单词 | 丰功伟绩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 丰功伟绩 —glorious achievement [idiom.]See also:丰功—brilliant (exploit) • great (achievement) 伟绩—great acts 功绩—feat • merits and achievements 功绩 n—contribution n
他有着坚定的理想,取得了丰功伟绩, 他的遗产至今仍指引着我们。 daccess-ods.un.org | His ideals were [...] uncompromising, his accomplishments were magnificent, [...]and his legacy towers over us to this day. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们今天满怀悲痛,但我们也对他们为我们并在 我们中间所做的丰功伟绩表示肯定。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are full of sorrow today, but we also recognize the tremendous good they did for us and among us. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,正如安全理事会成员和部队派遣国意识到的,少数维和人员的恣意妄 为,如今玷污了集体成就和个人牺牲所造就 的 丰功伟绩。 pseataskforce.org | As members of the Security Council and troop-contributing countries are aware, however, the unconscionable conduct of a small number of peacekeepers now clouds this distinguished record of collective achievement and individual sacrifice. pseataskforce.org |
非殖民化的浪潮改变了地球的面貌;这一浪潮是与联合国一 齐诞生的,成为这个世界机构首项的 伟 大 成 功 事 业。 daccess-ods.un.org | The wave of decolonization, which changed the face of the planet, was born with the United Nations and represents [...] the world body’s first great success. daccess-ods.un.org |
也会报告 从更改类别和功绩晋升 准备基金到联合国教科文组织团队奖项目人力资源管理费用的预算转 账。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It also reports on the budget transfer made from the Reserve for reclassifications and merit-based promotions to Human Resources Management for the costs required for the UNESCO Team Awards programme. unesdoc.unesco.org |
沈大伟教授著述颇丰,他撰写和编辑了 25 本专著、约 200 篇文章和专著章节以及专稿。 hamburg-summit.com | Professor Shambaugh has published widely—having [...] authored or edited 25 books, approximately 200 articles and book chapters, and many opinion-editorials. hamburg-summit.com |
这些 费用由协调整个项目的人力资源管理局产生,由更改类别 和 功绩 晋 升 准备基金的余额资助, 该基金已经提前预期到将在更改类别 和 功绩 晋 升之外资助该奖项。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These costs were incurred under the Bureau of Human Resources Management (HRM) which coordinated the programme, and were financed by the residual balance under the Reserve for reclassifications and merit-based promotions which was foreseen to finance this Award in addition to the reclassification of posts and merit-based promotions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
支持丰富的功能/表 现定制:拥有表现和数据分离,单页面可以应用多个无限级菜单树,多达4种展开模式,风格样式定义结构清晰、灵活又精细等等特性。 javakaiyuan.com | Support the rich functionality/performance of the [...] custom : with performance and data separation can be applied to multiple [...]single- page menu unlimited level tree , up to 4 flat pattern , style, style definitions clear structure , and so flexible and fine features . javakaiyuan.com |
我相信,中美两国人民的相互了解越多——作为学生和学者,作为发明家和企业家,作为艺术家和运动健将,作为两 个 伟 大 、 丰 富 而 且独特的文化的成员——我们的关系就会越牢固,即使是在我们看法不一致的时候。 embassyusa.cn | I believe that the more Chinese and American people learn about each other – as students and scholars, as innovators and entrepreneurs, as artists and athletes, as members of two great, rich, and distinct cultures – the more resilient our relationship can be, even when we disagree. eng.embassyusa.cn |
添加类似于Microsoft [...] Outlook资源进度条到你的富互联网应用程序中,它的月份、日期、星期都带 有 丰 富 的 功 能 和 水平调度视图,并且支持数据提供器。 evget.com | Add Microsoft® Outlook®-like resource scheduling [...] to your Rich Internet Applications with [...] this full set of feature-rich month, day, [...]week and horizontal scheduling views and supporting data providers. evget.com |
黄先生说:「伟易达的业绩能在困难的市况下取得增长,足以印证集团的雄厚实力。 vtech.com.cn | Our ability to deliver growth in the face of difficult market conditions testifies to the strength of the Group. vtech.com.cn |
欣见大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国的尊敬的、经 验 丰 富 的 伟 大领 袖穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲和尼日利亚联邦共和国促进苏丹政府与达尔富尔各武装运动 举行和平会谈,以解决达尔富尔危机,并在下一轮多哈会谈中利用这些经验。 daccess-ods.un.org | Welcoming the esteemed and experienced great leader of the Great Socialist People’s Republic of Libya, Muammar Al-Qadhafi, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria, for holding peace talks between the Government of the Sudan and the armed movements in Darfur to resolve the Darfur crisis, and take advantage of these experiences in the next Doha talks. daccess-ods.un.org |
更令人遗憾的是,这些言论在会议一开始就 出现了,而会议的目的恰恰是打击不容忍行为。因 此,新西兰在对该决定草案进行表决时投了弃权票, 但并不赞成《德班审查会议结果文件》的精神,今 后会依据每份决议草案在打击种族主义和不容忍行 为方面各自的功绩对其进行审查。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation of New Zealand had therefore abstained from voting on the draft decision, but nonetheless did not oppose the spirit of the Review Conference outcome document, and would consider each future draft resolution based on its respective merits in the area of combating racism and intolerance. daccess-ods.un.org |
岁月的流逝,并未暗淡我们各族人民 伟绩 的 光 辉。 daccess-ods.un.org | The greatness of the feat accomplished by our peoples has not faded with the passing of the years. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一出色的业绩归功于对 先进柴油和汽油喷射系统的市场 需求,归功于配有电子稳定程序的汽车数量不断增加,同时也 [...] 归功于诸如启动/停止系统和电动助力转向等创新产品。 bosch.com.cn | It owed its good performance above all to the [...] demand for advanced diesel and gasoline injection systems, to the increasing [...]number of vehicles equipped with an electronic stability program, and to innovative products such as the start-stop system and electric power steering. bosch.com.cn |
我们要热烈祝贺伊拉克政府和伊拉克人民,他们 在展现这一振奋人心的和平政治变化方面 居 功 至 伟。 daccess-ods.un.org | We most importantly congratulate the Government and people of Iraq, who deserve the greatest credit for this stirring demonstration of peaceful political change. daccess-ods.un.org |
为鼓励这些好做法,妇女和社会发展部批准通过了第 498-2009 号部长决 议,该决议通过了对妇女和社会发展部门进行授勋的条例,设立了“促进残疾人 融入社会功绩勋章 ”奖项,其目的是通过相关政策认可由民间社会组织以及自然 人开展的工作,将残疾问题提上公共议程,并以此促进公共和私人机构以及社会 大众生成与残疾人权利相关的意识。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to encourage these good practices, the Ministry of Women and Social Development adopted Ministerial Decision No. 498-2009, which laid out the rules of procedure for the award of decorations in the women and social development sector and created the Order of Merit for the Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
这会给您带来性能高效、功能丰富和 灵活可定制的用户界面。 evget.com | This gives you a very high performance, rich and customizable User Interface. evget.com |
主要产品包括基于丰富的实绩和经验知识所诞生的污泥回收利用系统(ODESSA EARTH [...] SYSTEM)、以及及低成本·高品质的建筑残土处理系统(残土回收系统),此外也可以处理含有害金属的石炭灰和焚烧灰。 kawasakitrading.co.jp | We handle the products of Earth [...] Technica, which has rich experience and know-how [...]in this field, including sludge recycling [...]systems (Odessa Earth Systems) and cost-efficient high-quality systems for the treatment of excavation soil (Ecozando Systems). kawasakitrading.co.jp |
当今消费电子设备OEM面临的挑战,不仅是要设计专业品质的音响、显示器和高清视频,而且要使产品的尺寸更小 , 功 耗 更低 , 功 能 更 丰 富 , 同时价格能为更多的消费者所接受。 consumer.analog.com | The challenge facing OEMs of today’s consumer electronics devices is not just to design professional-quality sound, display and HD [...] video, but to make their [...] products smaller, run on less power, offer more features, and be priced [...]within the reach of more consumers. consumer.analog.com |
用丰富的B2B功能套 装软件抓住顾客——包括支持自助服务的账户管理、采购程序、有组织的等级制度、雇员授权,大量採購,以及企业级报告。 hybris.com | Capture business [...] customers with a rich set of B2B functionality – including support [...]for self-service account management, [...]procurement processes, organizational hierarchies, employee entitlements, volume purchasing, and enterprise-class reporting. hybris.com |
每个人今天是一个摄影师,并为那些希望捕捉令人惊叹的图像和摄影做更多,佳能推出了EOS反叛T3i和T3,提供在一 个 伟 大 的高 端 功 能 和易于使用的指导适当的平衡价格。 technologeeko.com | Everyone today is a photographer, and for those looking to capture stunning images and do more with photography, Canon has [...] introduced the EOS Rebel T3i and T3, offering the right [...] balance of high-end features and easy-to-use guidance [...]at a great price. technologeeko.com |
他们通过提供高品质的语音元件延伸这些系统的能力,使医务人员和人们可以从这些统一通信系统必须提供 的 丰 富 功 能 中 受益。 jabra.cn | They extend the capabilities of these systems by providing a high quality [...] voice component, so medical staff and personnel can benefit from the [...] full range of features these UC systems [...]have to offer. jabra.com |
美国旧金山湾区委员会副总裁Chandra Alexandre表示“Marvell是积极支持妇女参加经济峰会的核心赞助商和创始赞助商,在这方面一直是一个优秀的带头公司,起到了真正出色的领导作用,这要 归 功 于 戴 伟 立 (W eili Dai)女士和她的团队。 marvell.com.cn | Marvell has been a wonderful leader as a company stepping up to be a core sponsor, a founding sponsor of the Women in the Economy Summit and has taken a real, wonderful leadership role with thanks to Weili Dai and her team,” said Chandra Alexandre, vice president of the Bay Area Council. marvell.com |
制定综合的安全、经济、政治和社会福利计划 在行政系统,以及在政府部门、军队、警方、安全部门和使馆的责任 和员额分配中采用公平和功绩标准,以便创造平等的机会,确保平等 的代表权 daccess-ods.un.org | Applying the criteria of equity and merit in administrative systems and in the allocation of responsibilities and posts in Government departments, the army, the police, the security services and embassies, in order to create equal opportunities and to ensure equitable representation daccess-ods.un.org |
基于EARTH -TECHNICA的丰富经验和实绩制作 而成的破碎机,具有很高破碎效率和便利性,除碎石工地外,更为钢鉄厂、垃圾焚烧场等全国各工地现场提供产品。 kawasakitrading.co.jp | Crushers and shredders from Earth Technica are known for their efficiency and convenience, and are used at many quarries, steel mills, and waste incineration sites in Japan. kawasakitrading.co.jp |
我们相信针对高性能应用提供具有丰 富 功 能 的无源超高频射频识别集成线路(例如Monza 4系列)可为用户提供各种应用选项。 tipschina.gov.cn | We believe the increased availability of feature-rich passive UHF RFID IC offerings that are optimized for high performance, such as the Monza 4 family, is critical to enabling user adoption across a broad range of applications. tipschina.gov.cn |
这些新产品除安装了微软Windows 7操作系统外,还通过了独特的Windows [...] 7联想增强体验认证--该认证是由联想与微软工程合作的结果,为用户提供了更快速的系统启动和关机、 更 丰 富 的 多媒 体 功 能 和 方便的系统维护工具。 tipschina.gov.cn | These new products ship with Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system and also include the unique Lenovo Enhanced Experience for Windows 7 -- the result of joint engineering by Lenovo in collaboration with [...] Microsoft to provide users with faster system boot and [...] shutdown, richer multimedia features and easy system maintenance tools. tipschina.gov.cn |