单词 | 丰盛的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 丰盛的 adjective—bumper adjSee also:丰盛 adj—rich adj 丰—abundant • plentiful • fertile • luxuriant • plump • buxom • charm • surname Feng 盛—vigorous • magnificent • ladle • extensively • contain • surname Sheng • pick up with a utensil
客人们享用了由喀麦隆和加勒比 共同体(加共体)成员筹办的各种 丰盛的 食 品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Guests were treated to an array of sumptuous platters prepared by Cameroon and members of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). daccess-ods.un.org |
联欢会上有充气城堡、足球赛、扔铁罐和画鬼脸等游戏,还有内容丰富的表演节目 和 丰盛的 食 品 、饮料,孩子和家长们都玩得非常开心。 wacker.com | At the charity’s annual summer party, children and families alike enjoyed the wide range of activities on offer: inflatable castles, face painting, prize draw, refreshments, and a varied stage show. wacker.com |
一个优秀的丰盛的家常 餐,素食或其他饮食应要求提供。 instantworldbooking.com | An excellent hearty home-cooked meal and vegetarian or other diets are available upon request. instantworldbooking.com |
您会在轻松的环境中享受丰盛的晚餐 ,世界级的娱乐项目和美丽 的芝加哥美景。 abgcorp.com | You’ll have the chance to relax and enjoy a gourmet meal, world class entertainment, and of course, spectacular views of Chicago ‘s incredible skyline and architectural landmarks. abgcorp.com |
赛前一晚:赛前吃一顿丰盛的晚餐来储存能量是很重要 的。 media.specialolympics.org | The night before: it is important to get a good dinner to [...] start building your energy. media.specialolympics.org |
在等待期间,宾客们可以享用为他们精心准 备 的丰盛的 鱼 肉 餐点(封斋期不能吃禽畜肉)、糕点、成堆的水果和糖果、葡萄酒和利口酒。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | In the meantime, they could refresh themselves with splendid buffets of fish (it was during Lent), cakes, pyramids of fruit and confectionery, wines and liqueurs. en.chateauversailles.fr |
Sofra Bld餐厅每日供应丰盛的自助 早餐、午餐和晚餐,种类丰富的环球美食包括亚洲、阿拉伯、西餐、摩洛哥和印度菜肴,以及现场烹饪的新鲜海鲜和混合烧烤。 shangri-la.com | Enjoy a sumptuous buffet every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner with cuisines from all over the world - including Asian, Arabic, Western, Moroccan and Indian - as well as the freshest seafood or mixed grills from live cooking stations. shangri-la.com |
在塞拉诺先生发言之后,我们将暂停会议,以便 大家用午餐——安理会一定理解,一位法国主席需要 丰盛的午餐——并将在下午 3 时复会。 daccess-ods.un.org | After the statement of Mr. Serrano, we shall suspend the meeting for lunch — the Council does understand that a French president requires a hearty lunch — and will resume the meeting at 3 p.m. daccess-ods.un.org |
广泛的选择,丰富的菜单我们的厨师和餐厅的工作人员的建议,熟练的甜咸自助餐 , 丰盛的 建 议 ,并在演示文稿处理。 eventsandtravel.it | The wide selection of menu, expertly recommended by our chef [...] and staff of the restaurant, is enriched by savory and [...] sweet buffets, varied proposals and treated [...]in the presentation. eventsandtravel.it |
拥有一个有意义的、完整的生活:康复是一种个人独特的经历,需要根据每个人的价值观、 能力、欣愿、节奏、因病情而受限制的程度去郑重地作出一个承诺,去追求一 种 丰盛的 、 有意 义的生活。 hongfook.ca | Living a meaningful and fulfilling life: Recovery is a personal and unique experience. It involves making a commitment to live a fruitful, meaningful life according to one’s values, capacity, readiness and pace, and with the limitations caused by illness. hongfook.ca |
对艾文银行丰盛的别墅,面对同在2公顷的松树林心脏海港景色西南部。 sibellevilla.fr | Sumptuous south west facing villa on the banks of the Aven, set in 2 hectares of pine forest, with views of the harbour. sibellevilla.fr |
北部湖区的Kirkstile [...] Inn是典型的乡村酒馆,这里有木柴炉火、古老的橡木横梁 、 丰盛的 食 物 和美味的啤酒,如果您想要在此度过周末,这里还提供大量的客房。 visitbritain.com | The Kirkstile Inn up in The Lake District [...] is a classic country pub with log fires, [...] old oak beams, hearty food and tasty [...]beers, with plenty of rooms if you want to make a weekend of it. visitbritain.com |
在 RISE 餐厅享用丰盛的自助午餐,让您的金沙空中花园或艺术科学博物馆之行更加精彩纷呈。 zh.marinabaysands.com | Pair your visit to Sands SkyPark or ArtScience Museum with an indulgent buffet lunch at RISE Restaurant. marinabaysands.com |
在这种情况,赛前一晚吃一顿丰盛的晚 餐是非常重要的。 media.specialolympics.org | Avoid foods high in fat such as cheeseburgers and fries because these can take a long time to digest and make you feel tired. media.specialolympics.org |
作为答谢所有与会者们的参与,主办单位贴心的为大家准备 了 丰盛的 早 点,每位与会者都获得证书以及如T恤,帽子及背包的各类纪念品。 systematic.edu.my | As a token of appreciation all the participants received certificates and souvenirs such as T-shirts, caps and bag packs. systematic.edu.my |
在近东救济工程处加沙地带各学校,所有学生都能通过学校供餐计划吃到一 餐不算丰盛的饭。 daccess-ods.un.org | All pupils in UNRWA Gaza schools received a small meal under the school feeding programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
有什么好方法,既能欣赏到高尔夫球场的美景,又能品尝 到 丰盛的 早 餐 ,开启美好的一天? sunislandclub.com | What better way to start the day with a hearty breakfast with a breathtaking view of the golf course? sunislandclub.com |
出席贵宾不仅可以尽情品尝丰盛的自 助晚餐,也可以观赏文娱表演、茶艺与手工艺示范。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Guests will be treated to a sumptuous buffet dinner, cultural performances, tea arts and handicraft demonstrations. english.sccci.org.sg |
餐厅日的那一天,任何人都可以开设自己 的美食品尝点,从简单的儿童果汁吧,到菜 肴丰盛的宴席都能款待前来的客人。 visithelsinki.fi | The concept has been a huge success among residents and tourists, who get to sample everything from children’s juice bars to multicourse gourmet meals. visithelsinki.fi |
上海莫尔顿牛排坊提供经典而丰盛的 美 国 美食,包括谷物喂养的顶级牛肉、极品海鲜和缤纷甜点。 diningcity.com | Morton’s Shanghai specializes in classic, hearty American cuisine including the finest grain-fed aged beef, fresh seafood and spectacular desserts, using top quality ingredients and served in generous portions. diningcity.com |
据该hillelites,“谁倾斜丰盛的怜悯慈悲的对正义的规模”- a查看,显示(和贡克尔,“明镜先知以斯拉,”1900年,第15页),犹太教相信独立的神圣慈悲宝莲信仰(Tosef. mb-soft.com | According to the [...] Hillelites, "He who is plenteous in mercy inclines [...]the scale of justice toward mercy"-a view which shows [...](against Gunkel, "Der Prophet Ezra," 1900, p. 15) that Judaism believed in divine mercy independently of the Pauline faith (Tosef., Sanh. xiii. 3). mb-soft.com |
我们容许每一天就这样过去,而不伸出友爱之手去赢得这些失丧之民,这意味着他们错过了被我们视为理所当然的机会——就是个人性地认识耶稣、被他的喜乐平安所充满、有他的灵内住、经 历 丰盛的 生 命 以及靠着他的能力去帮助改变社会的机会 conversation.lausanne.org | Every day which passes without reaching out in friendship to these Missing Peoples means they miss out on the opportunities we all take for granted—to know Jesus personally, to be filled with his joy and peace, to have his Spirit in us, to experience abundant life and have his power to help change society. conversation.lausanne.org |
强调必须尊重文化多样性和充分利用文化多样性的好处,在各个社区和国家 内及彼此之间落实和提倡正义、平等和不歧视、民主、公平和友谊、容忍和尊重 等价值观和原则,共同缔造和睦 丰盛的 未来 unesdoc.unesco.org | 2. Stressed the necessity of respecting cultural diversity and maximizing its benefit, through working together to build a harmonious and productive future by putting into practice and promoting values and principles such as justice, equality and nondiscrimination, democracy, fairness and friendship, tolerance and respect within and among communities and nations unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果你想寻找传统的爱尔兰风味,这里有数不胜数的爱尔兰特色餐馆,提 供 丰盛的 海 鲜 、春季羊和美味多汁的牛肉。 discoverireland.com | If you’re looking for something more traditionally Irish, you’ll find a wealth of restaurants with an Irish slant serving up spectacular seafood, spring lamb and juicy beef, as well as top European-style spots with elegant fare in sophisticated surroundings. discoverireland.com |
耶稣已代替我们满足了律法,今天我们所要做的就是相信我们的救主并接受 从他而来的丰盛恩典和公义的恩赐。 newlife.org.my | Jesus has fulfilled the law on our behalf and our part today is to believe in our Savior and receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. newlife.org.my |
陶朗加青年旅舍设施一流,工作人员友好热情、知识渊博,保证你在游览美 丽 的丰盛 湾 同 时享受完美的住宿体验。 cn.yha.co.nz | All of these great amenities and our knowledgeable and friendly staff makes YHA Tauranga the perfect accommodation for your exploration of our beautiful Bay of Plenty. yha.co.nz |
当我们阅读和默想神的话语、计划和应许时,让我们反思神对我们的呼 召,让他丰盛我们的生命。 newlife.org.my | Let us reflect on God‟s call to us as we read and meditate on God‟s Word, His plan and His promises, and allow Him to enrich our lives. newlife.org.my |
这里有新建的足 球场,班迪球馆和冰上曲棍球馆,你可 以一边观看瑞典足球或者其他体育运动 比赛,一边品尝丰盛美味的晚餐。 regionorebro.se | Here you have newly built soccer, bandy and ice-hockey arenas where you can eat a tasteful dinner while you watch some Swedish soccer or other sports. regionorebro.se |
只需一个星期花费大约NZD30-40的伙食费,就足以让你吃 得 丰盛 , 吃 得饱 饱 的。 4tern.com | With NZD30-40 food budget per week, you are able to have great meals, never goes hungry again. 4tern.com |