产业部副总裁Reijo Takala表示:”作为一家致力于为行业提供首选永磁技术解决方案的领军企业,斯维 奇 久负盛名。 cn.theswitch.com | The Switch is now well-known for its pioneering efforts to establish PM solutions as the preferred choice in the industry,” says Reijo Takala, Vice President, Wind Power. theswitch.com |
宾利欧陆GT3概念赛车是基于宾利史上最快双门公路跑车欧陆GT [...] Speed设计打造的,它将宾利汽车非凡的操控性、出色的稳定性 和 久负盛名 的 耐 久性发挥到极致,同时彰显赛车本质。 bentleymedia.com | Based on the new Continental GT Speed, the fastest road-going Bentley ever, the GT3 concept capitalises on the [...] prodigious performance, outstanding [...] high-speed stability and renowned durability of Bentley’s [...]iconic coupe, while tailoring its [...]specification for the racetrack. bentleymedia.com |
Bulgari-Bulgari 手表(Bvlgari-Bvlgari 手表)结合了久负盛名的瑞士制表技巧与独特的意大利工艺,传承了 Bulgari 手表(Bvlgari 手表)的辉煌传统。 hk.ashford.com | The Bulgari-Bulgari Watches (Bvlgari-Bvlgari Watches) are made with time-honored Swiss watch making proficiency combined with discriminating Italian artisanship, meeting Bulgari Watches (Bvlgari Watches) illustrious tradition. ashford.com |
在为期四天的赛程中,多家国内和国际电视台转播了赛事过程,其中还包括美国以及日本电视台的现场直播,而TAG Heuer(豪雅)品牌的标志和时钟则悬挂 在 久负盛名 的 皇 家堪培拉高尔夫俱乐部球场的显著位置。 tagheuer.com | TAG Heuer branding and clocks were prominently placed on course at the prestigious Royal Canberra Golf Club over the four day tournament which was broadcast on television domestically and internationally including live on prime TV in the USA and Japan. tagheuer.com |
徐博士是久负盛名的技术检讨委员会成员,及台湾行政部门成立的技术组的创始成员, 首屈一指的非营利组织 Monte Jade科学与技术组织推动商业和技术的创始成员之一,Give2Asia董事会主席, [...] 外交关系委员会会员,100委员会成员,和H&QAP亚太地区在世界经济论坛代表。 shinshinfoundation.org | Dr. Hsu was one of the founding members of the Monte Jade Science [...] & Technology organization, the premier non-profit organization [...]promoting business and technology relations between Taiwan and the U.S. Dr. Hsu is also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Give2Asia, a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a Member of the Committee of 100 and represents H&Q Asia Pacific at the World Economic Forum. shinshinfoundation.org |