

单词 主任

主任 noun ()

head n



deputy director
assistant head


chairman of department

班主任 n

class teacher n

External sources (not reviewed)

秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资料 中说,合规检查团的一条经验教训是,无论合规督察干事的个人专业才干如何,
[...] 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安主任打交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇报情况 [...]
时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实地经验都不足以取信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard
to compliance missions was that,
[...] irrespective of the professional competence [...]
of the individual compliance officers, when
dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
此 外,现有一个 P-5 员额的职能经修改后将包括天基信息平台方案的协调工作,现 有一个 P-4 员额将调主任办公室协助管理方案。
In addition, the functions of an existing P-5 post will be revised to include coordination of the UN-SPIDER programme, and an existing P-4 post will be redeployed to the Office of the Director to assist in the management of the programme.
然而主任告诉代表团,该监狱尚未收到任何床或床垫,因此囚犯直 [...]
However, the director informed [...]
the delegation that the prison had not yet received any beds or mattresses for the buildings,
and therefore prisoners slept directly on the floor on mats.
在 2011 年 4 月 11 日第 1 次会议上作了开幕 发言的有:毒品和犯罪问题办公室执 主任 、 肯尼亚代表(代表联合国会员国 中的非洲国家组成员)和智利代表(代表联合国会员国中的拉丁美洲和加勒比 国家组成员)以及黎巴嫩观察员(代表联合国会员国中的 77 国集团成员和中 国)、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国观察员(代表联合国会员国中的亚洲国家组成员)和 匈牙利观察员(代表联合国会员国中的欧洲联盟成员)。
At the 1st meeting, on 11 April 2011, opening statements were made by the Executive Director of UNODC, by the representatives of Kenya (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of African States) and Chile (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States) and by the observers for Lebanon (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of 77 and China), the Syrian Arab Republic (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of Asian States) and Hungary (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union).
根據條例草案擬議第58B(6) 條及新訂的擬議 第 58B(6A)條 (由政府當局曾答允動議的修正案訂明),如選主 任公布的遞補順位名單因有人成為議員、去世或不接受議席, 或議席空缺沒有由遞補順位名單上排首位並接到通知的人填補 而被修訂,選主任必須 公布該項修訂並公布已修訂的遞補順 位名單。
Under the proposed section 58B(6) of the Bill and the new proposed 58B(6A) (which was prescribed in the CSAs the Administration had agreed to move), if a
precedence list published by the RO was
[...] revised because a person had become a Member, had died, or did not accept the seat, or the vacancy was not filled by the person who ranked highest on the precedence list to whom a notice was delivered, the RO must announce [...]
the revision and publish the list as revised.
俄罗斯联邦代表表示相信,所有次区域办事 主任 都 将根据经社会战 略框架中所载的、而且得到成员国核可的优先事项和任务来计划和开展相关 活动。
The representative of the Russian Federation expressed confidence that all heads of subregional offices would plan and implement activities according to the priorities and tasks incorporated in the strategic framework of the Commission and approved by the member States.
[...] 责任,而技术层面的责任则在于国家环境和规划机构的首席执行官(国家环境和规划机主任)。
In this regard, the highest policy responsibility rests with the Minister of Physical
Development and the Environment while at the
[...] technical level, responsibility resides with [...]
the Chief Sustainable Development and Environment Officer.
下述会议特别值得一提,它们包括:(i) 联合国系统拉丁美洲和加勒比区 主任 小 组 和 加勒比共同体(加共体)秘书处执行管理委员会之间的会议;和(ii) 联合国系统拉丁美洲和 加勒比区主任小组 与苏里南政府官员就该国境内联合国系统协调一致问题召开的会议;以 及(iii) 拉丁美洲和加勒比(拉加司)区 主任 小 组 就艾滋病毒和艾滋病问题召开的会议。
Particularly noteworthy are: (i) the meeting
of United Nations
[...] system regional directors team for Latin America and the Caribbean with the executive management committee of CARICOM secretariat; (ii) the meeting of the United Nations system regional directors team for Latin America and the Caribbean with officials of the Government of Suriname on United Nations system coherence in the country; and (iii) the meeting of the regional directors group in LAC [...]
on HIV and AIDS.
根據擬議的《入境條例》第37ZM條,先前曾提出酷刑 聲請的人不得在其後提出另一項酷刑聲請,除非該人以書面提供 充分證據,使入境事主任信納 在先前的聲請獲最終裁定或被撤 回後,情況已有重大改變,而該項改變在與先前曾為支持先前的 聲請而提交的材料一併考慮下,會令後繼聲請有實際的成功 機會。
Under the proposed section 37ZM of IO, a person who has previously made a torture claim must not subsequently make another torture claim, unless he provides sufficient evidence to satisfy an immigration officer that there has been a significant change of circumstances since the previous claim was finally determined or withdrawn, and the change, when taken together with the material previously submitted in support of the previous claim, would give the subsequent claim a realistic prospect of success.
最后,由秘书长和总部外办事主任 组 成的一个非正式小组起草了关于全 国委员会与总部外办事处关系的指南草本,将在这一轮全国委员会磋商会议结束时最后定 稿。
Lastly, a draft guide of relations between National Commissions and field offices has been elaborated by an informal group of secretaries-general and directors of field offices and will be finalized at the end of the present cycle of National Commission consultations.
根据人口基金职权范围项目 14 及其监督政策第四节 F 分节的第 14 C 段,向 人口基金执主任提交的本报告提供了 2010 年期间联合国人口基金审计咨询委 员会各项活动和战略咨询意见的摘要。
Pursuant to item 14 of its terms of reference (TOR), and in accordance with paragraph 14 C of section IV, subsection F of the UNFPA oversight policy, this report to the UNFPA Executive Director provides a summary of the activities and strategic advice of the Audit Advisory Committee (AAC) of the United Nations Population Fund during 2010.
这 4 个指标来自:㈠ 全球工作人员 调查,采用其中报告的工作人员对工作环境满意状况的总体反馈意见;㈡ 执行 平衡计分卡和人力处数据库,采用国际专业人员一级和高级管理人员(D1及以上)
一级的女性工作人员的百分比;㈢ 产品和服务调查,采用工作人员对可利用的
[...] 学习和发展机会的质量和范围的总体满意程度;㈣ 人力处的数据库,采用填补 定期任用空缺、包括从候选人才库填补国 主任 、 副驻地代表、国家 主任 和业 务经理的职位平均花费的时间。
They are drawn from: (i) the Global Staff Survey on overall staff feedback reported therein on staff satisfaction with the work environment; (ii) the executive balanced scorecard and OHR database on the percentage of female staff at the international professional level and the senior management level (D1 and above); (iii) the Products and Services Survey on overall staff satisfaction with the quality and scope of available learning and staff development opportunities; (iv) and the database of the
OHR on the average time
[...] taken to fill vacant fixed-term appointments, including those from candidate [...]
pools for country directors,
deputy resident representatives, deputy country directors and operations managers.
在同一份决议中,麻委会还注意到《执 主任 关 于 收集和 使用与毒品有关的补充数据和专门知识以支持会员国对大会第二十届特别会议 通过的各项宣言和措施的实施情况进行总体评价的报告》(E/CN.7/2008/8), 该报告是依照麻委会第 49/1 号决议提交的。
In the same resolution, the Commission also took note of the report of the Executive Director on the collection and use of complementary data and expertise to support the global assessment by Member States of the implementation of the declarations and measures adopted by the General Assembly at its twentieth special session (E/CN.7/2008/8), submitted pursuant to Commission resolution 49/1.
会议还注意到,由联合国秘书长提名的联合国裁军事务厅驻日内瓦 办事处处长彼得·克拉罗夫担任会议的执行秘书,会 主 席 并 任 命 执 行支助主 任克里·布林克尔特任主席的 执行协调员。
The Meeting also took note of the appointment, by the United Nations Secretary-General, of Peter Kolarov of the Geneva Branch of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs as Executive
Secretary of the
[...] Meeting, and the appointment, by the President, of Kerry Brinkert, Director of the Implementation Support Unit, as the President’s Executive [...]
根据安理会事先磋商达成的谅解,主席征得安理会同意,根据安理会 暂行议事规则第 39 条,向主管法律事务副秘书长兼联合国法律顾问帕特里 夏·奥布赖恩女士、联合国难民事务高级专员纽约办事 主任 皮 埃 尔·伯特 朗先生、人权事务高级专员纽约办事 主任 杰 西卡·诺伊维尔特女士和联合 国人道主义事务协调厅政策制订和研究处处长汉斯约里·施特罗迈尔先生发 出了邀请。
In accordance with the understanding reached in the Council’s prior consultations, the President, with the consent of the Council, extended invitations under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure to Ms. Patricia O’Brien, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel; Mr. Pierre Bertrand, Director, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Office in New York; Ms. Jessica Neuwirth, Director, New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; and Mr. Hansjoerg Strohmeyer, Chief of the Policy Development and Studies Branch, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
在 2010-2011 两年期内,总共需要六个员额来承 担工作队办公室秘书处的核心职务:一名办公 主任 (D-2),一名高级政治事务干事(P-5),一名政治事务 干事(P-4),一名政治事务干事(P-3),一名方案助 理(一般事务人员,其他职等)和一名行政助理(一般 事务人员,其他职等)。
For the biennium 2010-2011, a total of six posts were required to carry out the core secretariat functions of the Task Force office: Director of the Office (D-2), Senior Political Affairs Officer (P-5), Political Affairs Officer (P-4), Political Affairs Officer (P-3), Programme Assistant (GS (OL)) and Administrative Assistant (GS (OL)).
尼日利亚民间资源开发和文献中心执 主任 ; 纽 约国际刑事法院联盟国际指 导委员会成员;美国旧金山全球妇女基金咨询委员会成员;《消除对妇女歧视公 约》国家技术委员会成员;审查对妇女歧视性法律国家委员会成员;尼日利亚 2006 年《消除对妇女歧视公约》国家报告全国起草委员会成员;尼日利亚儿童运动成 员;国家平等权利行动联盟协调员。
Executive Director, CIRDDOC Nigeria; member — International Steering Committee, Coalition on the International Criminal Court (CICC), New York; Advisory [...]
Board of Global Fund for
Women, San Francisco, USA; Member, National Technical Committee on CEDAW; National Committee on the Review of Discriminatory Laws against Women; National Drafting Committee on the Nigeria Country Report on CEDAW 2006; Nigerian Movement for Children; Coordinator, National Coalition on Affirmative Action.
委员会将收到供其审议的执主任关 于 委员会第 19/6 号决议执行情况的报告, [...]
该报告请毒品和犯罪问题办公室定期向会员国简要介绍向有关会员国提供技术 援助的情况和管理支助各国打击索马里沿海海盗行为举措信托基金的情况,并 鼓励会员国和其他捐助方提供预算外资源,用以支助毒品和犯罪问题办公室协
The Commission will have before it for its consideration [...]
the report of the Executive Director on the implementation of Commission
resolution 19/6, in which it requested UNODC to brief Member States on a regular basis on technical assistance provided to the Member States concerned and on the administration of the Trust Fund to Support Initiatives of States Countering Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, and encouraged Member States and other donors to provide extrabudgetary resources to support the work of UNODC to assist Member States in countering maritime piracy off the coast of Somalia (E/CN.15/2011/18).
在回答如何处理俄罗斯联邦未付捐款的问题时,他还 通知各国成员,依照第
[...] 67/1 号决定(c)段的规定,财主任需要 将俄罗斯联邦的未付捐款列 [...]
In reply to questions on the way in which the outstanding contributions of the Russian Federation were accounted for, he also informed
members that, pursuant to paragraph (c) of
[...] decision 67/1, the Treasurer had been requested [...]
to maintain the outstanding contributions
of the Russian Federation in the outstanding contributions category of the Fund’s accounts and said that the Treasurer would continue to do so until otherwise instructed by the Executive Committee.
着 重指出的成就包括:(a)
[...] 迅速核准特别法庭开展活动的法律框架;(b) 黎巴嫩移 交管辖权,检察官、预审法官和辩护方办公 主任 迅 速 采取步骤,处理被拘留的 四名黎巴嫩将军的问题;(c) 在法庭主要官员之间并与国际机构和机关进行密集 [...]
接触;(d) 检察官加快调查,以便迅速向预审法官提交起诉书;(e)
书记官处高 效率地筹备建立所有必要的实用基础结构。
It highlights: (a) the rapid approval of the legal framework for the activities of the Tribunal; (b) the deferral
of jurisdiction by
[...] Lebanon and the swift steps taken by the Prosecutor, the Pre-Trial Judge and the Head of the Defence [...]
Office regarding
the detention of the four Lebanese generals; (c) the intense contacts made both between the Tribunal’s principals and with various international institutions and bodies; (d) the acceleration by the Prosecutor of his investigations so as to expeditiously submit indictments to the Pre-Trial Judge; and (e) the Registry’s efficient preparations for the establishment of all the necessary practical infrastructure.
各项主要差异包括:(a) 通过经常 预算从联合国妇女署中所得到部分经费的补充数额;(b) 关于按照执主任发布 的准则(第 1801 条)计算业务准备金数额的提案;(c) 关于澄清执主任对委派 的责任仍需负责的修订案(第 202 条);(d) 在世界粮食署的财务条例和细则的财 务报表方面以条例 12.1 为依据,因为迄今只有该机构实施了国际公共部门会计 准则。
The main areas of deviation include: (a) additions to reflect the partial funding of UN-Women from assessed contributions through the
regular budget; (b) a
[...] proposal for the level of operational reserves to be calculated in accordance with guidelines issued by the Executive Director (rule 1801); (c) amendments to clarify that the Executive Director would retain all accountability for delegated responsibilities (rule 202); [...]
and (d) the sourcing
of regulation 12.1 in respect of financial statements from the Financial Regulations and Rules of the World Food Programme (WFP), the only entity to have implemented IPSAS to date.
该路线图的主要目 标是:提高行政及业务管理的质量;强化针对监 主任 办 公 室所提出建议的系统 后续工作及落实的机制;加强监 主任 办 公 室作为难民署内一个公正独立的实体 的信誉;在行政纪律的后续工作中加强透明度及公正性;作为诚实的中间人,就 高级管理人员所面临的复杂挑战提供意见和建议。
The main goals of the Road Map are: to reinforce the quality of administrative and operational management; to strengthen [...]
the mechanisms for systematic follow-up
and implementation of the recommendations of the IGO; to build upon the IGO’s reputation as an impartial and independent entity within UNHCR; to enhance the sense of transparency and fairness in the follow up of the administration of discipline; and to act as an honest broker in providing advice and recommendations on complex challenges confronting senior management.
董事會主席(如有)或倘彼缺席或拒絕主持有關大會,則副主席(如有) 將主持每次股東大會,或倘無有關的主席或副主席,或倘有關的主席或副主席並無於 任何股東大會指定舉行大會時間之後十五分鐘內出席,或該兩位有關人士皆拒絕主持 大會,則出席的董事會成員須在與會的董事中推選一人 任主 席 , 或倘無董事出席或 如全部出席的董事會成員均拒絕主持股東大會或倘其中選出的主席選擇 退 任主 持股 東大會的職務,則當時出席的股東須在與會的股東中選出一人 任主 席。
The Chairman (if any) of the Board or, if he is absent or declines to take the chair at such meeting, the Deputy Chairman (if any) shall take the chair at every general meeting, or, if there be no such Chairman or Deputy Chairman, or, if at any general meeting neither of such Chairman or Deputy Chairman is present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for
holding such meeting, or both such persons decline to take the chair at such meeting, the Board present shall
[...] choose one of their number as Chairman, and if no Director be present, or if all the Board present decline to take the chair, or if the Chairman chosen shall retire from the chair, then the members present shall choose one of their own number to be Chairman.
我的特别代表会晤了最高级主教代理 和塞尔维亚东正教主教会议任主席 、 都主教 Amfilohije 以及塞尔维亚科索沃 和梅托希亚事务部长,讨论了如下问题:如何保存和保护塞尔维亚宗教遗产,继 续由欧洲委员会领导的重建进程,并找到继续在这方面与贝尔格莱德和普里什蒂 纳进行对话的框架。
My Special Representative met with the caretaker of the Patriarch and the current Chairperson of the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Amfilohije, as well as with the Serbian Minister for Kosovo and Metohija, to discuss the preservation and protection of Serbian religious patrimony and the continuation of the reconstruction process led by the Council of Europe and UNESCO, as well as a framework within which to continue dialogue in this area with Belgrade and Pristina.
13.4 董事會主席主持每次大會或如果沒有主席或在任何大會上指定開會時間過後 15 分鐘內主席沒有出席,則出席會議幷有權投票的股東須選出一位董事任 主席, 如果沒有董事出席或出席會議的董事拒絕主持會議,或如果選出的主 席拒絕主持會議,則出席會議幷有權投票的股東(不論股東本人或投票代表 或正式授權代表)可在他們之間選出一位股東 任主 席。
13.4 The Chairman shall take the chair at every general meeting, or, if there be no such Chairman or, if at any general meeting such Chairman shall not be
present within 15 minutes
[...] after the time appointed for holding such meeting or is unwilling to act, the Directors present shall choose another Director as Chairman, and if no Director be present, or if all the Directors present decline to take the chair, or if the Chairman chosen shall retire from the chair, then the members present (whether in person or represented by proxy or duly authorised representative) shall choose one of their own number to be Chairman.
除 了满足个别缔约国的需求,执行支助股还为第二次审议会议 任主 席 和东道国提 供了很大支持,包括对哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳进行了三次规划访问、为两次筹备会 议、两次非正式会议和众多小组会议提供了支持、为 任主 席 编 写五年全面审查 文件而汇编了必要资料,并落实一个通讯战略,包括为第二次审议会议设立专门 网站。
In addition to responding to the needs of individual States Parties, the ISU
provided intensive
[...] support to the President-Designate and Host Country of the Second Review Conference, including by carrying out three planning missions to Cartagena, Colombia, supporting two preparatory and two informal meetings as well as numerous small group sessions, compiling the information necessary for the President-Designate to [...]
prepare a comprehensive
five-year review document, and implementing a communications strategy, including by establishing a dedicated web site for the Second Review Conference.
选举委员会 的组成如下:国民议会任命的一名律师或一名合格公民 任主 席 ; 一名经合法政 党提名、国民议会任命的职业和道德品格高尚的公民;以及国民议会任命的一名 专家作为秘书,与负责外贸、地方行政和社会交流的各政府部门联络。
The Electoral Commission is composed of an attorney or a qualified citizen appointed by the National Assembly who acts as president, a citizen of reputable professional and moral status appointed by the National Assembly upon proposals of each legally existing party and an expert appointed by the National Assembly who acts as secretary for each of the governmental departments responsible for foreign trade, local administration and social communication.




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