单词 | 丰溪里 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 丰溪里 —P'unggye in Kilju county, North Hamgyeong province, the |
具体地来说,我们需要有更多国际合作,尽可能减少有害的税 收竞争,并制止税收的减少,尤其是在资 源 丰 富 的国 家 里。 daccess-ods.un.org | Specifically, we need more international [...] cooperation to minimize harmful tax competition and to stem the loss of tax revenues, [...] particularly in resource-rich nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
在悬崖之间和在灌木沿着溪里的潮 湿的地方。 flora.ac.cn | Damp places between [...] cliffs and in shrubs along streams. flora.ac.cn |
在灌丛接近溪里; 1000-2000米云南。 flora.ac.cn | In thickets near streams; 1000-2000 m. Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
。尽管有了这些增加,但绝大多数人口仍然需要靠通过手动水泵的帮 [...] 助或者在没有水泵的帮助下从水井或井眼打水,或者从 小 溪里 打 水 以满足其家庭 用水的需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite this increase, most of the population still depends on access to water from wells or [...] boreholes, with or without the aid of a manual pump, [...] or water from streams, in order to [...]meet their domestic consumption needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
第二份报告描述其为“拉丰经营的公司之一”,这 表明该公司不是 [...] Risk 公司就是 Vision 公司——弗雷德里克·拉丰先生 拥有和经 营的两家保安公司,此人是在阿比让的商人,在科特迪瓦有广泛的业务,包括索 [...]非亚航空公司(后称科特迪瓦航空业务公司;见下文第 61-69 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The second report described it as “one of the companies run by Lafont”, which would suggest that the company was either Risk or Vision [...] — two security companies owned and [...] operated by Mr. Frédéric Lafont, a businessman [...]based in Abidjan with a wide range of [...]operations in Côte d’Ivoire, including Sophia Airlines (latterly Ivoire Airlines Business; see paras. 61-69 below). daccess-ods.un.org |
北溪公司 1 224 公里长的 水下管道途径波罗的海区域的五个经济区,它将 把天然气从俄罗斯联邦直接输送到欧洲 [...] 2 600 万住户家里;在以天然气取代煤 炭之后,这条管道还有助于减少二氧化碳排放量。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 1,224-km Nord Stream underwater pipeline, [...] which passes through five economic zones in the Baltic region, will deliver [...]natural gas from the Russian Federation directly to 26 million European households; it will also contribute to reduction in carbon dioxide emissions when replacing coal. daccess-ods.un.org |
地表水渗入采矿后留下的岩屑,与硫化物质起作用而产生硫酸,造 成溪流和地下水源的污染。 daccess-ods.un.org | Surface water infiltrates the rock debris left after mining, where it reacts with sulphide materials to produce sulphuric acid, polluting streams and groundwater resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的紧迫感来自如下事实:我们如此深爱耶稣,以至于我们想要尽可能快、尽可能充分地把每个族群带到他面前——使人们可以享受在耶 稣 里 面 的 丰 盛 生 命,并使他们有能力脱离在耶稣之外的无力、虚空的生命,从现在直到永远(以弗所书4.19以下)。 conversation.lausanne.org | Our urgency comes from the fact that we are so in love with Jesus that we want to introduce every people group to Him as soon and as fully as possible––to give people access to abundant life in Jesus and enable them to escape their powerless, futile lives outside of him, now and in eternity (Ephesians 4.19ff). conversation.lausanne.org |
该控件内有一个丰富的功能集,里面 包 含了分层、分组、分类、分页、数据绑定、编辑、筛选和几种内置样式。 evget.com | It has a rich feature set that includes hierarchies, grouping, sorting, paging, data binding, editing, filtering, and several built-in styles. evget.com |
毒品和犯罪问题办公 室在 2010 年进行的空中调查显示,在该国北部两个省份 : 丰 沙 里 省 和 华潘省存 在罂粟种植。 daccess-ods.un.org | The aerial survey conducted by UNODC in 2010 revealed the existence of opium poppy cultivation in two provinces in the north of the country: Phongsali and Houaphan. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织为旅游和文物部 出版《杰里科:活的历史--一万年的文明》提供了技术和资金支持。该出版物旨在弘扬 杰里 科丰富多彩的物质和非物质遗产,凸显了其作为重要旅游胜地的潜力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The publication promotes the diversity and richness of Jericho’s tangible and intangible heritage and stresses its potential as a major tourist site. unesdoc.unesco.org |
总体来讲,蒂珀雷里开阔、丰富而 且多样,北蒂珀雷里边界处有壮丽的德格湖(Lough Derg),而南蒂玻雷里则拥有绿色的峡谷和连绵的山脉。 discoverireland.com | Vast, rich and varied, the county enjoys wonderful scenic opportunities with North Tipperary bounded by the stunning Lough Derg, and South Tipperary enjoying lush valleys and a landscape enriched by the Galtee Mountains and the mystical Slievenamon. discoverireland.com |
(b) 驱逐外国人:麦克雷先生(主席)、卡姆托先生(特别报告员)、卡弗利施 先生、科米萨里奥·阿丰索先生、杜加尔德先生、丰巴先生、加亚先生、加利茨 基先生、哈穆德先生、雅各布松女士、尼豪斯先生、诺尔特先生、佩雷拉先生、 彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯彼纳先生、巴尔加 斯·卡雷尼奥先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生、 薛女士和瓦钱尼先生(当然成员)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Expulsion of aliens: Mr. D.M. McRae (Chairman), Mr. M. Kamto (Special Rapporteur), Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Mr. C.J.R. Dugard, Mr. S. Fomba, Mr. G. Gaja, Mr. Z. Galicki, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. B. Niehaus, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. A.R. Perera, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. E. ValenciaOspina, Mr. E. Vargas Carreño, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, Ms. H. Xue and Mr. S.C. Vasciannie (ex officio). daccess-ods.un.org |
(三 ) 當 局 如 何防止上述事 故 所產生的灰塵隨 雨水降下污染水 源,以 致 河流及 溪澗的生態被污染物破壞,以 及 如 何檢查 地下水 及 河流有 沒有受 到 污染? legco.gov.hk | (c) how the authorities prevent the contamination of water sources by the fallout brought down by precipitation in the wake of the above incidents, resulting in the ecology of rivers and streams being upset by the contaminants, and check if underground water and rivers have been contaminated? legco.gov.hk |
沿探索者之路前往距爱丽斯泉北部 500 公里远的泰能特溪(Te nnant Creek),或者在北领地历史悠久的庄园中加入牧牛场的牧牛队伍。 australia.com | Follow the Explorer’s Way [...] to Tennant Creek, 500 kilometres to the north or join [...]a muster cattle station at one of the Northern [...]Territory’s historic homesteads. australia.com |
(a) 「東西走廊」是指當沙中線把馬鞍山線的大圍站與 [...] 西鐵線的紅磡站連接起來後,乘客可由 烏 溪 沙 站 直 達紅磡、九龍東、新界西至屯門,沿途不用轉線, [...] 為往來新界東及新界西的乘客提供更直接和方便的 鐵路服務。 legco.gov.hk | (a) The “East West Corridor” refers to when SCL connects Tai Wai Station of the Ma On Shan Line with Hung Hom [...] Station of the West Rail Line, passengers may [...] travel from Wu Kai Sha Station to [...]Hung Hom, East Kowloon, the West New Territories [...]and Tuen Mun without interchanging, providing a more direct and convenient railway service for passengers commuting between the East New Territories and West New Territories. legco.gov.hk |
主轴曾经覆盖着鹅卵石"kinderkopjes",它把穿过Elburg中心的水排到 小 溪里。 kuiper.nl | The main axes were once covered with cobbles, 'kinderkopjes' (cobblestones), and drained into the stream which flows right through the middle of Elburg. kuiper.nl |
高山的苔原, 高山草甸 高山的溪流, [...] 泥泞的陡崖,干燥山坡,在冰河,草坡,湖岸,潮湿的牧场,石质山坡具unconsolidated山麓碎石附近的砾石, 在山麓碎石里的潮湿的山麓碎石和渗出地区, 通过小川的苔藓,在岩石,岩石裂缝, 在 溪 床 里 的 砾 石中, 3500-5400(-5600)米甘肃,青海,四川,新疆,西藏,云南[不丹,印度(Assam),克什米尔,缅甸,尼泊尔,锡金 ]. flora.ac.cn | Alpine tundra, alpine meadows, alpine brooks, muddy gravelly slopes, dry slopes, gravel near glaciers, grassy slopes, lake shores, moist pastures, stony slopes with unconsolidated screes, wet screes and seepage areas in screes, moss by streamlets, among [...] rocks, rock crevices, gravel in stream [...] beds, boggy ground by lakes, sandy stream edges, by melting snow or running water, swampy ground, glacier stream beds, peaty soil; 3500-5400(-5600) [...]m. Gansu, [...]Qinghai, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India (Assam), Kashmir, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim]. flora.ac.cn |
上河徽院” 位于华东两大山脉——天目山脉和黄山山脉的结合部 绩 溪 县 城 东南 3 公 里 登 源 河畔,比邻有千年历史的仁里村,桃花坝和徽杭古道。 chinese-architects.com | The planning and design of the courtyard appropriately corresponds to its name, and fluently combines traditional architectural styles of Anhui Province with modern abstract trends. chinese-architects.com |
从酒店出发,信步可至当地知名景点,距纳波维尔和橡 树 溪仅 5 英里(8 公里),距芝加哥市中心仅 20 英里(32 公里)。 marriott.com.cn | We are walking distance to local [...] attractions, just 5 miles from Naperville and Oak Brook, and only 20 miles from Downtown [...]Chicago. marriott.com |
喜爱自然的人们则可以前往占地1, 754亩的石溪公园,这里的自 行车道、散步与跑步步道无疑是美国首都中的一个宁静绿洲。 capitalregionusa.org | Nature lovers will enjoy [...] the 1,754-acre Rock Creek Park, whose shady biking, [...]walking and running paths provide a tranquil [...]oasis within the nation’s capital. capitalregionusa.org |
根据扩大的主席团的建议,委员会设立了由下列委员组成的规划组:雅各布 松女士(主席)、卡弗利施先生、坎迪奥蒂先生、科米 萨 里 奥 · 阿 丰 索 先 生、杜加 尔德先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、加亚先生、加利茨基先生、哈苏纳先 生、哈穆德先生、卡姆托先生、法蒂·卡米沙先生、科洛德金先生、梅莱斯卡努 先生、麦克雷先生、村濑先生、尼豪斯先生、诺尔特先生、佩莱先生、彼得里奇 先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、巴尔加斯·卡雷尼奥 先生、瓦钱尼先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和 佩雷拉先生(当然成员)。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the recommendation of the Enlarged Bureau, the Commission set up a Planning Group composed of the following members: Ms. M.G. Jacobsson (Chairperson), Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Mr. C.J.R. Dugard, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. G. Gaja, Mr. Z. Galicki, Mr. H.A. Hassouna, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. F. Kemicha, Mr. R.A. Kolodkin, Mr. T.V. Melescanu, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. B. Niehaus, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. A. Pellet, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. E. Vargas Carreño, Mr. S.C. Vasciannie, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio). daccess-ods.un.org |
另外整个地区的建筑遗址也非常丰富 , 特别是 那 里 到 处 遍布的神秘墓石圈。 discoverireland.com | The area is rich in archaeological remains, not least of which are the mysterious stone circles that dot the landscape. discoverireland.com |
1958年,他毅然前往纽约,纽约艳灿的城市风 景 丰 富 了他 画 里 的 颜 色,自由奔放的风气,激荡出更多的创作灵感,女人、花、鸟、动物等生活所见,都化为他创作的一部份。 ravenelart.com | In 1958, Ting relocated to New York, urban landscape enriched the colors of his works, and the freewheeling, liberal atmosphere was an important source of creative inspiration for him. The women, flowers, birds, animals, etc. that he saw all around him were transformed into elements in his creative art. ravenelart.com |
北基伍省的瓦利卡莱也发生了其他一些攻击, 那 里丰 富 的矿藏和非法贸易使 它成为武装团体和纪律涣散的刚果(金)武装力量部队激烈争夺的地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | A number of other attacks were also reported in Walikale territory, North Kivu, where rich mineral deposits and illicit trade have made it a zone of intense rivalry among armed groups and undisciplined FARDC units. daccess-ods.un.org |
漂浮在淡水里,沿着沼泽的溪边的根,在潮湿的土 壤 里; 100-500米福建,广东,海南,台湾 [孟加拉国,柬埔寨,印度,印度尼西亚,老挝,马来西亚,缅甸,菲律宾,泰国,越南; [...] 非洲东部 ]. flora.ac.cn | Floating in fresh water, rooting along marshy streamsides, in wet soil; 100–500 m. Fujian, [...] Guangdong, Hainan, Taiwan [Bangladesh, [...]Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam; E Africa]. flora.ac.cn |
亚太区域里有一些资源丰富和 高度工业化的国家,但也有大 量最不发达国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | The region is home to resource-rich and highly industrialized [...] States, but also a large number of least developed countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
北溪公司 在实施管道项目时遵循了国际环境标准,它也遵守了环境、海事 和法律方面的国家和国际规定,包括《越境环境影响评估公约》(1991 年,埃 斯波)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nord Stream meets international environmental standards in implementing the pipeline project and observes national and international environmental, maritime and legal requirements, including to the Convention on the Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo, 1991). daccess-ods.un.org |
这一美誉与西澳州全年3000小时的光照时间关系不大,更多的是在赞誉 这 里 的 丰 富 资 源、自然美景和精彩机会,以及仅仅200多万民众的高生活水平。 australiachina.com.au | This has less to do with the 3000 hours of sunshine the state enjoys annually and more to do with Western Australia’s wealth of resources, natural beauty and opportunity, as well as the high standard of living among the population of just over two million people. australiachina.com.au |
法国政府推荐了位于巴黎军事学院对面一个富有盛名的街区的一块地皮,这块地皮受到 好几种限制:要尊重十八世纪建筑师加 布 里 埃 尔 确定 的 丰 特 努 瓦广场的布局;建筑物高度不 得超过 28 米;不得影响已列入名录的遗址和历史古迹(军事学院)的视野。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The site was subject to several constraints: the alignment of the Place de Fontenoy as defined by the architect Gabriel in the eighteenth century, the height limitation of 28 metres, the regulations governing classified sites and the requirement of a radius of visibility for historic monuments (the Ecole Militaire). unesdoc.unesco.org |