

单词 为例


以...为例 v

take v


just this once
not be taken as a precedent
not be repeated

External sources (not reviewed)

工作组一致认为可进一步考虑排除一些方法,并在论述这些方法时强调 在《示范法》中这些方为例外方法,而不是替代方法(A/CN.9/568,第 [...]
116 段)。
The Working Group agreed that it might further consider eliminating some
methods and presenting them in a manner that
[...] stressed their exceptional, rather than [...]
alternative, nature under the Model Law (A/CN.9/568, para. 116).
另一个例子就是,为残疾人保留的就学或就业份额并未满足实际所需,且由 于技术或专业条件不具备,并未得以落实,其中,以大学应预留的 5%的法定份为例,当前并未落实。
The second example concerns the failure to meet quotas for persons with disabilities in education or employment owing to a lack of candidates having the necessary technical or professional qualifications; for example, the 5 per cent quota of university places reserved by law for persons with disabilities is not being filled.
然而,一些例被作为例证显示了明确而多样的政策已经或正在被成功地用于实 现国家目标。
However, several of the case studies exemplify situations where explicit multiple policies were (and are being) used successfully to achieve national objectives.
[...] 其数目并不总是能在方案预算中确定, 为例 如 它 们要么取决于各国政府的请求, 要么所提供的服务范围不确定,故而既无法规划,也不能准确预测。
Other activities comprise “non-quantifiable” outputs in the sense that their numbers are not consistently defined in the programme budget as they can
be neither planned nor predicted
[...] precisely, because, for example, they are either [...]
subject to Government request or they represent
the provision of services the scope of which is uncertain.
不过,由于秘书处已经对它进行了审议, 为例 外 情况,可以加以核准,但有 一项了解,即未来秘书处不得对未列入业务计划的项目加以审议或提交执行委员会,除非 由于某些紧急和不得已的理由而需如此做。
As it had already been reviewed by the Secretariat, however, it could be approved exceptionally on the understanding that, in the future, projects that were not in the business plans would not be reviewed by the Secretariat or placed before the Executive Committee, unless there was some urgent and compelling reason for doing so.
因此,还应做出更大努力,系统调查所指 控的各种违法为,例如,法外杀害、酷刑和虐待、非法拘留和重新逮捕,以及 不执行法庭要求释放被非法拘留人员的命令。
Accordingly, further efforts should be expended to systematically investigate allegations of extrajudicial killings, of torture and ill-treatment, of unlawful detention, and re-arrests, and of the lack of implementation of Court orders directing the release of unlawfully detained individuals.
此 外,以处理涉及军事人员的指控案的纪律干 为例 , 其在指控过程开始时的工作 量也有增加:修订后的示范谅解备忘录规定,秘书处必须向会员国通报任何涉及 [...]
In addition, the work of the disciplinary officer for
[...] military cases, for example, has increased at [...]
the beginning of the allegation process:
the provisions of the revised model memorandum of understanding requires the Secretariat to inform Member States of any allegations involving a member of a national contingent for which there is prima facie evidence of misconduct or serious misconduct.
在包括哥伦比亚在内的一些法域,破产 法官无权确定活动是否具有欺诈性或就债务人业务是否合法作出裁决;因此,
[...] 审理破产事项的法官很难适用这样的条款, 为例 如 对 欺诈的认定属于刑事法 院法官的职权范围。
In some jurisdictions, including that of Colombia, insolvency judges do not have competence to determine whether activities are fraudulent or to rule on the legitimacy or otherwise of a debtor’s business; it would therefore be very difficult for such a provision to be applied by judges hearing
insolvency matters since the determination
[...] of fraud, for example, falls within [...]
the competence of criminal court judges.
仅以索马为例—— 我还可以列举其他的例子 ——联合国、非洲联盟和欧洲联盟正在密切合作,相 辅相成,帮助重建健全的国家机构,以便为和平与稳 [...]
In Somalia, just to give one example — and I could name [...]
others — the United Nations, the African Union and the European
Union are closely cooperating and complementing each other in their efforts to help rebuild sound State institutions, thereby creating conditions for peace and stability, and to combat piracy off the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean.
以加利福尼亚为例,保 证公用事业的收入固定,使公用 事业的收入与能源的实际销售情况脱钩,以容许公用事业实施需求方面的管理并 增加能源效率。
Decoupling utilities’ revenues from actual energy sales by ensuring fixed utilities’ revenues, as was done in California, allows utilities to pursue demand-side management and increase energy efficiency.
除上述 650 000
[...] 美元以外,2002 年举行的第十二次缔约国会议为例 外 ,为 法庭周转基金核准了 500 000 美元(2001 [...]
年会计期间的部分节余)的批款,以便在 资金出现临时性短缺的情况下为法庭提供必要的资金,以审理所需支出无法通过
In addition to the $650,000 referred to above, the twelfth
Meeting of States Parties, held in 2002,
[...] approved, on an exceptional basis, the appropriation [...]
of $500,000 (being part of the
savings from the financial period 2001) to the Working Capital Fund of the Tribunal, in order to provide the Tribunal with the necessary financial means, in the event of temporary shortfalls in funds, to deal with cases whenever the cost could not be met from case-related costs or from the transfer of funds between appropriation sections (SPLOS/L.28).
邵教授的讲座将讨论电影新技术的表现和相互关联上的互通与融合,并以一些具有开拓性的艺术作 为例 , 它们预示着明日数字式电影的扩张。
Professor Shaw’s presentation will discuss the convergent multiplicity of the new techniques of cinematic
representation and intercommunication,
[...] with illustrated examples of groundbreaking [...]
artworks that herald the digitally expanded cinema of tomorrow.
公民往往将政府的计划和战略与一些地方项目相混淆,以 FISM 子项为 例,需 要中央政府主管部门集中开展宣传活动。
Citizens confuse or associate governmental programmes and strategies with various local level projects such as is the case of the FISM sub-projects, a situation which would require more focalised informative activities from the central public authorities.
对于本次情况,他并不反对将其 为例 外 进 行审 议,但考虑到有许多缔约方希望加入各项拟议决定,他建议应在一个联络小组 内对该事项进行进一步讨论。
In the present case he did not
object to considering the
[...] issue on an exceptional basis but suggested that in view of the large [...]
number of parties that wished
to be covered by the proposed decisions, further discussion should take place in a contact group.
着力量化某些 活动(如某些地区的采矿)或不为(例 如 在 人类接触有毒化学品方面)所产生的 环境和社会问题的成本,对于确保充分说明这些问题并提供足够资金,以及将这 些问题纳入更广泛的政策框架的主流至关重要。
Investing in the quantification of the costs of environmental and social problems arising either from certain activities, such as mining in some areas, or from inaction, for instance in regard to human exposure to toxic chemicals, is crucial to ensure that these issues are adequately funded and accounted for and mainstreamed into broader policy frameworks.
以发为例,在 价格不过度上涨的情况下维持电力供应最具潜力的办法是 使用核燃料。17 不过,如果考虑到核废料处理问题,从成本角度来看,水能或 [...]
In power generation, for example, the best potential [...]
to maintain electricity supply without excessive price increases comes
from using nuclear fuel.17 However, considering the problem of nuclear waste disposal, hydro energy is probably the best alternative from a cost point of view, although here too there are some limitations, as discussed earlier.
正如人权事务委员会就《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》 第 14 条规定的获得公平审判的权利所述,从公正、无偏倚和独立司法的角度来
[...] 看,由军事法庭或特别法庭审判平民,可能产生严重的问题,应 为例 外 情 况, 而且要充分遵守第 14 条提供的保障(CCPR/C/GC/32,第 22 段)。
As stated by the Human Rights Committee on the right to a fair trial, set forth in article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the use of military or special courts to try civilians raises serious problems as far as the equitable,
impartial and independent
[...] administration of justice is concerned, and should be exceptional and in full [...]
compliance with the guarantees
under article 14 (CCPR/C/GC/32, para. 22).
执行委员会决定,为例外, 核准核准预先提供古巴氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段 第二次付款的资金,金额为 [...]
537,527 美元,外加给开发计划署 40,315 美元的机构支助费用。
The Executive Committee decided to
[...] approve, on an exceptional basis, an advance [...]
of funding on the second tranche of stage
I of the HCFC phase-out management plan for Cuba, at the amount of US $537,527, plus agency support costs of US $40,315 for UNDP.
以Agilent Technologies为例,这 家世界领先的测量组织与UTS科学院携手合作,研发出世界第一台生物成像设备,将科技转化成成像技术,有助于临床诊断并能有效研究药物对阿尔茨海默和帕金森等疾病的功效。
One such example is Agilent Technologies, [...]
a world-leading measurement organisation collaborating with UTS Science to produce
a world first bio-imaging facility, which developed technologies into imaging techniques that have assisted clinical diagnosis and allowed investigation of effect of drugs on a range of diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. This relationship has had significant benefits for both partners.
此外,缔约国应在公 共检察官的监督下采取措施,确保单独监禁只 为例 外 措 施,监禁时间有限,符 合国际标准。
In addition, it should, under the supervision of the Public Prosecutor, take steps to ensure that solitary confinement remains an exceptional measure of limited duration, in line with international standards.
另外,妇女目前在初级专业级别中所占 例为 60%,随着这些初级人员(P-1 至 P-3) 晋升到更高级别,会使妇女在高级管理职位中所占的比例不断增加。
Moreover, with career development, the junior staff (P-1 to P-3), which now counts 60% of women, will progressively result in an increase in women filling posts at senior management level.
国际奥林匹克委员会和议会联盟的 例为 亚洲政党国际会议申请观察员地位提供了有趣的先例;该 [...]
The cases of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and IPU provided
[...] interesting precedents for the request [...]
for observer status for ICAPP; his delegation
strongly supported the adoption of the draft resolution.
领导机构/行政管 理”和“对计划执行的支助”在正常预算中所占的 例为 35%(见图 4),在预算总额中所 占的例为 27%(见图 3)。
The categories “direction/administration” and “support for programme execution” account for 35% of the regular budget (Chart 4) and 27% of the total budget (Chart 3).
这为未来提供了重要经验,加强了该条例的作用,针对 未来任何全球公共卫生突发事件所采取的行动都应以该 例为 依 据
This has provided important lessons for the future and reinforced the Regulations as the basis for action in the face of any future global public health outbreaks.
在城市地区租住他人 房屋的家庭所占的例为 4.3% ,而在农村地区租住他人房屋的家庭所占的比例 只有 1.2%。
In the urban area the ratio of such households was 4.3%, whilst in the rural one – 1.2%.
乌克兰拥有大量武器库存,其枪支数量与乌克兰 士兵的例为 54:1,而世界接受的例为 2:1 左右; 而且乌克兰拥有大量多余的大型飞机,包括超大型的 安东诺夫和伊留申飞机。
It has huge stocks — there are 54 firearms for every Ukrainian soldier, as against the accepted world ratio of around 2:1 — and a large surplus of large planes, including oversized Antonov and Ilyushin models.
如果一个图片不经任何缩放,其分辨率(resolution)为72,如果该图片缩放 例为 5 0 % , 则分辨率为144,如果有更低的缩放比,则分辨率将更大,因为象素相同但尺寸变得更小了。使用72/300=24%的比例放置一个300dpi的图片,例:你用300dpi扫描了一个5×5英寸的图片,图片结果为1500×1500象素(5×300),当你用24%(72/300=0.24)的比例将该图片放置到PDF文件中时,PDF中的图片将为5×5英寸1500X1500象素300dpi,该图片将始终为1500X1500象素而不管尺寸如何。
If a picture without any zoom, the resolution
(resolution) is 72, if the picture
[...] zoom ratio of 50 percent, then a resolution of 144, if [...]
there are less than the zoom, the
resolution will be even greater, However, because the same pixel size becomes even smaller. 72/300 = 24% using the ratio of put a 300dpi image, for example:you use a 300dpi scan 5 ¡Á 5-inch picture, pictures, results for the 1500 ¡Á 1500 pixels (5 ¡Á 300), when you use 24% ( 72/300 = 0.24), the ratio of the picture placed in the middle of PDF documents, PDF images for 5 ¡Á 5 inch 1500X1500 pixels 300dpi, the picture will always be 1500X1500 pixel size regardless of how.
尽管有人可能认为立即制订这些 例为 时 尚 早,但如果要在中期处理这一问 题,那么管理局现在就必须开始从法律和经济两个角度深入研究和分析所牵涉的 [...]
问题,同时谨慎行事,不要超越 1994 年《协定》规定的任务授权。
While it may be considered premature
[...] to develop such regulations immediately, if [...]
the matter is to be addressed in the medium
term, it is necessary to commence in-depth studies and analyses of the issues involved from both legal and economic perspectives now, while at the same time exercising caution not to exceed the mandate prescribed by the 1994 Agreement.
在任何股东大会上进行举手表决时,每名与会(如亲自出席)或由按照该条例第 115
条的规定正式授权的代表出席(如为法团)(第 94(b)条所指的结算所(或其
[...] 代名人)除外)的成员应有一票,而在投票时每名与会或由委托代表或授权代表 出席的成员,他持有的每一股已缴足股份应有一票,他持有的每一股部分缴足股 份,投票例为其已 缴足的面值金额相比股份的面值金额的 例 , 但 为 本 条 的施 行,在催缴前支付或入账列为缴足股款的股份金额不视为股份缴足款,但须符合 当时附于任何一类或多类股份的任何特殊权利、特权或限制。
Subject to any special rights, privileges or restrictions for the time being attached to any class or classes of shares, at any general meeting on a show of hands every Member who (being an individual) is present in person or (being a corporation) (save and except for a clearing house (or its nominee(s)) pursuant to Article 94(b)) is present by a representative duly authorised under Section 115 of the Ordinance shall have one vote, and on a poll every member present in person or by proxy or by duly authorised representative shall have one
vote for every fully
[...] paid up share of which he is the holder and have for every partly paid share of which he is the holder the fraction of one vote equal to the proportion which the nominal [...]
amount due and paid
up thereon bears to the nominal value of the share, but no amount paid or credited as paid up on a share in advance of calls shall be treated for the purposes of this Article as paid up on the share.




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