

单词 临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网

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而,在这一年到期时如退约国 正处于冲突之 中,则退约行为需待冲结束、 起码是归还完 文化财产后方能生效。
However, if, on the expiry of this period, the denouncing Party is involved in an armed conflict, the denunciation shall not [...]
take effect until the
end of hostilities, or until the operations of repatriating cultural property are completed, whichever is the later.
[...] 加新的旅遊景點以外,政府當局及旅發局亦應利用適合的機 會,如再有兩隻大熊貓到港,推廣香港的旅遊業。
He also opined that in addition to adding new tourism attractions, the
Administration and HKTB should also make
[...] use of suitable opportunities, such as the arrival [...]
of another two Giant Pandas, to promote Hong Kong's tourism.
南极海洋生物资源保护委员会目前为避免对脆弱海洋生态系统产生重不 利影响而采取 的管理战略包括以下措施:㈠ 禁止在南极海洋生物资源保护委员 会公约区公海海域进行海底网捕捞 ;㈡ 限制到超过 550 米深处试捕南极犬鱼;㈢ 在超临界值 时,关闭属于脆弱海洋生态系统指标分类的副渔获物周边 风险区域;㈣ 就拟列入脆弱海洋生态系统登记册的一些有证据表明为脆弱海洋 生态系统的区域发出通知。
In CCAMLR, the current management strategy to avoid significant adverse impacts on VMEs
consists of the
[...] following measures: (i) a ban on bottom trawling in the high-seas areas of the CCAMLR Convention Area; (ii) restriction of exploratory fishing for toothfish to areas deeper than 550 metres; (iii) closure of risk areas around by-catch of VME indicator taxa when greater [...]
than a threshold
level; and (iv) notification of areas with evidence of VMEs to be included on a VME register.
尽管是固有的危险,但许多人认为危险程度是 渔民选择风险结果,例如捕鱼的天 气、使用的船、能够获得的休息时间和携带 的安网具。
Although it is inherently dangerous, many would argue that the degree of danger is a function of fishers’
choices about the risks
[...] they take, such as the weather they fish in, the boats they use, the rest they obtain, and the safety gear they carry.
如今, 由Dominic Clarke及其同事所做的一项研究提示,花 不 可 见的电场可作为额外的花信号, 而 帮 助 熊蜂分辨花朵并记住这些花的位置。
Now, a study by Dominic Clarke and colleagues suggests that flowers’ unseen electric fields may act as additional floral cues, helping bumblebees to distinguish flowers and remember the flowers’ location.
所以,我相如果我們羡慕其 他國家有那麼多足球明星、巨星,足球運 動又那麼蓬勃,便一定要看看我們的教育制度、社會制度,甚至我們的足球 [...]
體制能否容得下職業足球員,讓他們以此作為職志,並且願意終生為此努力 和奮鬥。
Should we envy other countries' flourishing [...]
football development with so many football stars and superstars, we must take
into account our education and social systems, whether our football system would accommodate professional football players and whether being a football player can be a lifelong career in which a player could exert himself and strive hard.
这种办法在许多情况下显示出令人鼓 舞结果,捕鱼业往 往喜好转到完全新 网 具 类 型和 鱼 方 式,这种替代有许不确定性和更高经济风险。
This approach
[...] has shown promising results in many cases and is often preferred by the fishing industry over transitioning to a completely new gear type and fishing practice, which is an alternative that has many more [...]
uncertainties and higher economic risks.
报告的一项重结论是 ,某些别克斯居民可能因 鱼而 面 临 汞 摄 入量过高的 问题不过登记局局长 Christopher Portier 认为,该问题与以前的军事活动没 有联系。
One of the report’s key findings was that some Vieques residents could have been exposed to high levels of mercury from consuming fish, although, according [...]
to the Director of the
Agency, Christopher Portier, that problem was not linked to previous military activity.
中东和平进不进则退,越是面临困 难 ,国际社 会越应该结协作 ,加大劝和促谈的力度,不遗余力 地推动巴以早日实现复谈,保证和平进程持续向前发 展。
In the face of increasing difficulties, the international community should be more coordinated and united as it steps up [...]
its efforts to promote
peace talks and spare no effort to promote the resumption of talks between Israel and Palestine as soon as possible and to secure the advancement of the peace process.
此外,新西兰实施了禁止深海网捕鱼 的 2009 年临时措施。
In addition, it
[...] implemented the 2009 interim measure prohibiting deep-sea gillnetting.
[...] [...] 指标,劲道指数,MACD指标,动量指标,振荡器移动平均线,相对强弱指数,相对活力指数,随机指标,三重指数平均,威廉百分比范围,离散指标,资金流量指数,能量潮指标,成交量柱状图,加速器振荡器, 鱼 指 标 ,OA振荡指标,分形指标,GATOR [...]
Adaptive Moving Average, Average Dierectional Movement Indey, Average Movement Index Wilder, Bollinger Bands, Double Exponential Moving Average, Envelopes, Fractal Adaptive Moving Average, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Moving Average, Parabloic SAR, Standard Deviation, Triple Exponential Moving Average, Variable Index Dynamic Average, Average True Range, Bears Power, Bulls Power, Chaikin Ocillator, Commodity Channel Index, DeMarker, Force Index, MACD, Momentum, Moving Average of Oscillator, Relative Strenght Index, Relative Vigor Index, Stochastic Oscillator, Triple Exponential Average, William's Percent Range, Accumulation/Distribution, Money Flow
Index, On Balance Volume, Volumes, Accelerator
[...] Oscillator, Alligator, Awesome Oscillator, [...]
Fractals, Gator Oscillator, Market Facilitation Index.
然而,當牛熊證的掛鈎資產的交易價接近其贖回價,牛熊證的價值或會變得更為波動(亦由於 有發生強制贖回事件的風而對掛鈎資產價格變動的敏感度降低) 而 其 價值的變動可能與掛 鈎資產的價值變不成比例。
However, when the underlying asset of a CBBC is trading at a price close to its call price, the value of CBBC may become more volatile (and less sensitive to movements in the price of the underlying asset due to the risk of occurrence of a mandatory call event) and the change in its value may be disproportionate to the change in the value of the underlying asset.
专用钩线分 配允许使用加饵料的钩线小船鱼, 而不 是 使 用 网 捕 捞 超过16%分配的单个可转让 配额(ITQ),不发生任何违规行为。
The special line of dispensation allows small
[...] vessels to fish with baited hooks and lines rather than nets to catch 16 [...]
percent more than their
allocated individual transferable quota (ITq) limit without incurring any penalty.
梦达驰是一个正式通过了ISO 9001,ISO
[...] 14001,及ISO/TS 16949的公司,经常获得令羡慕的 荣誉 如 : 欧 宝/通用的“年度最佳供应商奖”及福特汽车公司的“Q1质量奖”,并经常性地获得一流汽车生产商的优秀 [...]
Montaplast is an official certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO/TS 16949 company,
has frequently won the coveted
[...] "Supplier of the Year Award" from Opel/GM, has won the "Q1 [...]
Quality Award" from the Ford Motor
Company and has repeatedly received excellent supplier evaluations from these and a range of top-flight auto manufacturers.
欧共体代表团在表示支持通过该规范时说明 如 果 食典 委 不 支 持通过龙虾的部分, 整个部分退回到鱼和渔业产品委员会进一步审议。
The Delegation of the European Community, while supporting the adoption of the Code, expressed the
opinion that, should
[...] the Commission not support adoption of the section on lobsters, the entire section should be returned to the Committee on Fish and Fishery Product [...]
for further consideration.
不言而喻,如此独 特的外观自然需要可靠的支撑:MINI敞篷跑车独特的17英寸双十字车削轻质铝合金轮圈能够吸引众人 羡 的 目 光。
It goes without saying that such an appearance requires a sound footing: the exceptional 17-inch light-alloy Double Cross turned wheels of the MINI Cabrio attract all the [...]
admiring looks.
鉴于约旦在教科文组织通常会追踪的领域内人力发展的记录,它是一个中等水平 的发展中国家,在阿拉伯地区拥有合理的发展指标和一个几乎令人 羡 的 发 展地位。
Jordan is a middle level developing country with reasonable development indicators and an almost enviable development position within the Arab region given its human development track record in the areas usually tackled through UNESCO interventions.
渔民、养殖渔民和其社区也经常暴露在更为长期危害中, 如鱼 病 传播、外 来物种入侵增加,陆源和水体污染、水生生态系统因耕作、采矿、工业和城市而退化。
Fishers, fish farmers and their communities are also often exposed to more
prolonged hazards
[...] such as the spread of fish disease, the increase in invasive undesirable alien species, pollution from land and aquatic sources, and aquatic ecosystem degradation from farming, mining, [...]
industry and urbanization.
他指出,自上次报告 以来,企业资源规划项目团队和专业系统设置公司对项目的规模和规划 进行了分析结果表 明,考虑到有待完成的工作的复杂性以及时机和后 勤因素,企业资源规划项目团队核心部分的 44 个职位不足以满足企业资 源规划项目活动的要求而且人员配 不 足 会 使项目 临不 必 要 的风 险。
He indicates that since the previous report, a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the project scope and planning was conducted by the ERP team and the
specialist systems
[...] integrator, which showed that the core ERP project team of 44 positions was insufficient to address the requirements of the ERP project activity, taking into account the complexity of the work to be accomplished, as well as timing and logistical considerations, and furthermore that the lack of adequate staffing would expose the project to unnecessary risks.
所以本㆟極盼望政府能夠拿出誠意不要再 將這個問題變為魚與熊掌的選擇 而 應 順 應民意的要求與本局的意見,從速落 實㆗央公積金的計劃。
Therefore, I hope very much that the Government can show some sincerity by refraining from turning this question into a matter of choice between the fish and the bear's paw.
政府當局不同意 ,根據擬議第7AI條,在向有限法律 責任合夥追討款項方面,勝訴的申索人較業務債權人取得較大 優勢,原因有二:其一,因應退還已分發財產的訴 而退 還的資產將會提供予該有限法律責任合夥,而非直接交給當事人; 其二,由於條例草案只是提供局部法律責任保障,有限法律責 任合夥的所有合夥人仍須對所有一般營運債項及義務 如 職員 薪金及租金等,負上共同及個別的法律責任。
The Administration disagrees that a successful claimant under the proposed section 7AI is granted an additional advantage over trade creditors in recovering money from an LLP, as firstly, the assets clawed back under a clawback action will be provided to the LLP and not the client directly; and secondly, since the Bill only offers a partial liability shield, all partners in an LLP are still jointly and severally liable for all ordinary trade debts and obligations, such as staff salaries and rent.
若遇公民失业、因急病或残废丧失工作能 力、或如果他 们为扶养者提供照料、 退 休 、或 面 临 其 他 紧急状况,各项收入 维持政策将向所有公民提供基本收入。
Income maintenance policies provide all citizens with a basic income should they become
unemployed, incapacitated by sickness or
[...] disability, or if they are providing care for dependants, are retired, or face other emergencies.
参与该项目的 12 个国家之一墨西哥使用环保型网与 改进 捕 鱼 方 法 相 结 合 , 降低了 网 渔 船 的燃 料成本。
In Mexico, 1 of the 12 States involved in the
project, the deployment of
[...] environmentally friendly trawls allied to improved fishing methods has cut fuel costs on [...]
(k) 处理一切形式暴力侵害儿童行为的性别层面问题,将性别观点纳入为防 止儿童遭受一切形式暴而制定 的所有政策和采取的行动,同时承认女孩和男孩 在不同年龄和不同情况下临不同形式的暴力风险,在这方面回顾妇女地位委员 会第五十一届会议关于消除一切形式的歧视和暴力侵害女童行为问题的商结 论;23
(k) To address the gender dimension of all forms of violence against children and incorporate a gender perspective in all policies adopted and actions taken to protect children against all forms of violence, acknowledging that girls and boys face varying risks from different forms of violence at different ages and in different situations, and in this context recalls the agreed conclusions on the elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child adopted by the Commission on the Status of Women at its fifty-first session;23 28.
我们深感自豪,因为我们在供应和安 装创新玻璃解决方案领域,拥有令 羡 慕的 声誉而这一 声誉在一定程度上是通过与萨 帕合作及他们带来的技术能力而获得的。
We pride ourselves on having an enviable reputation for the supply and installation of innovative glazing solutions and this reputation has been earned, in part, by the working relationship we have with the Technical team at Sapa in the United Kingdom and the technical competence that they bring to the equation.
而,如果隧道升至海 床以上,該方式不適合 ,因為外露的隧道將面臨被船 隻、船錨等碰撞的風險,隧道結構在惡劣的海洋環境中將 會更容退化, 而且在海床以上的隧道結構也會令船舶無 法靠近岸邊。
However, this form of construction is not suitable where the tunnel level rises above seabed level, as the exposed tunnel section would then be at risk of damage from ship impact, anchors, etc, the tunnel structure would be more susceptible to degradation in the aggressive [...]
marine environment,
and the protrusion of the tunnel structure above the seabed would restrict marine access to the shoreline.
无论你有滑雪冲浪或在您网站上 ,AF追踪技术对310的TG – 610和甘油三酯,重点锁定在你的主题 不 断 调 整对焦和亮度是否你或你的主题是移动的, 不 可 预测的完善高山滑雪爱好者喜欢拍摄的情况下对 而 热 带 鱼 浮 潜 或后院的孩子在玩耍的研究。
Whether you’ve got skiers or surfers in your sites, the AF
Tracking technology on the TG-610 and
[...] the TG-310 locks your subject in focus and continuously adjusts focus and brightness whether you or your subject is moving, and is perfect for unpredictable situations like photographing skiers on a mountain, tropical fish while snorkeling or children at play in the backyard.
根据这一观点,针对国际法准则未明确阐述的问题,将 结原 则解释为国际法律义务渊源是不可 接 受的。
According to this view, the
[...] interpretation of the solidarity principle as a source of international legal obligations with regard to matters that have not been explicitly addressed by norms of international law would not be acceptable.
然而,法 官的多数借助某种司法魔术回避了这 结 果 ,得出一个草率 结 论 , 认为单方面 宣布独立不是以科索临时自 治机构身份行事 而 是 直接代表科索沃人民,因 此不受《宪法框架》和科索沃特派团条例的约束。
However, the majority opinion avoids this result by a kind of judicial
[...] reaching a hasty conclusion that the “authors” of the unilateral declaration of independence were not acting as the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo but rather as the direct representatives [...]
of the Kosovo
people and were thus not subject to the Constitutional Framework and UNMIK regulations.
132. 欧洲联盟报告说,它全面遵守 2009 年参加国商定的关于深水网捕鱼的 临时措 施;事实上,这些措施规定,从 2010 年 2 月 1 日起禁止此种捕捞,直至 南太平洋区域渔管组织委员会通过相关养护和管理措施。
The European Union reported that it
was complying fully
[...] with the interim measure for deepwater gillnets agreed by participating States in 2009, which effectively banned such fishing as of 1 February [...]
2010, until relevant
conservation and management measures were adopted by the SPRFMO Commission.




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