

单词 主计


主计长 n

Comptroller n

主设计 n

preliminary design n


auditing department
comptroller office
accounting department

External sources (not reviewed)

主计长核 准从总部银行账户系统直接提取资金的办事处,如未 主计 长 事 先批准,不 得提取超过既定数额的资金。
Those Offices authorized by the Comptroller to draw funds directly from the headquarters system of bank accounts [...]
may not draw funds
in excess of the level established without prior approval of the Comptroller.
(e) 除非主计长的 书面批准,所有支票和提款凭单都需有两(2)人 签名。
(e) Unless otherwise authorized in
[...] writing by the Comptroller, two (2) signatures [...]
shall be required on all cheques and on all withdrawal instructions.
比布鲁斯国际人文科学中心开展了一项文化与 主计 划 , 该计划旨在促进发展分析性 民主理论。
The International Centre for Human Sciences in Byblos runs a programme on culture and democracy that is expected to contribute to analytical democracy theory.
主计长还授权核准了由 207 个临时文职人员职位组成的联阿安全 部队临时人员配置表。
The Controller has also authorized an interim staffing table for UNISFA comprising 207 temporary civilian positions.
在伊拉克发展基金方面主计长指出,伊拉克政府继续按安全理事会第 1956 (2010)号决议履行其义务。
In reference to the Fund, the Controller indicated that the Government of Iraq continued to fulfil its obligations pursuant to Security Council resolution 1956 (2010).
主计算机 接收到的小写字母打印为小写字母,将接收到的 大写字母打印为大写字母。
Prints lowercase characters
[...] received from the host computer as lowercase, [...]
and prints uppercase characters received from the computer as uppercase.
与其他内部和外部可靠性担保人之间的协调,对于内部审计人员而言,主要通 过与行政首长主计长和监督办公室的会议,有时也通过与审计/监督委员会和管理委 [...]
Coordination with other internal and external
providers of assurance takes place, in the case
[...] of internal auditors, more regularly [...]
through meetings with the executive heads,
the controller, the evaluation office, and to a lesser extent with the audit/oversight and management committees, the investigation and ethics office and lastly with external auditors.
(b) 扩展案文以融主计长办 公室的评论意见,由此提高明晰度和准确性, 并反映大会所核可的联合国方案预算的正确术语。
(b) Expand the text to incorporate comments from the Office of the Controller that bring greater clarity and accuracy and reflect the correct terminology for the programme budget of the United Nations as approved by the General Assembly.
与社会科学及人文科学部门开展的“民主与管理计划”,以及布特鲁斯·布特鲁斯 – 加利领导的国际民主与发展小组(IPDD)3 一起,比布鲁斯中心应能对制定教科文组织国际主计划综 合战略特别是在其研究内容方面作出重大贡献。
Together with the “Democracy and governance programme” carried out by the Social and Human Sciences Sector, as well as the International Panel on Democracy and Development (IPDD) chaired by Mr Boutros
Boutros-Ghali,3 the Byblos
[...] Centre is thus expected to make a major contribution to the development of UNESCO’s integrated strategy on an international programme on democracy, and more particularly [...]
to its research components.
主计长解 释说,已经在 2008 年期间采取行动加强对财务资源的管理和监测, [...]
如果《国际公共部门会计准则》得到全面执行,并且外地办事处也使用单一的企 业资源规划系统,预计情况将得到进一步改善。
The Comptroller explained that [...]
actions have been taken to strengthen management and monitoring of financial resources during
2008, and that further improvements were expected when IPSAS was fully implemented and the single Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system rolled out to field offices.
开发 计划署和世界银行 2002 年账目的核对工作在开计划署主计 长 进 行完审查和世界银行 2001-2002 年审定账目提交之前进行。
Resolution of the 2002 accounts of UNDP and the World Bank is pending the completion of the UNDP’s Comptroller’s review and the submission of audited 2001 and 2002 accounts from the World Bank.
为扶持贫困妇女,国家实施了若干经济创业计划,如“与农村妇女在一起” 计划,“种子资本”计划以及“经济 主 ” 计 划。
In view of the lack of any scientific tool for establishing a baseline for the design, development and implementation of policies, programmes, plans and measures for Afrodescendent groups, coupled with the fact that the last census in which questions were asked about African descent
was in 1940, questions
[...] on the self-identification of persons of African descent were included in the 2010 population [...]
and housing census.
基于浏览器的新闻阅读器可让您从任何计算机与您的 RSS
[...] 订阅源保持同步,而可下载的应用程序则让您将之储存在您 主计 算 机上,此与您使用 Outlook 下载您的电子邮件或将之保留在诸如 [...]
Hotmail 之类的基于 web 的服务上相类似。
Browser-based news readers let you catch up with your RSS feed subscriptions from any computer,
whereas downloadable applications let you
[...] store them on your main computer, in the [...]
same way that you either download your e-mail
using Outlook, or keep it on a web-based service like Hotmail.
咨询委员会认为,其对拟议财务条例和细则的审议应 考主计长办 公室和法律事务厅的意见,因此,咨询委员会的审议工作被推迟到 上述审查完成之后进行。
The Committee is of the view that its consideration of the proposed financial regulations and rules should take into account the observations of the Office of the Controller and the Office of Legal Affairs and as such their consideration was deferred until those reviews were completed.
主计算机处理任务分配、负载平衡以及所接收的由渲染图像构成的渲染 [...]
The master machine handles [...]
task distribution, load balancing, and the collection of received rendering tasks which make up the rendered image.
兹鼓励大会和会议管理部、行政和预算问题咨询委员会、第五委员会和联合主计长采 取必要措施,加强联合国日内瓦办事处的文件处理能力,特别是翻译 和编辑能力。
The Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, the Fifth Committee and the United Nations Controller are encouraged to take the measures necessary to strengthen the documentation processing capacity of the United Nations Office at Geneva, in particular its translating and editing capacity.
与模式不同的协议则有待于联合 主计 长的 批准。
Agreements that differed from the model were subject to approval by the United Nations Controller.
从表面上看,这确是决议的 授权,但是,如果没主计长办 公室的明确授权,法 庭无法执行这项规定,因为给予书记官长的财务责任 只是授予的权力。
On its face, this is clearly what the resolution authorizes, but the Tribunal cannot implement it without a clear authorization from the Controller’s Office because fiscal responsibility to the Registrar is only delegated authority.
出席会议的还有:主管内部监督事务副秘书长;助理秘书长 主计 长 (方 案 规划、预算和账户厅);助理秘书长兼联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署副 执行主任;经济和社会事务部联合国系统行政首长协调理事会秘书兼主管政策协 调和机构间事务助理秘书长;非洲问题特别顾问办公室主任;以及秘书处其他高 级官员。
Also present at the session were the Under-Secretary-General for Internal Oversight Services; the Assistant Secretary-General and Controller, Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts; the Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women; the Secretary of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination and Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-agency Affairs of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs; the Director of the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa; and other senior officials of the Secretariat.
我们必须对管理部,特别主计长办公室和人 力资源管理厅表示感谢,这些部门继续为本庭提供 支持,以便探索并采取更多措施和共同战略,应对 缩编和工作人员离职的挑战。
We must express our gratitude to the Department of Management, especially the Office of the Controller [...]
and the Office of Human
Resources Management, which continue to provide the Tribunal with support to explore and adopt additional measures and a common strategy to address the challenges of downsizing and separation of staff.
例外情况下,可主计长核 准在不遵守截止日期后产生债 务。
Exceptions to the deadline could be approved by the Controller.
山崎先生(主计长)介 绍了秘书长关于大会和(或) 安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举 措的费用估计数(A/65/328 [...]
和 Add.1 和 Add.1/Corr.1 和 2 和 Add.2 和 Add.2/Corr.1 和 Add.3
和 Add.3/ Corr.1 和 Add.4 和 5)的报告,他说,2011 年特别政 治任务概算再次分为三个专题组(第一组:秘书长特 使、个人特使及特别顾问(A/65/328/Add.1 和 Corr.1 和 2);第二组:各类制裁监察小组(A/65/328/Add.2 和 Corr.1);第三组:联合国办事处、建设和平支助 办事处、综合办事处和委员会(A/65/328/Add.3 和 Corr.1)。
(Controller), introducing the report of the
[...] Secretary-General on estimates in respect of special [...]
political missions, good offices and
other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council (A/65/328 and Add.1 and Add.1/Corr.1 and 2 and Add.2 and Add.2/Corr.1 and Add.3 and Add.3/Corr.1 and Add.4 and 5), said that the budget proposals for special political missions for 2011 had once again been grouped into three thematic clusters (cluster I: special and personal envoys and special advisers of the Secretary-General (A/65/328/Add.1 and Corr.1 and 2); cluster II: sanctions monitoring teams, groups and panels (A/65/328/Add.2 and Corr.1); and cluster III: United Nations offices, peacebuilding support offices, integrated offices and commissions (A/65/328/Add.3 and Corr.1)).
同样,预算削减也不是任意而为的,高级管理 人员被要求检查本单位的预算,以找到可节省之处, 以自己的行动对提交主计长、 转递给秘书长的建 议作出了回应。
The budget reductions had likewise not been arbitrary: all senior managers, having been requested to examine their budgets for possible savings, had used their own initiative to respond with suggestions which had been referred to the Controller and then passed to the Secretary-General.
[...] 款和应计款及资产的使用或耗损,取决于方案执行安排并依 主计 长 为 特定财政 期发出的开发署行政指示。
Under IPSAS, the term “expense” represents the disbursements and accruals for goods and services received the use or impairment of assets, dependent on the programme implementation
arrangement and in accordance with UNDP administrative instructions
[...] issued by the Comptroller for a specific [...]
financial period.
本报告期内主计长担任了监督厅内审司的联络点,内审司每月与设主 计长办公室的审计协调股召开会议,讨论工作计划。
During the reporting period, the Controller was the focal point for OIOS/IAD, and monthly meetings were held with the Audit Coordination Unit, located in the Controller’s office, to discuss work plan issues.
已经根据联合国关于未核实资金的规则和条例稽核各个账目 主计 长 被问及,在这种 情况下,是否应该让联合国对各个账目进行外部稽核,执行委员会是否应该接受,初期启 动费用的正确净余额为 [...]
596,500 美元,最初核准的数额为 750,000 美元。
The Comptroller was asked whether the accounts
should be subject to
[...] external audit by the United Nations when they have already been audited in line with [...]
UN rules and regulations
governing un-reconciled funds, and whether the amount of US $596,500 should be accepted by the Executive Committee as the correct net balance remaining from the initial start-up costs that were initially approved at a level of US $750,000.
肖烽 公司负责人王昌顺主管会计工作负责人樊澄及会计机构负责人( 计主 管 人 员)肖烽声明: 保证本季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
Wang Changshun (legal representative of the Company), Fan Cheng (person in charge of accounting function), and Xiao Feng (person in charge of accounting department [...]
(accounting superintendent))
hereby jointly declare that the financial statements set out in this quarterly report is true and complete.
咨询委员会还会晤了审计 事务委员会主席和外聘计主任, 后者就审计委员会有关由联合国系统为 [...]
离职后健康保险供资的建议作了澄清说明(见下文第 19-22 段)。
The Advisory Committee also
[...] met with the Chairman of the Audit [...]
Operations Committee and Director of External Audit, who
provided clarification with respect to the recommendations of the Board of Auditors in relation to funding after-service health insurance liabilities by the United Nations system (see paras. 19–22 below).
该设计师交流平台与Debbie Millman一同合作推出,Debbie Millman是美国平面设计师协会荣誉主席,MPS品牌视觉艺术学校主席,Cooper Hewitt国家设计奖获奖者,Sterling Brands公司计主席。
The Designer Showcase launches with Debbie Millman, author, President Emeritus, AIGA, Chair, MPS Branding Department at the School of Visual Arts, Cooper Hewitt National Design Award Winner, and President of Design, Sterling Brands.
在 2 月 28 日和 29 日第 2 和第 3 次会议上,委员会面前有
[...] 秘书长的说明,分别转递农业计主 席 之 友委员会的报告(E/CN.3/2012/6)及农 [...]
At its 2nd and 3rd meetings, on 28 and 29 February, the Commission had before it notes by the Secretary-General transmitting,
respectively, the report of the Committee of the
[...] Friends of the Chair on agricultural [...]
statistics (E/CN.3/2012/6) and the report
of the Wye Group on statistics on rural development and agriculture household income (E/CN.3/2012/7).




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