

单词 举例来说

举例来说 adverb

e.g. adv

See also:


give an example


interpret a topic (from a certain point of view)
have one's say
now we come talk about it, ...

External sources (not reviewed)

映射将外部用户凭证转换为特定安全域中使用的凭证 举例来说 , 通过 Kerberos 或其它嵌入式第三方模型转换。
The mapping converts the external user credentials into a credential used within a specific
[...] security domain, for example by using Kerberos [...]
or other imbedded third party model.
有人宣扬环境货 物和服务潜在的环境效益,但也有人关注,对各种各样拟议的“环境商品”,其 中大多数是与能源利用效率有关的制成品实施更加深入的自由化,会导致类似于
[...] 部门自由化的深切自由化效果,而其涵盖范围不小 举例来说 , 占 最不发达国家 所有进口的 20%。
Environmental goods and services are promoted for potential environmental benefits while concern exists that deeper liberalization on a range of proposed “environmental goods”, mostly manufactured goods related to energy efficiency, can have deep liberalization
effects similar to sectoral
[...] liberalization, and cover, for instance, 20 per cent of [...]
all imports for the least developed countries.
举例来说,现 有的信息对于使用完整的“自下而 上法”还相当不详尽、不完整,该方法用来估计 [...]
For example, the existing information [...]
for using a complete “bottomup approach”, which involves estimating costs of specific
adaptations across the world, is far from being comprehensive and complete.
举例来说,为 了确保透明度以及对供应商和承包商的公平待 遇,第(3)款要求采购实体从采购开始时就明确规定将采用预选程序、最多会预 [...]
选多少供应商或承包商并向其征求建议书、选出这一数目的供应商或承包商所 采用的方式,以及采用哪些标准对供应商或承包商进行排序,此种标准应当构
For example, to ensure transparency [...]
and the equitable treatment of suppliers and contractors, paragraph (3) requires the
procuring entity from the outset of the procurement to specify that the pre-selection proceedings will be used, the maximum number of pre-selected suppliers or contractors from which proposals will be requested, the manner in which the selection of that number of suppliers or contractors will be carried out and criteria that will be used for ranking suppliers or contractors, which should constitute qualification criteria and should be objective and non-discriminatory.
举例来说,一 些非缔约国尽管公开声称在一定程度上支 持《公约》的准则,但又表示不会加入《公约》,除非其政治或军事对手也采取 [...]
In some instances, State not parties [...]
that have professed a degree of support for the Convention’s norms have indicated that
they will not proceed with accession unless a political or military adversary does the same.
因此举例来说,很 显然, 已作出了保留的一个国家或国际组织不能援引或排除被该保留排除或修改过的义 [...]
务来要求其他各方履行它 - 尽管其他各方继续受到有关义务的约束。
Thus, for example, it is clear that [...]
a State or international organization that has made a reservation cannot invoke the
obligation excluded or modified by that reservation and require the other parties to fulfil it – even though the other parties remain bound by the obligation in question.
因此举例来说,虽 然 WIPO 能够就专利灵活性以及如何利用这些灵活性改山 普及药物的状况提供咨询意见,但是,在实际情况中,是否能够普及药物仍要取决于特定国家是否把 [...]
这些灵活性纳入其法律并采取积极的采购政策,而后者是 WIPO 无法控制的。
Consequently, while
[...] WIPO could, for example, provide advice on patent [...]
flexibilities and how to utilise these flexibilities
to improve access to medicines, whether medicines are actually available on the ground depends on whether a particular country incorporates these flexibilities in the law and adopts proactive procurement policies.
For instance, Worksheet size, [...]
the number of open Books, length of Cell contents, linked Sheets, number of Rows and Columns
are only limited by available memory and system resources.
举例来说,当提交一条 HTTP 请求以访问 Web 服务,而服务器被配置为需要 [...]
HTTP Basic 认证时,那么容器就必须获取用户标识和密码,并将 HTTP 授权(Authorization)头添加到 HTTP 请求。
For example, when submitting a [...]
HTTP request to access a Web service and the server is configured to require HTTP Basic authentication,
the container must obtain a userid and password and add a HTTP Authorization header to the HTTP request.
关于 SGS 拥有的与您相关的信息举例来说, 您可以要求我们为您提供信息清单和描述,要求我们修正信息错误,或者通知我们中止继续使用这些信息,您可以通过以下方式与我们取得联系。
Regarding the information held about you by SGS, you may, for example, request us to [...]
provide you with a list and a description
of this information, request us to amend any inaccuracies, or notify us that you do not consent to our continued use of this information by contacting us in the manner set out below.
For instance, St. Caesarius of Arles [...]
drew freely on St. Augustine's sermons, and embodied them in collections of his own;
St. Gregory the Great has largely founded himself on St. Augustine; St. Isidore rests upon all his predecessors; St. John Damascene's great work is a synthesis of patristic theology.
举例来说,关 于接受由不同实体提供的原产地证书或化验室检验报告,要说 明不同的区域协定有什么不同的要求。
By way of example, it was explained how different [...]
regional agreements included different requirements regarding the acceptance
of certificates of origin or the reports of laboratory tests issued by different entities.
举例 来说,与受版权保护的内容有关的此种“其他改动”可能是涉及内容质量或内 容发送形式的改动,例如,录音的重新灌制或数字转换,或者采用新的电子方 [...]
式发送录音,由此可能催生有待创新的、依赖于或独立于任何有形载体的新的 方式或使用。
Such “other changes” in relation to copyrighted
[...] content can be, for example, changes regarding the [...]
quality of the content or the form
of its delivery, such as the re-mastering or the digital conversion of a sound recording or new forms of electronic delivery of a sound recording that might lead to new, yet to be invented forms or uses, whether dependent or independent of any physical carrier.
举例来说,根 据最新评估,我们目前正在研究 是否需要在赤道省保持联刚稳定团的军事存在,尽 [...]
管这一军事存在目前规模已经不大,而且是该地区 2009年所发生问题导致的结果。
Pursuant to the latest
[...] assessments, for example, we are now examining [...]
the need for a continued MONUSCO military presence
in Equateur province, albeit already at modest levels, a legacy of the 2009 problems in that region.
举例来说,即 使不考虑气 候变化,改善生态系统管理以减轻其压力及水保 [...]
For example, improvements in [...]
the management of ecosystems to reduce stresses on them or water conservation measures can
typically be justified without considering climate change.
举例来说,这 也是《〈与贸易有关的知识产权协议〉和公众健康多哈宣言》受到工业 界、各国政府和非政府组织如此重视的原因。
It is also why, for instance, so much attention [...]
was focused on the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health by industry, governments and NGOs.
举例来说,这 些信息可能包括您访问互联网的域名、访问任何 SGS [...]
集团公司网站的日期和时间、从哪个网站的网络地址直接链接到任何 SGS 集团公司网站。
For example, this information [...]
may include the domain from which you access the Internet, the date and time you access any
SGS Group company website, and the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to any SGS Group company website.
Therefore, for example, integration of [...]
a biomass power plant into a paper mill increases the latter’s efficiency.
举例来说,在 偏好使用低硫原油的情况下,可能某些低汞煤炭的使用花费 [...]
往往较高,这就有力地降低了所有高汞煤炭的市价,因此可能导致排放控制不那么严格的区域内高汞 煤炭消费较多。
For example, as in the case of [...]
the utility preference for low-sulfur crude oil, it is likely that some utilities might be
willing to pay more for low-mercury coal, which effectively lowers the market value of all high mercury coal, which in turn might lead to higher consumption of high-mercury coal in regions where utilities have less rigorous emission controls.
举例来说,印 度法律中,它适用于 根据法律能够获取的由私有机构持有的信息;而英国法律的规定更为宽泛,它适用于代表公 共机构持有信息的另一个机构。
The Indian law, for example, applies to information held by private bodies [...]
that may be accessed under a law, while the United
Kingdom law is broader, applying to information held by another body on behalf of a public body.
For example, you can create [...]
apps that let your users control the viewing angle simply by moving the mouse around without any button clicking.
我们在对大 约 70 个发展中国家和不发达国家的现行知识产权法或草案的调查中发现 举例来说 , 只 有 大约 1/4 的国家把动植物明确排除在专利保护之外,不到一半的国家提供对专利权的国际 耗尽制度,而且只有不到 1/5 的国家对专利权明确提供所谓的“Bolar 判例的例外”。
Our investigations of the current or draft IP laws of about around 70
developing countries
[...] and LDCs found, for example, that only around a quarter of these countries specifically excluded plants and animals from patent protection, less than half provided [...]
for international
exhaustion of patent rights and less than a fifth specifically provided a so-called “Bolar” exception to patent rights.12 Of course, there may be good reasons why a developing country might not wish to make use of these flexibilities, having made an informed decision not to do so.
Open方法在不同的Witer中同时会产生初始化事件 举例来说 , 如果你需要一个水印或者页眉页角对象出现在文档第一页的开始处,你需要在打开文档前添加这些,同样的用于设置该文档其他页水印、页眉、页角、页数和尺寸。
Open method Witer different at
the same time will have to initialize
[...] the incident, for example, if you need a watermark [...]
or header page Kok object appears
in the document the beginning of the first page, you need to open a document, add of these, the same settings for the other pages of the document watermarks, headers, page corner of pages and size.
举例来说,有 迹象显 示,在小而温暖的湖泊、许多新的淹没地区甲基汞的形成增加。
For example, there are indications [...]
of increased formation of methylmercury in small, warm lakes and in many newly flooded areas.
举例来说,越 来越多的阿富汗当地人向安全部队和安援部 队密报简易爆炸装置和藏匿武器的地点;部落长老越来越经常就地方治理和管理 [...]
问题同安援部队、安全部队和阿富汗政府交涉,而民意测验继续显示,大多数阿 富汗人民支持安援部队和安全部队和它们进行的工作。
For example, more and more local [...]
Afghans tipped ISAF and Afghan National Security Forces on the location of improvised explosive
devices and weapon caches; village and tribal elders increasingly engaged with ISAF, the Afghan National Security Forces and the Government of Afghanistan on local governance and development issues and polls continued to show that the majority of the Afghan population supports ISAF and Afghan National Security Forces and the work they do.
因此举例来说,如 果你有一个用于持有一组 people 的对象存储空间,并且你想要确保不会有两个拥有同样 email 地址的 people,你可以使用一个带有 [...]
unique 标识的索引来确保这些。
So, for example, if you have an object store which holds a set of people, [...]
and you want to ensure that no two people have
the same email address, you can use an index with the unique flag set to enforce this.
因此举例来说西里 西亚贵族卡斯帕施文克费尔德认为,出现了一千年不正确的洗礼的,并在1526年他建议晚餐暂停的纪念活动的主,Stillstand观察他的追随者,直到1877年的形式,直到适当的问题其可以得到解决。
Thus for example Silesian nobleman Kasper Schwenckfeld held that there had been [...]
no correct baptism for a thousand years,
and in 1526 he recommended suspension of the observance of the Lord's Supper, the Stillstand observed by his followers until 1877, until the question of its proper form could be settled.
[...] DS2500能看到其它仪器所不具备的很小的余地,它可以帮助面粉企业调整生产来获得最佳的结果 举例来说 , 如在灰分含量上更接近目标值0.1%,就能在一年内收回投资。
Seeing those small margins that other analyzers cannot, the NIRS DS2500 helps
millers to tune production for
[...] optimal results from production, for instance, getting just [...]
0.1% closer to target on ash content
can give a return on investment of under a year.
举例来说,将 ODS 问题纳入国家规划的办法有:对所有 CFC 用户实行许可证制 度;为技术人员开展机器改造和 ODS 气体循环利用培训;建议起草立法,禁止所有含有 ODS 的产品,并禁止进口商通过海关从港口进口任何 ODS 或含有 ODS 的设备。
The licensing of all CFC users and the training of technicians to retrofit machinery and recycle ODS gases and the proposal to draft legislation banning all ODS containing goods and prohibit importers from clearing any ODS or ODS-containing equipment from the port via customs, are some of the examples of how ODS issues have been incorporated into national planning.
举例来说,硬件厂商必须支持基于 SLA 的中断要求;服务 提供商必须负责 [...]
SLA 监控、事故与事件;消费者必须明确确定其数据分类、可 用性和性能要求及 SLA 要求)。
(For example: the hardware vendor [...]
must support the SLA-based Break Fix requirement, the service provider must take care
of the SLA monitoring, incidents and events, and the consumer must define his data classification, availability and performance requirements, and SLA requirements).




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