

单词 久留

See also:


(long) time n

(long) duration of time


stay v
keep v
retain v

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,我們建議放寬年齡限制,容 許 55 歲或以上的教師提早退休,以便留住 富 經驗而年紀較輕的教師, 讓他們在教育界服務較長時間。
We propose to relax the age limit to
allow those aged at or above 55 to
[...] retire early, so as to retain experienced teachers [...]
of the lower age groups to serve the
education sector for a longer period of time.
由于标记可能消褪,不会久 留住, 所以通常需要用刺青方式做标记。
Since the markings may disappear and are not permanent, skin tattoos are usually essential.
主席,公投是處理政治矛盾的最好方法,如果這個沒有認受性的政 府仍然沒有政治勇氣提出一個方案來自行決定的話, 便 留 待 人 民作決 定,由全港700萬市民就自己的前途、政改的模式和打破小圈子的操縱 和壟斷,作一次全民公決,推翻這個醜陋和不堪的制度。
If this government with no legitimacy still cannot pluck up the political courage to put forward a package of its own to resolve the matter, the people, all the 7 million people in Hong Kong, will have to hold a referendum to decide their own future, work out the mode of constitutional reform, shatter the manipulation and control of the small political circle and overthrow this ugly and infamous system.
但 是,當人才來到香港,發現根本負擔不起本港的樓價,無 久留 時 ,可 能又會把一些人才推往其他地方。
This will continue to grow like a snowball. But when the talents come to Hong Kong and find that they cannot afford the property prices and cannot stay here for long periods, they may go elsewhere.
这些建议包括,充分利用宪章的有关条款,其中 涉及大会的任命权、对区域轮换和两性平等应有的注 意、大会主席可能同各会员国协商来确定由一个会员 国支持的候选人、鼓励参选秘书长职位的候选人作正 式介绍,以便留有充 裕的时间同各会员国开展互动而 且请候选人向大会全体成员国介绍他们的看法。
Those proposals include making full use of the Charter provisions on the General Assembly’s power of appointment, due regard for regional rotation and gender equality, the possibility of the President of the General Assembly consulting with Member States to identify potential candidates endorsed by a Member State, encouraging the formal presentation of candidatures for the position of Secretary-General in a manner that allows sufficient time for interaction with Member States and requesting candidates to present their views to all States members of the General Assembly.
在设定确切百分比方面的主要因素是,须将它设定在一个不会导 致一些会员国久留在这 个中立区的水平上。
The main factor in setting the exact percentage is that it would need to be established at a level which would not result in Member States remaining within such a zone for an excessive length of time.
这些产品类似它们的实际品牌,但通常略作修改,以 便 留 有 许 可的空间,例如Punk代替Pump,KFG代替KFC,以及SQNY而不是SONY。
These products resemble the actual brand, but are usually slightly modified so as to be more permissible, such as Punk instead of Puma, KFG instead of KFC, and SQNY instead of SONY.
一些代表团认为,为使届会更加有效,可考虑采取以下措施:特别是鉴于 外层空间活动长期可持续性工作组实行这些措施后的初步结果,可试行重新分 配时间和资源;避免同时开始审议若干个议程项目;合并议程项目;通过着眼 于行动的议程和着眼于行动的报告;以及在届会的早期审议组织事项,以 便留 有充分的时间进行实质性讨论。
Some delegations expressed the view that in order to make sessions more effective, the following measures could be considered: reallocation of time and resources, on an experimental basis, in particular in view of the first results of the measures in the Working Group on the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities; avoiding the simultaneous opening of several agenda items for consideration; merging agenda items; adopting an action-oriented agenda and action-oriented reports; and considering organizational matters earlier in the sessions to allow adequate time for substantive discussions.
埃萊克特拉將弟弟歐雷斯特(Orest)送到安全地方後,自己 便 留 在 宮 內充當奴僕,長期生活在亡父的回憶及復仇的渴求之中。
Having hurried her brother Orest to safety, Elektra lives as a servant in Klytaemnestra's palace, keeping the memory of her father alive and waiting for the day of retribution.
工作组于4月18日提交了最终版草案,以便 留出文 件翻译所需的准备时间,由美国国际水文计划国家委员会进行义务编辑,于5月4 日前向国际水文计划理事会成员分发。
The TF submitted the final draft version on 18 April, in order to allow lead time for the translation of the document for distribution among the IHP Council members by 4 May after being voluntarily edited by the US IHP National Committee.
利用Intralase飛秒激光切割出來的角膜薄片比用刀的更薄,以 便 留 有 更 多角膜組織來矯正視力。
Intralase can cut a thinner flap than a blade can, thus making more cornea available for refractive correction.
要落 實這些權 利 ,第一 , 運 送 雞 隻 的 車輛內不應 過 分 擠迫, 要設空 調 和 經 快 速 通 道過關 , 更要經 過 嚴 格 的檢疫 ; 第 二 , 在批發 巿 場 , 不 要 把 來 自 不同農 場 的 雞 隻 混 在一起 , 且 雞 隻 不 應在批發 巿 場久 留;第 三 , 很多人 建 議 應有獨 立的屠宰室 , 即 街巿賣 雞 的 檔 鋪 應集中在某 一 角落, 與 其他攤 檔 分 隔開, 每檔貯 存 雞 隻 的 數 目 也 要嚴格 限 制,不 可 讓 環境過 於 擠迫, 以 及 要有 足夠的 通 風 或可抑 制 病 毒 擴 散 的空調 設 施;及第四 , 雞 檔 要嚴格 遵 從 行 業 守 則,要 定 時 消 毒 、 清 洗和進行病 毒 抽樣檢 查 。
Second, chickens from different farms must not be mixed up at wholesale markets, and chickens should not be kept for a long time at wholesale markets. Third, many people have suggested independent slaughter rooms and that is, all stalls selling chickens in a market should be grouped together at a certain part of the market, separated from other stalls.
录均可供为研究和教育目的查阅; (d)
[...] 制定卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭实务记录的查阅、分类和留存政策,并确 保被指定长期或久留存的 材料得到保存。
(d) To develop access, classification and retention policies for the
substantive records of the Tribunal, and to ensure preservation of the material designated for
[...] long-term or permanent retention.
(VI.10.)号政府决议,新法典将在规 范自然人和法人实体的协调关系的法典中,把关于私人和金钱的私法条例现代 化,为行使和寻求权利的人员和实体增加法律保障和方 便 留 在 家 中。
(VI.10.) of the Government on the compilation of a new Civil Code the new code shall modernize the private law regulation of private and pecuniary conditions, increase legal security and facilitate being at home, for persons and entities exercising and seeking rights, in the code regulating the coordinated relations of natural persons and legal entities.
家人在夏天收成后带着牲口离开,学生们便 留在只有一间教室的校舍里。
Students stay in a one-room schoolhouse when
[...] their families leave with their herds [...]
after the summer harvest.
丰满和 和谐是2008年份的关键词,突出了纯粹、魅力,饮后口齿 久留 香。
Roundness and harmony are the watchwords of this 2008 which offers great purity, charm and length in the finish.
除草門適合兩人同時工作,加大的全景式車窗則方 便 留 意 所 有機具的工作情況。
The steering column including instrument panel and pedals can be released in an instant and moved to the other side of the cab.
重要的是,目前这些福利也覆 盖拥有久居留身份的非国民和难民。
Importantly, those benefits were currently extended to
[...] non-nationals with permanent residence status and [...]
虽然拟定了在各州政府部署合格工作人员的方案,例如高级行政 人员方案,但由于办公场所和房地紧缺,加之通信条件不良,很多公务员不久 留工作岗位。
Although programmes, such as the Senior Executive Service, were designed to deploy qualified staff to county administrations, many civil servants do not remain in their posts because of the continued lack of offices, accommodation and poor communications.
预计在本两年期,因安全考虑将迁移六七 个中心,同时至少有三个中心将缩小办公室规模,以 便 留 在 符 合安全标准的房地。
It is expected that half a dozen centres will relocate owing to security concerns in the current biennium, while at least three centres will reduce the size of their offices in order to remain in securitycompliant premises.
尽管面临各种困难,危地马拉已经采取了措施,以进一步完善儿童保护系统、建立起更专业的儿童法庭、解决“过渡性收养”案例问题、防止儿 久留 收 养 机构、惩处侵害儿童的罪行、并支持帮助各家庭抚养儿童。
While challenges remain, Guatemala has taken steps towards improving child protection systems, establishing more specialized Children’s Courts,  pledging to resolve ‘transition adoption’ cases, preventing children ending up in institutions, supporting families to keep their children and punishing crimes against children.
我们期待及时指定委员会和各工作组下个周期的 主席,以便留出足够时间,来开展适当准备工作,推 动委员会各工作组的实质性审议和互动。
We look forward to the Chairs of the Commission and the Working Groups for the next cycle being designated in a timely manner that allows sufficient time for proper preparation to facilitate substantive deliberations and interaction in the Commission’s Working Groups.
这些儿童停留在利勒库拉中心,通常只留很短时期,其中 56%的儿童
[...] 留在收容日内最多一个星期,19%最长一个月,其余儿童留在收容所都超过一 个月,也就是说解决他们的问题要 久 , 就 留 多 久 , 在 某些情况下,解决他们的 问题可能需要一年。
The children stay in Lilleküla centre usually only for a short period of time. 56% of children stay in the shelter for up to a week, 19%
for up to a month, and the rest of
[...] the children stay in the shelter longer than a month, [...]
i.e. as long as it takes to solve
their problem, which, in some cases, may take for up to a year.
事实证明,替代办法要比留 便宜 很多,不仅在于直接开支,而且还在于同 留 相 关 的长期开支
The alternatives have also proved to
be considerably less
[...] expensive than detention, not only in direct costs but also when it comes to longer-term costs associated with detention, such as the [...]
impact on health services,
integration problems and other social challenges.
在非循坏系统中,留此插塞以便最 大程度地减少冲洗时间。
In a non-circulating system, install the plug as shown to minimize flush time.
指称的两名受害人 “从留一开 始便有辩护权”,而且,所有审讯、法律诉讼和法院听讯都是在其 [...]
Both alleged victims were “provided with a right to defence from the
[...] outset of their detention”, all interrogations, [...]
legal proceedings and court hearings
were conducted in the presence of their lawyers.
[...] 秘书处还拟定了一套新的建议,为建立和管理跨疆界生物圈 留 提 供 便利。
A training seminar on conflict resolution is being organized and a new set of recommendations to
facilitate the establishment and management of
[...] transboundary biosphere reserves has been prepared [...]
by the MAB Secretariat.
它只是指出,当履行了条约所规定的特殊条件以后,特定的留 便确 立了,不能通过提出反对予以质疑。
It merely notes that, when the special
conditions imposed by the treaty are fulfilled,
[...] the particular reservation is established [...]
and cannot be called into question through an objection.
在经过统一方式而发生自愿继承的情况下,对通知之后提出的留,便是如此情况,不论是新独立的国家((a)分项)或新独立国家以外的继承 [...]
In the context of a voluntary succession to a treaty that occurred by
means of a notification, this was the
[...] case concerning reservations formulated after [...]
such notification, either by a newly independent State (subpara.




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