单词 | 举起 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 举起 —liftless common: uphold • raise up 举起 verb—hold up v • hoist v See also:举—lift • raise • act • cite • deed • hold up
凡是希望 发言的成员国和观察员国可 以通过举起 名 牌 的方式表示发言意向。 daccess-ods.un.org | Members and observer States wishing to take the floor could signal their intention by raising their nameplates. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,在地方选举中,各政党必须为地方议会和县议会 选 举起 草 候 选人清 单,以确保男女两性均有代表。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also, at the local elections, the political [...] parties must draw up the candidates’ lists for the election of local councils [...]and county councils so as to ensure the representation of both genders. daccess-ods.un.org |
拆卸喷嘴时举起喷枪 的前端并扳住喷枪,以帮助喷 枪排放并防止喷枪内的涂料或溶剂进入空气通道。 graco.com | Hold the front end of the gun up and [...] trigger the gun while removing the nozzle to help drain the gun and prevent any paint [...]or solvent left in the gun from entering the air passages. graco.com |
举起活塞 柱 (1)和填料活塞柱 (24),按一定角度 对着光线或用手指触摸其整个外表面,检查表面有 无磨损、划伤或其他损坏。 graco.com | Inspect outer surfaces of displacement rod (1) and priming piston rod (24) for wear, scoring or other damage by holding them up to light at an angle or running a finger over the surface. graco.com |
起重机举起好几吨重的货物并且把它们从一个地方转移到另一个地方。 voith.com | Cranes lift loads weighing many [...] tons and move them from one place to another. voith.com |
凡是希望发言的委员会成员可以通过 举起 名 牌的方式表示发言意向,并且/或者联系秘书处。 un.org | To request a right of reply, Committee members should raise nameplates to indicate their intention, and/or contact the Secretariat. un.org |
受精膜举起后, 由次级卵母细胞排放出第二极体。 actazool.org | After fertilization membrane was lifted, the secondary egg emitted the [...] second polar body into the perivitelline space. actazool.org |
大会第六十三届会议决定,自第六十三届会议期间的 选 举起 , 组 织委员会 中由大会选出的成员的任期将从 1 月 1 日开始,而不是从 6 月 23 日开始;并且 [...] 邀请在组织委员会中有成员但尚未对其任期作调整的其他机构调整其各自成员 的任期,以便组织委员会所有成员的任期都能从 [...]1 月 1 日开始(第 63/145 号决 议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly [...] decided that, beginning with the election to be held during the sixty-third [...]session, the term [...]of office of the members of the Assembly on the Organizational Committee should begin on 1 January instead of 23 June; and invited other bodies with members on the Organizational Committee that have not yet done so to adjust the term of office of their respective members so that the term of office of all members of the Organizational Committee can start on 1 January (resolution 63/145). daccess-ods.un.org |
切尔西上一次在2009年点球大战中击败曼联 后 举起 了 社 区盾。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Chelsea last lifted the Shield in [...] 2009 after beating Man United on penalties. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
小巧轻便的手握型板块和简单的手握型玩具,可供婴 儿 举起 、抓 握和搬移,可用来给此阶段的婴儿玩。 cpsc.gov | Manipulative panels and simple [...] manipulative toys that are small and light enough for [...] child to lift, hold, and carry are [...]good choices for this age group. cpsc.gov |
然后他沿着边多咬了几口,向下咬出了 一个直角,然后又咬了几口······ [这个儿童 ]现 在 举起他 L 形的无酵饼,并且骄傲地注视 它,多么完美的一把枪。 ipaworld.org | Then he took more bites at a right angle down the edge, then a couple more … [the child] raised his now L-shaped matzoh and gazed at it with pride. ipaworld.org |
做一些像经常把脚举起和放下之类的基础锻炼也能预防DVT(深静脉血栓)的形成,深静脉血栓是人们在很长时间里久坐不动时容易出现的一种常见的健康风险。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Basic exercise, like [...] frequently moving feet up and down, can prevent [...]the chances of DVT (deep vein thrombosis), which is [...]a common risk when sitting still for extended stretches of time. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
当白色的mozzarella、红色的西红柿和绿色的罗勒叶配在一起时, [...] 强烈的色彩对比给我们的视觉带来了冲击;木材燃烧发出的劈啪声恰似音乐节奏;它独特的香味沁人心肺;口味的精美自不待言;当你用手指拿起一小块匹萨 , 举起 , 然后送入口中,这是何等的触觉享受 knowfood.cn | The sight is enchanted by the contrast of the white of the mozzarella, the red of tomato and the green of basil; the hearing by the crackling of the wood fire; the smell by its characteristic scent; the [...] taste by the deliciousness of its flavour; the [...] touch, as you lift the first morsel [...]with your fingers to reach your mouth. knowfood.cn |
根据初步评估,自总统下令 要求举行选举之日起,举办第一轮选举可能需要多达五个月的时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to preliminary assessments, it may take up to five months to organize the first round of the elections from the time the elections are called for by Presidential decree. daccess-ods.un.org |
与叙级专家一起举办了 讲习班,叙级专家表 示相信,新系统能对各组织的各种一般事务类职务以及总部和总部外工作地点的各种职业道 [...] 路进行叙级。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Workshops had been held with classification [...] specialists, who had expressed confidence in the capacity of the new standard [...]to classify the full range of General Service jobs across organizations and career streams at Headquarters and field duty stations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在编写该报告的过程中,土库曼斯 坦 计划与联合国机构一起 ,举办讨论会和圆桌会议,了解 《 禁 止 酷刑公 约 任 择 议 定书》。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the framework of the preparation of that report, Turkmenistan was planning to conduct seminars and round tables, together with United Nations agencies, to learn about the OP-CAT. daccess-ods.un.org |
(f) 工作组将从届会的第三个工作日起举 行 会 议,依据辩论期间表达的意见 和建议,拟订各项决定草案和建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) In accordance with the views and suggestions expressed during the debate, the Working Group will meet as of the third working day of the session to elaborate draft decisions and recommendations. daccess-ods.un.org |
该代表团指出,粮农组织/世卫组织功能食品研讨会与该区域协调委员会上届会议一 起举行, 为进行有益的信息交流提供机会。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation indicated that an FAO/WHO workshop on [...] Functional Foods had been held in conjunction with [...]the last session of the Committee, providing [...]a venue for useful exchange of information. codexalimentarius.org |
有关世界土著人国际日的其 [...] 他活动包括在布拉柴维尔举办了一次展览,在波哥大与来自联合国和土著人民组 织的代表一起举行了 一次记者招待会,以及在利马的联合国新闻中心制作了一个 [...] 专题网站(http://www.uniclima.org.pe/index1.htm)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other activities for the International Day of the World’s Indigenous [...] People included an exhibition in [...] Brazzaville, a press conference with representatives [...]from the United Nations and indigenous [...]peoples’ organizations in Bogotá, and the development of a special web page by the United Nations Information Centre in Lima (http://www.uniclima.org.pe/index1.htm). daccess-ods.un.org |
公众宣传局将在这些建议的基础上为大会第三十五届会议拟定一项具体的传播战略, 主要内容有:各部门在会前准备媒体说明;会议期间每天发布有关重大问题的“每日新 [...] 闻”;总干事与到访的国家领导人以及其他要人 一 起举 行 新闻发布会;在便利的新闻发布会 会场为部长们提供媒体方面的协助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Based on these recommendations, a specific communication strategy will be elaborated by the Bureau of Public Information for the 35th session of the General Conference including, inter alia, the preparation by each Sector of media-friendly notes before the session, the issuing of a [...] daily in-session “News of the day” on [...] key issues, the holding of Press Conferences [...]by the Director-General with visiting [...]Heads of State and other personalities and the provision of media assistance to Ministers within convenient Press-conference premises. unesdoc.unesco.org |
卢旺达向武装团体提供上述支持导致危机加剧;刚果民主共和国政府和卢旺 达政府自 2012 年 4 月初起举行一 系列双边高层会议,以化解危机。 daccess-ods.un.org | In an attempt to solve the crisis which this Rwandan support to armed groups had exacerbated, the [...] Governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo [...] and Rwanda have held a series of high-level [...]bilateral meetings since early in April 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2010 年千年发展目标首脑会议的间隙,它与 世界银行一起举办了 一次高级别会议,并与中非共和 国政府一道,在世界银行、联合国开发计划署及非洲 开发银行的支持下在布鲁塞尔举办了圆桌会议,目的 是提高对第二份减贫战略文件草案中各项优先重点 的认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | It organized a high-level event in the margins of the 2010 Summit on the Millennium Development Goals with the World Bank and a round table in Brussels with the Central African Republic Government and support from the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme and the African Development Bank to raise awareness for the priorities in the draft second PRSP. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国不认为申诉人已提供足够的资料,以 致缔约国须负起举证的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | The complainant refers to communication No. 149/1999, A.S. v. Sweden, Views adopted on 24 November 2000. daccess-ods.un.org |
我要通知安理会另外两起举报案 件,这次涉嫌违 反第 1737(2006)号决议第 [...] 3 段,该段禁止向伊朗出口 和禁止伊朗采购可能有助于伊朗的浓缩相关活动、后 处理或重水相关活动,或有助于发展核武器运载系统 的物项。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to inform the [...] Council of two additional reported cases [...]of alleged violations, this time of paragraph 3 of resolution [...]1737 (2006), which imposes a ban on the export to and procurement by Iran of items that could contribute to enrichmentrelated, reprocessing or heavy water-related activities by Iran, or to the development of nuclear-weapon delivery systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
本地内容的政策方面,贸发会议自1996 年起举办的 一年一度的非洲石油、 天然气和矿产贸易及融资大会受到与会者高度称赞,称会议聚集了私营部门和政 府,突出了建立生产关联的需要,并提高了非洲能源行业的本地含量。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to work on local content policies, UNCTAD’s annual Africa Oil, Gas and Minerals Trade and Finance Conference, which began in 1996, was highly commended by the meeting participants for bringing together the private sector and governments and highlighting the need to develop production linkages and enhance local content from Africa’s energy sector. daccess-ods.un.org |
为支持及配合国际展能节,香港自 1981 年起举办香 港展能节,赛项的优胜者会代表香港参加国际展能节,香港展能节由 社会服务联会及香港复康联会统筹。 daccess-ods.un.org | In support of IA, the local Hong Kong Abilympics, co-ordinated by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities, has also been launched since 1981 by which winners are nominated to participate in the Hong Kong Team for IA. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年,日益采用的一种形式是,将相互之间保持直接接触的两个至四个 国家的法官和检察官召集在一起,举 办 讲 习班,讨论与区域和双边合作相关的 具体法律问题和事项。 daccess-ods.un.org | A format increasingly used in 2009 was that of workshops bringing judges and prosecutors, from two to four countries, in direct contact with each other to discuss specific legal issues and problems related to regional and bilateral cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席说明,经与执委会部分成员讨论后,已商定在2012年4月5日与通用原则法典 委员会会议一起举行关于莱克多巴胺的非正式会议,法国代表团已确认可提供会议厅便 [...] 于磋商。 codexalimentarius.org | The Chairperson explained that subsequent to his [...] discussions with some members of the CCEXEC, it had [...] been agreed to hold an informal meeting [...]on ractopamine, on 5 April 2012, in the [...]margins of the CCGP, and that the Delegation of France had kindly confirmed availability of a meeting room to facilitate the consultations. codexalimentarius.org |
香港工商业奖(HKAI)于2005年正式成立。这个奖励计划由分别于1989年和19 97 年 起举 办 的 香港工业奖及香港服务业奖合并而成,将原有的两个奖励计划进行重整和革新,继续致力于表扬香港工商业在迈向高科技、高增值的过程中取得的成就。 acs.com.hk | The Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI) was officially launched in 2005, upon the merging between the former Hong Kong Awards for Industry and the Hong Kong Awards for Services, established in 1989 and 1997, respectively, to rationalize and update the scope of the awards. acs.com.hk |