

单词 乃以

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

以 下 資 本 開乃 以 本 公 司 長 期 銀 行 貸 款、運 營 所 得 現 金 及 政 府 資 助 支 付。
The following capital expenditure was funded by long-term bank loans, cash generated from operating activities and government grants.
財務報乃 以人民幣呈列,除另有指明者外,所有數值均以四捨五入計算至最接近的人民幣金額。
The financial statements are presented in RMB and all values are rounded to the nearest RMB except where otherwise indicated.
其 他 物 業、廠房 及 設乃以 歷史成 本 扣除累計折 舊及 [...]
任何累 計 減值 虧損 列賬。
Other property,
[...] plant and equipment are stated at historical [...]
cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.
A detailed analysis of actual mortality experience is measured by internally developed mortality studies.
除另有說明外,此等財務報乃以人 民 幣呈列及所有價值均調整至 最接近的千位。
These financial statements are presented in Renminbi (“RMB”) and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand except when otherwise indicated.
遞 延 所 得乃 以 於 結 算 日 已 頒 佈 或 實 質 頒 佈 的 稅 率(及 法 律),並 預 期 於變 現 相關 遞 延所 得稅資 產 或償 還遞 延 所得 稅 負債 時 的適 用 稅率 釐定。
Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realised or the deferred income tax liability is settled.
醫藥公乃以中外 合資合營有限責任公司的形式成立,經營期限為自合營公司營業執照發 出之日起三十(30)年;經營期限可由本公司與Alliance BMP一致同意後,經有關政府機關 批准後延長。
The operation term of GP Corp. in form of a Sino-foreign equity joint venture limited liability company shall be thirty (30) years from the date of issuance of the JV Business Licence and such term shall be extended upon agreement by the Company and Alliance BMP and subject to the approval by the relevant government authorities.
據此,遞延稅項資產 或負債的計量將反映通過出售全數收回投資物業之賬面值之稅務後果,除非管理層推翻這項假設,且認為 有關投資物乃以旨在 隨時間過去而耗用大部分投資物業經濟利益之業務模式持有,而非通過出售收回其 賬面值。
Accordingly, the measurement of the deferred tax assets or liabilities shall reflect the tax consequences of recovering the carrying amount of the investment property entirely through sale, unless management rebut the presumption and consider that the investment properties are held within a business model whose objective is to consume substantially all the investment properties’ economic benefits over time, rather than through sale.
馬幣兌港乃以馬幣1元兌港幣2.28元的匯率進行折算,惟匯率僅供參考,並不表示該金額已經或可以按 [...]
For illustration purpose only, translation [...]
of RM to HK$ is based on the rate of RM1 to HK$2.28. No representation is made
that such amount was or could be exchanged at such rate.
主要用於為快速迴轉營運資本提供資金的浮息債務(對該營運資本之融資收取內部利息 乃以 美 元倫敦銀行同業拆息加上適當溢價為 首要基準。
Floating rate debt which is predominantly used to fund fast turning working capital (interest is internally charged on the funding of this working capital) is primarily based on U.S. $ LIBOR plus an appropriate premium.
(b) "判定債權人" 定義的草 擬方式乃以《外地判決 ( 交互強制執行) 條例》 ( 第 319章 ) 的相關定義為 藍本
(b) drafting of the definition "judgment creditor" followed that of the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance (Cap. 319)
基於上述情況及i)加工協議之性質與 貴集團之主要業務息息相關;ii) 加工訂單費乃 貴集團之穩定收入來源;及iii)加工協 乃以 市 場及正常商業 條款為依據,並按下文詳析之公平交易原則訂立,吾等認為加工協議之條款 符合 貴公司及股東之整體利益。
Given the above and the fact that i) the nature of the Subcontracting Agreement is related to the Group’s principal business and operations; ii) the Subcontracting Order Fee representing a stable source of income to the Group; and iii) the Subcontracting Agreement will be based on market and normal commercial terms on an arm’s length basis as elaborated below, we consider the terms of the Subcontracting Agreement are in the interest of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.
經修訂年度上限6,000,000港乃以若干 因素為基準計算所得,有關因素包括(i)歷史交易 數字;及(ii)維安潔於截至二零一二年十二月三十一日止年度剩餘期間對本集團產品需求 的估計數量。
The revised annual cap of HK$6,000,000 was calculated on the basis of several factors including (i) the historical transaction figures, and (ii) the estimated quantity of the Group’s products required by V-Care during the remaining period for the year ending 31 December 2012.
用作披露之財務負債 公平值乃以現時市場利率 (本集團就類似財務工具須 付出之利率) 折算未來合約現金流量估算。
The fair value of financial liabilities for disclosure purposes is estimated by discounting the future contractual cash flows at the current market interest rate that is available to the Group for similar financial instruments.
每股盈乃以截至 二零零五年六月三十日止期間的公司股東應佔溢利港幣七十三億二千六百萬元(二零零四 [...]
年六月三十日:港幣三十億零四百萬元;二零零四年十二月三十一日:港幣一百八十七億零五百萬元),除 以該期間及二零零四年全年已發行的‘A’ 股 930,375,385股及‘B’
股 3,003,486,271股的加權平均數。
Earnings per share are calculated by [...]
dividing the profit attributable to Company’s shareholders for the period ended 30th
June 2005 of HK$7,326 million (30th June 2004: HK$3,004 million; 31st December 2004: HK$18,705 million) by the weighted average number of 930,375,385 ‘A’ shares and 3,003,486,271 ‘B’ shares in issue during the period and throughout 2004.
新的方乃以三大 支柱的理念為基礎:最低資本規定、 對公司風險評估的監督審閱及強化披露規定。
The new approach is based on the concept of three pillars – minimum capital requirements, supervisory review of firms’ assessments of risk, and enhanced disclosure requirements.
所 產 生 之 資乃 以 直 線 法 按 其 估 計 可 用 年 期 攤 銷,並 以 成 本 扣 除 其後累計 攤銷及任何累計減值虧損(按單獨收購無形資產之相同基準 )列賬。
The resultant asset is amortised on a straight line basis over its useful life and is carried at cost less subsequent accumulated amortisation and any accumulated impairment losses, on the same basis as intangible assets acquired separately.
財務報乃以 人民幣呈列,除另有指明者外,所有數值均以四捨五入計算至最接近的人民幣金額。
All transaction costs for such instruments are recognised directly in profit or loss.
財務資產(包括以公平值計入損益賬之財務資產 )賺取之利息收乃以時間 基準按未償還本 金 及 適 用 實 際 利 率 累 計,該 利 率 指 將 財 務 資 產 之 估 計 未 來 所 收 現 金 在 估 計 可 使 用 年 期 內 貼 現至資產 賬面淨值之利率。
Interest income from a financial asset excluding financial asset at fair value through profit or loss is accrued on a time basis, by reference to the principal outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable, which is the rate that exactly discounts the estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial asset to that asset’s net carrying amount.
噸數及質乃以原地 水分基準就煤資源進行報告及以收到基準就煤儲量進行報告。
Tonnes and quality are reported at in situ moisture basis for coal resources and as received basis for coal reserves.
每 股 盈乃 以 截 至 一 九 九 九 年 六 月 三 十 日 [...]
止 期 間 股 東 應 佔 溢 利 港 幣 十 八 億 一 千 七 百 萬 元 ( 一 九 九 八 年 : 港 幣 二 十 億 零 六 百 萬 元 ) , 除 以 該
期 間 及 一 九 九 八 年 內 已 發 行 的 A 股 940,111,885 股 與 B 股 3,059,301,271 股 的 加 權 平 均 數 字 。
Earnings per share are calculated by dividing [...]
the profit attributable to shareholders for the period ended 30th June 1999
of HK$1,817 million (1998: HK$2,006 million) by the weighted average number of 940,111,885 'A' shares and 3,059,301,271 'B' shares in issue during the period and throughout 1998.
前瞻性陳乃以陽光的經驗、現行信念、假設、資料及對陽光可取得的歷史趨勢的理解為基礎,並受不同風險及不確定性所影響,包括 [...]
險、阿爾伯塔省監管框架的變動,包括監管批准的程序及土地使用設計、礦產稅、稅項、環境、溫室氣體、碳及其他法律或法規的變動,以及上述的影響,及合規成 本。
Forward-looking statements are based on Sunshines [...]
experience, current beliefs, assumptions, information and perception of
historical trends available to Sunshine, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to those associated with resource definition and expected reserves and contingent and prospective resources estimates, unanticipated costs and expenses, regulatory approval, fluctuating oil and gas prices, expected future production, the ability to access sufficient capital to finance future development and credit risks, changes in Albertas regulatory framework, including changes to regulatory approval process and land-use designations, royalty, tax, environmental, greenhouse gas, carbon and other laws or regulations and the impact thereof and the costs associated with compliance.
閣下同意,本集團以電子方式提供予閣下的所有協議、通知、披露及其他通訊均符合有關通 乃以 書 面 形式提供的任何法律規定。
You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.
儘管如此,本綜合財務報乃以持續 經營基準編製,其 有效性取決於本集團未來業務之成功、能產生足夠現金流量以應付到期債務,以及能再融資或重組其 貸款以令本集團可應付未來營運資金及融資之需要。
Notwithstanding the above results, the consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, the validity of which is dependent upon the success of the Group’s future operations, its ability to generate adequate cash flows in order to meet its obligations as and when fall due and its ability to refinance or restructure its borrowings such that the Group can meet its future working capital and financing requirements.
所 得 款 項( 扣 除 交 易 成 本 )與 贖 回 價值兩 者 間 之 差 額乃以實 際 利 息 法 於 借 貸 期 間 在 損 益 內 予以 確 認 。
Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortised cost; any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption value is recognised in profit or loss over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method.
v. 土 耳 其 雖 然 深 感 憤 慨,但 很 可 能 會 在 俄 國 的 壓 力 下 屈 服,為 防 此 情 況 出 現,英 國 在 君 士 坦 丁 堡 的 大 使 乃 以 非 官 方 身 份 鼓 勵 蘇 丹 拒 絕 俄 國 的 要 求 。
v. Turkey, though alarmed and resentful, might possibly have given way to so powerful a foe, but the Sultan was unofficially encouraged to reject the Russian demands by the British ambassador at Constantinople.
融 資 租 賃 項 下 所 持 有 之 資乃以與 自 有 資 產 相 同 之 基 準 按 其 估 計 可 使 用 年 期 或 相 關 租 約 年 期( 以 較 短 者 為 準 )予以折 舊 。
Assets held under finance leases are depreciated over the shorter of their expected useful lives on the same basis as owned assets or, where shorter, the terms of the relevant leases.
(iv) 任何合約或安排,董事及/或其聯繫人 乃以 與 其 他本公 司股份或債權證或其他證券持有人相同方式,並僅因其 [...]
持有本公司該等股份或債權證或其他證券權益而於當 中擁有權益者
(iv) any contract or arrangement in which the Director or his
[...] associate(s) is/are interested in the [...]
same manner as other holders of shares or
debentures or other securities of the Company by virtue of his/their interest in shares or debentures or other securities of the Company
在現有租約的有關條款下,租金須以上期形式按月以現金支付(在 適用情況下,以超額銷售毛額的若干百分比(介乎 7.25%至 16% 不等)來計算的營業額租金收入除外,營業額租金收 乃以 後付 的形式按月或按年支付),而就將來的租賃而言,付款條款將視乎 合資格業主與合資格租戶雙方協議的個別租約的條款及條件而 定。
Payment Term : Under the relevant terms of the Existing Tenancy Agreements, the rents are payable in advance by cash on a monthly basis (except, where applicable, for the excess turnover rents calculated based on certain percentage of gross sales ranging from 7.25% to 16% which are payable in arrears on monthly or yearly basis) while for future lease arrangements, payment terms will be subject to terms and conditions of the Individual Tenancy Agreements to be agreed between the Eligible Landlords and Eligible Tenants.
倘 投 資 物乃 以 業 務 模 式 持 有,而 目 的 為 不 斷 消 耗 投 資 物 業 內 含 之 絕 大 部 分 經 濟 利 益(而 非 透 過 銷 售),則 此 項 推 定 可 予 駁 回。
The presumption is rebutted if the investment property is held within a business model whose objective is to consume substantially all of the economic benefits embodied in the investment property over time, rather than through sale.




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