

单词 为...找到住处

See also:

住处 n

residence n
shelter n
pad n


dwelling place

External sources (not reviewed)

并且不为同一 理由再予留置。不过 外国人驱逐令使其困于边缘地位,因驱逐令使 找 不 到住处 也 不能合法地工作。
They cannot be placed in detention
again on the
[...] same grounds, but they are marginalized by the expulsion order delivered to them, as it prevents them from finding housing or lawful employment.
我们共同承为处理最 不发达国家复杂而相互掣肘的挑战和问 找到 持久 解决办法。
We collectively commit to finding lasting solutions to the complex and mutually exacerbating challenges [...]
and problems of
the least developed countries.
地雷行动处在 3 月后在 一个临时营为工作人员找到了住处 , 在有空位时,还有一些联合国非索特派团支 助办事处(非索特派团支助办)、安全和安保部和各个机构的人员住在该营地。
Since March, the Mine
[...] Action Service has secured accommodation for staff members in an [...]
interim camp, which is shared with
some components of the United Nations Support Office for AMISOM (UNSOA), the Department of Safety and Security and agencies, as availability allows.
该厅将加强与会员国、各部、外部组织和其他联合国实体的协作,实施外 联和征聘战略,并物色高素质的候选人,特别强 为 外 地 行动的职 找到 最 佳 候 选人;将全面推出 Inspira,总结从完成 Inspira 稳定阶段中获得的经验教训, 并将与外勤支助部外勤人事司协作,为用户提供培训和情况介绍;协助秘书长制 订包括总部与外地之间人员流动的秘 处 人 员 流动综合政策,以便促进总部与外 地行动之间的工作人员一体化和知识共享;支持发展一支随时准备应对本组织不 断变化的任务的全球工作人员队伍。
The Office will implement outreach and sourcing strategies through strengthened collaboration with Member States, departments, external organizations and other United Nations entities, and identify high-quality
candidates, with particular
[...] emphasis on finding optimal candidates for positions in field operations; will implement the global roll-out of Inspira and conclude lessons learned from the completion of the stabilization phase of Inspira, and will provide training and orientation for users in collaboration with the Field Personnel Division of DFS; will assist the Secretary-General in developing a comprehensive mobility policy for the Secretariat, including [...]
between Headquarters and
the field with the aim of fostering integration and knowledge-sharing of staff between Headquarters and field operations; and will support the development of a global workforce, ready to respond to the evolving mandates of the Organization.
危险工作据解释包括“长时间劳动……或儿童不合理的被 限制在雇主的场所从事劳动”,这里所指的是家庭佣工或 住 劳 动 在工厂和血汗 工厂的工人。62 《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员公约的所有规定都同样适用 于移徙童工,即使《公约》没有明文提到自 到处 流 动 寻 找 工 作的儿童的情况也 照样适用。
The latter has been interpreted to include “work for long hours … or work where the child is unreasonably confined to the premises of the employer”, which is intended to
refer to domestic
[...] workers, or workers who live and work in factories and sweatshops.62 All of the provisions of the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families apply equally to child migrant workers, even though [...]
the Convention does not
explicitly refer to the situation of children who migrate on their own for work.
咨询和预防援助没到达有 意避免这一 点的家庭,即长期处事能力问题而在社会上已不活跃的家庭,或搬家后不登记住处的家 庭以及只对财政支持感兴趣而并不 为 任 何 其他类型干预有理的家庭。
Counselling and preventive
[...] assistance do not reach families who consciously avoid this, e.g. families who have become socially inactive due to long-term coping problems, or families who have failed to register their new residence upon moving, and families who are only interested in financial support and do not consider any other type of intervention [...]
卢旺达制定了一项宏伟的计划,即在联合国儿童基金会的支持下,关闭34个儿童收养机构, 为住 在 里 面的3153名儿 找到 新 家
She is at the forefront of an ambitious plan – supported
by UNICEF – to close all of Rwanda's 34 children’s
[...] institutions and find new homes for the 3,153 orphans living in them.
法院因此判定,虽 然该挂号信只是寄给《仲裁法》第 5(a)条(最后一句)中规定的第三种备选 人,但不应因此为仅限 于该备选人——换言之,如果经过合理查询后未找 到收件人的住所、 居住地或营业地,就应努力寻找另外两人。
The Court therefore ruled that, although the registered letter was sent only to the third option given in article 5 (a) of the Arbitration Act (final sentence), it should not, for that reason, be considered to have been restricted to that
option — in other
[...] words, if the addressee’s domicile, place of residence or place of business could not be found after a reasonable inquiry is made [...]
— but rather efforts should
be made to find the other two.
为住院和在家儿童制定的 教育框架旨找到患病 儿童特殊的教育需求,并根据其学习能力和医治状况促进 孩子的发展。
The educational framework for children in hospitals or at home aim, is to identify [...]
the special educational needs of the
sick child and to enable, subject to the learning capacities and medical condition of the child, the promotion of his/her development.
人权高专办只需极 为一般的指导方针就能继续开展其工作,尽管迄为止尚 未达成共识,但她希望各代表团能继续就该 问题建设性地开展工作找到折衷 的措辞 处 理各代表团真正关注的问题,并发出明确的信号支持人 权高专办极其重要的工作。
OHCHR required only very general guidelines to be able to continue with its work, and although no agreement had been reached thus
far, she hoped that
[...] delegations would continue to work constructively on that issue and find a compromise that addressed delegations’ genuine concerns while sending a clear signal [...]
of support for
the very important work of OHCHR.
在第 41
[...] 段中,委员会建议加紧打击家庭暴力的努力,包括确保危机 中心敞开大门,让遭受家庭暴力的人能够在那 找到 安 全 的 住处 和 咨 询。
In paragraph 41 the Committee recommended intensifying efforts to combat domestic violence, including through ensuring the
availability and accessibility of crisis centres where victims of
[...] domestic violence can find safe lodging and counselling.
工作人员工会针对支助措施提出了以下建议:a)通过与联合国支助中心签署协定或聘 用安居公司提供服务(找住处和学 校;处理文件;提供有关保安、医生、汽车零售商等信 息),确保提供具有竞争性和可靠的安居服务;b)就工作地点所在国家的工作证事宜进行 协商,加入联合国的“双重职业和人员流动”计划等 为 配 偶/伴侣就业提供便利;c)如果 工作人员的轮调造成其配偶/伴侣失去有收益的工作,至少在第一年要提供合理的补偿。
STU has put forward a number of suggestions on support measures such as: (a) ensuring competitive and reliable relocation services either by developing agreements with United Nations support centres or hiring the services
of a relocation
[...] company (to take care of finding accommodation, schools, processing paperwork, providing advice on security, doctors, car retailers, etc.); (b) facilitating spouse/partner employment by negotiating work permits in all countries where duty stations are located, joining the United Nations “Double career and staff mobility” programme, etc.; and (c) in cases where [...]
a staff member’s
rotation entails the spouse’s/partner’s loss of gainful employment, provision for reasonable compensation, at least during the first year.
在东京举行闭会期间会议有以下目标:㈠ 扩 大发展中国家的废弃物管理服务;㈡ 提高对公私伙伴关系双赢机会的认识;㈢ 促进关于建立废弃物管理伙伴关系的对话,包括分享废弃物管理伙伴关系的良好 模式和做法;㈣ 确定和制定具体合作倡议为各项需 要 找到 适 当 的解决办法; ㈤ 确定‘成功'公私伙伴关系必须具备的有利条件,特别是提供对需求反应灵敏、 具有成本效益和可持续的高质量服务所必须具备的有利条件;及㈥ 讨论并最后 确定预期将在可持续发展委员会第十九届会议期间建立的国际伙伴关系的范围, 其宗旨是扩大地方当局处理废弃物的公用事业的废弃物管理服务。
The intersessional conference held in Tokyo was organized with the following objectives: (a) to expand waste management services in developing countries; (b) to raise awareness about win-win opportunities for public-private partnerships; (c) to facilitate dialogue on building partnerships for waste management, including by sharing good models and practices of partnerships in waste management; (d) to identify and establish concrete, collaborative initiatives to ensure that needs are met with appropriate solutions; (e) to identify the necessary enabling conditions for successful public-private partnerships, especially regarding quality service that responds to demand, is cost-effective and is sustainable; and (f) to discuss and finalize the scope of a prospective international partnership with the objective of expanding the waste management services of local authorities and public waste utilities, to be launched during the nineteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development.
如果您無找到或者租不起靠近工作場 所、學校或大學住房, 就可能需要對交通費用 作出預算。
If you can’t find a place or afford to rent close to work, school or university, you may need [...]
to budget for travelling expenses.
为受到威胁的人权维护者提供安 住处 机 制还 有许多工作需要做,尽管主要捐助方已承诺提供资金,支持制定全面框架,而主 要民间团体则无法提出该问题的联合建议。
Although the key donors have committed funds to supporting the development of a comprehensive framework, key civil society organisations have been unable to develop a joint proposal on this issue.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员),
因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人
[...] 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问处偏远 的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和 为 联 合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, [...]
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform
outreach activity by
[...] visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United [...]
Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework;
and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
在紧急情况下,例如自然灾害或其他人道主义紧急情况,老年人尤其容易到伤害,应该被确为弱势群体, 为 他 们 可能远离家庭和朋友,且 找 食 物和 住所的能力较差。
In emergency situations, such as natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies,
older persons are especially
[...] vulnerable and should be identified as such because they may be isolated from family and friends and less able to find food and shelter.
2008 年,他们的儿为办理 一个证件去阿塞拜疆时,在机场 到 查 问, 但未到虐待,他们要他说出在瑞典 住处 和 逗留的意图及其父母的情况,并告 诉他,警察“在等着他们”。
Moreover, in
[...] 2008, when one of their sons travelled to Azerbaijan to obtain a document, he was questioned at the airport, without being mistreated, about his whereabouts [...]
in Sweden and
the purpose of his stay, as well as about his parents and was told that the police were “waiting for them.
如 果粘合失败,则选用其它类型的粘合剂或第一种测试粘合剂的变体继续测试,到 找到满意的产为止。
If the bond fails, repeat the test with other adhesives or with variants of the first
[...] adhesive until a satisfactory product is found.
我们的国际办公室为国际 学生提供专业支持 处 理 寻 找住 宿 、 申请和更新签证、开立银行账户及预约医生挂号等事务。
International students are allocated a personal tutor to monitor and discuss their academic progress, and
are offered specialist support through the
[...] International Office with matters such as finding accommodation, obtaining and renewing [...]
their visa, opening
a bank account and registering with a doctor.
许多因素共同造成了这 种情况:新到的移民急找到住处; 缺 乏信息;移民在侨居国没有法律方面的保 障;在公共和私人生活中对移民的成见和不容忍。
A number of factors usually combine to create
this circumstance: the urgency
[...] of newly arrived migrants to find a home; their lack of information; [...]
the legal insecurity
in which migrants find themselves in the host country; and the stereotyping and intolerance shown towards migrants in the public and private spheres.
对于新来的留学生而言,找到合适 的 住 宿 是 其面临的最大挑战之一;而 找到 其 预 算范围之内的住宿则更是难上加难。
Finding the right accommodation is one of the biggest challenges facing a new international student, and finding a place in [...]
your price range can be even harder.
e. 紧急呼吁联合国全体会员国确保定期收集可靠、及时的数据,并至少按 年龄、种族、族裔、社会经济地位 住处 ( 城 市 /农村)分列,以指导国家行动计 划和全球战略的执行和评价工作,消除孕产妇死亡率和发病率的各种肇因;使用 降低孕产妇死亡率和发病率的既定指标和基准;确保报 为 达 到 这 些 基准在国内 以及通过官方发展援助采取的措施
e. An urgent call to all UN Member States to ensure the regular collection of reliable and timely data, disaggregated at least on the basis of age,
race, ethnicity,
[...] socio-economic status and residence (urban/rural), to guide implementation and evaluation of national action plans and global strategies for addressing all causes of maternal mortality and morbidity; to use established indicators and benchmarks for reducing maternal mortality and morbidity; and to ensure reporting on in-country and official development assistance-based measures to achieve these benchmarks
境内流离失所者往往分散在城市地区,因此必 找到 自 己 的 住处 , 住 在集体中心和学校等公共建筑物内,或住在寄宿家庭。
Internally displaced persons are
often dispersed in urban areas
[...] and required to find their own accommodation, stay in collective [...]
centres and public buildings
such as schools, or live with host families.
由于多种原因,起草适当形式或不连续形式的具体条款如公约或 示范法供纳入国家法律体系并不总是可行:各国家法律体系经常使用 差异很大的立法方法和办法解决特定问题,各国可能还没有准备好就 单一办法或共同规则达成一致,可能 找到 统 一 办法解决特定问题的 必要性不存在共识,或者就特定主题的关键问题以及如 处 理 这 些问 题存在着不同程度的共识。
For a number of reasons, it is not always possible to draft specific provisions in a suitable or discrete form, such as a convention or a model law, for incorporation into national legal systems: national legal systems often use widely disparate legislative techniques and approaches for solving a given issue, States may not yet be ready to agree on a single approach or common rule,
there may not be consensus
[...] on the need to find a uniform solution to a particular issue, or there may be different levels of consensus on the key issues of a particular subject and how they should be addressed.
理事会正在寻求问题的短 期解决办法,但需找到普遍 定期审议资金问题的长期解决办法,避免采取临时 措施,为这有可能损害所有国家待遇平等的原则。
While searching for a solution to
[...] the problem in the short term, the Council needed to also find a long-term solution to the question of resources for the [...]
universal periodic review
process to avoid ad hoc measures, which risked undermining the principle of equal treatment for all States.
在这方面,咨询委员会收 到一张表(见表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租 到 期 日、年租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管 处为 “ 团 结”项目租赁的房地产 之间进行了区分。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
[...] 战争的决议必须重申,必须在真正和有效的国际监 督下继续推动政治进程,以确保将在 1967 年边界内 建立以圣为首都 的独立巴勒斯坦国,根据 1948 年大会第 194(III)号决找到巴勒 斯坦难民问题 的公正和商定解决办法,并释放所有被关押者和囚 犯。
The resolution to be adopted by the Security Council on the cessation of aggression and war against Gaza must reiterate the need for the political process to continue under genuine and effective international supervision in order to ensure that an independent Palestinian State will be created
within the 1967
[...] borders and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital; that a just and agreed solution will be found to the issue of Palestinian [...]
refugees in accordance
with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 1948; and that all detainees and prisoners will be released.
(c) 尽资源的最大可能,采取一切必要措施确保生活贫困的人至少能到 营养适足和安全的最低水平的必要食物、基本的躲 处 、 住 房 和 卫生设施,以及 供应充足的安全饮用水,以预防疾病和物质匮乏所造成的其他有害后果,包括营 养不良、流行病和母婴死亡等。
(c) Take all possible measures, to the maximum of their available resources, to ensure that persons living in poverty have access to at least the
minimum essential food
[...] that is nutritionally adequate and safe, basic shelter, housing and sanitation, and an adequate supply of safe [...]
drinking water, so
as to prevent diseases and other harmful consequences of material deprivations, including malnutrition, epidemics and maternal and infant mortality.
例 如旧的著作中就提到 19
[...] 世纪末将一个三口人的法国家庭(贝延格家庭)驱逐出瑞 士索勒尔州的案例,理由不仅是因为这个家庭长久以来需要公共援助,而且为 父子都完全放荡,找不到住宿地 方,整个家庭没有一个人能够工作。378也是 在瑞士,1885年9月1日,巴勒乡一名公民要求联邦委员会将一名维也纳人George Grüner驱逐,因为他“进行不道德行为,扰乱许多家庭的和平”。
Older works refer, by way of illustration, the expulsion of a three-member French family, the Bettingers, from the Canton of Solothurn in Switzerland towards the end of the nineteenth century not only because the family had been for a long time
been a public charge,
[...] but also because the father and the son had fallen into complete dissoluteness and were no longer able to find anywhere to live, and all the [...]
members of the family
had in addition become unfit for work.378 Still in Switzerland, on 1 September 1885 a resident of Basel-Landschaft requested the Federal Council to expel one Georg Grüner, of Vienna, who, the author of the request alleged, “is engaging in immoral conduct and disturbing the peace of a number of families”.




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