单词 | 中餐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 中餐 —Chinese foodless common: Chinese meal Examples:中餐馆—Chinese restaurant 中国餐馆症候群—Chinese restaurant syndrome See also:餐 n—meal n 餐—classifier for meals
就好像 用 刀叉還 是 用 筷 子 進 食 一 樣 , 為 甚麼食 中 餐 時 , 我們不 轉 用 刀叉, 仍 用 筷 子 進 食,這就是文 化 的 使然。 legco.gov.hk | The choice of language is actually like whether we should use chopsticks or fork and knife. We use chopsticks rather than fork and knife in taking Chinese foods just because it is our culture. legco.gov.hk |
10.23 詹培忠議員詢問,囚犯的中西式膳食之間有否任何價格 差異,以及囚犯可否獲准選擇中餐或 西 餐。 legco.gov.hk | 10.23 Mr CHIM Pui-chung enquired if there was any price difference [...] between Chinese and Western meals for prisoners, and whether prisoners could [...] be allowed to choose Chinese or Western meals. legco.gov.hk |
今年頭獎是澳門美高梅尊貴別墅式套房住宿一晚連Six Senses水療中心體驗及金殿堂中餐廳酒 席一圍,價值澳門幣46,688元。 orbis.org.mo | The grand prize this year is a MOP46,688 one night stay at one-bedroom Villa with Six Senses Massage Fusion for two persons and dining coupon of Imperial Court at MGM MACAU. orbis.org.mo |
酒店拥有 323 间时尚现代的客房,餐饮场所包括万豪 殿 中餐 厅 、 Casalingo 意大利餐厅、全天营业的浦东城市餐厅以及 The Lounge 酒廊。 marriott.com.cn | The hotel has 323 stylish guest rooms and Food and Beverage outlets of Man Ho Chinese Restaurant, Casalingo Italian Restaurant, all day dining Pudong City Bistro and The Lounge. marriott.com.au |
每一天還會輪流不同國家的料理,例如:印度、日本、紐西蘭、南美洲 、 中餐 等 等。 4tern.com | Every day, different countries’ food, such as India, Japan, New Zealand, South America, Chinese [...] cuisines appear in our staff meal. 4tern.com |
陸羽茶室開業於一九三三年, 是區內其一提供點心與粵菜的老牌 中餐 館。 ilovelkf.hk | Originally opened in 1933, Luk Yu is one of the area's most famous institutions for dim sum and Cantonese cuisine. ilovelkf.hk |
酒店的餐饮设施包括拥有全长沙最大的开放式厨房的Café [...] Royale餐厅,提供全球各地美饌;大堂吧适合任何商业和社交聚会;设有11间包房、每日供应各种中国名茶的茶馆;设有28个包间和500平方米大厅的芙 ( F u ) 中餐 厅 ,主理湘菜和粤菜。 tipschina.gov.cn | The hotel's food and beverage repertoire includes Café Royale restaurant, serving international cuisine in the city's largest open kitchen; Lobby Lounge, which creates a perfect atmosphere for business and social gatherings; Tea House with 11 private rooms where a wide [...] variety of Chinese tea will be [...] prepared daily; Fu Chinese Restaurant with 28 elegant [...]private dining rooms and a 500 square-meter [...]dining hall offering Xiang and Cantonese cuisines. tipschina.gov.cn |
澳門美高梅的金殿堂中餐廳及 寶雅座法國餐廳,特別推出多款夏日美食,刺激你的味蕾。 yp.mo | MGM Macau is proud to present French Gourmet Classics and Epicurean Dim Sum Set Menu at Aux Beaux-Arts and Imperial Court. yp.mo |
Jin Shan 是现代优雅的中餐厅, 利用独特的小亭子和包间为宾客制造引人入胜的就餐体验,并供应川粤湘各式美味佳肴。 zh.marinabaysands.com | Jin Shan is a modern and [...] elegant Chinese restaurant designed to excite [...]and create an intriguing dining experience with unique [...]lantern pavilions and private dining rooms. marinabaysands.com |
这些世界一流的竞赛活动包括:堪称烹饪界后起之秀力争国际认可亚洲竞技场的FHA2012 烹饪挑战赛;每四年举办一次、旨在弘 扬 中餐 业 界 风采的 FHA2012中餐筵席争霸赛;以提高职业咖啡师水平、培养亚洲特色咖啡鉴赏力为宗旨的第三届亚洲咖啡师冠军赛;以及作为法国里昂世界杯甜点大赛亚洲区预选平台的亚洲杯甜点大赛。 businesswirechina.com | World-class competing events, including the FHA2012 Culinary Challenge - Asia's renowned platform for established and emerging culinary talents to gain worldwide recognition; FHA2012 Imperial Challenge - held once every four years to reveal highest levels of Chinese banqueting techniques and artistry; the third edition of Asia Barista Championship - a premier stage which seeks to boost baristas as a professional career and cultivate Asian appreciation of specialty coffee; and the Asian Pastry Cup - the official pre-selection platform to the World Pastry Cup held in Lyon, France. businesswirechina.com |
沿路有不少雜物被汽車撞至飛起,包括一塊2呎寛的大石,大石 擊 中餐 廳 多 個窗戶。 ktsf.com | The car threw up debris including the large rock, which was about 2 feet across, causing [...] several of the restaurant’s windows to [...]shatter. ktsf.com |
园中餐馆供 应缅式、中式以及欧式美食。 shangri-la.com | The restaurant within the park [...] serves excellent Burmese, Chinese and European fare. shangri-la.com |
岡田和生」主打日本最精緻、最講究的飲食模式 ── 懷石料理;而中餐廳「 玉蕾」則以粵菜和上海菜作招徠,將傳統菜餚化作視覺藝術品之餘,同時保留正宗味道。 ipress.com.hk | While Kazuo Okada specializes in kaiseki, the most precious and refined form of Japanese cuisine, Yu Lei presents Chinese and Shanghainese cuisine as works of visual art. ipress.com.hk |
另外,酒店还提供8种就餐选择,包括备受欢迎 的 中餐 、 Hu kama,以及位于63层的全景空中酒廊Neos。 tipschina.gov.cn | The eight dining options include the upbeat Chinese restaurant, Hukama, and the 63rd floor panoramic sky lounge, Neos. tipschina.gov.cn |
所以,我买了一座咕咕钟,如果我能把它带回家,这个某人就成了“我的 盘 中餐 ”。 swissworld.org | So I bought the cuckoo clock; and if I ever get home with it, he is "my meat," as they say in the mines. swissworld.org |
体验猎人谷乐趣的最好方法就是参加各种活动,例如拉伍达乐 长 中餐 ( Lo vedale Long Lunch)或者春季葡萄园中上演的各种歌剧、爵士乐和蓝调音乐节活动。 australia.com | A great way to experience the delights of [...] the Hunter Valley is at events such as the [...] Lovedale Long Lunch, or the opera, [...]jazz, and blues music events that are staged [...]amongst the vineyards in Spring. australia.com |
配备远程会议和同声传译系统的多功能会议室、可容纳2000余人会议和宴会的亚洲最大之一酒店内会展大厅;配备宽带上网接口的699间典雅客房及套房,环境幽雅 的 中餐 厅 和 西式自助餐厅,300余车位的地下停车场,10,000平方米的绿色中庭花园,800平方米的亚热带风情恒温泳池;SPA、壁球室等健身康乐专业设施,无不为会展商务客人一一考量、贴身打造!展现历史、文化和时尚的完美结合,让来自世界各国的客人、在非凡尊贵的休闲之旅中体验商务成功的喜悦。 hoteldongfang.com | With free WIFI service within the hotel, we boast a multi-functional conference room equipped with a remote conferencing and simultaneous interpretation system; one of the largest in-hotel conference halls in Asia [...] that can accommodate over 2,000 guests for [...] conferences or banquets, 699 rooms or [...]suites with broad band internet access, elegant [...]Chinese restaurants and western buffet restaurants, an underground parking lot with over 300 parking spaces, a 10,000 square meters Central Garden, a 800 square meters Constant Temperature Garden Swimming Pool, extensive recreational facilities and spa, all of which are tailor-made for our guests for business and exhibition purposes. hoteldongfang.com |
Ao ta 饭店系列开辟时间为早上7点到晚上11点,日内全时间服务:早上 、 中餐 及 晚 上。 aota.vnnavi.com.vn | Ao Ta restaurant opens from 7am to 11pm, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner at all time of the day. aota.vnnavi.com.vn |
在69 460個私營機構職位空缺當中,餐飲服 務業佔11 850個,零售業佔8 950個,專業及商用服務業(清潔及同類服務業除外)佔6 940個,進出口貿易業佔6 570個,而藝術、娛樂、康樂及其他服務業佔6 560個。 censtatd.gov.hk | Among the 69 460 private sector vacancies, 11 850 were from the industry of food and beverage services; 8 950 from the retail trade; 6 940 from the professional and business services (excluding cleaning and similar services); 6 570 from the import and export trade; and 6 560 from the arts, entertainment, recreation and other services. censtatd.gov.hk |
搭乘地铁,用不了多久就可以到达巴黎的第十三区,这里也被称为Petite Asie(小亚洲),数百家中餐厅和 华人商铺星罗棋布,中间夹杂着一些法国咖啡馆和小酒馆。 parischerie.com | A quick metro ride away, the 13th arrondissement (district) of Paris is known as [...] Petite Asie, or “Little Asia”, where [...] hundreds of Chinese restaurants and specialty [...]stores are dotted between the French cafés and brasseries. parischerie.com |
贵宾可以在有20道菜的菜单中纵情选择早餐点心:铸饼加蟹汤、白糯米饭加红烧肉、螺肉米粉、米皮饼、糯米饼、鸡肉糯米饭等,或者 给 中餐 与 晚 餐从开胃菜、主菜到甜品:水果冰淇淋、龙眼莲子汤、芋头波罗蜜汤、木薯汤、芋头汤、红薯汤等等。 aota.vnnavi.com.vn | You may freely make choice of breakfast dishes included in a menu of over 20 ones such as crab cakes, white sticky rice with stewed pork, shellfish soup and vermicelli, rolled cake, sticky rice cake, sticky [...] rice with chicken meat and others from [...] starters to main course dishes and desserts [...]such as fruit cream, lotus seed, jackfruit, cassava, and taro sweet soup. aota.vnnavi.com.vn |
在其文化的语境中,连杯能够促进社会环境中人之间的交互,如在节日和婚 庆 中 。 餐 厅 中 , 甚 至在厨房中使用连杯可以强调情感的分享,关系的建立,以及愉悦的感觉。 uigarden.net | In its cultural context, the twin-cup can enhance the socially interactive environment [...] such as found at festivals and [...] wedding ceremonies, in restaurants, and even in the [...]kitchen, where the use of the twin-cup [...]can emphasize emotion sharing, relationship building, and pleasure. uigarden.net |
可从切屑处理、冷却液、高精度、测量、机 器人系统、托盘库等品种丰富的套 餐中 选 择。 moriseiki.com | The specifications include chip disposal, high-precision machining, coolant, measuring instruments, and robot and pallet pool systems. moriseiki.com |
酒吧的饮料并没有包含在整船套餐中。 msccruises.com.cn | Drinks are not included in the full board package. msccruises.com.eg |
大部分正餐中都已 含有會產酸的成分了,所以讓您的牙齒暴露於這些成分的機會越少,牙菌斑酸性物質侵襲您牙齒琺瑯質的機率也越小。 colgate.com.tw | Most meals already contain acid-producing [...] ingredients, so the less you expose your teeth to these ingredients, the less [...]plaque acids attack your tooth enamel. colgate.com |
其中有些组织,例如世界粮食计划署,6 月 份以前要面临灾害性的经济状况,这将迫使它们减少 在帐篷营地和学校供餐中心的 活动,包括大幅减少当 地雇员人数,因而使已经过高的失业率继续升高。 daccess-ods.un.org | By June, some of them, such as the World Food Programme, will face disastrous economic situations that will force them to downscale their activities in tent encampments and school feeding centres, including considerable reductions in the number of local personnel, thereby increasing unemployment, which is already too high. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别活动:部长级圆桌会议(1);部长级 早 餐 圆 桌 会议(1);国家协 调 中 心 讲习班(2); 推动实施新的行动纲领的伙伴关系开放论坛会议(2);非政府组织论坛(1);关于新的 [...] 行动纲领的执行、监测和后续机制的部长级审查会议(1);机构间咨询小组会议(2); [...]关于加强认识议会在实施新的行动纲领中的作用的讲习班 (1);支持促进最不发达国 家发展的全球商业伙伴关系论坛(1);关于最不发达国家相关问题的记者招待会(4); 在一些经选出的最不发达国家举办关于实施新的行动纲领最佳做法和所面临挑战的 讲习班(6)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (iv) Special events: ministerial [...] round table (1); ministerial breakfast round table (1); workshops [...]for national focal points (2); [...]meetings of the Open Forum on Partnerships to further the implementation of the new programme of action (2); non-governmental organization forum (1); ministerial review meeting on the implementation, monitoring and follow-up mechanisms of the new programme of action (1); inter-agency consultative group meetings (2); workshop on awareness-raising on the role of parliaments in implementing the new programme of action (1); support to the Global Business Partnership Forum for the development of the least developed countries (1); press conferences on issues relating to the least developed countries (4); workshops in selected least developed countries on best practices and challenges faced in the implementation of the new programme of action (6). daccess-ods.un.org |
您可以从我们的岸上一日游套餐中进 行选择,它提供了另一种机会参观附近的联合国教科文组织认定的世界文化遗产“盖朗厄尔”,并且以最优惠的价格游览具有 “新艺术运动风格”之称的奥勒松当地景点。 msccruises.com.cn | Choose from our selection of day trip packages, which offer another chance to visit the nearby UNESCO world heritage site of Geirangerfjord and take in the ‘Art Nouveau’ city of Ålesund, all with the best deals on local attractions. msccruises.com.hk |
可以使 用国内流离失所者参见的社区会议、社会和其他服务、 供 餐中 心 、 技能培训、创 收方案及其他活动场所,确保国内流离失所者充分参与持久解决办法的规划和管 理。 daccess-ods.un.org | Community meetings, social and other service delivery, feeding centres, skills training and income generating programmes, and other environments in which the displaced gather can be used to ensure the full participation of IDPs in the planning and management of durable solutions. daccess-ods.un.org |