

单词 主办方

See also:

主办 v

host v


host (a conference or sports event)

External sources (not reviewed)

作为负责预防教育的 艾滋病规划署联主办方,教 科文组织为完成任务付出了巨大努力,获得艾滋病规划署所有 联主办方和政府的高度赞赏。
As a UNAIDS co-sponsor in charge of prevention education, UNESCO made considerable investments to fulfil its mandate, which was highly appreciated by all UNAIDS co-sponsors, as much as the government.
主办方向与 会者提供了会议设施、秘书事务和技术支助以 及往返机场的交通,并为所有与会者组织了一些社会活动。
The local host provided conference [...]
facilities, secretariat and technical support and transportation from and to the airport
and organized a number of social events for all participants.
与开发计划署-阿拉伯区域信息和传播技术促进发展计划合作建立了免费和源码公开软 件(FOSS)区域中心 ,中心主办方是黎巴嫩巴拉曼大学。
The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
regional centre was established in partnership with the UNDP-ICTDAR
[...] programme and is hosted by Balamand University [...]
in Lebanon.
The Subcommittee expressed its
[...] gratitude to the hosts and organizers of [...]
those events.
在此方面,莫桑 比克提及其作为 2010
[...] 年第三次全球渔业执法培训研讨 主办方 举办 300 多人参 加的会议的情况。
In this regard, Mozambique
[...] referred to its role as host of the Third Global [...]
Fisheries Enforcement Training Workshop in 2010 for upwards of 300 persons.
[...] 任,以及特别是国家作为不同信仰间对话 主办方 和推 动者的作用,他想知道,这是否意味着各国有 [...]
As for the responsibility to protect the freedom of religion or belief against the undue interference of
third parties, and the role of the State in
[...] particular as a host and facilitator [...]
of interfaith dialogue, he wondered whether
it meant that States had a responsibility to refrain from religious activities, implying an obligation of secularism.
[...] 秘书长谢克·西迪·迪亚拉和联合国最不发达等国家高代办工作人员、民间社会 论主办方 Doctors Worldwide、最不发达国家观察组织、土耳其政府、伊斯坦 [...]
布尔这座可爱城市的人民、以及最不发达国家全球协调局主席和成员所作的巨大 贡献。
We conclude by expressing our thanks for the great contributions from our fellow participants here in Istanbul; the Civil Society Steering Committee; Cheick Sidi
Diarra, the Secretary-General of this Conference, and the
[...] staff of UNOHRLLS; Doctors Worldwide, host of the Civil Society [...]
Forum; LDC Watch,
the Government of Turkey and the people of this lovely city of Istanbul; and the Chair and members of the Global Coordination Bureau of the Least Developed Countries.
此次活动正值2010年在阿德莱德举办的澳大利亚资源中国投资大会一周前,ACBC南澳州分会作为主要赞 方 和 主办方 组 织安排了此次活动。
This event came just a week before
the 2010 Australian Resources Chinese Investment Conference held in Adelaide,
[...] with ACBC SA as key sponsor and facilitator.
[...] 名字、声音或形象出现在用户内容的任何人,以书面方式无条件许可其名字、声音或形象出现在用户内容中,并且以书面方式无条件授予参赛者提交用户内容的权利(如 主办方 要 求 ,用户应 主办方 提 交 该许可和授予);(y)如果任何未成年人的名字、声音或形象出现在用户内容中,用户是未成年人的家长或法定监护人,或者用户得到该未成年人的家长或法定监护人的明确书面许可;以及(z) [...] [...]
By submitting User Content, each user represents and warrants that: (w) he/she has the unrestricted right to submit the User Content; (x) any person whose name, voice or likeness appears in the User Content has unconditionally consented in writing
to his/her
[...] appearance in such User Content and unconditionally granted the entrant in writing the right to submit the User Content (a copy of which consent and [...]
grant will be furnished
to Sponsor upon Sponsor’s request); (y) he/she is (or has the express written permission of) the parent/legal guardian of any minor child whose name, voice or likeness appears in the User Content; and (z) the User Content does not infringe on any third party’s proprietary or other right.
主办方是日本政府,协办方有联合国秘书处 经济和社会事务部、国际劳工组织(劳工组织)和亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会。
It was hosted by the Government [...]
of Japan, in collaboration with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United
Nations Secretariat, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
此次会议主办方是世 界新闻自由 委员会,获得教科文组织和包括新闻学会在内的新闻出版自由组织协调委员会的 [...]
支持。会议审查了如何利用新媒体扩大新闻自由问题,以及专制政权对信息的自 由流通采取了哪些限制措施。
Organized by the World Press Freedom [...]
Committee, with the support of UNESCO and the Coordinating Committee of Press Freedom
Organizations, which includes IPI, the conference examined how new media were expanding press freedom, and what repressive regimes were doing to restrict the free flow of information.
在首届展会大获成功的基础之上,经过近一年的精心筹备,2013中国房车展览会蓄势待发。新年伊始, 主办方 传 来 喜讯,中国汽车工业协会房车委员会(CMRV)正式确定成为2013中国房车展览会的"联合主办单位",将 主办方 在 展 商招募、观众组织、活动策划等方面展开深度合作。
At the beginning of the New Year, organizers of the trade fair announced that the Recreational Vehicle Industry Committee (CMRV) would officially become the joint organizer of All in CARAVANING 2013.
展会现场发生的任何问题或纠纷,将 主办方 的 评判为最后依据 主办方 将 从 展会及相关方利益出发,保 留修改之前决策的权利,以满足或适应任何不可预见及主流环境因素。
The Organizer also reserves the right to amend any earlier decision made in order to meet and satisfy any unforeseen or prevailing circumstance for the benefit of the Exhibition and concerned parties.
我感谢我们主办方,没 有强迫我像以前那样到室外去演讲,因为今天太冷。
I'm just very very
[...] grateful to our hosts that they didn't [...]
force me to give a lecture outside, like they did in the old days, because today it's too cold.
路易威登马利蒂有限公司是一家法国公司,公司股本为21,119,700欧元,注册地址位于2 rue du Pont Neuf 75001,巴黎,法国,注册号为B
[...] 318.571.064(巴黎商号注册处),此次大赛由路易威登马利蒂有限公司通过其法定代表(营业地位于上述地点)组织(以下简称为 主办方 ” 或“路易威登”)。
The company LOUIS VUITTON MALLETIER, a French company with a capital of 21,119,700 euros, whose registered office is located - 2 rue du Pont Neuf, 75001 Paris, France, company registration number B 318.571.064 (Paris RCS), acting through its
legal representatives, whose official
[...] address is at the said office (hereafter referred to as “Sponsor” or “Louis Vuitton”).
它将 于 6 月 6 日在特拉维夫大学举行主办方为尤 瓦拉尼 曼科学、技术和安全研讨会。
It will take place on 6 June at Tel Aviv
[...] University, under the auspices of the Yuval Ne’eman [...]
Workshop for Science, Technology and Security.
本届展会主办方为: 中国国际贸易促进委员会、新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府、中国石油天然气集团公司、中国石油化工集团公司、中国海洋石油总公司。
CIPPE Xinjiang is co-hosted by China Council [...]
For The Promotion Of International Trade,  the People's Government of Xinjiang
Uygur Autonomous Region, China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation, China National Offshore Oil Corporation.
继去年8月以"战略合作伙伴"身份助力首届中国房车展大获成功之后,近日中国港中旅资产经营公司再次与2013中国房车展览 主办方 杜 塞尔多夫展览(上海)有限公司达成合作协议:在过往友好合作的基础之上,港中旅资产之母公司中国港中旅集团公司(CTS)将成为2013中国房车展的联 主 办 单位,双方将进一步加强合作力度、拓宽合作内容,为打造新一届的成功展会同心协力、共谋发展。
CTS Asset Management Corporation (CTSAMC)recently reached a new cooperation agreement with Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, organizer of All in CARAVANING 2013: Based on previous friendly cooperation, China National Travel Service (HK) [...]
Group Corporation (parent company of CTSAMC,
hereinafter referred to as CTS) will become a joint organizer for All in CARAVANING 2013.
这次会议主办方为亚 洲人权与发展论 坛、韩国国际人权网络和韩国大学全球法律诊所。
The conference was organized by the Asian [...]
Forum for Human Rights and Development, the Korean Network for International Human
Rights and the Korean University Global Legal Clinic.
本联盟参加了 9 月 3 日至 5 日在巴黎举行的以“重申所有人的人权:《世 界人权宣言》发表 60 周年”为主题的会议;该会议 主办方 是 非 政府 组织执行委员会,协办方是新闻部、教科文组织、人权高专办和法国。
The Coalition participated in a conference on the theme “Reaffirming human rights for all: the Universal Declaration at 60” held in Paris from 3 to 5 September, organized by the Executive Committee of Non-Governmental Organizations, associated with the Department of Public Information, UNESCO, OHCHR and France.
继近日网络热传的由黑兔音乐节与搜狐音乐联手发起的音乐节市场调查火热推出之后,黑兔音乐 主办方 太 合 互动(Taihe Live)和Split Works于2012年6月19日发布了2011黑兔音乐节的精彩回顾视频,同时向去年所有合作伙伴及大力支持黑兔的乐迷们致谢。
Following the announcement of the 2012 Black Rabbit Music Festival official musicians and marketing online survey (in cooperation with Sohu Music), Taihe Live and Split Works, the co-producers of Black Rabbit Music Festival, are proud to present to all of Black Rabbit’s sponsors, partners and attendees the official Black Rabbit 2011 wrap video.
在展会上主办方特别为CIRCUTOR安排了一个题为“ISO50001电能管理认证的使用和实施”的主题讲座。 内容涉及:开发一个监控系统的需求、用户创建一个能源方案和建立一个内部无间断改善系统。
During the exhibition, as part of a cycle of conferences
[...] scheduled by the organisers, CIRCUTOR conducted a seminar in which it presented [...]
the use and implementation
of the ISO 50001 energy certification standards, demonstrating the need to develop monitoring systems that allow users to establish an energy policy and create a continuous improvement process within their organisations, resulting in improved productivity and significant reductions in energy costs.
但是,用户内容发表在后,用户被视为(a) 授主办方永久 性权利(包括向第三方再许可的权利)在全球范围内无偿非排他性地使用用户内容,包括复制、公开、传播、分销、出租、翻译及改编的权利;(b)同意不 主办方 行 使 任何作者的人身权;以及(c) 允许其他用户在本条款范围内下载和浏览用户内容,或以私人和非营利目的而使用用户内容。
However, when User Content is posted, the user is
considered to (a)
[...] grant the Agency the perpetual right (including the right to sublicense to a third party) to use the User Content worldwide without any charge and on a non-exclusive basis (including the right to reproduce, disclose, transmit, distribute, transfer, lease, translate, and adapt), (b) agree [...]
not to exercise the
moral rights of the author against the Agency; and (c) permit other users to download and browse the User Content within the range of the Terms and to use User Content for private and non-commercial purposes.
中国媒体对此次液化天然气研讨会表现出了浓厚的兴趣,为 主办方 召 开 了一次记者采访会,以便向记者提供挪威和中国在日益增长的中国液化天然气市场合作机遇的更多详情。
The Chinese media showed great interest in the LNG-seminar and a press interview was held to provide the journalists with more insight into the possibilities of cooperation between Norway and China in the growing Chinese LNG –market.
This discussion
[...] platform will give visitors insights into [...]
the optimal solutions for improving efficiency in the production
of corrugated boxes, upgrading quality and reducing waste products.
[...] 月参加了有关土著人民、公司和环境的大会,并 在会上做了主旨发言,大会在挪威希尔克内斯举行 主办方 为 巴 伦支海欧洲-北 极理事会和巴伦支海区域理事会土著人问题工作组,工作组是由芬兰、挪威和俄 [...]
罗斯联邦北部巴伦支海地区涅涅茨人、萨米人和威泊西亚人的代表组成的协商机 构。
In February 2012, the Special Rapporteur also participated in and gave a keynote speech at a conference on indigenous peoples,
corporations and the
[...] environment, which was held in Kirkenes, Norway, and organized by the Working [...]
Group of Indigenous Peoples
of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council and the Barents Regional Council, a consultative body comprising representatives of the Nenets, Sami and Vepsian peoples within the Barents region in the northern parts of Finland, Norway and the Russian Federation.
主办方为裁 研所,协办方有安全世界基金会和西蒙斯基金会,提供财物支持的有加拿大、中 华人民共和国、俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国政府、以及安全世界基金会和西蒙斯 [...]
The meeting was organized by UNIDIR with the assistance of [...]
Secure World Foundation and The Simons Foundation and was supported
financially and materially by the Governments of Canada, the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation and the United States of America, as well as by the Secure World Foundation and The Simons Foundation.
秘书处与签字仪主办方协调,得以在这次活动的各个方面发挥规划作 用,包括规划荷主办方的网 站;文件提供、资格审查和登记等程序;以及规 划和编制新闻战略及新闻背景材料。
Coordination with the hosts of the signing ceremony allowed the Secretariat to play a planning role in all aspects of the event, including the planning of the Dutch host’s website; documentation, [...]
and registration procedures; and the planning and preparation of the press strategy and press background materials.
2012 年 4 月 27 日,经济和社会事务部、国际劳工组织(劳工组织)和拉丁美
[...] 洲和加勒比经济委员会(拉加经委会)举行了拉丁美洲和加勒比区域筹备会议;会主办方是乌拉圭政府。
On 27 April 2012, a Latin America and the Caribbean regional preparatory meeting was convened by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the International Labour
Organization and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the
[...] Caribbean; it was hosted by the Government [...]
of Uruguay.
这是这个青年网络第二次同其 他组织共同主办这样的活动,另 主办方 是 国 际工程师和科学家反扩散网络,由 国际废除核武器运动的迪米提·霍金斯和智利的阿尔弗雷多·拉韦大使担任共同 主席。
It was the second time such an event had been co-organized by the Network; it was co-sponsored by the International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation and co-chaired by Dimity Hawkins of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and Ambassador Alfredo Labbé of Chile.




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