

单词 为着


为...着想 v

think v

为他人着想 n

consideration n

External sources (not reviewed)

海报展为着重说 明基础空间科学的具体问题和项目提供了机会。
Poster sessions provided an opportunity to focus on specific problems and projects in basic space science.
在20th世纪早期,“小飞侠”(杰里米·森普特)访问伦敦,并 为着 迷 的 温迪亲爱的(瑞秋赫德木)的故事,告诉她的兄弟。
In the early 20th century, Peter Pan (Jeremy Sumpter) visits London
[...] and becomes enthralled by the stories [...]
that Wendy Darling (Rachel Hurd-Wood) tells to her brothers.
这份为“着力改 革联合国以构建一个更强有力的世界性组织”的报告提出了联合国秘书处管 理改革六个方面的提案:工作人员管理、组织机构重组、改进信息和通信技术(ICT)基础设施、提 供服务、预算与财务,以及治理模式。
Investing in the United Nations for a stronger Organization worldwide” puts forward proposals for United Nations Secretariat management reform in six areas – staff management, reorganization of organizational structure, improving the ICT infrastructure, service delivery, budget and finance, as well as governance modalities.
宪章》第五十五和五十六条要求本组织及全体成员 国,以创建实现各国之间和平与睦邻友好关系所必需的稳定和福 为着 眼 点 ,促 进普遍尊重和恪守所有人的人权和基本自由。
Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter require the Organization and all its Member States with a view to the creation of stability and well-being, which are necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations, to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all.
遗憾的是,所取得的结果不够有力,不足 为着 手 拟 订援助政策提供可靠依 据,而这又是最终目标所在。
Unfortunately, the results obtained are not strong enough to provide a solid basis on which to begin the elaboration of an assistance policy, which is the ultimate objective.
2008 年底,选举方面的活动出现加快,伊拉克独 立高级选举委员会也加强了选举筹备工作,这一期间 联合国伊拉克援助团(联伊援助团)的所有方面工作 都完全以选举进为着眼点
The end of 2008 witnessed an acceleration of electoral activities and increased preparedness by the Independent High Electoral Commission of Iraq, with all aspects of the work of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) completely geared for that period towards the electoral process.
与会者们更具体地集中探讨了如何确保各 缔约国“根据其现有资源所允许的最大限度”,以各项备选方案和最佳做 为着 重点 ,在战略上辨明并优先履行各国依据《公约》规定义务必须实施的活动和采 取的措施。
More specifically, participants focused on how to ensure that States parties strategically identified and prioritized the activities and measures that needed to be undertaken to implement their obligations under the Convention “to the maximum extent of their available resources”, with an emphasis on options and best practices.
16.7 简而言之,这种新方式的目标是:(a)
伙伴国家通过与区域或国家的政策和轻重缓急保持一致, 享有充分的自主权;(b)
[...] 综合框架把禁毒办工作的规范和业务工作结合起来;(c) 从着眼于项 目的方法为“着眼于 方案”的方法;(d) 加强与联合国其他实体和其他多边捐助者的合作和 [...]
16.7 In summary, the aims of this new approach are: (a) full “ownership” by partner countries through alignment with regional and/or national policies and priorities; (b) an integrated framework linking the normative and operational aspects of the Office’s work providing know-how and expertise at the
global, regional and national levels; (c) a move
[...] from a project-based approach to a “programme [...]
approach”; and (d) strengthened
cooperation and planning with other United Nations entities and other multilateral donors.
为着有特殊教育需要的学前儿童,教育局、 卫生署及医管局由2007-08 学年起有定期会议,商讨有关评估和教育服务事宜 等,以加强跨部门的沟通与协调。
Starting from the 2007–08 school year, there have been regular meetings among EDB, DH and HA to discuss issues about assessment and education services, etc. for pre-school children with SEN with a view to strengthening inter-departmental communication and coordination.
在这方面,巴基 斯坦代表团期待早日决定在 2012 年举行可持续发展 问题高级会议,欢为着重强 调需要进行可持续山 区发展所做出的努力,并且还特别指出,巴基斯坦 支持采用科学措施,帮助各国制定其减灾战略,并 更好地适应气候变化带来的不良影响。
In that context, his delegation looked forward to an early decision regarding the convening of a high-level event on sustainable development in 2012, welcomed efforts aimed at highlighting the need for sustainable mountain development and also noted its support for the adoption of a science-based approach to help countries devise their disaster reduction strategies and better adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change.
凡是真正得救的人都有圣经 所说“共同的信仰”,包括我们得救所必须相信的要项:圣经是完整的神圣启示,完全由神所默示; 只有一位独一的三一神—父、子、灵;耶稣基督是神的儿子,道成肉身成为人;基督为我们的罪死在 十字架上,流出血来救赎我们;第三天他的身体从死人中复活;他已被高举在神的右边,被立为万有 的主;将来为着属他 的人还要再来,并要在地上建立他的国度。
Every genuinely saved one has what the Bible calls the "common faith" (Titus 1:4), which includes what we must believe in order to be saved: we must believe that the Bible is the complete divine revelation wholly inspired by God; that there is a unique Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; that Jesus Christ is the Son of God incarnated to be a man; that Christ died on the cross for our sins, shedding His blood for our redemption; that on the third day He was bodily raised from the dead; that He has been exalted to the right hand of God and made the Lord of all; and that He is coming again for His own and to set up His kingdom on earth.
预算和人员的限制,直接影响公设辩护制度,因为产生过多的工作量,这 就无为着被剥 夺自由者的利益进行有效的辩护。
Budget and staff constraints directly affect the public defence system as they generate an excessive workload that is not compatible with the effective defence of the interests of persons deprived of their liberty.
我们期着为 造福 全社会继续实施教科文组织的自然科学和社会科学计划。
We look forward to continuing development of UNESCO’s programmes in the natural and social sciences for the benefit of all sectors of society.
只要履行《条约》的各项安全规定,核能就蕴着 为社会经济发展做出贡献的巨大潜力。
As long as the security provisions of the Treaty were complied with, nuclear energy had great potential to contribute to socio-economic development.
(原)中国网通作为北京2008年奥运会固定通信合作伙伴,承 着为 奥 运 赛时提供通信服务和保障的重任,其中,因特网宽带接入不仅是为奥运会承担的重要通信服务,也是集团宽带品牌战略中的重中之重。
As a fixed communication partner for the Beijing Olympic Games 2008, former China Netcom Beijing assumed the important task of providing communication services and guarantee for Olympic events, wherein, internet broadband access did not only serve important communication for the Olympic Games, but also was very important for group broadband brand strategy.
2007 年除了是实现 85%减排目标的截止日期以外,还标 着为 确 保 履行 2010 年淘 汰目标而开展一系列活动的重要阶段的开始。
In addition to being the deadline for meeting the 85 per cent reduction target, 2007 marked the beginning of a critical phase of activity to ensure compliance with the 2010 phase-out target.
王老师,作为此项目的经理,一直与她的同事们努力地工 着 , 为 的 是给天津及周边的 残疾孩子们提供更好的教育和培训。
Teacher Wang, as project manager of the Jian Hua Foundation SEP, and her colleagues continue to work hard to provide quality education and training for children with disabilities in Tianjin and the surrounding area.
为行使上述权利,国家鼓励私人机构也参与到公共行动中;同样,将公民权利 监察员办公室、妇女和社会发展部、检察机关和国民警察的相关服务予以协 调;卫生部、教育部和劳动部则担 着为 残 疾人提供直接照顾和关爱的职能。
Three ministries are directly involved in providing services to persons with disabilities: the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour.
高度假设与低度假设之间的这种愈来愈大的差异 意着,为了实现长期的可持续人口增长,未来的生育率围绕更替水平的变化幅 度,必须小于低度假设和高度假设之间的差异(见图六)。
Such increasing differences between the high and low scenarios mean that, in order to attain sustainable population growth over the long run, future fertility has to vary over a narrower range around replacement level than the one encompassed by the low and high scenarios (see figure VI).
促进全面和可持续的经济、社会、文化和政治发展的义务意味着消 除战争威胁的义务,意着为此努 力裁军以及全体人民自由和有意义地参与此 进程。
The obligation to promote comprehensive and sustainable economic, social, cultural and political development implies the obligation to eliminate threats of war and, to that end, to strive to disarmament and the free and meaningful participation of the entire population in this process.
秘书长的最新报告(S/2011/120*)、秘书长特别 代表德米斯图拉的通报和塔宁大使的发言都表明过 去三个月来在阿富汗出现了许多积极事态发展:阿富 汗各机构着为国家安全负起主要责任方向迈进和 阿富汗国民议会就职只是其中的两个例子。
The Secretary-General’s latest report (S/2011/120*), Special Representative of the Secretary-General De Mistura’s briefing and that of Ambassador Tanin provide evidence of many positive developments that have taken place in Afghanistan over the past three months — the progress of Afghan institutions towards taking lead responsibility for their country’s security and the inauguration of Afghanistan’s National Assembly being just two examples.
新一代的摄影云台和最新版三脚架的结合,代表了我们 着为 高 端用户的方案解决所付出的努力。
The new generation photographic heads combined to the latest version of our tripods represent the ultimate solution for the high end user.
在海地,着为地震受害人提供一般粮食配给的工作逐渐减少以及该国进入 重建阶段,粮食署的工作换现金和粮食方案为 70 000 名参与者提供了就业机会, 惠及 350 000 人,而且有助于清除瓦砾和重建基础设施。
In Haiti, as general food distribution for earthquake victims wound down and the nation turned to reconstruction, WFP cash- and food-for-work programmes provided employment opportunities to 70,000 participants, benefiting 350,000 people and helping to clear rubble and rebuild infrastructure.
首先,那么,生活在其丰满,与0siris无休止的生活中,太阳神,谁行程每天通过黑社会,甚至与神与鉴定是由他的名字叫权,是虔诚的埃及期 着为 死 后 的最终目标。
In the first place, then, life in its fullness, unending life with 0siris, the sun-god, who journeys daily through the underworld, even identification with the god,
with the right to be called by his name, is what the pious Egyptian
[...] looked forward to as the ultimate goal after death.
据最高法院称,对该法的目的论和系统解释意着,为了根 据第 30(2)条开展详细的审查,当事一方必须提起诉讼以撤销裁 定,正如同根据《仲裁法》第 57 条不得不通过提起诉讼来撤销最后裁决那样。
According to the Supreme Court, teleological and systematic interpretation of the Law means that, in order to initiate scrutiny pursuant to Article 30(2), a party has to file action to set the decision aside, just like it has to file action to set aside the final award under Article 57 of the Law on Arbitration.
着为解决艾滋病毒流行问题所作努力的扩大,各国常常要应对综合性国家 自主对策的复杂协调工作,这种对策鼓励包括民间社会和艾滋病毒感染者在内的 不同利益攸关方的参与。
As efforts to address the HIV epidemic have expanded, countries often grapple with the complexities of coordinating a comprehensive nationally-owned response that encourages the participation of diverse stakeholders, including civil society and people living with HIV.
反过来,这些代表再对 100 名 小组负责人进行培训,这些负责人在哈萨克斯坦领 着为 欧 洲 安全与合作组织(欧 安组织)2010 年首脑会议和 2011 年第七届亚洲冬季运动会提供服务的 3 000 名志 愿人员。
These representatives in turn trained 100 team leaders who led 3,000 volunteers in Kazakhstan for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Summit in 2010 and the Seventh Winter Asian Games in 2011.
Fairness means guaranteeing a level playing field for healthy competition between U.S. and Chinese firms, establishing a more open investment climate and ensuring more opportunities for foreign goods, products and services, ending unfair distorting currency practices and improving protections of intellectual property that allow innovation to thrive.
宪法原则和这些成文法规 定,公务部门成员需按照法律和 着为 社 会 服务的精神行事,主动坦诚地向部长 提出意见,并执行各项部长决定。
Constitutional principles and these statutes dictate that members of the public service act in accordance with the law and, in the spirit of service to the community, provide free and frank advice to Ministers and give effect to ministerial decisions.




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