单词 | 丰满 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 丰满 noun —fullness n丰满 adjective —plump adj • ample adj 丰满 —fully rounded • well developed Examples:羽翼丰满—fully fledged See also:丰—plump • charm • plentiful • fertile • abundant • luxuriant • buxom • surname Feng
在护发配方中,BELSIL® TMS 803能使头发浓密丰满、易 于成形,同时提高头发的防水能力。 wacker.com | In hair-care compositions, BELSIL® TMS 803 adds volume and body to hair, boosting water resistance at the same time. wacker.com |
每个计划部门都确定了拟定项目的启动资金,以确保为各项旗舰项目 制定出成熟丰满的项目提案。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Seed-funding for project formulation was identified within each programme sector, with a view to ensuring the development of fully fledged project proposals for the various Flagship projects. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该酒丰满高贵,与其年份相符, 它会让喜爱圆润均衡口感的葡萄酒爱好者喜出望外的。 chateau-olivier.com | A rich, generous wine overall, [...] typical of this vintage, which will be enjoyed by those who like roundness and balance. chateau-olivier.com |
带给您梦寐以求的平滑、闪亮、丰满 的 性 感双唇。 clarinsusa.com | Experience the lusciously smooth, shiny and fuller lips you've always dreamed of. clarinsusa.com |
在Eleusinian奥秘似乎已没有明确的理论教学 - 对于生命的丰满以后 开始的仅仅是承诺或保证。 mb-soft.com | In the Eleusinian mysteries there seems to have [...] been no definite doctrinal teaching - merely the promise or assurance for the [...] initiated of the fullness of life hereafter. mb-soft.com |
TALIKA 丰胸紧致精华素」全靠印度 Ayurvedic 医学多年来使用的 [...] mukul,其树皮提取物能促进三酸甘油酯的贮存量,从而增加乳房的体积 , 丰满 乳 房 外形。 cosme-de.com | Thanks to the virtues of mukul bark extract that has been used for centuries [...] in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Bust Serum fosters a targeted storage of [...] triglycerides, thereby increasing breast volume. cosme-de.com |
这款白金戒指饰以独立镶嵌的钻石花瓣,完美展现玫瑰花 瓣 丰满 而 立 体的形态,为极富象征意义的玫瑰缔造格外时尚的一面。 piaget.com.cn | This white-gold ring with its individually assembled diamond petals perfectly reproduces the characteristic volume of rose petals, creating an ultra-chic version of this highly symbolic flower. en.piaget.com |
通过根据信号大小调整声音平衡,DSP [...] 让低音效果变得强有力,音乐的音质 丰满 而 细 腻,无论将音量放到多大都不影响效果。 bowers-wilkins.cn | By adjusting the sound balance [...] depending on the signal, DSP keeps bass effects powerful and [...] music sounding rich and detailed, [...]no matter how loud you play it. bowers-wilkins.eu |
Maxi-Lip® (混合天然缩氨酸):刺激天然胶原蛋白和透明质酸的生成,得到 更 丰满 的 双 唇。 clarinsusa.com | Maxi-Lip® peptide : stimulates production of natural collagen and hyaluronic acid for fuller-looking lips. clarinsusa.com |
首先,那么,生活在其丰满,与0siris无休止的生活中,太阳神,谁行程每天通过黑社会,甚至与神与鉴定是由他的名字叫权,是虔诚的埃及期待着为死后的最终目标。 mb-soft.com | In the first place, [...] then, life in its fullness, unending life [...]with 0siris, the sun-god, who journeys daily through the underworld, [...]even identification with the god, with the right to be called by his name, is what the pious Egyptian looked forward to as the ultimate goal after death. mb-soft.com |
这款先进的平板电视为您的双耳奉献 丰满 且 深 邃的音效,感动心灵。 bang-olufsen.com | Coat your ears in rich, deep sound with [...] one of the few flat-screens to dazzle the eardrums. bang-olufsen.com |
特征可以将内容丰富的Person领域对象转换为羽 翼 丰满 的 OO 类,这个类能够实现所有的职责,包括CRUD操作。 infoq.com | Traits can leverage the rich Person domain object to a full-fledged OO class, which can fulfill all possible responsibilities inclusive CRUD operations. infoq.com |
满族人以孩子后脑勺扁平为美,由于绑在悠车里的孩子不能随意翻动,只能仰卧,所枕的枕头为小米或高梁米所装,时间长了会使孩子的后脑勺变平,使婴儿的面庞增大 、 丰满。 sypm.org.cn | People in child head of Manchu Lichen beauty, due to tie in big car child cannot arbitrarily flip only supine, the pillow pillow millet or high-Liang Mi installed, a long time will make the child head flattening, the baby face increases, plump. sypm.org.cn |
它还富含蛋白质、维生素 B1 和磷,味道丰满,易于消化。 jfc.eu | Rich in protein, vitamin B1 and phosphorus, it is also full of flavour and easily digestible. jfc.eu |
它还可以用作护发素和美发产品的一种成分,令发质更亮泽、 更 丰满 、 更 健康。 cn.lubrizol.com | It may also have utility as a component of conditioners and hairdressings where it can add shine, body and convey a healthy appearance to the hair. lubrizol.com |
如果感 觉早期反射声似乎有些过于丰满,则不妨实验一下这个参数的效果。 tcelectronic.com | Try this if the Early Reflections seem to make the sound too full. tcelectronic.com |
果浅黄色,橙,红,或胭脂红,扁球形到近球形,平滑或粗糙;果皮非常薄到厚,容易除去;瓢囊7-14果瓣或很少更多,酸到甜,有时苦,具少数或多数种子或很少无籽;汁 胞 丰满 , 短,很少纤细和长。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit pale yellow, orange, red, or carmine, oblate to subglobose, smooth or coarse; pericarp very thin to thick, easily removed; sarcocarp with 7-14 segments or rarely more, sweet to [...] acidic and sometimes bitter, with few to many seeds or rarely [...] seedless; pulp vesicles plump, short, rarely [...]slender and long. flora.ac.cn |
评委会说,Olaf“是以为对工作充满激情的艺术家,他的作品画 面 丰满 , 描 绘栩栩如生。 ba-repsasia.com | According to the jury, Olaf, “has become an artist [...] that exudes passion for the job, whose work is [...] exceptionally rich in its image quality, [...]and who is animated in his development. ba-repsasia.com |
MX200是种现场扩声和房间录音多效果处理器,1U标准的机架高度,以深沉 、 丰满 的 混 响和效果运算程序为特色创建莱斯康传奇。 acehk.com | Designed with both live sound reinforcement and home recording in mind, MX200 [...] features the deep, rich reverb and effects [...]algorithms that built the Lexicon legend, [...]and adds increased versatility with specialty effects and dbx® dynamics. acehk.com |
印度和巴基斯坦与未公开宣布的以色列于 1998 年一起成为了羽翼丰满的有核国家;朝鲜现在也可能拥有 6 个左右的核爆炸 装置;而伊朗现在可能也具备了制造核武器的能力,只要其决定跨越武器化 红线,那么就很有可能掀起区域性核扩散风波。 daccess-ods.un.org | India and Pakistan joined the undeclared Israel as fully-fledged nuclear-armed states in 1998; North Korea is now likely to have some halfdozen nuclear explosive devices; and Iran probably now has weapon-making capability, with real potential for generating a regional proliferation surge should it choose to cross the weaponization red-line. daccess-ods.un.org |
丰满和 和 谐是2008年份的关键词,突出了纯粹、魅力,饮后口齿持久留香。 chateau-olivier.com | Roundness and harmony are the watchwords of this 2008 which offers great purity, charm and length in the finish. chateau-olivier.com |
只需连接 [...] BeoSound 8,即可通过电脑聆听前所未有的完美 丰满 声 音。 bang-olufsen.com | Simply connect your BeoSound 8, and voilà. [...] You’ll hear full, rich sound from your [...]computer as you never have before. bang-olufsen.com |
完全提取自天然蔬菜的Schercemol™OLO和SHS酯类,具有清爽丝滑的质感,而Schercemol™ 318和DISF酯类提供的起效时间和丰满度 又 对其进行了完美的补充。 cn.lubrizol.com | Schercemol™ OLO and SHS Esters, which are completely derived from vegetable sources, provide [...] a light, silky skinfeel which is complemented by [...] the playtime and richness delivered by Schercemol™ [...]318 and DISF Esters. lubrizol.com |
独特的水润可剥落型面膜,采用了Baycusan® C 1001作为成膜原料,面 膜具有乳霜般质地,手感丰满,同时作为活性物和营养物质的有效载体,有效 增强肌肤的吸收,同时还可以清洁皮肤,紧致毛孔,恢复肌肤弹性。 cn.industrysourcing.com | This unique water peel-off mask is formulated with Baycusan C 1001, with cream texture and velvety smooth touch feeling when application on face. This mask can act as delivery carrier of some active and nutrimental ingredients, at the same time enhances skin absorption. us.industrysourcing.com |
可让店家为您将牡蛎壳剥开,丰满具 弹 性的肉身淋上柠檬汁后放入口中,马上可以感觉到这牡蛎不仅带有重量感还含有少许甜味,伴随着清凉爽口的海香味立刻在口中扩散。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | After feeling the texture of oyster, your mouth will be filled with fresh flavor of the sea with a bit of sweetness. en.tohokukanko.jp |
作为一家专注为时款手袋、鞋等时尚配饰提供原材料的研发者与生产商,其研发出的PU人造合成革高雅舒适,表面滑爽,手 感 丰满 , 真 皮感强,色泽艳丽,质量上乘,品种齐全,环境友好,满足了各大中高档品牌客户群的需求。 maxoffer.com | As a focus too fashionable handbags, shoes and other fashion accessories to provide raw materials developers and producers, the developed the PU synthetic leather elegant comfortable, surface smooth, feel is plump, leather feels strong, bright color and lustre, high quality, variety complete, the environment friendly, satisfy the major high-grade brand customers needs. en.maxoffer.com |
自然写意的RING CUBE标志经过了饱满丰富的三色处理。 ricoh.com | A lavish three-color treatment of the casual RING CUBE logo. ricoh.com |
很快,因为充满丰富的 高能量饲料,草富含高蛋白,价格又经济,日本准备在澳大利亚和美国出售饲养和包装的神户牛肉,并将牛肉打进他们巨大的零售市场。 knowfood.cn | It soon became evident that because of the abundance of high energy feedstuffs, grasses rich in protein, and economical prices, Japan was ready to purchase Wagyu beef raised and packed in Australia and USA, and to put the beef into their vast retail markets. knowfood.cn |
Peter Hoddie表示:“该活动就像电视剧‘创智赢家’。在快速行进、 充 满丰 富 信 息的一个小时中,我们将集思广益,为各种互连设备想出大量妙计,然后逐步引导观众完成几种最佳设备的实际构思过程。 marvell.com.cn | It'll be like Shark Tank, if the sharks were as helpful as the [...] ones in Finding Nemo — in the course of a [...] fast-paced, informative hour, we'll [...]brainstorm a bunch of ideas for all kinds of [...]connected devices, and then help walk the audience through the process of actually conceptualizing a couple of the best ones," said Peter Hoddie. marvell.com |