单词 | 主料 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 主料 —main ingredients (in a cooking recipe)
在摩加迪沙的斯盖尔(Sigale)综合性急救医疗中心,母亲们喂孩子吃“胖坚果”—— 一种高营养的以花生为主料的糊 状食品。 unicef.org | Mothers feed their babies Plumpy'nut, a high-nutrition peanut-based paste, at Sigale Emergency Integrated Health Centre in Mogadishu. unicef.org |
的气味本身是惊人的,的婴儿按摩后皮肤) ) 主料 : 大 米胚芽油,荷荷巴油,甜杏仁油,薰衣草,甜罗勒,伊兰,伊兰,薄荷和维生素E的精油我要特别注意的存在依兰油 [...] - 这要感谢他,你的皮肤的气味,特别是取悦你的第二个一半。 cn.badgood.info | The smell itself is amazing, the [...] skin after a massage as a baby)) Ingredients: rice germ oil, [...]jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, [...]essential oils of lavender, sweet basil, ylang-ylang, peppermint and vitamin E. I would like to pay special attention to the presence ylang-ylang oil - that thanks to him, smell of your skin is particularly pleasing to your second half. en.badgood.info |
(2)用戶提交之個人資料,例如個人的識別碼(如身 [...] 分證字號)、姓名及地址等(如戶籍地址),應與該 資料主管機 關的登記資料(如戶籍資料)進行比 對。 epki.com.tw | (2) Subscriber submitted personal information such as personal identification code (such as ID card number), name and address etc. (such as [...] residence address) should be compared with the registered [...] data of the competent authority (such [...]as residence information). epki.com.tw |
涂料主要從事塗料、樹脂、建築材料、化學産品之製造及銷售及其相關服務及業務。 ck-lifesciences.com | The principal business activities [...] of TL are manufacturing and selling of paint, resins, construction materials, chemical [...]products and the related services and businesses. ck-lifesciences.com |
請注意,任何資料、主動提 出的建議、意見或其它提交的材料均被視為非機密及非專利。 a-class.mercedes-benz.com | Please note that any [...] information, unsolicited suggestions, [...]ideas or other submissions will be deemed not confidential and non-proprietary. a-class.mercedes-benz.com |
由於本集團的原材料主要為原油副產品,故本集團原材料的成本對全球原油價格的波 動敏感。 cre8ir.com | Since the raw materials of the Group are mainly the by-products [...] of crude oil, the cost of the raw materials of the Group [...]is sensitive to the fluctuation of the global crude oil price. cre8ir.com |
所编制的其他各类内容将被视为文件(主要为本组织管理工作编制的材料)、宣传材 料(主要为提高影响力而编制的材料,例如传单、小册子、资料包、海报)、门户网 站以及数据库和软件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The other types of content produced will be considered [...] as documents [...] (material produced mainly for the purpose of the Organization’s governance); communication materials (material mainly for raising [...]visibility, e.g. flyers, [...]brochures, information kits, posters); the web portal; and databases and software. unesdoc.unesco.org |
分類資料主要以 兩種分類形式作呈列:(i)基本分類報告基準,即業務分類;及(ii)次要分類報告基準, [...] 即地區分類。 equitynet.com.hk | Segment information is presented by way of two segment [...] formats: (i) on a primary segment reporting [...]basis, by business segment; and (ii) on [...]a secondary segment reporting basis, by geographical segment. equitynet.com.hk |
除了在一些地理区域(主要是中国和印度)依然使用立窑(VSK)外 [...] (中央污染控制委员会,2007 年;Höhne 和 Ellermann,2008 年),水泥熟料 主要在 回转窑中烧成,加热生料可采用四种不同的工艺之一:“干法”、“半 [...]干法”、“半湿法”或“湿法”工艺。 ficem.org | With the exception of vertical shaft kilns (VSK) still used in certain geographical areas (mainly China and India) [...] (CPCB, 2007; Höhne and Ellermann, [...] 2008), cement clinker is predominantly burnt in rotary [...]kilns, where heating of the raw meal [...]can take place in one of four different types of arrangements: ‘dry’, ‘semi-dry’, ‘semi-wet’, or ‘wet’ processes. ficem.org |
鱼粉和鱼油来自捕捞的野生原条鱼和贝类,包括目前构成动物 饲 料主 要 水生 蛋白和脂质来源的兼捕产品。 fao.org | Fishmeal and fish oil derived from wild-harvested whole fish [...] and shellfish including bycatch currently [...] constitute the major aquatic protein [...]and lipid sources available for animal feed. fao.org |
本章资料 主要来 自于政府间组织为本报告的投入。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is mainly drawn from the inputs [...] provided by the intergovernmental organizations that contributed to the present report. daccess-ods.un.org |
審閱中期財務資料主要包 括向負責財務和會計事宜之人員作出查詢,及進行 分析和其他審閱程序。 asiasat.com | A review of interim financial information consists of [...] making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible [...]for financial and accounting matters, [...]and applying analytical and other review procedures. asiasat.com |
並且,在正確收集、使用、與提供個人資料的同時,應就對 資 料主 體 ﹝ 本人﹞告知與修正個人資料等事宜,對 資 料主 體 採 取適當的應對措施。 ldh.co.jp | Along with the appropriate collection, use and supply of personal information this system allows for appropriate dealing with the subject of the information (the person him or herself) including the disclosure, correction, and so on of personal information of the subject of the information. ldh.co.jp |
毒品贩运的资料主要源 自各国政府 对 2009 年及以往年份的年度报告调查表第三部分(非法药物供应)和 [...] 2010 年 年度报告调查表第四部分(毒品作物种植及毒品制造和贩运的规模、模式及趋 势)所作的答复。 daccess-ods.un.org | The primary sources of information [...] on drug trafficking were the replies submitted by Governments to part III (Illicit supply [...]of drugs) of the annual reports questionnaire for 2009 and previous years, and part IV (Extent and patterns of and trends in drug crop cultivation and drug manufacture and trafficking) of the annual report questionnaire for 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全和安保部负责制定关于突发事件应激反应管理的联合国综合政策,包 括特别针对不同性别的规定;对外勤各个地点所有突发事件(包括工作人员在恶 意伤害情况下的死亡、绑架人质和疏散)做出迅速反应,并在外地一级和总部进 行协调;向所有受影响的工作人员提供适当的心理减压机会和心理压力辅导,包 [...] 括涉及不同性别的特有问题,并确保能够得到这种协助;建立和提供心理压力调 [...] 控训练服务,包括在维持和平特派团组织同伴互助培训和为各个区域的辅导员开 办证书培训,为外勤工作编制适当的心理压力管理训练 材 料 ; 主 持 一 个关于心理 压力管理的机构间工作组。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Department of Safety and Security is responsible for the development of a comprehensive United Nations policy regarding the management of critical incident stress, including gender-specific requirements; provision of a rapid response to all critical incidents in field locations and coordination at the field level and at Headquarters, including the death of staff members under malicious circumstances, hostage-taking and evacuations; provision of appropriate stress debriefing and counselling to all affected staff, including on gender-specific issues, and ensuring that such assistance is available; establishing and providing stress management training, including organizing peer helper training in peacekeeping missions and conducting certification training for counsellors in their respective regions, and preparing [...] appropriate stress [...] management training materials for the field; and chairing an inter-agency [...]working group on stress management. daccess-ods.un.org |
(一 ) 就私營骨灰龕而言,政府部門現時獲得的 資 料 , 主 要 是 來自 過往申請規劃批准或被投訴的個案。 legco.gov.hk | (a) Regarding private columbaria, the [...] existing information available to [...] government departments is mainly derived from the [...]past applications for planning permission or complaint cases. legco.gov.hk |
中国作为世界上最大的水产品生产国和出口国,已大幅提高了水产品出口,其中 [...] 一个原因是外包,即中国的加工商从各大区域进口原材料用于再加工和出口,这 些原材料主要来自南美、北美和欧洲。 fao.org | China, the world’s largest fish producer and exporter, has significantly increased its fishery imports, partly a result of [...] outsourcing, as Chinese processors import [...] raw material from all major regions, including [...]South and North America and Europe, for re-processing and export. fao.org |
以今年為例,我們現時搜集到一些資 料 . . .. . . 主 席 女士,因為 我曾答應在下月提交一份文件予有關事務委員會,以解釋在 2007 年各主要 僱用非公務員合約僱員的部門,對其屬下的非公務員合約僱員的薪酬調整情 況。 legco.gov.hk | Take this year as an [...] example, we have collated some information ...... Madam President, I have undertaken [...]to submit a paper [...]to the panel concerned next month detailing the status of pay adjustment of NCSC staff under major departments employing such staff in 2007. legco.gov.hk |
过去曾经有过委员会在审议缔约国报告并通过结论性意见之后才收到资料 的情况,这些资料主要是 非政府组织提供的。 daccess-ods.un.org | On various occasions in the past, the Committee has [...] received information, mainly from non-governmental [...]organizations, after consideration [...]of the State party’s report and adoption of concluding observations thereon. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家小组认真讨论了成员国为该次磋商向教科文组织提交报告的有关摘录, 这些摘录中有关少数民族受教育权的 资 料 , 主 要 侧 重于教学语言问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | They reviewed the relevant extracts of the reports submitted to UNESCO by member States for this consultation in which information provided on educational rights of minorities essentially focus on language as medium of instruction. daccess-ods.un.org |
瓦克的L-半胱氨酸是一种理想的调味品 原 料 , 主 要 用在肉味香精中。 wacker.com | L-cysteine from WACKER is [...] ideal as a raw material for process flavorings and is mainly used for meat flavors. wacker.com |
毒品缉获的统计数据和毒品贩 运的资料主要源 自各国政府对 2009 年及以往年份的年度报告调查表第三部分 [...] (非法药物供应)所作的答复。 daccess-ods.un.org | The primary sources of information [...] on seizure statistics and drug trafficking were the replies to the annual reports questionnaire, [...]part III (Illicit supply of drugs), submitted by Governments for 2009 and previous years. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们从 太阳升起一直干到太阳下山,照料主 人 的 孩子、打水、捡柴、舂小米、搬运沉重 的帐篷和操持其他家务。 daccess-ods.un.org | They must work from before sunrise to after sunset, caring for the master’s children, fetching water, gathering firewood, pounding millet, moving heavy tents and performing other domestic tasks. daccess-ods.un.org |
该 处设计出了两种不同的格式,一种用于扼要的情况简 介(现称之为“短小材料”),主要 供总干事在总部 与各国高级官员举行双边会晤时使用(审查所涉时期 内此类会晤举行了 350 次);另一种用于详细的情况 简介(2000--2001 年度共编写了 53 份,每份篇幅为 40--70 页),主要为总干事对会员国进行正式访问或 其它形式访问时使用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Two different formats were devised: one for the short briefings (now known as “baby briefings”) for the bilateral encounters, held at Headquarters between the Director-General and highranking officials (some 350 over the period under review), and the substantial briefings (53 in 2000-2001, of between 40 to 70 pages each) for the Director-General’s visits, official and otherwise, to Member States and forming the basis of the information he needs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
阿根廷是世界上最大的大豆制品出口 国之一,其原料主要是 可以耐受除草剂草甘 膦的转基因大豆。 cgfwatch.org | Argentina is one of the main world exporters [...] of soymeal produced from soybeans genetically modified to resist a particular herbicide (glyphosate). cgfwatch.org |
1.11.1 雖然《守則》第 1.11 段說明,索取資料的書面要求 應寄交有關部門的公開資料主任, 但不得以申請人未有遵守 這項規定或任何其他這類行政規定作為拒絕考慮其要求的 理由。 access.gov.hk | 1.11.1 Although paragraph 1.11 of the Code states that written requests should be addressed to the Access to Information Officer of the department concerned, failure to observe this or any other such administrative requirement must not by itself be used as a reason for refusing to consider the request. access.gov.hk |
漆包線原料除了銅線,還包含各式塗 料 , 塗 料主 要 成 份包含「有機溶劑」,為了員工健康 與不破壞環境,我們在生產過程中率先同業採用「觸媒」將有機溶劑以高溫燃燒,使其成為 [...] 水和二氧化碳,不對員工身體產生影響,也不危害環境。 taya.com.tw | Magnet wire is made up of copper and [...] various paints whose main ingredient contains [...]“organic solvent.” For the sake of employees [...]and the environment, we took the lead in adopting a “catalyst” to burn off “organic solvent,” which decomposes into water and carbon dioxide and has no additional side effects on employee health or the environment. taya.com.tw |
由于自就任以来收到的资料主要涉 及影响民间社会组织工作的指控,同时也 [...] 因字数所限,报告的这一部分将主要讨论此类社团,但也会适时提到其他类型的 社团。 daccess-ods.un.org | As he has mainly received information [...] regarding allegations impacting civil society‟s work since the inception of his mandate, [...]and due to the word limit, the present section of the report will primarily focus on this type of association, but will address others when relevant. daccess-ods.un.org |
BOPP防雾膜具有高低温变化下薄膜表面不会由于水分的蒸发形成水雾,并有一定的防菌抗菌作用,是国际上迅速发展起来的新 材 料 , 主 要 用 于新鲜水果、蔬菜、色拉、食用菌等包装。 zccor.com | BOPP film with anti-fog film surface under high temperature will not change because the evaporation of water mist formed, there are certain bacteria and antibacterial [...] effect is rapid international [...] development of new materials, mainly for fresh fruit, [...]vegetables, salad, mushroom and other packaging. zccor.com |