

单词 主干道

See also:

主干 n

backbone n
core n


arterial road
main road
main watercourse


interfere v
work v
do v

External sources (not reviewed)

2004 年 4 月第一份安保报告着重指出,由于大楼位于市中心,处在 路人很多主干道上, 而且周边没有防护,所以潜在的风险很多。
In April 2004, the first security report highlighted the various risks to the building owing to its location on a busy street in the city centre and its unprotected surroundings.
90米高的写字楼位于两主干道的交 汇处,为连接江北区和余姚河两侧市中心的解放桥提供了视觉连接。
The 90-metres tall office tower located at the
[...] junction of the two main roads provides a visual [...]
link from Jiefang Bridge, the main
connection between Jiangbei District and the city centre across the Yuyao River.
中国高速铁路网的设计着眼于形成一个大容量快 速和便捷的客运交通走廊,实现客运与货运分离,形成四纵四 主干道 布 局
The Chinese high-speed railway network is designed with the view of forming rapid and convenient passenger transport corridors with a large capacity and realizing the separation of
passenger traffic from freight transport, with four North-South corridors and
[...] four East-West corridors as the backbone.
At the street corner abutting a major city intersection, [...]
the building rises up gently from the ground.
该市有着可以直接使用的完备基础设施,并通 主干道 和 南 北高速公路网络,与大型国际机场、货运枢纽和海港相连。
It has direct access to ready infrastructure and is
linked by a
[...] comprehensive network of main roads and the North-South Expressway to major international [...]
airports, cargo hubs and seaports.
作为5A级写字楼,这里距离成都双流国际机场仅20分钟车程,并且与城区 主干道 和 地 铁系统相连,对于经常差旅的商务人士这里是最佳的选择。
Located in the heart of the Chengdu CBD this A grade building is only a 20 minute drive to Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport.
尽管资金有限,但是蒙罗维亚外 主干道 和 次 级道路的修复仍然取得了 些微进展。
Despite limited funding, modest progress has been
[...] made in both primary and secondary road rehabilitation [...]
outside Monrovia.
最近,在通往底特律主干道旁, 这块电子广告牌非常显眼。
An electronic billboard advertisement was recently spotted
[...] along one of the main arteries into Detroit.
在琼莱州,在州长主持下和州安全委员会参与下,开展了 协商工作,确定了以下优先事项:开通从 Bor 到 Akobo 的道路,建立一个广播电 台以促进公民教育,在重主干道路 沿 线部署南方苏丹警察局警察。
In Jonglei a consultative process led by the Governor and involving the state Security Committee identified as key priorities the opening of the road from Bor to Akobo, the establishment of a radio station to promote civic education and the deployment of the Southern Sudan Police Service along key arteries.
主干道 Rue Grande贯穿整个村庄,那些16世纪遗留下来的建筑不仅只是有趣的古迹,同时也是古玩店,艺术室,礼品屋,咖啡馆和餐馆。
The main street, Rue Grande, runs [...]
the entire length of the village and the 16th century buildings are not only interesting
viewing, but house some fantastic antique shops, art studios, gift shops, cafes and restaurants.
在5月14号的议会中,常青线的面目主管, Ian Radnidge, 描述了这三主干道上天 铁将有一段地面以上的轨道,这一部分将综合骑车和步行街,同时也描述了公共车站怎样从Lougheed到高贵林中心附近。
At Monday’s council-in-committee meeting, Ian Radnidge,
manager of the Evergreen Line project,
[...] described how the three main streets that are [...]
to carry the elevated portions of the rapid
transit line will be transformed into more pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly zones, and how cars and public transit will flow around the Burquitlam and City Centre stations.
只有非常优化的高载客容量(每辆车 270 名乘客,25
[...] 米长,3 节车厢链 接)快速公交系统在拥有单独的道 和 主干道 交 叉 口具有立交桥的情况下才能够达到或 超过地铁运输的节能性。
Only very optimized BRT systems with high passenger capacities (270 persons per vehicle,
25 m long, articulated, 3
[...] sections), separate lanes and fly-overs at major road crossings [...]
can reach or exceed the energy
efficiency of metro transport.
在较干旱时期,车辆可使用 SMART 隧道的公路,从而缓解城主干道的 交 通压力。
During drier periods vehicles could use the SMART tunnel motorway, thus relieving traffic on the city’s main highways.
交泰LED产品专卖店位于九主干道星 中 路41幢,主营各种LED灯具产品及其配件的批发和零售,包括LED日光灯、LED球泡灯、玉米灯、LED灯杯、LED天花灯、吸顶灯、灯带、LED洗墙灯、LED投光灯、LED轨道灯、LED隧道灯、LED工矿灯、LED路灯、网灯、点光源、流星灯、LED水底灯、广告模组、LED显示屏、LED护栏管、LED庭院灯、LED地埋灯、光纤灯等。
JOINT LED speciality store locates at building 41 of
[...] Xingzhong road, main road of JIUXING, [...]
as the wholesale and retail of variety LED
lighting products and accessories, including LED fluorescent lamps, LED bulb lamp, LED corn lamp, LED lamp cup, LED ceiling light, LED strip light, LED wash wall light, LED spot light, LED down light, LED car light, LED tunnel lights, LED mining lamps, LED holiday light, LED net light, light source, LED underwater lights, module, LED display, LED Garden lights, etc, where you can find all kinds of LED products with high quality, competitive prices and gold creditability.
位于挪威萨普斯堡的 Inspiria 科技中心 耸立在奥斯陆主干道上,不容忽视。
Inspiria Science Center in Sarpsborg, Norway on the main road to Oslo is [...]
hard to miss.
公共交通 多少城市在道路中间设有公共汽车专 主干道 (公共汽车快速道) 道路中间的公共汽车专主干道(公共汽车快速 道)里数 多少城市设有上车前交费的公交系统和快捷乘车 车站
Number of cities participating in
a car-free day
[...] programme Number of cities with trunk bus corridors operating on dedicated busway lanes in the median of the [...]
roadway (bus rapid transit)
该项目路灯应用勤上光电集灵活配置的驱动方案、热学及光学一体的模块化系统,可选应用不同领域的配光方案、免工具的维护方式,并采用25米、30米不等高杆灯50多套,是迄今为止LED高杆灯用量最大的项目,同时隧道灯替换了原有的高压钠灯,照明效果得到广泛认可之一的深圳高速公路LED照明工程,其顺利竣工打破了LED照明尚不能用于公 主干道 的 说法,对LED照明的推广应用具有重要的意义。
The project application on street frequently photoelectric set of flexible configuration driving scheme, thermal and optical one of the modular system, optional application in the field of different light distribution scheme, from the maintenance tools, and the way of 25 meters, 30 m more than 50 sets of lamp is so far LED lamp of the most project, at the same time tunnel light replaced the original high-pressure sodium lamp, illume effect is widely recognized      Shenzhen highway LED lighting project USES 1500000 star families sharp advanced lighting level XLamp ?
途径高贵林的常青线,沿线的三 主干道 , 将要有大的改造。
Big changes are planned for three of Coquitlam’s busiest streets with the coming of the Evergreen Line.
据联合王 国称,2011 年,政府重修了
[...] 3.3 公里的城市集散路,重新铺设了 1 公里主干道 路面 ,并修建了 2.1 公里的农村集散路,以方便进入东端新的蓝鬣蜥保护区,并 [...]
对 85 条地区道路进行了维护或翻修。
According to the United Kingdom, in 2011 the Government
reconstructed 3.3 km of urban
[...] collector roads, resurfaced 1 km of primary arterial road, [...]
constructed 2.1 km of rural collector
road to provide access to the new Blue Iguana reserve in East End, and performed major maintenance or rehabilitation on 85 district roads.
该购物中心位于机场到市中心的一 主干道 上 , 面朝一个重要的城市街道交叉口,拥有约43,000平方米的可租赁面积,包括超市,一系列大、中、小型商铺,美食广场,餐厅,多银幕电影院和其它休闲设施。
The shopping centre provides 43,000m² of gross lettable area, containing a supermarket, a range of small, medium and large shop units, a food court, restaurants, a multi-screen cinema and other leisure facilities.
与高压钠灯等相比,此项目工程采用这两款科锐照明级LED能够帮助节电50%-60%,并使得LED路灯完全能够满足高速公 主 、 次 干道 上 对 于应用LED照明的不同需求,从光效、亮度、照度、散热、寿命等方面完全达到国 主干道道 路 照 明标准。
Compared with high-pressure sodium lamp, etc, this project engineering by using two paragraph division sharp lighting level can help power saving LED 50%
to 60%, and
[...] that LED street lamp can completely meet the highway to the Lord, and for the application on sub-road LED lighting the different demand, from photosynthetic efficiency, brightness, [...]
of illumination, heat dissipation and life on the ?
选择用 于覆盖州际公路、公主干道以及 其他国家和洲高速公路的固定式 ATR 站 ,被 [...]
用 于从临时收集点为计数数据建立季节性调整因数(请参见图 I.1)。
Permanent ATR stations, which are selected to
[...] cover interstate, principal arterial, and other [...]
national and state highways, are used
to establish seasonal adjustment factors for count data from temporary collection sites (see Figure I.1).
[...] 依靠额尔齐斯河,且地处沿额尔齐斯河南岸而行的莫斯科-西伯利 主干道 上 , 由于其得天独厚的地理位置,在鄂木斯克要塞于1716 [...]
年向南延伸后,Bol'sherech'e 成为一个商业中心。
After the founding of the Omsk fortress farther south in 1716, Bol'sherech'e became a trading
center by virtue of its location on the
[...] Irtysh and on the main Moscow-Siberia road that follows [...]
the left bank of the Irtysh.
当进入滑雪主干道的现 代化改造需要替换掉两条固定式抱索器索道时,当在漫长而陡峭的区域首需提高运量时,Multix [...]
When the
[...] modernization of the main axis of access to [...]
the ski slopes passes by the replacement of two devices with fixed
grips, when reaching a high capacity, over a long and uneven terrain, the first objective is; the detachable chairlift Multix 6 accumulates advantages as a unique lift, with a boarding and unloading comfort for all the public - children, adults, beginners.
又提及 1995 年 11 月在西班牙巴塞罗那举行的欧洲-地中海部长级会议通过 的《巴塞罗那宣言》及所附工作方案,方案的目的是连接地中海运输网和跨欧洲 运输网以确保二者的互用性, 还提及欧洲联盟委员会依照高级别小组 2005 年 11 月关于将跨欧洲运主干 道延长 到邻近国家和区域的报告的结论编写的关于在运输领域加强同邻国合作 的 2007 年 1 月 31 日 IP/07/119 号发文、2005 年 12 月 15 日在摩洛哥马拉喀什举 行的第一届欧洲-地中海运输问题部长级会议的结论以及 2007-2013 年地中海区 域运输行动计划
to European Commission communication IP/07/119 of 31 January 2007 on strengthening transport cooperation with neighbouring countries, established on the basis of the conclusions of the report of November 2005 of the High-level Group on the Extension of the Major Trans-European Transport Axes to the Neighbouring Countries and Regions, and to the conclusions of the first Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Transport, held in Marrakech, Morocco, on 15 December 2005, as well as to the Regional Transport Action Plan for the Mediterranean Region 2007-2013, to the final declaration of the ministerial conference of the Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean, held in Marseille, France, in November 2008, and the emphasis placed on transport projects in the Joint Declaration of the Paris Summit for the Mediterranean of July 2008
提及欧洲委员会议会 1989 年 2 月 1 日通过的第 912(1989)号决议,1 内容涉
[...] 及采取措施鼓励在西南欧建造一条运 主干道 和 深 入研究建造穿越直布罗陀海 峡永久通道的可能性
to resolution 912 (1989), adopted on 1 February 1989 by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Europe,1 regarding measures to encourage the
[...] construction of a major traffic artery [...]
in south-western Europe and to study thoroughly
the possibility of a fixed link through the Strait of Gibraltar
即使在没有这种立法框架的情况下,训练警察以 及沿刚果民主共和国东主要干道部 署 警察的工作, 还有一些双边伙伴开展的军队训练工作也取得了一 [...]
Even in the absence of this legislative framework, there has been
some progress in police training and
[...] deployment along the main axes in the eastern [...]
Democratic Republic of the Congo, as
well as in army training by several bilateral partners.
如同最近在 Khirbat Salim 和 Tayr Filsi
[...] 发生的事件一 样,这种军事化是真主党在平民地区附近以及 沿 主 要 交 通 干道 进 行的,对黎巴嫩 平民、联黎部队以及该区域的和平与稳定造成了严重风险。
As in the recent incidents in Khirbat Salim and Tayr Filsi, this military build-up is carried out by Hizbullah in
close proximity to civilian
[...] areas and along main traffic thoroughfares in a manner that [...]
presents serious risks to the Lebanese
civilian population and to UNIFIL, as well as to the peace and stability of the region.
这些步骤包 括:维持和平行动部(维和部)和 道主 义 事务厅委托 进行独立研究;维和部散发“行动构想”及“关于经 验教训的说明”文件;经常性地将保护平民任务纳入 联合国维持和平行动的任务规定;在秘书长报告中更 加连贯一致而有系统地考虑保护平民问题;将关于保 护平民问题的干段落 显著地列入维持和平行动特 别委员会的 2010 年建议中(见 A/64/19),包括制定全 特派团保护战略的战略框架;编制关于保护平民的培 训单元;评估执行保护任务所需的资源。
These include the independent study commissioned by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and
the Office for the
[...] Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; the operational concept and the lessons learned note circulated by DPKO; and the regular inclusion of protection of civilians tasks in the mandates of United Nations peacekeeping operations; the more consistent and systemic consideration of protection of civilians issues in the Secretary-General’s reports; the significant inclusion of several paragraphs on the [...]
protection of civilians
in the 2010 recommendations of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (see A/64/19), including the development of a strategic framework for mission-wide protection strategies; the elaboration of protection of civilians training modules; and an assessment of the resource requirements for implementing protection mandates.
我们再 度承诺将竭力支持一切努力,维护所有国家的主权平等并尊重其领土完整和政治 独立,在国际关系中不以不符合联合国宗旨和原则的任何方式进行武力威胁或使 用武力,坚持以和平手段并按照正义和国际法原则解决争端,尊重仍处于殖民统 治和外国占领下的人民的自决权利, 干 涉 各 国内政,尊重人权和各项基本自由, 尊重所有人的平等权利,不分种族、性别、语言或宗教,开展国际合作以解决经 济、社会、文化或道主义的 国际问题,以及诚意履行根据《宪章》承担的义务。
We rededicate ourselves to support all efforts to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, respect their territorial integrity and political independence, to refrain in our international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations, to uphold resolution of disputes by peaceful means and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, the right to self-determination of peoples which remain under
colonial domination and
[...] foreign occupation, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, respect for the equal rights of all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion, international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character and the fulfilment [...]
in good faith
of the obligations assumed in accordance with the Charter.




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