

单词 主委


苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟国家安全委员会 n


External sources (not reviewed)

最近对《集会和游行示 威法》的修改受到欧洲法治主委员 会 的欢迎,被认为是“重大改进”,使格鲁 吉亚法规进一步符合国际标准。
Recent amendments to the Law on Assembly and
Manifestation, welcomed by
[...] the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) as “significant [...]
further adapted the Georgian legislation to international standards.
此外还拟订了一部新的法律草案,由亚美尼亚政府送交“欧洲通过法律实 现主委员会”接受国际专家审查。
Furthermore, a new draft law was developed which
was sent by the Government of Armenia
[...] to the European Commission for Democracy through Law for [...]
international expertise.
(a) 一個主委員會 多名成員反對把東面通風大樓排 氣口設於避風塘東防波堤的建議。
(a) A group
[...] of members of an owner’s committee objected to the proposed [...]
location of the exhaust vent shaft of the EVB at
the eastern breakwater of the CBTS.
为了确保公民充分享有适足住房权,我们认为有必要对现有住宅建设基金 的恢复情况进行全面分析,并对必要的社会住房进行调查,同时帮助政府培训房 屋主委员会主席、会计和业主(帮助他们提高认识)。
In order to ensure a full benefit of the right to adequate housing we consider necessary to undertake a fully fledged study on the rehabilitation of the existent housing fund and a survey on the necessary social housing, as well as delivery of assistance in the process of training (awareness rising) of the chairmen, accountants and owner of flats in the associations of owners of flats.
该通知应包括认定其投票无说 服力或不相关的理由以及分分委员会 主委 员 会 的投票数。
This notification shall include the not persuasive or not related rationale and
[...] subcommittee and main committee vote counts.
报告已提交议长会议且已纳入全体会议议事议程的草案或议案,只有 主委 员 会 或政府提出要求的情况下,才能由委员会重新审议。
After the report has been submitted to the Office of the Speaker and included in the
agenda of the Plenary, it can be
[...] re-deliberated in the committee only at the request [...]
of the main committee and the government.
在西北專區我曾經主持過宣傳妳的分會、基金籌募和如何取得與運用贊助等研習會, 而我 的多項簡報也被 SIA 基金籌主委與西 北專區各分會所採用.
For the Northwestern Region I have facilitated workshops on marketing your club,
fundraising, and how to get and use sponsorships, and my presentations are being used by
[...] SIA Fundraising Chairs and NWR clubs.
11.7.1 为满足对特定新标准和重大修改(如:突发事件、监管要求)或其它特殊情况进行快速发布的需求,使新标准和现
[...] 有标准重大修改的初次投票实现同步,则需要在分会会议表决或通过投票至少得到投票委员会所投赞成票和反对票之和三分之 二的赞成票数,并主委员会主席批 准。
11.7.1 To meet a demand for more rapid issuance of specific new standards, such as an emergency situation, regulatory requirement, or other special circumstance, permission for the initial balloting of new standards concurrently requires an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the combined affirmative and negative votes
cast by voting members of the subcommittee either at a meeting or by ballot, and
[...] approval by the main committee chairman.
这个项目是国 家私营部门在国家主委员会 举办的研讨会上提交 的,是可以短期实施的可再生能源项目的典型。
A legal framework consisting of laws and regulations will permit different stakeholders to play their role in a sound and attractive environment.
有关法律草案和立法议案的委员会报告的内容包括草案和议案的理由、文本、副委员会报告(如有) 主委 员 会报告、反对意见(如有)和委员会通过的文本。
The published committee reports on the bills include the text and
explanatory memorandum of
[...] the bills, the main committee report, if any, the secondary committee report, dissenting opinions, and a final version of the bill as adopted by the committee.
州的教育委員會,外加一名州主管 主委 , 負 責監督當地的 學區、訂定學生和教師標準、批准教室課程、並經常性的審核教 科書的選定。
State boards of education, along with a state superintendent or commissioner, oversee local education districts, set student and teacher standards, approve the classroom curriculum, and often review textbook selections.
委员会主席钟沛林说,以主委 任 代 表出席业主立案法团大会的安排为例,现时条例规定管理委员会秘书在会议举行前,须在会议地点的显眼处展示已委任代表的业主的单位资料,直到会议结束为止。
Mr Chung
[...] said, on the proxy arrangement for the general meeting of an owners' corporation, [...]
the ordinance requires the secretary
of the management committee to display proxy information for the meeting in a prominent place at the meeting venue, from before it begins until the conclusion of the meeting.
28. 以主委託人 、代理人、分包商、受託人或其他身份單獨或連同其他人士作出本 分條授權的任何事宜以及其組織章程大綱授權的所有事宜
28. to do any of the things authorized by this subsection and all things authorized by its memorandum as principals, agents, contractors, trustees or otherwise, and either alone or in conjunction with others
[...] 签署数项和平协议后加入政府部队的以下派系:拯救共和国阵线、争取改革联合 阵线、全国复兴运动、变革力量联盟、革命 主委 员 会、抵抗力量联盟、争取民 主和发展联合力量、民主力量联盟、民族复兴人民阵线、争取民主改革联盟和乍 [...]
The majority originated from the factions that joined Government forces following the signature of several peace agreements with armed groups, including: Front pour le salut de la République (FSR); Front uni pour le changement (FUC); Mouvement national pour le redressement (MNR);
Rassemblement des forces pour le
[...] changement (RFC); Conseil démocratique révolutionnaire (CDR); Union des [...]
forces de la résistance (UFR);
Union des forces pour le développement et la démocratie (UFDD); Union des forces pour le changement et la démocratie (UFCD); Front populaire pour la renaissance nationale (FPRN); and Mouvement pour la démocratie et la justice au Tchad (MDJT).
食典委一致认为,执行委员会应设立一个由食 委主 席 和 副主席领导的电子工作 组,审议在批准商品和一主题委员 会 的新的工作方面,是否需要对应用确立工作重点 标准做出进一步指导,并向委员会下届会议汇报其审议结果。
The Commission agreed that the
[...] Executive Committee set up an electronic working group led by the Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons of the Commission to consider if [...]
further guidance on
the application of the Criteria for the Establishment of Work Priorities was needed as regards approval of new work for commodity and general subject committees and report back on their findings to the next session of the Committee.
我们欣见 建委主席或 建和委各国别组合主席定期受邀向安 理会通报情况。
We welcome the fact that the PBC Chairperson or the Chairs of the country-specific configurations of the PBC are regularly invited to brief the Council.
并审委主席和 副主席在与缔约方会议各届会议同时举行的审评委届会最 后会议上选出,并立即就职。
final meeting of the session of the CRIC held in conjunction with the sessions of the COP, and shall assume their office immediately.
中央委主席对全国人大和全 国人大常委会负责。
The Chairman of the Central Military Commission is responsible [...]
to the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee.
关于这一议题的交流旨在为缔约方提供一个机会,明确指出中期评价的方 向,并提供必要的支持,包括执行的时间框架,以便审 委主 席 团 为审评委第十 届会议编写必要的文件。
The exchanges on the subject are aimed at providing an opportunity to Parties to clearly delineate the orientation of the mid-term evaluation and the necessary support, including timeframes for its implementation in order for the CRIC Bureau to prepare the necessary documentation for the tenth session of the CRIC.
我谨感谢秘书长和建设和平委员会(建 委)主 席及 其成员分别按照第 63/282 和第 60/180 号决议的 要求,提交关于建设和平基金的全面报告(A/66/659) [...]
Allow me to thank the
[...] Secretary-General and the Chairperson and members of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) for [...]
the comprehensive report
(A/66/659) on the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) and the report of the Peacebuilding Commission (A/66/675), as mandated by resolutions 63/282 and 60/180, respectively.
民间社会组织/ 非政府组织将向粮委主席团 提交一份提案,说明其希望以何种组织形式参与粮 安委工作,以确保各区域和各类组织都能广泛且平衡地参与,同时谨记粮安委在 2008 年 10 月第三十四届会议上通过的原则(CFS:2008/5;CL 135/10:第 15 段)。
Civil society organizations/NGOs will submit to the CFS Bureau a proposal regarding how they intend to organize their participation in the CFS in a way that ensures broad and balanced participation by regions and types of organizations keeping in mind the principles approved by the CFS at its Thirty-Fourth Session in October 2008 (CFS: 2008/5; CL 135/10: paragraph 15).
经过广泛讨论,食委主席对 讨论作了总结,关于制定巴尔马干酪新标准的要 求符合奶及奶制品规范委员会关于制定和/或修改干酪标准的标准,并且根据粮农组 [...]
织法律办公室和世卫组织法律办公室的意见,制定这样一项标准并没有法律上的障 碍。
After an extensive
[...] debate, the Chairperson of the Commission summarised the discussion [...]
that the request for the elaboration
of a new standard for Parmesan was considered to have met the CCMMP criteria for the development and/or revision of the standards for cheese and that, according to the advice provided by the Legal Offices of FAO and WHO, there was no legal impediment to the elaboration of such a standard.
由于两用物品清单涉及其他委主管 范 围内的商品,因此该委员会中 也有电信、卫生、农业等部委的代表,并且为了对最终用户进行检查,也有情报 局的代表。
Since the list of
[...] dual-use items refers to goods falling within the competence of other ministries, the Committee comprises representatives [...]
of ministries
in charge of telecommunications, health, agriculture, et cetera, and, in order to run a check on the end-user, the Intelligence Agency.
在2010年3月1日至2 日的会议上,审委主席团 商定,对缔约方和其他 报告实体的报告中所载信息的审查,应在审评委第九届会议上按照“战略”的业 务目标进行。
30. The Bureau of the CRIC, at its meeting on 1–2 March 2010, agreed that the review of information contained in the reports from country Parties and other reporting entities would be conducted at CRIC 9 according to the operational objectives of the Strategy.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐主义而 开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法委员会 和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to
[...] terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International [...]
Plant Protection
Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.




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