

单词 丹桂

See also:


red adj


surname Gui

External sources (not reviewed)

隨後海水會輸送丹桂村海 水配水庫,再供應給用戶。
It will then be delivered to the Tan Kwai Tsuen SWSR for distribution to the consumers.
究竟日後遇到有關的暴雨時丹桂村 那 條 幾 10 呎的防洪渠,是否也會滿溢,而令該區水浸呢?
When there are heavy rainstorms in the future, will this nullah, which is several dozen feet wide, overflow
[...] again, causing the village to be flooded?
至於山下路至屯門公路的幹管敷設工程,現正在 34WF 號工程計 劃「丹桂村與屯門之間增設輸水幹管設施」下進行。
The trunk mainlaying works between Shan Ha Road and Tuen Mun Road are being carried out under 34WF, entitled “Additional trunk transfer facilities between Tan Kwai Tsuen and Tuen Mun”.
45WS 號工程計劃餘下部分的範圍,原先包括建造樂安排海水抽水 站丹桂村海 水配水庫,以及由虎地屯門濾水廠至天水圍敷設長約 8.4 公里的海水水管。
The original scope of the remaining part of 45WS comprises the construction of a SWPS at Lok On Pai, a SWSR at Tan Kwai Tsuen and laying of approximately 8.4 km of salt water mains between Tuen Mun water treatment works at Fu Tei and Tin Shui Wai.
洪水橋發展計劃 第 2 階段-田廈 路丹桂村路擴 闊工程 工務小組委員會委員在 2012 年 1 月 9 日的會議上,同意向財 務委員會建議,把 710CL 號 工程計劃提升為甲級;按付款 當日價格計算,估計所需費用 為 1 億 600 萬元,用以擴闊位 於洪水橋的田廈路丹桂村 路
Road and Tan Kwai Tsuen Road PWSC Members agreed at the meeting on 9 January 2012 to recommend to Finance Committee the upgrading of 710CL to Category A at an estimated cost of $106 million in money-of-the-day prices for the widening of Tin Ha Road and Tan Kwai Tsuen Road at Hung Shui Kiu.
我們在 2002 年 3 月 15 日 根據《道路( 工程、使 用及補償) 條 例》 的 規定,在憲報公 布 藍地丹桂村段 的擬議道路擴闊工程連后海灣幹 線計劃。
We gazetted the second section from Lam Tei to Tan Kwai Tsuen together with the DBL project under the RO on 15 March 2002.
去年沙埔村或今丹桂村出 現的水浸問題,很明顯都是因為水道淤塞及當局對㆒些工程 的去水評估可能出現問題所致,所以我們建議有關部門應盡快作出重新評估。
The flooding in Sha Po Tsuen last year or in Tan Kwai Tsuen this year can be attributed obviously to the clogged drainage channels and probably to the defective assessment by the authorities concerned of the impact of some works projects on drainage.
但是,這次雨災令元丹桂村附 近㆒個斜坡 山泥傾瀉,引致 3 間房屋倒塌。
Yet, during the latest downpour, there was a landslide from a slope near Tan Kwai Tsuen in Yuen Long, causing the collapse of three houses.
在策劃和設計階段,我們曾考慮水管敷設路線,以及擬議樂安排 海水抽水站丹桂村海水配水庫的布局和地基水平,以盡量減少產生 建築廢物。
We have considered the alignments of the mainlaying, the layout and foundation level of the proposed Lok On Pai SWPS and Tan Kwai Tsuen SWSR in the planning and design stages to reduce the generation of construction waste where possible.
目前,土地工程部負責屯門第 54 區的發展,進行 屏廈路、田廈路丹桂村路 的改善工程,以及為人煙稠密的 市區制定和實施綠化總綱圖。
The LW Division is currently responsible for Development in Area 54, Tuen Mun and improvement works for Ping Ha Road, Tin Ha Road and Tan Kwai Tsuen Road as well as development and implementation of Greening Master Plans in congested urban areas.
有關的幹管敷設工程現正在 兩項工程計劃下進行-由凹頭濾水廠至山下路的幹管在 227WF 號工 程計劃下敷設,另山下路至屯門公路的幹管則 在 34WF 號工程計劃「丹桂村與 屯門之間增設輸水幹管設施」下敷設。
We are carrying out the works under two projects – 227WF and 34WF “Additional trunk transfer facilities between Tan Kwai Tsuen and Tuen Mun”. 227WF covers the laying of trunk main from Au Tau treatment works to Shan Ha Road and 34WF covers the laying of trunk main from Shan Ha Road to Tuen Mun Road.
行政長官 會同行政會議在考慮未 撤回的 反對書和工程計劃的擬議 修改後,分別 在 2002 年 11 月 26 日和 12 月 17 日 批准進行藍地丹 桂 村段和丹桂村至 十八鄉交匯處段的擬議工程。
Having considered the unresolved objections and the proposed modifications to the project, the Chief Executive-in-Council authorised the proposed works from Lam Tei to Tan Kwai Tsuen on 26 November 2002 and the proposed works from Tan Kwai Tsuen to Shap Pat Heung Interchange on 17 December 2002.
為應付該 區在 2005 年和其後 預計增加的食水需求,我們須 敷 設一段長約 11 公 里 的幹管,以便 由現時的元朗凹頭濾水廠輸水丹桂 村 , 然後再把食水分配至屯門區內各處 。
To cope with the projected growth in demand by 2005 and beyond, we need to provide a trunk main of about 11 kilometres long to transfer fresh water from the existing Au Tau treatment works in Yuen Long to Tan Kwai Tsuen for further distribution to the Tuen Mun areas.
桂纳斯 是全副武装的土匪组织,控制了中非共和国北部主要城镇之间的许多道路,他们在那里抢劫、杀人、绑架勒索赎金。
The Zaraguinas are heavily armed and control many of the roads between main towns in northern CAR, where they loot, kill and kidnap for ransom.
(d) 在桂坊舉 辦的活動是否有規定必須向有關當局申請批准;倘若有此規定,今 次在桂坊舉 行的活動是否已申請及獲得批准?
(d) whether events held at Lan Kwai Fong require permission to be sought from the authorities concerned; if so, whether permission had [...]
been sought and granted for the event in question?
[...] 亚、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中国、刚果、刚果民主共和国 丹 麦 、 吉布提、多米 尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、危地马拉、冰岛、印度、爱尔兰、以色列、 [...]
多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、西班牙、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其 顿共和国、土耳其、乌克兰、美利坚合众国和津巴布韦随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso,
Burundi, China, Congo, the Democratic Republic
[...] of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, the [...]
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia,
Guatemala, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Morocco, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Spain, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United States of America and Zimbabwe joined the co-sponsors.
咨询委员会注意到,2010 年拟议资源的增加还反映了以下方面所需 资源的增加:反恐怖主义委员会执行局(963 700 美元),因为拟议增设 2 个职位(1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-2);支持安全理事会第 1540(2004)号决议所
设委员会(886 500 美元),因为拟议增设 1 个 P-5 职位;索马里问题监 察组(311 500 美元),因为依照安全理事会第
[...] 1853(2008)号决议增加了 第五位专家;丹问题专家小组(225 700 美元),因为专家的月费增加。
The Advisory Committee notes that the increase in the resources proposed for 2010 also reflects additional requirements for the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate ($963,700) in view of two additional positions (1 P-4 and 1 P-2) proposed; for support to the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) ($886,500), in view of the proposed addition of one P-5 position; for the Monitoring Group on Somalia ($311,500), owing to the addition of a fifth expert pursuant to Security Council
resolution 1853 (2008); and for the Panel of
[...] Experts on the Sudan ($225,700), in [...]
view of the increase in the monthly fees of experts.
世贸组织的代表指出,对使用或不使用国际标准的监测,是卫生和植物检疫措施 委员会的主要议题之一,并忆及斯里兰卡对 桂 二 氧化硫的食典最高含量需要表示关 注,因为它对桂出口产生影响;卫生和植物检疫措施委员会主席曾写信给食品法典 委员会主席提请他注意这一事项。
The Representative of WTO pointed out that the monitoring of the use or non-use of international standards was one of the main agenda items in the SPS Committee and recalled that Sri Lanka had raised its concern regarding the need for a Codex maximum level for sulphur dioxide in cinnamon, due to its implications for export of cinnamon, and that the Chair of the SPS Committee had written to the Chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission to draw his attention to this matter.
随后,奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国丹 麦、 爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、拉 [...]
脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐 克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞士和美利坚合众国加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the
[...] Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, [...]
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and the United States of America joined the sponsors.
[...] 方面与国际水文计划密切合作,并且有可能与在教科文组织的赞助下在中 桂 林 新 建立的国际 岩溶研究中心开展联合活动。
He stated that IGCP was looking forward to working closely with IHP in the organization of workshops on karst hydrogeology, with possible joint
activities with the newly established International Research Centre on Karst under the
[...] auspices of UNESCO, in Guilin, China.
所有涉及㆗港兩㆞的經濟計劃,例如:香港污水往南㆗國海排放 桂 山 島汽油基㆞供香 港新機場使用、珠海大橋的興建以擴展珠江西岸與香港的經濟聯繫、香港新電廠在廣東省 [...]
內興建以減低對香港土㆞和環境的壓力、從廣東省獲取填土為香港填海,以至華南五個國 際機場的航空安全和協調等等問題,都是需要㆗港兩㆞的整體策劃的。
All the economic plans involving China and Hong Kong, for example
[...] the discharge of sewage water into [...]
the South China Sea, the use of the oil
depot on Guishan Island by the new airport, the construction of the Zhuhai Bridge to expand the economic connection between the western bank of the Pearl River and Hong Kong, the construction of a new power station for Hong Kong in the Guangdong Province to relieve the pressure on the land supply and environment of Hong Kong, the procurement of sand from the Guangdong Province for reclamations in Hong Kong, the aviation safety and co-ordination of the five international airports in the southern China and so on, all these matters require integrated planning by Hong Kong and China.
[...] 员会成员如下:澳大利亚、比利时、加拿大 丹 麦 、 埃及、芬兰、法国、德国、 爱尔兰、意大利、日本、约旦、黎巴嫩、荷兰、挪威、沙特阿拉伯、西班牙、瑞 [...]
典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、土耳其、联合王国和美国;邀请巴勒斯坦作为 观察员出席并全面参与咨询委员会会议;邀请欧洲共同体出席咨询委员会的会
The membership of the Advisory
Commission is currently as follows: Australia,
[...] Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, [...]
France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan,
Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States; to invite Palestine to attend and fully participate in its meetings as an observer; to invite the European Community to attend its meetings; and to invite the League of Arab States to attend its meetings as an observer.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35
C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法
[...] 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 丹 麦 、 吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 [...]
葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia,
Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s
[...] Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican [...]
Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.




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